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Session 2016 – 2019

Semester – V

Enterprise Computing with Java

Submitted To: Submitted by:- Jayaditya Gupta
Ms. Kirti


An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute
Approved by AICTE, HRD Ministry, Govt. of India
Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
1 WAP to make a form which accepts username and password. Create a servlet which
checks for the valid entries against the username and password mentioned as Servet
Config parameters.

2 WAP to display date and time when user clicks on a button.

3 WAP to make a calculator
4 Write an application to implement the functionality of remember me option
during login process.
5 Save the information of background color selected by the users. And From the
next page onwards background color should be same .
6 WAP which displays the ‘Visitor number Count ’.

7 WAP which shows the number of visitors of a particular web page, Every
100th i.e. 100, 200,300….. will win a jackpot of 1000/- Rs. Voucher .
[Note : Design a special Jackpot page that will be visible to jackpot winners

8 WAP to implement JSP Bean : Employee . Use Jsp standard actions to

fetch, store and display entered data.

9 WAP to create a Servlet accessible by three different URL patterns

10 WAP to implement following functionality
11 WAP to implement following functionality for Pet Searching Application
12 Extend the previous application by adding the functionality for adding the pet.

13 WAP to calculate the arrival time of the train on the basis of following
parameters .
a. Time of departure
b. Average speed of the train
c. Distance covered
d. Number of stations stop and the time duration of halt

14 WAP to display daily horoscope of different zodiac signs.

[Note : once the horoscope get display for one zodiac , it should not come for
another one.
Hint : Horoscope may be generated randomly. ]

15 WAP to implement the functionality of basic Quiz Engine of One Subject.

[Note . Every Question is displayed with two buttons , one for next and another for
previous for navigation, When user clicks the previous button the previously selected
option must be already marked .]

16 WAP which takes one sentence as input , you have to find the abusive words and
replace those words with the * or # . [replace each individual character with # or * .
Number of alphabets in the abusive word should be equivalent to the number of # or *.
17 WAP to Calculate Income Tax. And implement following validations

18 Implement the ADD button functionality. When User Clicks on ADD, The record
gets saved in the database
19 Implement the DELETE button functionality. User will enter Employee Code and
corresponding record from the database should be deleted
20 Implement the SEARCH button functionality. [Search by code & Display the
Employee details]
Table 1.1

Activity ID Activity Description Activity Predecessor Duration

1 Staff None 2
2 Develop Market Program 1 3
3 Select Channels of Distribution 1 8
4 Patent 1 12
5 Pilot Production 1 4
6 Test Market 5 4
7 Ad Promotion 2 4
8 Set up for Production 4,6 16

Table 1.2
Activity Activity Description Activity Duration
ID Predecessor
1 External specifications None 8

2 Review Design Features A 2

3 Document new features A 3
4 Write software A 60
5 Program and test B 60
6 Edit and publish notes C 2
7 Review manual D 2
8 Alpha site E, F 20
9 Print manual G 10

10 Beta site H, I 10

11 manufacture J 12
12 Release and ship K 3

Table 1.3

Resource $/hour Number available

Marketing specialist 60 4
Design Engineer 90 4
Development Engineer 80 4
Industrial engineer 70 4
Purchasing agent 50 1
Hardware 60 Na
software 80 Na


What is Microsoft project 2007?
Microsoft project 2007 is the project management software produced by Microsoft.
It provides you with all the tools you need for effective planning ,tracking, problem solving,
sharing andcompleting a project in keeping with conventional management principles and
Drop down menus-
1. The drop down menus are similar to the standarddrop down menus found in the majority
of windows based on application programs.
2. Click on the view drop down menu and we will see the list of commands.
3. The ask a question box is displayed towards the top right on the screen .this feature
allows to type a question .click inside the ask a question box and type new feature.

Standard toolbar options-

This toolbar provides a quick access to commonly used actions such as-
1. New
2. Open
3. Save
4. Print
5. Search
6. Print preview
7. Cut
8. Copy
9. Paste
10. Undo and redo
11. Hyperlinks

Task panes-
1. Task panes will be displayed when needed and will allow you to complete a range of
tasks for instance start Microsoft project and then click on the file drop down menu and
select the new command.
2. This will display the new project task pane. This pane could be used to complete a
number of different tasks,related to creating a new project.

