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Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24 (2011) 279–287

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Contents of mineral elements in Swedish market basket diets

W. Becker *, L. Jorhem, B. Sundström, K. Petersson Grawé
National Food Administration, P.O. Box 622, SE-75126 Uppsala (WB, LJ, BS, KPG), Sweden
Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, Uppsala Science Park, S-75185 Uppsala (WB), Sweden


Article history: The aim of this study was to estimate the average dietary exposure to toxic and essential mineral
Received 26 January 2010 elements in the Swedish population (Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Fe, Mn, Co, Se, Ca, K, Mg, Na, I). Market baskets
Received in revised form 13 October 2010 were purchased during March–May 1999 in four cities representing the major geographical regions and
Accepted 25 October 2010
population centres in Sweden. The market baskets were based on food disappearance data representing
Available online 30 October 2010
more than 90% of annual supply, and were divided into 12 food groups.
Large variations between food groups were seen for the average concentrations of most essential
elements. Differences between the four cities were relatively small (CoV < 10–20%), exceptions being
Market baskets
e.g. Se in cereals and I in meat. Pb concentration varied considerably among food groups ranging from
Mineral elements <0.001 mg/kg in soft drinks to 0.027 mg/kg in wine. Cd concentration varied from <0.001 mg/kg in soft
Nutrients drinks and dairy products to 0.024 mg/kg in cereal products. Average contents of the elements were (per/
Heavy metals person/day) 1110 mg Ca, 2580 mg Na, 3320 mg K, 285 mg Mg, 11.3 mg Zn, 9.2 mg Fe, 3.5 mg Mn,
Trace elements 1.15 mg Cu, 0.20 mg I, 0.052 mg Se, 0.09 mg Ni, 0.025 mg Cr, 0.011 mg Co, 0.007 mg Pb and 0.010 mg Cd.
Recommended intakes Compared to a previous study in 1987 no or minor changes in the supply of Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn, Cu and Cd
PTWI have occurred. The content of Fe was about 40% lower in the present study, mainly due to cessation of
Food composition
flour fortification. The content of Se was about 30% higher. The content of Pb was about 50% lower,
probably due to the elimination of Pb from petrol and other measures taken to reduce Pb emissions in
Sweden. The average content of essential mineral elements in the Swedish diet was close to or above
daily recommended intakes for adults, except for Mg and Fe. The average Pb and Cd content corresponds
to 3% and 17% of the JECFA PTWI, respectively. The content of Cd corresponds to 47% of the new TWI
established by EFSA in 2009.
ß 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction foods of the compounds of interest, to derive the average dietary

exposure. The results can be used as a basis in risk assessments to
The market basket study and the total diet study approaches are determine if the exposure could pose a threat to public health. Also,
frequently used methods to estimate the average dietary exposure the results from recurrent market basket studies can be used to
to contaminants as well as nutrients in the general population assess the efficacy of risk management measures that have been
(Becker and Kumpulainen, 1987; Darnerud et al., 2006; Lombardi- undertaken. From that point of view, it is important that the
Boccia et al., 2006; Leblanc et al., 2005; Müller et al., 1996, 1998; studies are comparable with respect to representativity and design
Iyengar et al., 2002; Egan et al., 2002; Muñoz et al., 2005; so that conclusions on changes in exposure or intake can be drawn.
Rantakokko et al., 2006; Thomson et al., 2008; Voorspoels et al., In the non-occupationally exposed part of the population, the
2006; Rose et al., 2010). The World Health Organization (WHO), diet is the major source of exposure for many environmental
through its Global Environment Monitoring System—Food Con- contaminants like lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd). The WHO/FAO Joint
tamination Monitoring and Assessment Programme (GEMS/Food), Expert Committee (JECFA) has performed risk assessments and
is encouraging countries to undertake total diet studies as the most established Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intakes (PTWI) for these
cost-effective method for assessing dietary exposure to chemical contaminants (WHO, 2000, 2004). Recently the PTWI for Cd was
contaminants in the diet (WHO, 2007). Representative datasets on evaluated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA, 2009) and
consumption of foods are combined with data on concentration in the PTWI lowered from 7 to 2.5 mg/kg body weight. Similarly,
dietary reference intakes (DRI) have been established for nutrients
(Institute of Medicine, 2006; NNR, 2004). The PTWIs and DRIs can
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +46 18 175500; fax: +46 18 105848.
be used as benchmarks for evaluating if the estimated exposure or
E-mail address: (W. Becker). intake levels render concern for public health.

0889-1575/$ – see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
280 W. Becker et al. / Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24 (2011) 279–287

Table 1
Foods included in market baskets purchased in four different cities in Sweden 1999.

