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Math 100G/L

Introduction to




Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Latter-day Saints have been counseled for many years to prepare for
adversity by having a little money set aside. Doing so adds immeasurably to
security and well-being. Every family has a responsibility to provide for its own
needs to the extent possible.

We encourage you wherever you may live in the world to prepare for
adversity by looking to the condition of your finances. We urge you to be modest
in your expenditures; discipline yourselves in your purchases to avoid debt. Pay
off debt as quickly as you can, and free yourselves from this bondage. Save a little
money regularly to gradually build a financial reserve.

If you have paid your debts and have a financial reserve, even though it be
small, you and your family will feel more secure and enjoy greater peace in your

May the Lord bless you in your family financial effort.

The First Presidency

(From the pamphlet ALL IS SAFELY GATHERED IN: FAMILY FINANCES published by
the Church.)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Arithmetic……….…………………………………………………………...4
Section 1.1………………………………………………………………………………...5
Addition and Multiplication Facts from 1+1 to 15 × 15
Section 1.2……………………………………………………………………………..…13
Rounding and Estimation; Life Plan
Section 1.3………………………………………………………………………………..18
Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide Decimals; Income and Expense
Section 1.4……………………………………………………………………………..…37
Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide Fractions; Unit Conversions

Chapter 2 Calculators and Formulas……………………………………………52

Section 2.1…………………………………………………………………………..……53
Exponents Introduction, Order of Operations, Calculator Usage
Section 2.2……………………………………………………..…………………………64
Variables and Formulas
Section 2.3……………………………………………………..…………………………81
Formulas and Spreadsheet Usage

Chapter 3 Algebra.………………....……………………………………………………94
Section 3.1……………………………………………………………………………….95
Linear Equations and Applications
Section 3.2………………………………………………………………………………113
Linear Equations with Fractions; Percent Applications
Section 3.3………………………………………………………………………………126
Exponents Revisited; Loan Payment and Savings Equations

Chapter 4 Graphs and Charts…………………………………..………………...142

Section 4.1………………………………………………………………………………143
Maps and Coordinate Graphs
Section 4.2………………………………………………………………………………153
Graphing Lines and Finding Slope
Section 4.3………………………………………………………………………………168
Using Slope and Writing Equations of Lines

Chapter 1:

1.1 Facts
1.2 Rounding and Estimation
1.3 Decimals
1.4 Fractions

Section 1.1 Everyone has to start somewhere, and that start, for you, is right here.
Facts When you first started learning math, you probably learned the names for
numbers, and then you started to add: 3apples + 7apples equals how many
apples? Well 10, of course.

My guess is that you caught on to what you were doing and can now add M&M’s,
coconuts, gallons of water, money etc. From the beginning I am going to assume you know how
to add in your head up to 15+15. If you don’t, please make up some flash cards and get those in
your brain. It is similar to learning the alphabet before learning to read. We need the addition
facts to be available for instant recall.

Soon after addition was learned, I bet someone told you that there was a shortcut when
you had to add some numbers over and over. For example:
3+3+3+3+3+3+3 = 21

If you notice, there are seven 3’s.

3, seven times, turns out to be 21, so we write it as 7×3 = 21.

One of the best coincidences of the world is that 7, three times, is also 21.
3×7 = 21

Such a switching works for any numbers we pick:

4×5 = 20 and 5×4 = 20

3×13 = 39 and 13×3 = 39

Since we will be using the multiplication facts almost as much as we will be using the addition
facts, you need to also memorize the multiplication facts up to 15×15. Learn them well, and you
will be able to catch on to everything else quite nicely.

Chapter 1

Section 1.1 Exercises Part A

1. Make flash cards up to 15+15 and 15×15.
2. Memorize the addition and multiplication facts up to 15+15 and 15×15.
3. Fill out the Addition/Subtraction Monster. Time yourself. Write the time it takes on the
paper. Correct the Addition/Subtraction Monster using your flashcards.
4. Fill out the Multiplication Monster. Time yourself. Write the time on the paper. Correct
the Addition/Subtraction Monster using your flashcards.