Creating a new project

1. We can use a template to create a project ,by default it displays a newly created ,blank
2. Closing the current project
3. Press ctrl+f4 to close the project
4. Exit the Microsoft project program.
Inputting start and finish dates-
1. The first step in starting a new project is establishing basic project information.the start
or finish date is what you see to anchor your project .the start and finish date information
is entered in the project information dialog box.
2. Open the project information dialog box by clicking on the project drop down menu and
selecting the project information command.

Setting up project calendar-

1. Microsoft project gives 3 basic calenders as standard,night shift and 24 hours
2. Calendar is selected from the calendar drop down menu,in the project information
dialog box.

Make a new calendar-

1. To make a new calendar,click on the tools drop down menu and then select the change
working time command.
a. Entering tasks-
 Open the Microsoft project
 Click in the first row of the task name column of the Gantt table.
 Type write brochure and press return
 Leave the duration, start and finish dates as.

Entering subtasks-
1. Click in the second row of the Gantt table
2. Type research new product and press the return key
3. Type create an outlineand press the return key.
Entering tasks duration
1. Microsoft project uses 1 day by default. If your tasks duration is more than 1 day you can
change the duration.
2. We can also use the abbreviation for different time measures such as-

Minutes M
Hours H
Days D
Elapsed day Ed
Weeks W
Months Mo

Milestones are used to mark key moments in a project and can help you monitor your
progress.although a milestone is a task with no duration.,it is possible to mark a task which has a
duration as a milestone .milestones are marked by a diamond in the Gantt chart.
1. Click on the advanced tab
2. Click on the mark task as milestone checkbox c
3. Click on the ok button.the task is now marked by diamond in the Gantt chart view.

A constraint is a parameter placed upon a task which limits the start or finish of a tasks.
By default the “as soon as possible” constraint is applied to every task.the various types of
constraints are-
1. As soon as possible
2. As late as possible
3. Finish no earlier than/finish no later than
4. Must finish on/must start on
5. Start no earlier than/start no later than

Dependencies are a way to link tasks together,in order to describe which tasks must
preeced or succeed one another.some tasks must start or finish before another taskcan
begin or end.
Types of dependencies are-
 Finish to start (FS)
 Start to finish(SF)
 Finish to finish(FF)
 Start to start(SS)

For any dependency to perform click on the task ,than on the predecessor on
the down arrow at the right side of the task name column and scroll down the list to
select get on the dependency from the drop down menu of the type

1. Select Gantt Chart view from the view menu.
2. You’ll have a spreadsheet where you can now enter information of all the activities
i.e. task name, duration, start date, end date, predecessors andvarious other fields.
3. You can enter required information in two ways, in spreadsheet or when you double
click on cell you get pop up window in which you can enter all the information of that
particular activity.
4. For predecessor activity you need to write activity number.
5. The SW itself will calculate start and end date.
6. Now the Gantt Chart is complete.
Critical Path Analysis (CPA) helps you to lay out all tasks thatmust be completed as part of a
project.CPA helps you to identify the minimum length of time needed tocomplete a project
For finding CP list all the activities and enter early start, latestart, early finish and late finish info
of all the activities.You can do this under insert/columns and selecting each terms.
Following screen shot demonstrates how to insert.
Project automatically calculates ES, EF, LS and LF based on thestarting/ending dates you have
1. For viewing the schedule showing the slack go to Views -> More views ->Detailed Gantt
view -> Apply.
2. In this click on View -> Table -> Schedule
3. Slack appears as thin bars to the right of a task, with slack values adjoining theregular
Gantt bars
4. You can also view the free slack and total slack of a task in the sheet.
5. You can move the activity within the available slack time, to balance theresources, in the
cases where over allocation is present.
1. When you are saving a file it asks you whether you want to save with baseline/without
baseline. You can choose either options.
2. If you choose to save with baseline, a copy of your schedule and other things will be
saved and any changes when you are making when the project progress can be viewed
clearly usingthe baseline.
3. If you choose to save without baseline, you will not be able toview the changes.
 Enter the task name
 Creating WBS Column
 Creating Hierarchy of tasks
 Entering the duration of the task
 Gantt Diagram
 Network Diagram
a) Task name:
Steps followed are:
 select ms-project 2007 from ms office
 a window is appear in which we enter the task name,duration and other necessary