Food group 1% of annual consumption No. of food items Description of food items
per person (g/ml) included in the food group

Cereal products 694 11 Flour, grain, corn flakes, pasta, bread incl. wholemeal bread
Pastries 137 4 Biscuits, buns, cakes
Meat products 567 16 Beef, pork, lamb, poultry, cured/processed meats
Fish 133 13 Fresh and frozen, canned products, shellfish
Dairy products 1685 12 Milk, sour milk, yoghurt, cream, hard cheese,
processed cheese, cottage cheese
Egg 92 1
Fats 175 6 Butter, margarine, cooking oil, mayonnaise
Vegetables, incl. root 548 19 Fresh and frozen, canned products
Fruit 641 15 Fresh and frozen, canned products, juice, nuts,
cordials, jam
Potatoes 514 4 Fresh, French fries
Sugar and sweets 286 6 Sugar, chocolate, sugar sweets, mustard, ketchup
Soft drinks, beer 1188 4 Soft drinks, mineral water, beer (2.1-3.5% alcohol)
Wine 145 4 Red and white wine (2 varieties each)
Strong beer (>5% alcohol) 218 3 Different brands
Spirits 28 3 Different brands
Ice cream 68 2 Dairy and vegetable fat-based

The purpose of this study was to estimate the average dietary they would be in a general household, e.g. meat and fish were freed
exposure to the environmental contaminant mineral elements Cd from skin and bones, potatoes and root vegetables were peeled.
and Pb and the following essential mineral elements: Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, The samples were then mixed and homogenized in an acid washed
Fe, Mn, Co, Se, Ca, K, Mg, Na and I. The results are compared with a food blender with a bowl of acrylonitrile styrene plastic and
previously reported Swedish market basket study (Becker and equipped with a titanium blade. The samples were stored in acid
Kumpulainen, 1987) and other reports on exposure assessment in washed containers at 20 8C until analysis (CEN, 2002).
Sweden (Becker and Pearson, 2006; Jorhem et al., 1998). The study For analysis of Ca, I, K, Mg, Na and Se the two baskets from each
is a part of the ongoing market basket program monitoring trends of the four cities was merged, resulting in one sample per food
in dietary exposure of essential and toxic compounds. group and city. For analysis of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn

2. Materials and methods Table 2a

Analytical parameters for the graphite furnace programmes.
2.1. Market baskets
Step Temp (8C) Ramp sec. Hold sec. Ar, flow Read
The choice of food items included in the baskets was based on
the food balance sheets for 1998 (SBA, 1999). The food balance
Dry 90 5 0 300
sheets give information on annual market availability of food Dry 110 10 20 300
categories and foodstuffs. A shopping list was produced by Ash 500 20 10 300
breaking down the food categories into food items using data Cool 20 1 6 300
on their market shares. Food items consumed on average less than Atomise 1700 0 3 0 x
Cleaning 2600 1 3 300
0.5 kg/person/year were excluded from the list. The shopping list
consisted of 116 foods and beverages and covered approximately Dry 90 5 0 300
90% of the total annual consumption expressed in kg/person. Dry 130 20 20 300
Coffee and tea (as beverages), drinking water and household salt Ash 200 15 10 300
Cool 20 5 5 300
were not included.
Atomise 1500 0 4 0 x
The market baskets were purchased during the period March– Cleaning 2600 1 3 300
May 1999 in the cities Sundsvall, Uppsala, Göteborg and Malmö, Ni
representing four major geographical regions and population Dry 90 5 0 300
centres in Sweden. The baskets were purchased in two major Dry 120 20 15 300
Ash 1000 10 10 300
department stores in each of the four cities. Thus, the total number
Cool 20 5 5 300
of baskets was eight. Staff from the local health authorities made Atomise 2500 0 4 0 x
the purchases, except in Uppsala where staff from the National Cleaning 2700 1 3 300
Food Administration made the purchase. Each shopper was Cr
Dry 90 5 0 300
instructed to taking advantage of bargain prices. Immediately
Dry 120 20 10 300
after purchase the baskets were transported to the National Food Ash 700 10 10 300
Administration in Uppsala. Due to practical reasons, ice cream, Cool 20 5 5 300
wines and spirits were purchased in Uppsala only. Atomise 2200 0 3 50 x
Cleaning 2700 1 5 300
2.2. Preparation of the food samples
Dry 90 5 0 300
Dry 120 20 5 300
The food items in each basket were divided into 14 groups Ash 1200 5 10 300
(Table 1). From each food group a sample was prepared to Cool 20 5 5 300
Atomise 2200 0 3 50 x
represent 1% of the average annual food consumption for an
Cleaning 2600 2 2 300
average person. The food items in each food group were treated as
Table 2b
Results of the analysis of certified reference materials in mg/kg dry wt, n = number of individual results. U is the measurement uncertainty (u) expanded with a factor of 2. Results in brackets are for information only. The zeta-scores
are based on the description in NMKL (2007).

Metal Material n Mean Ufound Certified Ucert Zeta-score

Cd BCR no. 184a Bovine muscle 2 0.020 0.005 0.013 0.002 +2.6
BCR no. 422 Cod muscle 2 0.021 0.005 0.017 0.002 +1.5
NBS 1549b Non-fat milk powder 4 <0.0006 – 0.0005 0.0002
ARC/CLc Potato powder 4 0.031 0.007 0.035 0.0016 1.1
CRM-SG-B HPSd Sugar B 2 0.007 0.002 0.010 0.003 1.7
NIST 1567a Wheat flour 2 0.021 0.005 0.026 0.002 1.9
NIST 8415 Whole egg powder 2 <0.008 – (0.005)
Co NBS 1549 Non-fat milk powder 4 0.024 0.021 (0.0041)
CRM-SG-B HPS Sugar B 2 <0.011 – <0.005
NIST 1567a Wheat flour 2 0.015 0.014 (0.006)
NIST 8415 Whole egg powder 2 <0.015 – 0.012 0.005
Cr NBS 1549 Non-fat milk powder 4 <0.018 – 0.0026 0.0007