Exercises 1.1

Addition/Subtraction Monster Name __________________

12 + 13 = 5+6= 5 + 10 = 12 − 9 = 5+9= 8 + 11 = 5 + 11 = 14 – 4 =

6+6 = 7 + 12 = 15 – 8 = 10 + 10 = 10 – 7 = 6 + 11 = 6 + 12 = 6 + 13 =

7+7 = 14 – 7 = 7+9= 9 + 13 = 6 + 14 = 15 – 5 = 11 + 11 = 7– 5 =

12 − 4 = 10 + 12 = 8 + 10 = 13 − 8 = 5+5= 8 + 13 = 5 + 12 = 7+8=

9+9 = 5 + 15 = 9 + 11 = 9 + 12 = 15 − 6 = 13 − 5 = 9 + 15 = 8 + 15 =

6+7 = 13 − 9 = 8 + 12 = 10 + 13 = 10 + 14 = 10 + 15 7 + 13 = 11 + 13 =

5+7 = 11 + 12 = 14 − 9 = 11 + 14 = 11 + 15 = 8+9= 10 − 6 = 8−7=

12 + 12 = 6 + 10 = 12 + 14 = 8+8= 12 − 7 = 12 − 8 = 14 + 14 = 12 − 6 =

9−7 = 13 + 14 = 10 − 5 = 7 + 14 = 6+9= 13 − 7 = 13 − 6 = 9 + 10 =

6+8 = 14 + 15 = 14 − 10 = 12 + 15 = 14 − 8 = 8 + 14 = 14 − 6 = 10 + 11 =

8−5 = 15 − 11 = 15 − 10 = 15 − 9 = 9−8= 7 + 10 = 9 + 14 = 13 + 15 =

7 + 11 = 5 + 14 = 6 + 15 = 15 − 7 = 5 + 13 = 7 + 15 = 5+8= 7−6=

13 + 13 = 8−6= 9−5= 9−6= 15 − 4 = 15 + 15 = 13 − 4 = 14 − 5 =


Exercises 1.1

Multiplication Monster Name __________________

12×13= 5×6= 5×10= 12×9= 5×9= 8×11= 5×11= 14×4=

6×6= 7×12= 15×8= 10×10= 10×7= 6×11= 6×12= 6×13=

7×7= 14×7= 7×9= 9×13= 6×14= 15×5= 11×11= 7×5=

12×4= 10×12= 8×10= 13×8= 5×5= 8×13= 5×12= 7×8=

9×9= 5×15= 9×11= 9×12= 15×6= 13×5= 9×15= 8×15=

6×7= 13×9= 8×12= 10×13= 10×14= 10×15 7×13= 11×13=

5×7= 11×12= 14×9= 11×14= 11×15= 8×9= 10×6= 8×7=

12×12= 6×10= 12×14= 8×8= 12×7= 12×8= 14×14= 12×6=

9×7= 13×14= 10×5= 7×14= 6×9= 13×7= 13×6= 9×10=

6×8= 14×15= 14×10= 12×15= 14×8= 8×14= 14×6= 10×11=

8×5= 15×11= 15×10= 15×9= 9×8= 7×10= 9×14= 13×15=

7×11= 5×14= 6×15= 15×7= 5×13= 7×15= 5×8= 7×6=

13×13= 8×6= 9×5= 9×6= 15×4= 15×15= 13×4= 14×5=


Exercises 1.1

Section 1.1 Exercises Part B

Addition/Subtraction Monster 2
9−6= 12 − 4 = 5 + 10 = 6 + 15 = 15 − 5 = 8 + 11 = 12 − 9 = 14 − 4 =

