Fin Damage

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Aquaculture 275 (2008) 163 – 168

Growth, production and fin damage in cage-held 0+ Atlantic salmon pre-smolts

(Salmo salar L.) fed either a) on-demand, or b) to a fixed
satiation–restriction regime: Data from a commercial farm
Chris Noble a,b,⁎, Sunil Kadri a,c , David F. Mitchell a,d , Felicity A. Huntingford a
Fish Biology Group, Division of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, G12 8QQ, UK
Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, Muninbakken 9-13, Postboks 6122, N-9291 Tromsø, Norway
Aquaculture Innovation, 34 Lawrence Street 1/L, Glasgow, Scotland, G11 5HD, UK
Huon Aquaculture Company Pty Ltd, Hideaway Bay, Dover, Tasmania, Australia 7117

Received 25 April 2007; received in revised form 17 December 2007; accepted 26 December 2007


This experiment investigated the impact of feeding regime upon the growth performance, production efficiency and fin damage of cage-held 0+
Atlantic salmon pre-smolts. Six groups of pre-smolts (n = 61847 ± 2620 fish group− 1) were held in six 12 × 12 × 4 m production cages for 64 days
(23rd August until 26th October) at initial and final densities of 4.6 ± 0.2 kg m− 3 and 9.5 ± 0.5 kg m− 3, respectively (mean ± SEM). Fish were
subjected to ambient photoperiod (11.67–16.05 h min–max) until 16th October, before being held under 24 h light. Fish were fed throughout the
light phase and comparisons were made between three groups fed to an imposed regime (scheduled fixed ration feeding every 10 min) and three
groups fed on-demand using commercial interactive feedback systems. The study was divided into primary and secondary phases: during the
primary phase (part I) each regime was fed to satiation, whereas during the secondary phase (part II) fish under the imposed regime received a
restricted ration that was ca. 20% less than those fed on-demand. During part I there were no differences in ration (g fish− 1), fish condition and
Specific Growth Rate (Gw) between regimes (Gw: 1.45 ± 0.06 vs. 1.44 ± 0.04 for imposed vs. on-demand fed fish, respectively). During part II
underfeeding in the imposed regime had a significant and deleterious impact upon fish condition, FCR and growth (Gw: 0.45 ± 0.04 vs. 0.84 ± 0.09
for imposed vs. on-demand fed fish, respectively). Fish under the imposed regime also had significantly more dorsal fin splitting than those fed on-
demand for the duration of the study, and significantly more dorsal fin erosion at the end of Parts I and II. In addition, the smallest fish within each
cage suffered the greatest amount of fin splitting and erosion at the end of Parts I and II, irrespective of feeding regime. Daily ration amongst the
on-demand cages decreased as winter approached; stepwise multiple regression analyses demonstrated that this was significantly related to a
seasonal decrease in temperature.
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Atlantic salmon; FCR; Feeding regime; Fin damage; Growth; Welfare

1. Introduction (Sveier and Lied, 1998). Feed management strategies must match
feed supply (feed delivery) to demand (appetite and the nutritional
Feed is a substantial cost driver in aquaculture and accounts for requirements of fish) incorporating such factors as feeding rate,
50–60% of the total operational costs of a seawater salmon farm frequency, duration and the choice of feeding regime (see Talbot
et al., 1999). For a number of years, salmon growers have fed fish
⁎ Corresponding author. Current address: Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and
according to feed tables, which feed a fixed daily ration in response
Aquaculture Research, Muninbakken 9-13, Postboks 6122, N-9291 Tromsø, to changes in fish size, photoperiod and water temperature.
Norway. Tel.: +47 77 62 90 11; fax: +47 77 62 91 00. Although based upon comprehensive research into fish nutrition,
E-mail address: (C. Noble). feed tables assume that food is consumed whenever it is offered
0044-8486/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
164 C. Noble et al. / Aquaculture 275 (2008) 163–168