W. Becker et al. / Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24 (2011) 279–287

ARC/CL Potato powder 4 0.198 0.088 0.098 0.018 +2.2
CRM-SG-B HPS Sugar B 2 0.11 0.063 0.095 0.012 +0.5
NIST 8415 Whole egg powder 2 0.28 0.111 0.37 0.18 0.9
Cu BCR no. 184 Bovine muscle 2 2.70 0.36 2.36 0.06 +1.9
BCR no. 422 Cod muscle 2 1.25 0.17 1.05 0.07 +2.2
NBS 1549 Non-fat milk powder 4 0.61 0.09 0.7 0.1 1.3
ARC/CL Potato powder 4 3.67 0.48 3.87 0.18 0.8
CRM-SG-B HPS Sugar B 4 <0.29 – 0.14 0.06
NIST 8415 Whole egg powder 1 2.33 0.309 2.70 0.35 1.6
Fe BCR no. 184 Bovine muscle 2 71 19.5 79 2 0.8
BCR no. 422 Cod muscle 2 4.82 1.3 5.46 0.3 1.0
NBS 1549 Non-fat milk powder 4 2.43 0.7 1.78 0.10 +1.8
ARC/CL Potato powder 4 22.0 6.1 22.0 2.0 0.0
CRM-SG-B HPS Sugar B 2 3.7 1.0 3.5 0.8 +0.3
NIST 1567a Wheat flour 2 15.2 4.2 14.1 0.5 +0.5
NIST 8415 Whole egg powder 2 100 27.6 112 16 0.8
Mn BCR no. 184 Bovine muscle 2 0.332 0.065 0.334 0.028 0.1
BCR no. 422 Cod muscle 2 0.565 0.108 0.543 0.028 +0.4
NBS 1549 Non-fat milk powder 4 0.25 0.050 0.26 0.06 0.3
ARC/CL Potato powder 4 7.8 1.5 8.1 0.32 0.4
CRM-SG-B HPS Sugar B 2 0.14 0.030 0.14 0.03 0.0
NIST 1567a Wheat flour 2 9.9 1.8 9.4 0.9 +0.5
NIST 8415 Whole egg powder 2 2.22 0.41 1.78 0.38 +1.6
Ni ARC/CL Potato powder 4 0.171 0.053 0.193 0.043 0.6
CRM-SG-B HPS Sugar B 2 0.098 0.034 (0.07)
Pb BCR no. 184 Bovine muscle 2 0.28 0.077 0.239 0.011 +1.1
BCR no. 422 Cod muscle 2 0.074 0.023 0.085 0.015 0.7
NBS 1549 Non-fat milk powder 4 0.022 0.010 0.019 0.003 +0.6
ARC/CL Potato powder 4 <0.016 – 0.026 0.0028
CRM-SG-B HPS Sugar B 2 0.069 0.022 0.042 0.012 +2.2
NIST 1567a Wheat flour 2 <0.010 – (<0.02)
NIST 8415 Whole egg powder 1 0.059 0.020 0.061 0.012 0.2
Zn BCR no. 184 Bovine muscle 2 173 16.7 166 3 +0.8
BCR no. 422 Cod muscle 2 18.8 2.1 19.6 0.5 0.7
NBS 1549 Non-fat milk powder 4 46.5 4.7 46.1 2.2 +0.2
ARC/CL Potato powder 4 8.4 1.1 9.0 0.32 1.0
CRM-SG-B HPS Sugar B 4 0.31 0.34 (0.2)
NIST 1567a Wheat flour 2 12.4 1.49 11.6 0.4 +1.0
NIST 8415 Whole egg powder 2 70.6 7.03 67.5 7.6 +0.8
Se NIST 1577 Bovine liver 3 0.692 0.077 0.73 0.06 0.8
ARC/CL Wheat flour 2 0.057 0.021 0.057 0.005 0.0
ARC/CL Total diet HDP 2 0.177 0.023 0.181 0.017 0.3

BCR CRM 189 Whole meal flour 2 0.130 0.022 0.132 0.01 0.2
282 W. Becker et al. / Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24 (2011) 279–287

each basket was analysed separately, thus resulting in two samples


per city. Observed variations in concentrations between cities were









0.0 not tested statistically due to low number of samples.

2.3. Chemical analyses

The analyses were generally carried out as single determina-

tions. In each batch of approximately 16 samples, two duplicate
determinations were carried out together with 1–2 certified


reference materials (in duplicate) and two sample blanks. The








samples were dry-ashed (Jorhem, 2000) over-night in platinum

crucibles at 450 8C, with a temperature increase of <50 8C/h in
order to avoid self-ignition in the samples. Thereafter the ash was
moistened with deionised water, dried and re-ashed. When, after
repeated cycles, the ash was carbon-free it was dissolved in 0.1 M

Cd, Co, Cr, Ni and Pb were determined by graphite furnace












atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) (Perkin Elmer 5100/

HGA 600 with Zeeman background correction). The method of
standard addition was employed. Matrix modifiers were not
used. The analytical parameters are shown in Table 2a. Cu, Fe,
Mn and Zn were analysed by flame atomic absorption
spectrometry (FAAS) (Varian SpectrAA FS 220, with deuterium


background correction). If the result was below the limit of








determination (LOD), the samples were re-analysed using

GFAAS as described above. All sample results are expressed
on a fresh weight basis.
For analysis of Ca, Mg, Na and K, the samples were wet digested
using a mixture of HNO3, HClO4 and H2SO4 in quarts-tubes, heated
in an aluminium-block to a maximum temperature of 240 8C
(Frank, 1975). The residue was made up to volume with 1 M HNO3









and the metals determined using inductively coupled plasma-

atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) (JobinYvon 238, radial).
For analysis of Se, the samples were wet digested using a
mixture of HNO3 and HClO4 in tubes of borosilicate, heated in an
aluminium-block to a maximum temperature of 220 8C (Frank,
1975). The residue was made up to volume with 5 M HCl and
selenium determined using hydride generation—ICP-AES (JobinY-

von 238, radial).

