2d Doc 2

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Written Hierarchy of Prompting Levels ​Submitted by​:_ ​Keelie Potter_​________________

Child:__​Logan​ Steele_____ Goal:__​Logan​ will write the letters of his name ___Objective: ​Logan​ will trace the first 3 letters of his name 
Most Intrusive   Prompt  Description of how you administer in context 
Full Physical Assist Specialist or family member uses hand over hand to assist ​Logan​ in tracing over the letters of his

Partial Physical Assist Specialist or family member places ​Logans​ hand at the start of his name and says “write your name”

Direct Prompt Specialist of family member says “​Logan​, write your name. ​L-o-g-a-n​”

Indirect Prompt Specialist or family member will say “How do you write your name, ​Logan​.”

Direct Model Specialist or family member will say “​Logan​ look at how I am writing your name.” They will make sure
Logan​ is watching as they are writing his name.

Indirect Model Specialist or family member will write ​Logan’s​ name with ​Logan​ watching.

Least Intrusive  Spontaneous Logan​ traces the letters without prompting when handed his nametag

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