irrespective of time of day or feeding regime and this can lead to commercial diets in relation to fish size: a 2 mm extruded pellet (Ecostart,
over- or under-feeding, as the appetite of Atlantic salmon (Salmo Biomar Ltd., Grangemouth, UK) until 30th September and from the 1st October
a 2.3 mm extruded pellet (Royale, Skretting, Northwich, UK).
salar L.) varies both within (Ang and Petrell, 1997) and between Three cages (hereafter termed the imposed regime) were fed a fixed ration
days (Blyth et al., 1993). every 10 min using Aquatess KC20 Automatic Feed Controllers (Aquatess Ltd.,
Overfeeding can lead to food wastage and can have a sub- Dingwall, UK). Food was dispensed for 15 s at each feed delivery. Fish under
stantial impact on farm profits (Thorpe and Cho, 1995), can cause the imposed regime were subject to a satiation–restriction regime. During the
primary phase of the experiment (Part I) fish under the imposed regime were fed
environmental degradation (Cho and Bureau, 1998) and can also
to perceived daily satiation using a combination of in-house feed tables
increase FCR (Talbot et al., 1999). Alternatively, underfeeding supplemented by daily hand feeding at 08.00 h and 15.00 h. During hand
can reduce growth and increase FCR (Cho, 1992) equating to feeding a surface feeding response was used to determine satiation. During the
lower yields and lost profits. It can also increase competition secondary phase of the experiment (Part II), fish under the imposed regime were
(Davis and Olla, 1987), size heterogeneity (Johansen and Jobling, fed using only the automatic feed controllers and received a restrictive ration in
response to a production directive from farm management (this ration was
1998) and fin damage (Damsgård et al., 1997). Dorsal fin damage
retrospectively ascertained to be ca. 80% of the total ration delivered to the on-
may be caused by aggression in salmonids (Turnbull et al., 1996) demand treatment).
and can be used as an indirect index of aggression and com- A further three cages (hereafter termed the on-demand regime) were fed to
petition (Moutou et al., 1998). Fin damage may also affect daily satiation during Parts I and II using AQ1 on-demand feeding systems
perceived product quality (Winfree et al., 1998 and references (AQ1 Systems Pty Ltd., Hobart, Australia). Each AQ1 system consisted of a
submerged infra-red sensor (located at the base of a 0.5 m diameter conical pellet
therein) and is a potential operational welfare indicator.
trap and suspended at 3 m) which regulated the amount of food delivered in
On-demand feeding technology, where fish regulate the relation to pellet wastage (as described by Blyth et al., 1993). Ration size per
timing, frequency and size of feed deliveries, offers the feeder spin was synchronised between cages, and feed delivery per spin
opportunity to evaluate existing feed management strategies and increased or decreased in response to pellet wastage (30–230 g spin− 1).
potentially improve feeding methods. The primary objective of From 23rd August until the 16th October, fish under each regime were fed
from dawn until dusk (beginning and end of twilight). After this point (when all
this commercial scale experiment was to compare the production
cages were subject to 24 h light) fish under the on-demand feeding regime were
performance and fin damage of cage-held 0+ pre-smolts fed to a) given the opportunity to feed for 24 h, whilst control fish under the imposed
satiation using on-demand feeders, or b) fed a fixed satiation– regime had their fixed daily ration extended throughout the 24 h period. In
restriction regime using automatic feeding systems. Additional addition, the percentage of feed delivered by on-demand feeders during the
information was provided on inter-day variability in daily ration ambient day and illuminated night (when fish were held under 24 h light) was
also recorded.
for cages under the on-demand feeding regime, in relation to
changes in environmental variables, including a short 10 day 2.3. Sampling methods
period where the 0+ pre-smolts were held under 24 h light.
Fish were sampled on the following dates: 23rd–26th August (n = 300 fish
2. Materials and methods sample− 1), 28th–30th September (n = 400 fish sample− 1) and 25th–26th
October (n = 500 fish sample− 1). During sampling, all fish were crowded into
2.1. Fish husbandry and experimental set-up one quarter of the cage for b3 min and fish were netted out at random. Fish were
anaesthetised using a stock solution of benzocaine (b50 mg L− 1) and body
The experiment was carried out at the Marine Harvest Scotland Glenfinnan weight (wet weight ± 0.5 g), fork length (±0.5 cm), the number of fish with
smolt production site (56.9°N 4.7°W). Six groups of Atlantic salmon pre-smolts, dorsal fin splitting (presence/absence of splitting) and dorsal fin erosion (N50%
S. salar L. were held in six 12× 12× 4 m (576 m3) cages (n = 61847 ± 2620 fish tissue loss) was recorded.
group− 1, mean ± SEM). On the 13th August fish were given a 10 day acclimation
period to become conditioned to each feeding regime. The experiment began on the 2.4. Environmental variables
23rd August using fish weighing 43.0 ± 0.4 g and held at an initial density of 4.6 ±
0.2 kg m− 3 (mean ± SEM). The study was split into two parts: Part I (23rd August– Daylength (h) was measured using sunrise and sunset data for Fort William
27th September) and Part II (28th September–26th October) and lasted 64 days. (56.8° N 5.1° W) obtained from the Royal Observatory (Edinburgh, UK).
Final density was 9.5± 0.5 kg m− 3 (mean ± SEM). All cages were subjected to an Changes in daylength from the previous day (h) were also calculated (after
ambient photoperiod (11.67–16.05 h: min–max that incorporated civil twilight) Smith et al., 1993). Water temperature (±0.1 °C, at 2 m) and clarity (measured
until the 16th October. From 16th October until seawater transfer during the week using a Secchi disc) were taken at ca. 0800 h each morning. Average daily wind
beginning 15th November, fish were exposed to additional night-time illumination speed (Knot, recorded at the Aonach Mor weather station 56.8° N 5.0° W) was
between 1630 h and 0800 h using twin 400 W metal halide lights (Pisces 6; kindly provided by The British Atmospheric Data Centre (Chilton, UK), and
Aquabeam Ltd., Grantham, UK) submerged at 2 m. Fish were subjected to ambient used as a proxy for the strength of wind-driven currents and an index of water
temperature (10.25–15.25 °C: min–max) for the duration of the study. conditions at the sampling site (George, 1981).
Due to the high numbers of fish used in the experiment, it was not possible to
select all fish from an identical strain. Two cages of fish were from a low 2.5. Data manipulation and statistical analysis
maturing strain of fish and four groups were from a medium maturing strain.
Each regime had one cage from the low maturing strain and two cages from the Statistics were performed using Minitab (v. 13-0. Minitab Inc., Philadelphia,
high maturing strain. The experiment was terminated on the 26th October in USA) or SPSS (v. 13-0. SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). Normality was tested for
response to a farm management protocol requiring minimal handling of the fish using an Anderson–Darling test. If requirements for normality were not satisfied,
during the two weeks prior to seawater transfer. data were either subjected to natural log transformation or to non-parametric
statistics. All production performance and fin damage data satisfied homogeneity
2.2. Feeding regimes and feed management strategies of variance requirements, irrespective of cage or fish strain (Levene's test: all
analyses P N 0.05) allowing the pooling of data from different strains. Any
Each cage was fitted with a 50 kg centralised feed hopper and a vibrator percentage data were transformed prior to analysis using the arcsine square root
dispenser attached to a circular spreader (Sterner Aquatech UK Ltd., Inverness, transformation. Weight gain (% of initial weight) was used to express growth.
UK) which spread feed pellets in a 10 m diameter circle. Fish were fed Size heterogeneity (weight) within each cage was calculated using the
C. Noble et al. / Aquaculture 275 (2008) 163–168 165