For analysis of I, the samples were mixed with 10% Zn SO4 and
2 M KOH and, after drying, the samples were dry ashed at a
maximum temperature of 600 8C (Novikov, 1971). The ash was
dissolved in water and centrifuged, where after iodine was
determined by measuring photometrically the colour reaction
Skim milk powder
Simulated diet D

Simulated diet D

Simulated diet D

Simulated diet D
Simulated diet B

Simulated diet B

Simulated diet B

Simulated diet B

induced by the addition of IO3 .

Muscle powder

Hay powder
Wheat flour

Wheat flour

Wheat flour
Bovine liver

Bovine liver

Bovine liver

Bovine liver
Rye grass

2.4. Analytical quality control

The laboratories are accredited for use of the methods described

BCR: Community Bureau of Reference, presently IRMM.

NBS: National Burau of Standards, presently NIST.

Analytical (chemical) blank determinations were made regu-

larly together with each batch of samples. The average concen-
ARC: Agricultural Research Centre of Finland.

NFA: National Food Administration, Sweden

tration of >20 blanks, analysed over time, was deducted from the
High Purity Standards, Charleston, USA.

recorded result before the metal level was calculated. The

standard deviation (SD) for the mean of the blanks was used to

BCR no. 129

BCR no. 063

calculate the limit of detection (LOD) which is defined as 3  SD.

NIST 1577

NIST 1577

NIST 1577

NIST 1577

Due to differences in sample mass and dilution the LOD may vary



between samples for the same element. The LOD’s ranged





between 0.0004–0.004 mg/kg for Cd, 0.001–0.006 mg/kg for Co,

0.001–0.009 mg/kg for Cr, 0.004–0.031 mg/kg for Ni, 0.001–
Table 2b (Continued )

0.006 mg/kg for Pb, 0.004 mg/kg for Se, 0.010 mg/kg for I,
0.002–0.004 mg/kg for Se, 0.018–0.15 mg/kg for Cu, 0.029–
0.25 mg/kg for Fe, 0.008 0.03 mg/kg for Mn and 0.011–
0.024 mg/kg for Zn.

For analytical quality control (AQC), a number of different





certified reference materials (CRM) were analysed, usually as

W. Becker et al. / Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24 (2011) 279–287 283

Table 3a
Average concentration (mg/kg fresh weight) of mineral elements in market baskets purchased in four different cities in Sweden 1999, divided into food groups. Mean SD and
ranges for the lowest and highest values in the baskets are given. Results preceded by a <-sign indicate that they are below the LOD, n = number of samples.

Food group n Ca Na K Mg n Zn Fe Mn Cu

Cereal products 4 400  45 3190  292 2150  106 395  21 8 12.1  1.01 17.6  3.78 9.88  1.04 1.9  0.24
363–458 2830-3550 2020–2280 366–410 10.9–13.7 13.3–23.4 8.86–11.6 1.68–2.35
Pastries 4 423  71 1940  129 1520  52 323  31 8 7.04  0.68 13.8  2.56 6.25  1.43 1.88  0.33
370–527 1790–2090 1470–1590 288–364 6.25–8.35 8.98–16.6 3.55–7.91 1.51–2.56

Meat products 4 132  21 4770  235 2690  130 170  5,8 8 22.5  1.54 12.8  2.93 0.32  0.16 0.74  0.19
114–160 4430–4940 2520–2830 165–178 21.2–25.4 8.73–15.4 0.14–0.66 0.50–0.95
Fish 4 280  90 4590  280 2340  94 185  8.12 8 7.09  0.62 4.56  1.13 0.45  0.071 0.73  0.12
192–405 4340–4860 2230–2450 175–193 6.14–7.89 3.28–6.24 0.33–0.52 0.61–0.96

Dairy products 4 1790  35 802  105 1540  72 111  4.65 8 7.00  0.96 0.37  0.028 0.090  0.023 0.096  0.022
1750–1830 685–936 1480–1650 107–117 5.57–8.49 0.33–0.43 0.063–0.12 0.065–0.14
Egg 4 508  11 1280  42 1240  47 109  10 8 13.3  1.25 19.49  2.64 0.43  0.097 0.63  0.058
495–519 1250–1340 1200–1280 98–118 11.5–14.7 16.4–24.7 0.25–0.54 0.54–0.71

Fats 4 133  23 5250  176 305  46 16  2.45 8 0.96  0.61 <0.25 <0.03 < 0.15
113–161 5060–5450 266–355 14–19 0.49–1.93 <0.25–0.32
Vegetables, incl. 4 264  12 819  247 2110  233 102  12 8 2.35  0.25 4.34  0.52 1.38  0.16 0.67  0.73
root vegetables 250–279 590–1150 1770–2280 85–113 2.04–2.73 3.50–5.02 1.14–1.62 0.58–0.77

Fruit 4 181  21 47  14 2290  154 146  3.77 8 1.06  0.059 2.45  0.69 2.97  0.86 0.90  0.076
160–208 39–68 2100–2440 141–150 0.97–1.12 1.63–4.02 2.16–4.80 0.81–1.00