6+6= 9−7= 15 − 8 = 10 + 10 = 10 − 7 = 6 + 11 = 13 − 7 = 5+8=

7+7= 7 + 12 = 15 − 10 = 9 + 13 = 6 + 14 = 12 + 13 = 7−5= 13 + 15 =

5 + 11 = 10 + 12 = 8 + 10 = 15 − 7 = 14 − 7 = 8 + 13 = 5 + 12 = 7+8=

9+9= 5 + 15 = 9 + 11 = 9 + 12 = 6 + 13 = 5+5= 9 + 15 = 8 + 15 =

6+7= 11 + 15 = 8 + 12 = 13 − 5 = 10 + 14 = 10 + 15 = 7 + 13 = 11 + 13 =

5+7= 11 + 12 = 11 + 11 = 11 + 14 = 13 − 8 = 8+9= 10 − 6 = 5+9=

12 + 12 = 14 − 9 = 12 + 14 = 8+8= 12 − 7 = 10 + 13 = 14 + 14 = 12 − 6 =

15 + 15 = 13 + 14 = 10 − 5 = 7 + 14 = 12 − 8 = 6+8= 13 − 6 = 9 + 10 =

5+6= 14 + 15 = 6 + 10 = 12 + 15 = 14 − 8 = 8 + 14 = 14 − 6 = 10 + 11 =

8−5= 15 − 11 = 13 − 9 = 15 − 9 = 6+9= 7 + 10 = 9 + 14 = 7−6=

7 + 11 = 5 + 14 = 15 − 6 = 6 + 12 = 14 − 10 = 7 + 15 = 9−8= 7+9=

13 + 13 = 8−6= 9−5= 5 + 13 = 15 − 4 = 8−7= 13 − 4 = 14 − 5 =


Exercises 1.1

Multiplication Monster 2
9×6= 12×4= 5×10= 6×15= 15×5= 8×11= 12×9= 14×4=

6×6= 9×7= 15×8= 10×10= 10×7= 6×11= 13×7= 5×8=

7×7= 7×12= 15×10= 9×13= 6×14= 12×13= 7×5= 13×15=

5×11= 10×12= 8×10= 15×7= 14×7= 8×13= 5×12= 7×8=

9×9= 5×15= 9×11= 9×12= 6×13= 5×5= 9×15= 8×15=

6×7= 11×15= 8×12= 13×5= 10×14= 10×15= 7×13= 11×13=

5×7= 11×12= 11×11= 11×14= 13×8= 8×9= 10×6= 5×9=

12×12= 14×9= 12×14= 8×8= 12×7= 10×13= 14×14= 12×6=

15×15= 13×14= 10×5= 7×14= 12×8= 6×8= 13×6= 9×10=

5×6= 14×15= 6×10= 12×15= 14×8= 8×14= 14×6= 10×11=

8×5= 15×11= 13×9= 15×9= 6×9= 7×10= 9×14= 7×6=

7×11= 5×14= 15×6= 6×12= 14×10= 7×15= 9×8= 7×9=

13×13= 8×6= 9×5= 5×13= 15×4= 8×7= 13×4= 14×5=


Exercises 1.1

Section 1.1 Exercises Part C

Addition/Subtraction Monster Name __________________

12 + 13 = 5+6= 5 + 10 = 12 − 9 = 5+9= 8 + 11 = 5 + 11 = 14 − 4 =

6+6 = 7 + 12 = 15 − 8 = 10 + 10 = 10 − 7 = 6 + 11 = 6 + 12 = 6 + 13 =

7+7 = 14 − 7 = 7+9= 9 + 13 = 6 + 14 = 15 − 5 = 11 + 11 = 7−5=

12 − 4 = 10 + 12 = 8 + 10 = 13 − 8 = 5+5= 8 + 13 = 5 + 12 = 7+8=

9+9 = 5 + 15 = 9 + 11 = 9 + 12 = 15 − 6 = 13 − 5 = 9 + 15 = 8 + 15 =

6+7 = 13 − 9 = 8 + 12 = 10 + 13 = 10 + 14 = 10 + 15 7 + 13 = 11 + 13 =

5+7 = 11 + 12 = 14 − 9 = 11 + 14 = 11 + 15 = 8+9= 10 − 6 = 8−7=

12 + 12 = 6 + 10 = 12 + 14 = 8+8= 12 − 7 = 12 − 8 = 14 + 14 = 12 − 6 =

9−7 = 13 + 14 = 10 − 5 = 7 + 14 = 6+9= 13 − 7 = 13 − 6 = 9 + 10 =

6+8 = 14 + 15 = 14 − 10 = 12 + 15 = 14 − 8 = 8 + 14 = 14 − 6 = 10 + 11 =

8−5 = 15 − 11 = 15 − 10 = 15 − 9 = 9−8= 7 + 10 = 9 + 14 = 13 + 15 =

7 + 11 = 5 + 14 = 6 + 15 = 15 − 7 = 5 + 13 = 7 + 15 = 5+8= 7−6=

13 + 13 = 8−6= 9−5= 9−6= 15 − 4 = 15 + 15 = 13 − 4 = 14 − 5 =


Exercises 1.1

Multiplication Monster Name __________________

12×13= 5×6= 5×10= 12×9= 5×9= 8×11= 5×11= 14×4=

6×6= 7×12= 15×8= 10×10= 10×7= 6×11= 6×12= 6×13=

7×7= 14×7= 7×9= 9×13= 6×14= 15×5= 11×11= 7×5=

12×4= 10×12= 8×10= 13×8= 5×5= 8×13= 5×12= 7×8=

9×9= 5×15= 9×11= 9×12= 15×6= 13×5= 9×15= 8×15=

6×7= 13×9= 8×12= 10×13= 10×14= 10×15 7×13= 11×13=

5×7= 11×12= 14×9= 11×14= 11×15= 8×9= 10×6= 8×7=

12×12= 6×10= 12×14= 8×8= 12×7= 12×8= 14×14= 12×6=

9×7= 13×14= 10×5= 7×14= 6×9= 13×7= 13×6= 9×10=

6×8= 14×15= 14×10= 12×15= 14×8= 8×14= 14×6= 10×11=

8×5= 15×11= 15×10= 15×9= 9×8= 7×10= 9×14= 13×15=

7×11= 5×14= 6×15= 15×7= 5×13= 7×15= 5×8= 7×6=

13×13= 8×6= 9×5= 9×6= 15×4= 15×15= 13×4= 14×5=


Exercises 1.1

Now, you know that some arithmetic problems may get long and
Section 1.2 tedious, so you can understand why some folks choose to estimate and
Rounding and round numbers. Rounding is the quickest, so we will tackle that first.
Estimation In rounding, we decide to not keep the exact number that someone
gave us. For example:

If I have $528.37 in the bank, I might easily say that I have about $500. I have just
rounded to the nearest hundred.
On the other hand, I might be a little more specific and say that I have about (still not
exact) $530. I have just rounded to the nearest ten.
Here are the places:
Just to make sure you are clear on it, here is a big example:

Hundred Thousandths
Hundred Thousands
Hundred Millions

Ten Thousandths
Ten Thousands
Ten Millions




Round to the nearest hundredth:
This number is right between 538.46 and 538.47
Which one is nearest? The 9 tells us that we are closer to

2nd Example:
Round to the nearest thousand:
This number is right between 783,000 and 784,000
Which one is nearest? The 2 in the hundreds tells us that we are closer to :

Section 1.2

Round $4,278.23 to the nearest hundred
$4,300.00 Decide if our number is closer to the nearest
$4,278.23 hundred above the number or below the number
$4,278.23 ≈ $4,300.00 Change our number to the one it is closer to

Answer: $4,300.00


1. Round to the highest value.
2.Do the easy problem.

Once rounding is understood, it can be used as a great tool to make sure that we have not
missed something major in our computations. If we have a problem like:
× 87.3

We could see about where the answer is if we estimate first:

Round each number to the greatest value you can
× 90

Voila! Our answer will be about 270,000,000

We should note that the real answer is:

but the estimation will let us know that we are in the right ball park. It ensures that our
answer makes sense.

Multiply by rounding: 986.7 × 4.9
986.7 ≈ 1,000 Round the numbers
4.9 ≈ 5
1,000 × 5 = 5,000 Multiply the rounded numbers together
986.7 × 4.9 ≈ 5,000 Our answer for 986.7 × 4.9 will be about 5,000

Section 1.2

Section 1.2 Exercises Part A

1. Round 3,254.07 to the nearest ten.
2. Round 2,892.56 to the nearest tenth.
3. Round 39,454 to the nearest ten thousand.
4. Round 189 to the nearest ten.
5. Round 3,250.07 to the nearest tenth.
6. Round 2,892.56 to the nearest hundred.
7. Round 39,454 to the nearest ten.
8. Round 189 to the nearest hundred.

Estimate the following.

9. 21 × 3250.07 10. 138.9 × 2892 11. 42 × 189

12. 369.456 ÷ 3.987 13. 58 × 39 14. 351 × 44

15. Find the monthly income for 5 different jobs and be ready to share them with your group.

1. 3,250 9. About 60,000
2. 2,892.6 10. About 300,000
3. 40,000 11. About 8,000
4. 190 12. About 100
5. 3,250.1 13. About 2,400
6. 2,900 14. About 16,000
7. 39,450 15. Discuss it together
8. 200

Exercises 1.2A

Section 1.2 Exercises Part B

1. Round 7,254.07 to the nearest ten.
2. Round 2,862.843 to the nearest hundredth.
3. Round 538,484 to the nearest ten thousand.
4. Round 2,892.56385 to the nearest thousandth.
5. Round 189,364,529.83 to the nearest million.
6. Describe what possible problems students could have with rounding.