Coefficient of Variation (CV) and differences between regimes were tested for
using a Mann–Whitney test. Potential differences in condition factor (K) between
regimes were tested for using a Kruskal Wallis test. Specific Growth Rate (Gw)
was calculated using the formula: Gw = 100 (ln W2 − ln W1) t− 1, where W1 and
W2 are the initial and final body weights (g) and t is the number of days between
sampling points. Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) was calculated using the amount
of food delivered divided by wet weight gain (kg). Ration size (g fish− 1) for each
experimental period was also calculated. Any potential differences in mortality,
Gw, FCR and ration size between regimes were tested for using one-way
ANOVA's. Differences in the amount of a) fin splitting and b) fin erosion
between regimes were tested for using 2 × 2 Chi2 tests. The weight of fish with fin
splitting and erosion was compared within five percentiles (1–20 containing the
smallest fish and 81–100 the largest) for each sampling event and feeding regime
and 2 × 5 Chi2 tests were used to test for any differences within each regime.
Potential effects of environmental variables on the daily ration of cages fed on-
demand were tested for using stepwise multiple regression analyses. Independent
variables were: daylength (h), change in daylength (h), water temperature (°C),
water clarity (m), and average daily wind speed (Knots). The dependent variable
was daily ration, expressed as percentage body weight day− 1. Residuals of
significant variables and daily ration were then used to create a ‘seasonally
corrected daily ration’ index, and post-hoc regression analyses of non-significant
predictors were used to investigate whether these factors had any additional effect
upon daily ration. A significance level of P b 0.05 was used for all statistical tests.