Potatoes 4 52  2.22 298  21 4240  165 225  27 8 2.77  0.47 3.94  1.01 1.72  0.27 0.77  0.14
50–55 271–323 4050–4450 191–257 2.19–3.53 1.93–5.64 1.27–2.11 0.57–0.92

Sugar and sweets 4 493  79 1590  262 1850  201 242  58 8 4.36  0.87 7.92  2.48 2.81  1.36 1.82  0.50
425–587 1330–1910 1650–2130 162–296 2.86–5.68 4.90–11.54 1.09–5.49 1.03–2.32

Softdrinks, light 4 31  2.63 86  44 142  35 23  2.38 8 <0.011 <0.029 0.12  0.21 0.018  0.018
Beer 27–33 49–149 117–192 20–25 <0.011–0.035 <0.029–0.052 0.037–0.64 <0.018–0.055

Ice cream 1a 846 535 1611 137 2 4.03  0.85 5.89  6.29 1.15  1.51 0.54  0.47
3.42–4.62 1.44–10.4 0.076–2.22 0.21–0.87
Wine/spirits 1b 68 20 847 74 9 0.49  0.52 2.65  2.52 0.087  0.71 0.046  0.053
<0.024–1.60 <0.060–7.39 <0.008–1.81 <0.040–0.18
Two pooled.
Nine pooled.

duplicates, together with the samples. Since the CRMs are not 3. Results and discussion
certified for all elements, different combinations of CRMs may have
been analysed for each element. The found results were evaluated The concentrations of the analysed elements in the food groups
using the zeta-score procedure as described in NMKL Procedure no. are given in. Large variations were, as expected, seen for the
9 (NMKL, 2007). This gives a result similar to the z-score, but it average concentrations of most essential elements between the
incorporates the uncertainty for both the found mean and the food groups. There were generally no large differences between the
certified value. See Table 2b. The expanded measurement four cities for most of the essential elements and the coefficients of
uncertainty (U) is based on the measurement uncertainty (u) variation (CoV) generally were in the range of 10–20%, or below
which is multiplied with an expansion factor of two. This is roughly (Table 3a). Exceptions were e.g. iodine in meat, eggs, vegetables
equal to a 95% confidence interval. Zeta-scores below 2 are and potatoes. The iodine content in eggs varied threefold and in
usually acceptable and scores between 2 and 3 seen as meat twofold. The concentration of selenium in the cereals’ group
questionable. It is estimated that one score of 20 falls outside of (bread, flour, pasta, rice), varied twofold, and cereals in baskets
2 for statistical random reasons. sampled in Sundsvall and Uppsala contained more Se than baskets
During the study period the laboratory participated in four sampled in Malmö and Gothenburg (see Table 3b).
proficiency tests (PT) for Cd, three for Pb and one for Cu. The tested The lead concentration varied considerably among food groups
levels for Cd ranged from 0.64 to 7.4 mg/kg and the z-scores ranged ranging from <0.001 mg/kg in soft drinks and lemonade to
from 0.8 to +0.9, for Pb from 0.093 to 0.74 mg/kg with z-scores 0.027  0.009 mg/L in wine. The lead concentration tended to be
from 1.0 to +0.2 and for Cu 62.5 mg/kg with a z-score of +0.8. For higher in cereal based products than in other food groups (Table 3b).
the other elements no PT was available. The cadmium concentration varied from <0.001 mg/kg in
Furthermore, the results of the duplicate analyses of samples beverages and dairy products to 0.024 mg/kg (range 0.021–
were generally very similar, which indicate that contamination 0.031 mg/kg) in cereal products. The concentration tended to be
during sample pre-treatment and analysis was not a problem. higher in cereal-based products and potatoes than in other food
The conclusion from the fact that the zeta-scores for the PT- groups (Table 3b).
results were within 2, that only three zeta-scores of 66 were The average content of the elements in the baskets, expressed
outside of 2 but inside 3 zeta-scores, and that there was no on a daily basis, is shown in Table 4. In general, there were only
significant contamination, is that the analytical quality of the results marginal differences between the four cities. The percentage
in this survey are satisfactory. contribution from each food group to the total intake of the
284 W. Becker et al. / Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24 (2011) 279–287

Table 3b
Average concentration (mg/kg wet weight) of mineral elements in market baskets purchased in four different cities in Sweden 1999, divided into food groups. Ranges for the
lowest and highest values in the baskets are given. Results preceded by a <-sign indicate that they are below the LOD (n = number of samples).

Food group n Cr Ni Co Pb Cd n Se I

Cereal products 8 0.021  0.007 0.14  0.027 0.015  0.005 0.009  0.002 0.024  0.003 4 0.053  0.017 0.033  0.003
0.016–0.035 0.094–0.18 0.009–0.023 0.008–0.012 0.021–0.031 0.035–0.070 0.029–0.036
Pastries 8 0.079  0.028 0.28  0.096 0.024  0.004 0.011  0.003 0.014  0.004 4 0.014  6.5 0.023  0.005
0.032–0.13 0.11–0.40 0.020–0.029 0.007–0.014 0.08–0.017 0.006–0.021 0.017–0.027