7. 58 × 391 8. 438.9 × 2,892.07

9. Estimate the number of heartbeats in a lifetime:

(70 beats in a minute, 60 minutes each hour, 24 hours each day, 365 days each year, 80 years)

10. Estimate the number of hairs on your head:

(500 hairs covered by your thumb, maybe 120 thumbprints to cover your head)

11. Estimate the daily revenue of a local market or grocery store.

(How many people enter each hour? How much do they spend? How long is it open?)

12. Estimate the amount of water needed for the members of your ward for a month.
(4 liters per person per day, 30 days per month, number of members in your ward?)

13. Working with your group, find the yearly income for 10 of the jobs brought in by group

14. Estimate the lifetime earning of one of the jobs from #13. (40 years of working)

15. Estimate monthly expenses for a family with a few children living in your area. Please
include estimates of costs for housing, transportation, food, utilities, and clothing.

16. Enter the estimates for income and expenses into a spreadsheet document.
1. 7,250 9. About 2,500,000,000 (give or take a few)
2. 2,862.84 10. About 50,000 to 60,000
3. 540,000 11. Completely depends on your numbers
4. 2,892.564 12. Probably between 20,000L and 30,000L
5. 189,000,000 13. Make sure they are all there.
6. d vs. dth, lack of 1 , any others 14. Depends on the job you selected
7. About 24,000 15. Should look neat.
8. About 1,200,000 16. Complete when everyone can do it.

Exercises 1.2B

Section 1.2 Exercises Part C

1. Round 7,254.07 to the nearest tenth.
2. Round 2,862.843 to the nearest ten.
3. Round 538,484 to the nearest thousand.
4. Round 139.79 to the nearest ten.
5. Round 3,250.647 to the nearest hundredth.
6. Round 2,892.56385 to the nearest thousand.
7. Round 34,454 to the nearest thousand.
8. Round 189,364,529.83 to the nearest ten million.

Estimate the following.

9. 41 × 7250.07 10. 43 × 9.07 11. 82 × 2,890
12. 639.456 ÷ 6.1987 13. 58 × 391.04 14. 56,200 ÷ 12

Begin “Life Plan” Portfolio Project.

15. Imagine your life five years from now. Estimate one month of what you think your expenses
and income will be at that time.

16. Create your own spreadsheet document to record your one month estimated expenses and
income. Remember, you are forecasting five years into the future and recording a one month
estimate of your anticipated income and expenses into a spreadsheet.

Prepare for “Budget and Expenses” Portfolio Project.

17. Start keeping track of your current income and expenses in preparation for your next
Portfolio project which will be called, "Budget and Expenses." Report to your group that you
have started keeping track of your income and expenses.

18. Receive reports from your group members that they have started tracking their current
income and expenses.

1. 7,254.1 10. About 360
2. 2,860 11. About 240,000
3. 538,000 12. About 100
4. 140 13. About 24,000
5. 3,250.65 14. About 6,000
6. 3,000 15. Include any expenses you can think of.
7. 34,000 16. Save it as “Life Plan”. You will submit it to your
teacher in this lesson.
8. 190,000,000 17. Start your record, then report to your progress to your
group by email, phone, letter, carrier pigeon…
9. About 280,000 18. Complete when everyone has done it.

Exercises 1.2C

Section 1.3
1) Like things – In addition and subtraction we must only deal with like things.

Example: If someone asks you

5 sheep + 2 sheep =
you would be able to tell them 7 sheep.

What if they asked you 5 sheep + 2 penguins =

We really can’t add them together, because they aren’t like things.

2) We do not need like things for multiplication and division.

3) Negative – The negative sign means “opposite direction.”

Example:−5.3 is just 5.3 in the opposite direction

−5.3 0 5.3

Example :−  is just  in the opposite direction.

Example:−7 – 5 = −12, because they are both headed in that direction

4) Decimal – Deci is a prefix meaning 10. Since every place value is either 10 times
larger or smaller than the place next to it, we call each place a decimal place.

5) Place Values – Every place on the left or right of the decimal holds a certain value

Arithmetic of Decimals, Positives and Negatives


Addition of Decimals
1. Line up decimals
2. Add in columns
3. Carry by 10’s

Section 1.3

Add. 3561.5 + 274.38
1. Line up decimals
+ 274.38

3 5 6 1. 5
2. Add in columns
+ 2 7 4. 3 8
5. 8 8
3 5 6 1. 5
3. Carry by 10’s. Carry the 1 and leave the 3.
+ 2 7 4. 3 8
3 8 3 5. 8 8

Subtraction of Decimals

1. Biggest on top
2. Line up decimals; subtract in columns.
3. Borrow by 10’s
4. Strongest wins.


Subtract. 283.5 – 3,476.91

- 3476.91
1.Biggest on top

- 3 4 7 6. 9 1
2. Line up decimals; subtract in columns
2 8 3. 5
3. 4 1
- 3 4 17 6. 9 1
3. Borrow by 10’s. Carry the 1 and leave the 3.
2 8 3. 5
3 1 9 3. 4 1
- 3 4 17 6. 9 1
4. Strongest one wins.
2 8 3. 5
- 3 1 9 3. 4 1

Section 1.3

Multiplication of Decimals
Multiplication of Decimals
1. Multiply each place value
2. Carry by 10’s
3. Add
1. Add up zeros or decimals
4. Right size. 2. Negatives

7 5 31
× 8
29,742 237,936

×538 Next:
237,936 22 1
3. Add the pieces
892,260 × 30
16,001,196 Last:
43 21
× 500

Section 1.3

Final example with decimals: 2 21
× 6
-7414.3 444858

×9.46 Next:
444858 1 11
3. Add the pieces together.
2965720 × 40
-70139278 3 132

4. Right size. Total number of 74143

decimal places = 3. Answer is ×900
negative. 66728700

The only thing left is to count the number of decimal places. We

have one in the first number and two in the second. Final answer:


Division of Decimals

Division of Decimals
1. Move decimals
1. Set up. 2. Add zeros
2. Divide into first.
3. Multiply.
4. Subtract.
5. Drop down.
1. Remainder
6. Write answer. 2. Decimal

Section 1.3

5 Step 1. No decimals to set up. Go to Step 2.
8 429 Step 2.We know that 8 goes into 42 about 5
5 Step 3. Multiply 5×8
8 429
Step 4.subtract.
53 Step 5. Bring down the 9 to continue on.
8 429 Repeat steps 2-5
Step 2: 8 goes into 29 about 3 times.
53 Step 3: Multiply 3×8
8 429
Step 4: subtract.
8 doesn’t go into 5 (remainder)

Which means that 429 ÷ 8 = 53 R 5

or in other words 429 ÷ 8 = 53 85

5875 ÷ 22

2 Step 2: 22 goes into 58 about 2 times.

22 5875 Step 3: Multiply 2×22 = 44
2 Step 4: Subtract.
22 5875
Step 5: Bring down the next column
27 22 goes into 147 about ????times.
22 5875 Let’s estimate.
2 goes into 14 about 7 times – try that.
Multiply 22×7 = 154
Oops, a little too big

Section 1.3

26 Since 7 was a little too big, try 6.

22 5875 Multiply 6×22 = 132
Bring down the next column.
267 22 goes into 155 about ?????times.
22 5875 Estimate.
2 goes into 15 about 7 times. Try 7
Multiply 22×7 = 154. It worked.
Remainder 1
5875 ÷ 22 = 267 R 1 or 267 221

An example resulting in a decimal:

Write as a decimal:
9 4.0000 Step 1: Set it up. Write a few zeros, just to be
.4 Step 2: Divide into first.
9 4.0000 9 goes into 40 about 4 times.
Step 3. Multiply 4×9 = 36
Step 4. Subtract.
.44 Step 5. Bring down the next column.
9 4.0000 Repeat steps 2-4
Step 2: 9 goes into 40 about 4 times.
Step 3: Multiply 4×9 = 36
Step 4: Subtract.
.444 Step 5. Bring down the next column.
9 4.0000 Repeat steps 2-4
Step 2: 9 goes into 40 about 4 times.
Step 3: Multiply 4×9 = 36
Step 4: Subtract.
This could go on forever!
Repeating decimal Thus = .44444. . . which we simply write by .4
The bar signifies numbers or patterns that repeat.

Section 1.3

Two final examples:

358.4 ÷ -(.005) 296 ÷ 3.1
.005 358 .4 3.1 296
Step 1. Set it up and move the decimals
5 358400 31 2960 .00
7 Step 2. Divide into first 9
5 358400 31 2960 .00
Step 3. Multiply down
35 279
7 9
5 358400 31 2960 .00
Step 4. Subtract
-35 -279
08 170
Step 5. Bring down
71 Repeat steps 2-5 as necessary 95.
5 358400 Step 2: Divide into first 31 2960 .00
Step 3: Multiply down
-35 -279
Step 4: Subtract
08 170
Step 5. Bring down
- 5 -155
34 150
716 Repeat steps 2-5 as necessary 95.4
5 358400 Step 2: Divide into first 31 2960 .00
Step 3: Multiply down
-35 -279
Step 4: Subtract
08 170
Step 5. Bring down
- 5 -155
34 150
-30 -124
40 26
7168 Repeat steps 2-5 as necessary 95.48
5 358400 Step 2: Divide into first 31 2960 .000
-35 -279
08 170
Step 3: Multiply down
- 5 -155
34 150
Step 4: Subtract
-30 -124
40 260
Step 5: Bring down
-40 -248
00 120

Section 1.3

71680 Repeat steps 2-5 as necessary 95.483

5 358400 Step 2: Divide into first 31 2960 .000
Step 3: Multiply down
-35 -279
Step 4: Subtract
08 170
- 5 -155
34 150
-30 -124
40 260
-40 -248
00 120
-0 -93
0 27

-71,680 Step 6: Write answer 95.483 . . .

One negative in the original problem gives The decimal obviously keeps going.
a negative answer. Round after a couple of decimal places.


Two negatives make a positive

- True in Multiplication and Division– Since a negative sign simply means
opposite direction, when we switch direction twice, we are headed back the way we
Example: -(-5) = 5
Example: -(-2)(-1)(-3)(-5) = - - - - -30 = -30
Example: -(-40 ÷ -8) = -(- -5) = -5

- False in Addition and Subtraction– With addition and subtraction negatives

and positives work against each other in a sort of tug ‘o war. Whichever one is stronger
will win.

Example: Debt is negative and income is positive. If there is more debt than
income, then the net result is debt. If we are $77 in debt and get income of $66
then we have a net debt of $11
-77 + 66 = -11

On the other hand if we have $77 dollars of income and $66 of debt, then the net
is a positive $11
77 – 66 = 11

Section 1.3

Example: Falling is negative and rising is positive. An airplane rises 307 feet and
then falls 23 feet, then the result is a rise of 284 feet:

307 – 23 = 284

If, however, the airplane falls 307 feet and then rises 23 feet, then the result is a
fall of 284 feet:

-307 + 23 = -284

Other examples: Discount is negative and markup or sales tax is positive.

Warmer is positive and colder is negative. Whichever is greater will give you the
sign of the net result.

Percent can be broken up into two words: “per” and “cent” meaning per hundred, or in
other words, hundredths.

7 31 53
Example: = .07 = 7% = .31 = 31% = .53 = 53%
100 100 100
Notice the shortcut from decimal to percents: move the decimal right two places.