3. Results

For a summary of production variables during Parts I and II see Table 1.

Mortality was low (b 0.5% for both treatments) and unrelated to feeding
regime (Part I: F1, 4 = 3.52, P = 0.134; Part II: F1, 4 = 0.46, P = 0.534).

3.1. Production variables Part I Fig. 1. The effect of feeding regime on the incidence of dorsal fin damage. Filled
symbols represent the imposed regime (mean + SEM) and open symbols
During Part I, feeding regime had no significant effect on ration represent the on-demand regime (mean − SEM). Graphs a) and b) represent data
(F1, 4 = 1.82, P = 0.249, Table 1), growth rate (F1, 4 = 0.01, P = 0.932) or on the incidence of fin splitting and erosion, respectively. ⁎, ⁎⁎, ⁎⁎⁎ denote
significant differences at P b 0.05, b0.01 and b0.001, respectively.
fish condition at both the start (Hadj = 2.21, P = 0.137) and end
(Hadj = 0.00, P = 0.972) of the period. In addition, there were no significant
differences in size heterogeneity between regimes at either the start 3.2. Production variables Part II
(W = 10.0, P = 1.000) or end (W = 13.0, P = 0.383) of Part I. Further, each
regime achieved consistently low FCR's (b1.0) and there were no During Part II, when fish under the imposed regime were subject to
significant differences between treatments (F1, 4 = 3.33, P = 0.142). feed restriction, the reduced ration had an adverse effect on a number of
production variables. Fish under the imposed regime received
Table 1 significantly less feed than those fed on-demand (79.2 ± 3.3% of the
Mortality (%), ration size (g fish− 1), growth rate (Gw), weight gain (%), body total on-demand ration, mean ± SD, F1, 4 = 20.13, P = 0.011, Table 1).
weight (BW initial and final), condition factor (K), size heterogeneity (CV Growth rate was also significantly lower in fish under the imposed
weight) and the FCR of fish fed to an imposed or on-demand regime during parts regime (F1, 4 = 16.59, P = 0.015) and these fish were also in significantly
I and II, where fish under the imposed regime were fed to satiation or restriction, poorer condition at the end of Part II (Hadj = 40.70, P b 0.001). Feeding
respectively regime had no effect on growth heterogeneity (W = 11.0, P = 1.000),
Part I Part II although there was a weak significant trend for higher FCR in fish fed to
the imposed regime (F1, 4 = 7.84, P = 0.049).
Imposed On-demand Imposed On-demand
Mortality (%) 0.24 ± 0.07 0.11 ± 0.01 0.06 ± 0.02 0.04 ± 0.01 3.3. Fin damage
Ration (gram fish− 1) 24.58 ± 1.28 22.45 ± 0.93 13.78 ± 0.70 17.38 ± 0.39⁎
Gw 1.45 ± 0.06 1.44 ± 0.04 0.45 ± 0.04 0.84 ± 0.09⁎ The total number of fish affected by dorsal fin splitting remained
Weight gain (%) 66.1 ± 3.2 67.4 ± 4.0 12.9 ± 0.9 25.0 ± 3.1
relatively constant throughout the experiment, although the incidence of
BWi (g) 42.4 ± 0.5 43.7 ± 0.1 – –
BWf (g) 70.4 ± 0.8 73.1 ± 1.6 79.4 ± 0.5 91.4 ± 2.4
dorsal fin erosion increased with time, irrespective of regime (Fig. 1).
CVi 22.5 22.8 – – Although fish under the on-demand regime had significantly less fin
CVf 43.3 37.1 50.4 47.2 splitting at the start of the experiment, this trend became highly sig-
Ki 1.24 1.24 – – nificant at the end of Part I and Part II (for the significance of Chi2
Kf 1.40 1.40 1.33 1.38⁎⁎⁎ analyses see Fig. 1). Significantly more fish exhibited fin erosion under
FCR 0.89 ± 0.06 0.77 ± 0.04 1.55 ± 0.18 0.98 ± 0.11⁎ the imposed feeding regime at the end of Parts I and II, in comparison to
All fish were also subject to 24 h during the last 10 days of Part II. All data are those fish fed on-demand.
presented as mean ± SEM with the exception of condition factor and growth There was a relationship between fish size and the incidence of
heterogeneity data (median values). ⁎ and ⁎⁎⁎ denote inter-regime differences at dorsal fin splitting and erosion (Fig. 2). At the end of Parts I and II, fin
P b 0.05 and P b 0.001, respectively. splitting was most prevalent amongst the smallest fish within each cage
166 C. Noble et al. / Aquaculture 275 (2008) 163–168