Meat products 8 0.019  0.004 <0.017 <0.003 0.004  0.001 0.002  0.001 4 0.071  0.002 0.068  0.027
0.012–0.026 <0.017–0.026 <0.003–0.005 <0.003–0.006 0.002–0.003 0.069–0.074 0.045–0.106
Fish 8 0.025  0.022 <0.021 0.005  0.001 0.006  0.003 0.006  0.001 4 0.320  0.071 0.845  0.143
0.011–0.074 <0.021–0.038 <0.003–0.006 <0.003–0.009 0.004–0.008 0.278–0.426 0.741-1.054
Dairy products 8 <0.003 0.016  0.017 0.003  0.001 <0.002 <0.001 4 0.019  0.004 0.244  0.016
<0.003–0.003 <0.008–0.052 <0.002–0.005 0.015–0.023 0.229–0.267

Eggs 8 <0.005 <0.018 0.004  0.003 <0.004 <0.002 4 0.204  0.031 0.410  0.175
<0.004–0.009 <0.0044 0.161–0.233 0.230–0.619
Fats 8 <0.009 <0.031 <0.006 <0.006 <0.003 4 0.017  0.005 0.054  0.014
<0.009–0.027 0.012–0.024 0.036–0.067
Vegetables, incl. 8 <0.005 0.018  0.010 0.004  0.001 <0.003 0.007  0.002 4 0.005  0.002 0.021  0.015
root vegetables <0.005–0.006 <0.016–0.031 <0.003–0.006 <0.003–0.008 0.005–0.009 <0.004–0.008 0.010–0.043
Fruit 8 0.011  0.006 0.053  0.015 0.004  0.007 0.007  0.002 <0.001 4 <0.004 <0.010
0.007–0.022 0.033–0.074 0.002–0.007 0.004–0.009 <0.001–0.001 <0.004–0.005

Potatoes 8 0.005  0.005 0.030  0.014 0.009  0.003 0.002  0.001 0.013  0.006 4 <0.004 0.013  0.007
<0.005–0.016 0.014–0.053 0.006–0.014 <0.002–0.004 0.006–0.025 <0.004–0.005 <0.01–0.021

Sugar and sweets 8 0.10  0.033 0.36  0.11 0.035  0.012 0.007  0.004 0.007  0.002 4 0.019  0.007 0.189  0.043
0.039–0.13 0.17–0.47 0.018–0.051 <0.006–0.013 0.003–0.012 0.013–0.028 0.138–0.243
Soft drinks, light 8 <0.001 <0.004 <0.001 <0.001 <0.0004 4 0.002  0.001 <0.010
beer <0.001–0.004 0.001–0.004 <0.010–0.011
Ice-cream 2 0.066  0.067 0.11 0.11 0.011  0.012 0.006  0.006 0.002  0.002 1a 0.007 0.47
0.019–0.11 0.032–0.18 0.003–0.019 0.002–0.010 <0.001–0.003
Wine/spirits 9 0.017  0.010 0.019  0.010 0.004  0.003 0.018  0.014 <0.001 1b <0.002 0.010
<0.002–0.032 <0.008–0.034 <0.002–0.008 <0.002–0.039

Two pooled.
Nine pooled.

Table 4
Content of minerals and trace elements in the market baskets purchased in four cities in Sweden in 1999, expressed in mg per person per day.

City Ca Na K Mg Zn Fe Mn Cu I Se Ni Cr Co Pb Cd

Malmö 1110 2530 3390 296 11.8 9.2 3.6 1.20 0.20 0.047 (0.045)a,b 0.10 (0.09)a,b 0.023 0.011 0.007 (0.006)a,b 0.010
Göteborg 1120 2560 3340 276 11.1 9.8 3.6 1.22 (1.21)a,b 0.21 0.048 (0.044)a,b 0.09 0.028 (0.027)a,b 0.011 (0.010)a,b 0.008 0.010
Uppsala 1100 2670 3290 290 11.1 8.6 3.6 1.12 (1.11)a,b 0.21 0.052 (0.050)a,b 0.11 0.024 0.012 (0.11)a,b 0.007 (0.006)a,b 0.009 (0.008)a,b
Sundsvall 1110 2550 3280 277 11.1 9.1 3.4 1.07 0.19 0.063 0.08 0.024 (0.023)a,b 0.011 0.007 (0.006)a,b 0.009
All cities, 1110 2580 3320 285 11.3 9.2 3.5 1.15 0.21 0.052 (0.050)a,b 0.10 (0.09) 0.025 (0.24)a,b 0.011 0.007 0.010 (0.009)a,b
Values represent calculations where LOD have been used for results below LOQ. For LOD’s see analytical quality control.
Values in parenthesis represent calculations where results below LOQ have been set to 0.

Table 5
Average percentage contribution to total daily supply of mineral elements and contaminants from food groups. Based on data in Tables 3a and 3b.

Food group Ca Na K Mg Zn Fe Mn Cu I Se Ni Cr Co Pb Cd

Cereal products 7 24 12 26 20 37 53 31 3 18 29 16 26 24 48
Pastries 1 3 2 4 2 6 7 6 0 1 11 12 8 6 6
Meat products 2 29 13 9 31 22 1 10 5 20 2 12 2 9 4
Fish 1 6 3 2 2 2 <1 2 15 21 <1 4 1 3 2
Dairy products 74 14 21 18 29 2 1 4 55 16 7 3 11 4 1
Egg 1 1 1 1 3 5 <1 1 5 9 <1 <1 1 <1 <1
Fats 1 10 0 0 0 <1 <1 <1 1 2 <1 1 <1 <1 <1
Vegetables 4 5 10 5 3 7 6 9 2 2 3 1 5 5 11
Fruit 3 0 12 9 2 5 15 14 1 3 10 8 7 18 1
Potatoes 1 2 18 11 3 6 7 9 1 2 5 3 11 4 19
Sugar, sweets, ice cream 4 5 5 7 3 7 7 13 9 3 30 34 25 8 6
Soft drinks, light beer 1 1 1 3 0 <1 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 1
Strong beer, wine, spirits 1 0 2 3 0 2 2 <1 1 1 2 4 2 15 <1

Values in bold indicate major contributing food group.