b) WBS column:
Steps followed are:
 Click on insert
 Select column
 A dialog box is appear , from their select WBS from the id column
c)creating the hierarchy and duration of tasks:
steps followed are:
 Select the task whose predecessor you want to make
 Right click on the project and select indent
d)Gantt diagram
steps followed are:
 Select view from the toolbar
 Select Gantt chart
e) network diagram
steps followed are:
 Select view from the toolbar
 Select network diagram and is look like -
 Assigning Predecessors to Tasks
 Gantt Diagram with relationships
 Network Diagram with relationships
 Setting Constraints on a Task
 Entering the Early Start and Early Finish Dates

a) assigning predecessors to task
steps followed are:
 Select the task whose predecessor you want to make
 Right click on the project and select indent
b) Gantt diagram with relationships
steps followed are:
 Select view from the toolbar
 Select Gantt chart

c) Network diagram with relationship

steps followed are:
 Select view from the toolbar
 Select network diagram and is look like –
d) Setting constraints on a task
Steps followed are:
 Select the task on which you want to set the constraint
 Click on the task
 Select advanced from the dialog box
 From the constraint type option select the constraint. some of the constraints are:
 Must start on
 As soon as possible
 As late as possible
 Finish Must
 no earlier than/finish no later than
 Must finish on/must start on
 Start no earlier than/start no later than
e) Early start and early finish dates
4) Make The Gantt Chart Using Excel
1) Format all the cells like date columns to date -number
2) Days column to number but decimal 0
3) Then select the whole data
4) Go to insert-bar charts-stacked bar
5) You will get a chart
6) We need two dates min and maximum values among dates i.e earliest and latest, format them
to general value format.
7)then go to x axis(dates) , outline shows it is selected, right click ,select format axis as shown
below, give the values
8)You will get the following resultant chart

9) we can also change the date as :

10)select the left portion of any of the bar, right click, choose format data series--fill--no fill
Then choose border color---no line
As shown below:

15) Repeat for right portions also

Q 5 R Kumar, project manager of Print Software, Inc., wants to prepare project planning
and scheduling activities. His assistant has collected the following information for the color
Printer Drivers Software project. Assuming five day workweek and the project starts on
Jan 1, 2014

Table 1.3

Activity Description Predecessors Duration(days)

1 External specifications __ 8
2 Review Design Features A 2
3 Document new features A 3
4 Write software A 60
5 Program and test B 60
6 Edit and publish notes C 2
7 Review manual D 2
8 Alpha site E, F 20
9 Print manual G 10
10 Beta site H, I 10
11 manufacture J 12
13 release and ship K 3
 Create a basic work breakdown structure and Gantt chart with the help of Ms-excel
Table 1.2

Resource $/hour Number available

Marketing specialist 60 4
Design Engineer 90 4
Development 80 4
Industrial engineer 70 4
Purchasing agent 50 1
Hardware 60 Na
Software 80 Na

 Assigning Human and Material resources to tasks

 Enter the list of resources

 Entering Cost for each Resource

 Resource Usage
 Leveling Resources

 Gantt Diagram with Resources Assigned
 Network Diagram with Resources Assigned
Q6 using table 1.1 and table 1.2
 Changing the Gridlines to be Used

 Using the GANTT CHART Wizard

 Critical path
 Formatting the Progress Lines on the GANTT CHART
 Displaying Task Completion
 Using Predefined Reports
 Creating Custom Reports
Q7) using table 1.1 and table 1.2
 Tracking Project Percentage Completion

 The Tracking GANTT CHART

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