Fig. 2. The incidence of dorsal fin damage within each regime in relation to fish size. Values represent the mean ± SEM. Filled bars represent the imposed regime and
open bars represent the on-demand regime. Numeric titles 1), 2) and 3) represent the sampling periods 23rd–26th August, 28th–30th September and 25th–26th
October. a) and b) represent fin splitting or erosion, respectively. ⁎⁎⁎ denotes significant differences at P b 0.001 for each feeding regime.

(for the significance of Chi2 analyses see Fig. 2), irrespective of feeding ration for all cages fed on-demand (cage 1: P = 0.001, R2adj = 35.8;
regime. There was a similar trend for fin erosion, although differences cage 2: P = 0.013, R2adj = 15.0; cage 3: P b 0.001, R2adj = 49.0).
were only significant at the end of part II. Residuals of temperature and daily ration were then used to create a
‘seasonally corrected daily ration’ index. Regression analyses of this
3.4. Variability in daily on-demand feed delivery dataset (independent variables: water clarity, daylength, change in
daylength and wind speed; dependent variable: residuals of daily ration
Daily ration in all on-demand cages decreased as winter approached and temperature) show that average daily wind speed was the only
(Fig. 3). Forward and backward stepwise regressions (as two or more significant predictor of seasonally corrected daily ration for all cages
independent variables were correlated, Table 2) showed that directional (cage 1: P = 0.043, R2adj = 12.0; cage 2: P = 0.008, R2adj = 19.8; cage 3:
changes in temperature were the only significant predictor of daily P = 0.027, R2adj = 9.5). On-demand daily ration was therefore correlated
with changes in temperature and additional variation around this trend
was significantly correlated with daily wind speed.

Table 2
The Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficients showing the relationships
between daylength (h), change in daylength (h), water temperature (°C), water
clarity (m) and average daily wind speed (Knot) of factors included the
regression analysis of on-demand daily ration data
Daylength Change in Water Water
daylength temperature clarity
Change in − 0.906 ⁎⁎⁎
Water − 0.578 ⁎⁎⁎ −0.756 ⁎⁎⁎
Water clarity 0.273 0.375 ⁎ − 0.565 ⁎⁎⁎
Fig. 3. Variation in daily ration (% body weight day − 1) in cage-held 0+ parr fed
Wind speed − 0.128 −0.206 0.391 ⁎⁎ −0.419 ⁎⁎
on-demand, in addition to water temperature (°C). The arrow indicates the onset
of 24 h artificial light. ⁎P b 0.05, ⁎⁎P b 0.01, ⁎⁎⁎P b 0.001.
C. Noble et al. / Aquaculture 275 (2008) 163–168 167