Converting Percents
1. If fraction, solve for decimals.
2. Move decimal 2 places. 1.2. Right for decimal to %
Left for % to decimal
3. “OF” means times.

Convert .25 to a percent
.25= 25% Move the decimal two places to the right because
we are turning this into a percent

Section 1.3

What is as a percent?

5 ÷ 32 = .15625 Turn the fraction into a decimal by dividing
.15625=15.625% Move the decimal two places to the right because
we are turning this into a percent
= 15.652%

Convert 124% to decimals

124%=1.24 Move the decimal two places to the left because
we are turning this into a decimal

Solving “Of” with Percents

The most important thing that you should know about percents is that they never stand
alone. If I were to call out that I owned 35%, the immediate response is, “35% of what?”
Percents always are a percent of something. For example, sales tax is about 6% or 7% of
your purchase. Since this is so common, we need to know how to calculate this.
If you buy $25 worth of food and the sales tax is 7%, then the actual tax is 7% of $25.
.07×$25 = $1.75

In math terms
the word “of”
means multiply.

What is 25% of 64?

25%=.25 Turn the percent into a decimal

. 25 × 64 = 16 Multiply the two numbers together

25% of 64 is 16

What is 13% of $25?

Turn the percent into a decimal
. 13 × 25 = 3.25 Multiply the two numbers together
13% of $25 is $3.25

What is 30% of 90 feet?

30%=.30 Turn the percent into a decimal

. 30 × 90 = 27 Multiply the two numbers together

30% of 90 feet is 27 feet

Section 1.3

Section 1.3 Exercises Part A

1. 36,451 2. 143.29 3. 5,834,906.2
+ 2,197 + .923 + 54.3227


4. 7- (-2) = 5. -7 – 2 = 6. -13 –(-10) =

7. -18 + 5 = 8. 10 – 57 = 9. -14 – 8 =

10. 234 11. 19.275 12. 4,386

-57 -74.63 -5,119

13. 2.35 14. 2,984

-17.986 - 151

15. Cost:$32.50 16. Temp:67° F 17. Altitude: 7,380 ft

Discount:$1.79 Change:18° warmer Fall: 3,200 ft
Final Price: Final: Final:

18. Cost:$32.50 19. Temp: 17° C 20. Altitude:300 m

Tax:$2.08 Change: 28° colder Rise:7,250 m
Final Price: Final: Final:

Change into a decimal.

21. 2
22. 1
23. 3

24. 1
25. 7
26. 1

Exercises 1.3A

Example: See examples in section 1.3

27. 7 234 28. 5 135 29. 11 589

30. .04 56.3 31. .8 42 32. 2.1 151 .2

Change into a percent.

33. 129 34. 19
35. 15

Expenses Insurance

20% Car


Using the chart, find out how much money was spent if the total budget was $1600.

36. Insurance 37. House 38. Fun

Find the following:

39. Price: $30.00 40. Attendees: 2,300 41. Students: 4
Tax rate: 6% Percent men: 40% Number of B’s: 3
Tax: Men: Percent of B’s:

42. Go to and read the “One for the Money” and “All is Safely Gathered In”
pamphlets. Be ready to share thoughts and notes with your group.

Exercises 1.3A

1. 38,648 31. 52.5
2. 144.213 32. 72
3. 5,834,960.5227 33. 75%
4. 9 34. 95%
5. -9 35. 33.3%
6. -3 36. $144
7. -13 37. $752
8. -47 38. $160
9. -22 39. $1.80
10. 177 40. 920 men
11. -55.355 41. 75%
12. -733 42. Discuss it together.
13. -15.636
14. 2833
15. $30.71
16. 85° F
17. 4180 ft
18. $34.58
19. -11° C
20. 7550 m
21. .4
22. .25
23. .375
24. .1
25. .875
26. .16
27. 33 73 or 33.428571 or 33 R3
28. 27
29. 53 116 or 53.54 or 53 R6
30. 1407.5

Exercises 1.3A

Section 1.3 Exercises Part B

1. 153.29


2. 9 - (-3) = 3. -18 – 32 = 4. -14 –(-19) =

5. 23,754 6. 29.84 7. 4,786

- 4,151 -64.643 -5,919

8. Cost:$32.50 9. Temp:67° F 10. Altitude: 4,380 m

Discount:$5.79 Change:28° warmer Fall: 2,230 m
Final Price: Final: Final:

Change into a decimal.

11. 4
12. 2
13. 5


14. 7 434 15. .6 453 16. 12 789

Change into a percent.

17. 127 18. 17
19. 15

Exercises 1.3B

Expenses Insurance

20% Car


Using the chart, find out how much money was spent if the total budget was $1350.

20. Food 21. Car 22. House

Find the following:

23. If the price of a bicycle is $35.20, and it goes on sale for 20% off. How much money will be
taken off of the price?

24. In 2010, President Thomas S. Monson said that 83% of the members of the church lived
within 200 miles of a temple. At the end of 2009, there were almost 14,000,000 members. How
many LDS church members lived within that limit?

25. In 2014, President Thomas S. Monson said that 85% of the members of the church lived
within 200 miles of a temple. At the end of 2013, there were just over 15,000,000 members. How
many church members lived within that limit?

26. Discuss “One For the Money” by Elder Marvin J. Ashton. What principles are important for
your life?

Begin “Budget and Expenses” Portfolio Project

27. Make sure all members of the group have seen the pattern of budget and expense reports
found in “All is Safely Gather In” and “One for the Money.” Begin a monthly budget and record
of your expenses that will continue through the remainder of the semester. Commit to reporting
to your group and receiving reports when all have created a spreadsheet titled, “Budget and

Exercises 1.3B

1. 161.212
2. 12
3. -50
4. 5
5. 19,603
6. -34.803
7. -1,133
8. $26.71
9. 95° F
10. 2150 m
11. .8
12. .2
13. .625
14. 62
15. 755
16. 65.75
17. 58.3%
18. 85%
19. 50%
20. $270
21. $189
22. $634.50
23. $7.04
24. 11,620,000
25. 12,750,000
26. Discuss it together.
27. Submit it to your teacher later in
this lesson.