W. Becker et al. / Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24 (2011) 279–287 285

Table 6
Average daily supply of mineral elements according to the market basket studies and the food consumption survey Riksmaten 1997–1998.

Element (mg/ Market basket Present Riksmaten 1997– Recommended/

pers/day) study 1987 study 1999 1998 adequate Intakesc

Ca 1180 1110 925/1070a 800

K – 3320 3060/3540 3100/3500a
Na – 2580b 2850/3580 2300/2700
Mg 300 285 295/347 280/350
Fe 16 9.2 10.4/12.3 15/9
Zn 12 11.3 9.9/12.6 7/9
Mn 3.7 3.5 – 1.8/2.0d
Cu 1.2 1.2 – 0.7/0.9
I – 0.20 – 0.150
Se 0.044 0.056 0.032/0.036 0.040/0.050
Cr – 0.025 – 0.025/0.030d
Pb 0.017 0.007 – –
Cd 0.012 0.010 – –
Values for females/males.
Excluding table salt and salt-containing condiments.
NNR, Nordic Nutrition Recommendations, 2004.
US Institute of Medicine, 2006.

elements is shown in Table 5. Dairy products contributed 74% of Ca concentration in flour fell from about 65 mg/kg to 10 mg/kg, which
with other food groups contributing less than 10%. Meat products is the typical concentration in non-fortified sifted wheat and rye
(29%) and cereals (24%) were main sources of Na. Dairy products flour (Anonymus, 1995). In the 1999 basket the Se content tend to
(21%) and potatoes (18%) contributed most of K. Cereals was the be higher compared to the 1987 basket. This is mainly due to a
main source of Mg (26%), whereas potatoes, fruit, meat products higher Se content in the baskets collected in Uppsala and
and vegetables contributed about 10% each. The major contribu- Sundsvall. The reason for this finding may be connected to market
tors of Zn were meat products (31%) and dairy products (29%). availability of bread produced in Finland, where fertilizers are
Cereals (37%) and meat products (22%) contributed most of Fe. fortified with Se (Aro et al., 1995).
Cereals were the main source of Mn (53%) with fruit contributing Average content of most of the essential elements, except Mg
15%. The major source of Cu was cereals (31%). Fish (21%), meat and Fe, was close to or above daily recommended intakes or
(20%), cereals (18%) and dairy products (16%) were major sources reference values for adults set by Nordic and US expert committees
of Se. Dairy products (55%) were the main source of I, followed by (Institute of Medicine, 2005; NNR, 2004). Compared to a previous
fish products (15%), all other sources provided less than 10%. study carried out in 1987, Fe content was about 40% lower while Se
Sweets, including chocolate, and ice cream, were the main sources content was about 30% higher (Table 6). No clear trends were seen
of Ni (30%) and Cr (34%). Main sources of Co were cereals (26%), for Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn, Cu, and Cd. Iron fortification was phased out
together with sweets/chocolate and ice cream (25%). mainly due to low bioavailability of added iron compound
Cereal products (25%), fruit (18%) and alcoholic beverages (carbonyl-Fe) (Hallberg et al., 1986). Subsequent studies have
(17%), were main contributors of Pb. Main sources of Cd were shown that this had a marginal effect on iron status (Samuelson
cereal products (48%), potatoes (19%), and vegetables (11%). et al., 2000; Öhlund et al., 2008). The increased Se content in the
Table 6 shows a comparison of the results from the present market baskets indicates that actual intake may be closer to the
study with that of a previous market–basket study from 1987 and recommendations (NNR, 2004). It should be underlined, however,
with results from the national food consumption survey carried that the market baskets provide an energy supply of about 12.5 MJ/
out in 1997–1998. The results of the market basket studies show d, which corresponds to energy requirement of an adult male with
no or minor changes in the supply of Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn and Cu. For Fe moderate physical activity.
the average content is considerably lower in the 1999 basket than Table 7 summarises the current and previous studies providing
in the 1987 basket. A main reason for this is that the fortification of analytical and calculated estimates of dietary Pb and Cd exposure
sifted flour in Sweden ceased in 1995. As a consequence Fe in Sweden. Pb exposure decreased by about half from 0.017 mg/

Table 7
Analytical and calculated estimates of dietary Pb and Cd exposure in Sweden (SD and range).