When held under 24 h light, on-demand replicates 1, 2 and 3 con- be acerbated by a number of on-farm risk factors such as high
sumed 71.04 ± 11.29, 58.80 ± 3.06 and 69.90 ± 30.06% of their ration stocking density (North et al., 2006) or handling (Bosakowski
during the ambient day, respectively (mean ± SD). The onset of 24 h and Wagner, 1994). This experiment suggests that a farmer can
light had neither a positive nor negative effect on daily ration size (see reduce the incidence of dorsal fin erosion by feeding fish on-
Fig. 3) and mean water temperature and ambient daylength during this
demand. Dorsal fin splitting was also less prevalent in fish fed
period was 11.30 ± 0.43 °C and 11.29 ± 0.24 h (mean ± SD).
on-demand. However, this difference was also discernible at the
start of the study and may have been related to fish having the
4. Discussion opportunity to feed on-demand during the pre-study condition-
ing period. Other comparable studies on cage-held Atlantic
The primary objective of this experiment was to compare the salmon parr (Noble et al., 2007a) and post-smolts (Noble et al.,
production performance of commercial scale groups of fish fed 2007b) also report reduced fin damage in fish fed on-demand.
on-demand in comparison with fish fed according to existing farm At the end of Parts I and II, the smallest fish within each cage had
practices. Part II also investigated the effect of feeding regime and significantly more fin splitting than their conspecifics, irrespective
moderate feed restriction on production performance. of feeding regime. A similar trend was also observed with respect to
The results of Part I suggested that the imposed feeding fin erosion, although it did not become significant until the end of
regime, based upon a combination of in-house feed tables and Part II. This suggests that the smallest fish within each group are the
hand feeding, accurately matched the daily ration requirements greatest recipients of aggression, a finding supported by other
of Atlantic salmon pre-smolts during autumn. A previous study studies (Damsgård et al., 1997; Moutou et al., 1998). In a
on cage-held Atlantic salmon parr (Noble et al., 2007a) was used comparable study using 1+ parr (Noble et al., 2007a), there was no
to revise the farming company's feed tables during the one year relationship between fish size and fin damage at the same time of
inter-study period, and data from the current study show this the year. However, when comparing the timing of smolt transfer
revision was successful. During Part II, fish under the imposed (UK 0+ and 1+ pre-smolts are transferred to sea during November
regime were intentionally and significantly underfed, although and April, respectively) the smallest fish exhibited significantly
feed restriction during this period was relatively moderate (ca. more fin damage during the month prior to seawater transfer.
80% of fish fed on-demand) and short-lived (b 1 month). Daily ration in fish under the on-demand regime varied between
During Part I, there were no significant differences in growth days (see also Blyth et al., 1993) and decreased as winter
rate (GW) or condition factor between feeding regimes. When fish approached. This was significantly related to change in tempera-
under the imposed regime were fed a restrictive ration, growth rate ture in all cages, although there were strong cross-correlations
and condition were significantly worse in comparison to those between temperature and both daylength and change in daylength.
fed to satiation under the on-demand regime. Other studies have Additional variation was positively correlated with wind speed
also reported the detrimental effects of underfeeding upon growth (used as an index for wind-driven water conditions at the cage site)
(Quinton and Blake, 1990; Gaylord et al., 2001) and fish for all cages (George, 1981). Other studies have reported that
condition (Gregory and Wood, 1999; Pierce et al., 2001). temperature regulates feed intake in Atlantic salmon (Brett, 1979;
Aquaculturists have a vested interest in reducing size hetero- Noble et al., 2007c) and other species (Azzaydi et al., 1998; Bégout
geneity, as market forces demand a high quality product of uniform Anras, 1995), although the latter three studies reported that
size. In the current study, size heterogeneity was not affected by daylength had an additional effect. In the current study, increased
feeding regime or feed restriction, a finding that is supported by a food delivery on windy days may be a response to increased feed
comparable study on cage-held parr (Noble et al., 2007a). This consumption at higher water velocities (Jørgensen and Jobling,
suggests that group size (Li and Brocksen, 1977) or high intra- 1993). Alternatively, increased feed delivery may be related to
specific variation in metabolic rate (Cutts et al., 1998) plays a both the nature of cage culture and the feeding system, which relies
greater role in regulating growth heterogeneity than behavioural upon waste pellet detection to terminate feed delivery. During
interactions and competition under commercial conditions. periods of high water velocity, pellets can be carried away from
During Part I, FCR's were low (b 1.0, see also Noble et al., both the cage and the pellet sensor (pers. obs.) driving the system to
2007a) and did not differ between regimes. Low FCR equates to step up feed delivery (under the assumption that fish are hungry)
efficient farm practice, which is especially important in a com- when fish may actually be satiated.
petitive and somewhat volatile Atlantic salmon aquaculture sector, Under 24 h light, fish consumed only 30–40% of their daily
where market prices can change on a weekly basis (Forsberg and ration during the illuminated nocturnal period. Water tempera-
Guttormsen, 2006). During Part II, moderate feed restriction ture during this period was around 11 °C and near, but not
(ca. 80% of satiation) had a detrimental effect upon FCR. This is below, the temperature threshold when parr switch from being
supported by some studies (Cho, 1992; Bureau et al., 2006), but diurnal to nocturnal (Fraser et al., 1993). This suggests some
not others (Storebakken and Austreng, 1987; Rasmussen et al., fish may be taking the opportunity to feed during the
2000) that suggest feed restriction (N 50% of satiation) has no illuminated nocturnal period around this time. Further, fish
impact upon FCR. fed on-demand do not appear to consume more food during the
With consumer and retailer awareness of farm animal welfare extended photoperiod and only extend the time required to
now expanding to fish, an increasing number of producers are consume their daily ration. However, the 10 day monitoring
incorporating welfare considerations and stewardship into their period may have been too short to detect a change in feed
management practices. Fin damage is a welfare problem and can demand.
168 C. Noble et al. / Aquaculture 275 (2008) 163–168