Exercises 1.3B

Section 1.3 Exercises Part C

Begin “Budget and Expenses” Portfolio Project.
1. Continue to record all expenses and income for the remainder of the course in a spreadsheet
document. Submit this to your instructor.

Round the following.

2. Round 54,454 to the nearest thousand.
3. Round 385,764,524.83 to the nearest million.

Estimate the following.

4. 71 × 3250.07 5. 538.9 × 2,892.07 6. 82 × .00000789

7. 46,821 8. 756.29 9. 8,434.7
+ 3,137 + .522 +54.3527


10. 115 - (-3) = 11. -19 – 320 = 12. -18 –(-151) =

13. 7.54 14. 298.4 15. 3,784

-57 -64.643 -5,919

16. Cost:$44.50 17. Temp: 48° C 18. Altitude:300 m

Tax:$3.18 Change: 29° colder Fall:2,250 m
Final Price: Final: Final:

Change into a decimal.

19. 1
20. 4
21. 2

Exercises 1.3C


22. 8 434 23. 6 185 24. 14 689

25. .02 56.347 26. .6 553 27. .31 175.12

Change into a percent.

28. 3740
29. 38
30. 27


30% Car


Using the chart, find out how much money was spent if the total budget was $1354.

31. Insurance 32. Car 33. Fun

Find the following:

34. Price: $75.37 35. Attendees: 2,413 36. Students: 15
Tax rate: 6% Percent men: 39% Number of B’s: 11
Tax: Men: Percent of B’s:

Exercises 1.3C

1. Titled “Budget and Expenses” and save 31. $108.32
document on your computer. You will turn it in
to your teacher in this lesson.
2. 54,000 32. $203.10
3. 386,000,000 33. $135.40
4. About 210,000 34. $4.52
5. About 1,500,000 35. 941 men
6. About .00064 36. 73.3%
7. 49,958
8. 756.812
9. 8489.0527
10. 118
11. -339
12. 133
13. -49.46
14. 233.757
15. -2135
16. $47.68
17. 19° C
18. -1950m
19. .05
20. .4
21. .6
22. 54.25
23. 30.83 Note on decimal places in answers:

24. 49.214… For most of the problems in the textbook,

25. 2817.35 the number of decimals of the answer is
not specifically requested in the question.
26. 921.6
If you or others chose to round at a
27. 564.903… different place value, then it is perfectly
92.5% fine.
29. 76%
30. 108%

Exercises 1.3C

Section 1.4
1) Numerator – the top of a fraction
2) Denominator – the bottom of the fraction
3) Simplify – Fractions are simplified when the numerator and denominator have no factors in
4) One – any number over itself = 1.
5) Common Denominators – Addition and subtraction require like things. In the case of
fractions, “like things” means common denominators.
6) Prime Factorization – Breaking a number into smaller and smaller factors until it cannot be
broken down further.


Prime Factorization – One of the ways to get the Least Common Denominator for adding and
subtraction fractions that have large denominators is to crack them open and see what they are
made of. Scientists get to use a scalpel or microscope. Math guys use prime factorization.

Addition of Fractions
1. Observation
2. Multiply the denominators
1. Common Denominator 3. Prime factorization
2. Add numerators
3. Carry by denominator

Add +
   Step 1. The least common multiple of 4 and 2 is a 4, so we
replace the with an equivalent fraction, which is .

3  2 5 Step 2. Now that the denominators are the same, add the
4 4 numerators.

Step 3. Carry the denominator across.
3 1 5
4 2 4

Section 1.4

Changing from mixed numbers to improper fractions:

5 5   

Changing them back again:

 43  8  5"3  5

Subtraction of Fractions

1. Biggest on top 1. Observation

2. Common Denominator; Subtract numerators 2. Multiply the denominators
3. Prime factorization
3. Borrow by denominator
4. Strongest wins

Do this:

3 3 
5 3 is bigger, so put it on top.

- 3 The common denominator is 9,
so change the to a .
#  #
 Subtract the numerators. Borrow by denominator as
# needed.
5 1 7

9 3 9

Section 1.4

Multiplication of Fractions

Multiplication of Fractions
1. No common denominators
2. Multiply Numerators
3. Multiply Denominators

5 1
 For multiplication don’t worry about getting
6 3 common denominators
  Multiply the numerators straight across
%  ?
  Multiply the denominators straight across

5 1 5
6 3 18

Section 1.4

Division of Fractions
Division of Fractions
1. Improper Fractions
2. Keep it, change it, flip it.
3. Multiply.

Divide 3 
$   Turn the fractions into improper fractions


Keep the first fraction the same
25 3 Change the division sign to a multiplication
7 2
Flip the second fraction’s numerator and
  $ Multiply straight across the numerator and
4 2 75
7 3 14
Divide  1
2 14 3 Turn the fractions into improper fractions
5 4 4
2 7

5 4

KEEP the first fraction the same

2 4 Change the division sign to a multiplication
5 7
Flip the second fraction’s numerator and
  Multiply straight across the numerator and

Section 1.4

Now that you have had a little time to multiply fractions together and simplify them, you
may have noticed one of the slickest tricks that we can do with fractions, and that is that we can
actually do the simplification before we multiply them. Take for example:
10 21

63 55
Now, we can do this the normal way or we can try to notice if there is anything that we
will be simplifying out later . . . and do that simplification before we multiply:

Normal method: New and improved slick method:

!  !
   % !

and now we try to simplify and we try to see if any factors will cancel
! $
 $ ahead of time
which probably took quite a while to get. 2×5 3×7
So, 3×3×7 5×11
! $ $

What I was hoping to show is that the same answer was obtained and the same cancelling
was done, but if you are able to see it before you multiply, then you will be able to simplify in a
much simpler way. Here is another example:
 the 4 and the 8 can simplify before we multiply:


This may seem like just a convenient way to make the problem go a bit quicker, but it does much
more than that. It opens the door to a much larger world. Here is an example. If we travelled 180
 ! ()*+,
miles on 12 gallons of gas, then we calculate the mileage by  -.**/0, = 15 miles per gallon.
Carrying that example just a bit further, what if gas were $3.2 per gallon? We can
actually find how many miles we can drive for one dollar:

 ! ()*+,  -.**/0
 . 1/**.2, = 4.7 miles per dollar.