Element Year Daily intake, Type of study Study population Reference

mg (range)

1987 0.017 Market basket Becker and Kumpulainen
1988 0.025  0.008 (0.013–0.040) Duplicate portion study, 7-days Women Jorhem et al. (1998)
1999 0.008 (<0.001–0.039) Market basket Per capita statistics Present study
1987 0.012 Market basket Per capita statistics Becker and Kumpulainen
1988 0.009  0.002 (0.005–0.014) Duplicate portion study, 7-days Women Jorhem et al. (1998)
1992 0.011  0.0042 (0.0057–0.026) Duplicate portion study, 4-days Women, mixed diet Berglund et al. (1994)
1992 0.016  0.0071 (0.0055–0.038) Duplicate portion study, 4-days Women, high fibre diet Berglund et al. (1994)
1992 0.0278  0.0176 (0.0032–0.175) Duplicate portion study, 4-days Women, shellfish consumers Vahter et al. (1996)
1998 0.017  0.006 (0.005–0.042) Food frequency questionnaire Farmers; men and women Olsson et al. (2002)
1999 0.010 (<0.0004–0.031) Market basket Per capita statistics Present study
1997–1998 0.0064 7-d food record, Average intake, calculated from European Commission
men and women 18-74 y 8 food categories (2004)
286 W. Becker et al. / Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24 (2011) 279–287

day in the 1987 market basket study to 0.008 mg/day in the

Lombardi-Boccia et al.
present market basket study. This corresponds to 3% of the PTWI of

Egan et al. (2002)

Rose et al. (2010)
25 mg/kg b.w. assuming a body weight of 60 kg (JECFA). This

Values represent ranges for men and women in age groups 25–30, 40–45, 60–65, and >70 y, respectively. Values for iodine refer to lower and upper bound and are from 2003 to 2006 TDS (Murray et al., 2008).
Thomson et al.
Present study

Leblanc et al.

Iyengar et al.
estimate is conservative, since the foods in the basket correspond

(2005) to an energy intake of an adult male. Similarly, in the recent SCOOP



report (European Commission, 2004) the average daily Pb
exposure in Sweden was calculated to 0.005 mg, which was the
lowest among the participating EU member states with full record
of Pb concentration data. The decrease in Pb dietary content since





the 1987 market basket study is in line with the substantial


decrease in blood Pb levels in Swedish children during the last
decades (Strömberg et al., 1995, 2003). The decrease in Pb




0.020 concentrations in foods coincides, and is probably a result of,

Market baskets, duplicate diets or major staple foods for adults 20–50 y, collected in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, and Vietnam.

the elimination of Pb from petrol and other measures taken to

reduce Pb emissions in Sweden. The observed time trends are

supported by results from the MONICA-surveys in northern



Sweden, in which exposure of Pb and Cd was assessed by analysis


of erythrocyte concentrations in adults 25–74 yr during 1990, 1994

and 1999 (Wennberg et al., 2006). For Pb an annual decrease of 5–
0.025 (0.24)

6% was seen, whereas a no decrease in Cd concentration was seen,

except in smokers.



Average dietary Cd exposure was 0.012 mg/day in the 1987


market basket study compared to 0.010 mg/day in the present

study, which corresponds to 17% of the JECFA PTWI (7 mg/kg body
0.10 (0.09)

weight) and 47% of the TWI of 2.5 mg/kg body weight proposed by
EFSA (2009), assuming a body weight of 60 kg. It is not possible to


judge whether dietary Cd exposure has decreased, but it may be


concluded that the exposure has not increased over this time
period. Duplicate portion studies and dietary assessments using











individual food frequency questionnaires have been conducted


resulting in average Cd exposures similar to, or somewhat higher

than the average content in the market basket studies (Berglund



et al., 1994; Jorhem et al., 1998; Olsson et al., 2002; Vahter et al.,


1996). These studies have the advantage of giving information on


the variation in exposure, which is important in risk assessment,

but may be less reliable when it comes to evaluation of time trends






in exposure since the number of individuals participating in double

portion studies often are limited. In Table 7 it can be seen that the
upper ranges of Cd exposure in the duplicate portion studies are






approximately 1.5–2.5 times higher compared to the average

exposure in each study. In a group of shellfish eating women the

upper range was 6.25 times higher than average exposure (Vahter


et al., 1996).


In the case of Cd, contribution of rarely consumed food items to

Contents of mineral elements (in mg/kg) in international total diet studies.

total dietary exposure can be very high (Olsson et al., 2002). Crab

hepatopancreas, offal and wild mushrooms contributed in their







calculations to 2.5–53%, 0.5–3.6% and 0.8–9.1% of the total Cd

exposure based on food frequency questionnaires. Since consump-




tion of these food items are on average less than 0.5 kg/year they





were excluded from the present market basket study.

A comparison with results from international TDS studies is




given in Table 8. Although design and time frames for studies differ,



intake estimates for Ca tend to be higher, while levels for other

Values are for adults (25+) females/males.

elements are generally in the same range. Marked differences are

seen in the study of Asian countries, which partly may be due to







Data for 1997 (Rose et al., 2001).

different sampling strategies, but also due to dietary practices, e.g.


notable for iodine with a very high intake in Japan, possibly from
Values are for adults >15 y.

seaweeds (Iyengar et al., 2002).







In conclusion, the results of this study show that average supply


of essential mineral elements in the Swedish diet were close to or

above daily recommended intakes for adults, except for Mg and Fe.
Italy, TDS 2001–
NZ, TDS 2003–

US, TDS 1991–

The average Pb and Cd content corresponds to 3% and 47% of the

SE, MB 1999

France, TDS

Asian diets

TWI, respectively, assuming a body weight of 60 kg. Compared to a




previous study in 1987, Fe and Pb content was about 40% and 50%

Table 8

lower, respectively, while Se content was about 30% higher. No



clear trends were seen for Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn, Cu, and Cd. The results
W. Becker et al. / Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24 (2011) 279–287 287

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