In summary, when fish were fed to satiation, feeding regime Forsberg, O.I., Guttormsen, A.G., 2006. The value of information in salmon farming.
had no effect on growth rate, FCR or a number of other production Harvesting the right fish at the right time. Aquac. Econ. Manag. 10, 183–200.
Fraser, N.H.C., Metcalfe, N.B., Thorpe, J.E., 1993. Temperature-dependent
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However, when cage-held pre-smolts were subjected to a Lond. B 252, 135–139.
moderate period of feed restriction (ca. 80% of satiation for Gaylord, T.G., MacKenzie, D.S., Gatlin, D.M., 2001. Growth performance, body
b 1 month) it had a significant and detrimental effect upon fish composition and plasma thyroid hormone status of channel catfish (Ictalurus
punctatus) in response to short-term feed deprivation and refeeding. Fish
condition, growth and FCR. Aquaculturists should be wary of this
Physiol. Biochem. 24, 73–79.
when implementing feed management strategies that incorporate George, D.G., 1981. Wind-induced water movements in the South Basin of
periods of feed restriction. Feeding fish on-demand also reduced Windermere. Freshw. Biol. 11, 37–60.
the incidence of dorsal fin erosion, which may improve the Gregory, T.R., Wood, C.M., 1999. Interactions between individual feeding behaviour,
marketability and consumer perception of farmed fish. Variability growth, and swimming performance in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus
in the daily ration of fish fed on-demand was significantly related mykiss) fed different rations. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 56, 479–486.
Johansen, S.J.S., Jobling, M., 1998. The influence of feeding regime on growth
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consumed only 30–40% of their total daily ration during the Jørgensen, E.H., Jobling, M., 1993. The effect of exercise on growth, food
illuminated nocturnal period when held under 24 h light. utilisation and osmoregulatory capacity of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo
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Acknowledgments Li, H.W., Brocksen, R.W., 1977. Approaches to the analysis of energetic costs of
intraspecific competition for space by rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri).
J. Fish Biol. 11, 329–341.
This study was funded by The Biotechnology and Biological Moutou, K.A., McCarthy, I.D., Houlihan, D.F., 1998. The effect of ration level
Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and Marine Harvest and social rank on the development of fin damage in juvenile rainbow trout.
Scotland. The authors would like to thank David Gray, Mark J. Fish Biol. 52, 756–770.
Noble, C., Kadri, S., Mitchell, D.F., Huntingford, F.A., 2007a. The influence of
Fowler and all the staff at Glenfinnan for excellent fish
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husbandry, and everybody who helped with measuring the fish. Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar L.) held in freshwater production cages.
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