Section 1.4

Another example:
Carpet is on sale for 15 dollars per square yard. How much is that in dollars per square
foot (9 ft2 per yd2)?
Now, knowing that we will be able to cancel anything on the top with anything that is the
same on the bottom we write the multiplication so the yd2 will cancel out, leaving us with dollars
per ft2:
 1/**.2,  31'
 31' # 45'
Then cancel the yd : 3 5.00
 1/**.2,  31' 
 =  dollars per square foot -3
 31' # 45'
= $1.67 per square foot. -18
One more example: -18

A rope costs $15 for 8 feet. How much does is cost per inch?
We want to get rid of feet and get inches, so we write the multiplication:
6 1/**.2,  4//5  1/**.2,
  )089+, =  )089+, =
7 .1562
32 5.00
$.156 or 15.6 cents per inch.
-3 2

Here are a few numbers that will help you with the conversions:
12 in = 1 foot 1 yd = 3 ft
16 oz = 1 pound 60 minutes = 1 hour
60 seconds = 1 minute 1 yd2 = 9 ft2
1000watts = 1 kilowatt

And also some exchange rates with the American dollar as they were sometime in 2010:
1 Mexican Peso = $0.08
1 Euro = $1.30
1 British Pound = $1.50
1 Brazilian Real = $0.55

Section 1.4

Section 1.4 Exercises Part A

Find 4 different names for each fraction:

3 3 6 9 12 15 30 3,000
, , , , , , ...
11 11 22 33 44 55 110 11,000

1. 3
2. 2
3. 7
4. 4

Simplify each fraction.

5. 36
6. 27
7. 16

8. 10
9. 15
10. 120

Create each fraction with a denominator of 36.

11. 16 12. 5
13. 10

Add or Subtract. Simplify.

Common denominator Borrow from the 13.

Example: Example: - 13 14 - 12 108

- 13 82
1 3
2 + 7 =
5 83 − 13 14 5 83 5 83 5 83
14 + 146 = 13
14 - 7 78
Swap to subtract.
Answer is negative

14. 2
5 + 23 = 15. 1
4 + 85 = 16. 7
30 − 253 =

17. 1
3 + 127 = 18. 13 34 + 4 56 = 19. 9 107 − 3 15 =

20. 3 149 − 6 67 = 21. 4 72 + 9 23 = 22. 12 58 − 9 34 =

Exercises 1.4A

Fill out the table.

Mixed Improper
23. − 7 89
24. 3 15
25. 43
26. 51

Find the multiplicative inverse or reciprocal of each number.

5 8
8 5

27. 4
28. 2
29. - 107 30. 7

31. - 56 32. 13 33. 13

34. 7

2 83 ÷ 54 =

2 83 × 54 = Multiply by reciprocal

8 × 54 = Change to improper fraction
8 × 54 = 95
or 2 32 Multiply straight across.

35. 2
5 ÷ 13 = 36. 1
4 ÷ 83 = 37. 5
6 ÷ 83 =

38. 3
8 ÷ 127 = 39. 2 34 ÷ 7 16 = 40. 5 57 ÷ 3 23 =

41. 7 45 ÷ 109 = 42. 7

8 ÷ 9 23 = 43. 2 16 ÷ 83 =

44. If you drive 280 miles on 12 gallons of gas, how many miles per gallon do you get?
45. If you drive 280 miles on 12 gallons of gas, and gas is $3.20 per gallon, how many miles per
dollar do you get?

Exercises 1.4A

1. 6 9 12 21
, , , , others...
14 21 28 49 31. − 65 or − 1 15
2. 4 6 10 12
, , , , others...
6 9 15 18 32. 1

3. 14
21 28 35
, 33 , 44 , 55 , others... 33. 42
13 or 3 133
4. 8 12 16 28
, , , , others...
18 27 36 63 34. 3

5. 9
13 35. 6
5 or 1 15
6. 3
4 36. 2

7. 2
7 37. 20
9 or 2 92
8. 5
6 38. 9

9. 1
3 39. 33

10. 3
7 40. 120
or 1 77
11. 6
36 41. 263 or 8 23
12. 20
36 42. 232

13. 30
36 43. 529 or 5 79
14. 1 151 or 16
15 44. Discuss it together.
15. 7
8 45. Discuss it together.
16. 17

17. 11

18. 18 127
19. 6 12
20. − 3 143
21. 13 20

22. 2 78
23. − 719
24. 16

25. 5 83

26. 12 
27. 7
4 or 1 34
28. 9
2 or 4 12
29. − 107 or − 1 73
30. 8

Exercises 1.4A

Section 1.4 Exercises Part B

Create each fraction with a denominator of 24.

1. 2
2. 7
3. 40

Add or Subtract. Simplify.

4. 2
5 + 72 = 5. 7 57 + 6 56 = 6. 2 58 − 9 35 =

Fill out the table.

Mixed Improper
7. − 2 59
8. 57

Find the multiplicative inverse or reciprocal of each number.

9. 3
10. 3 94 11. - 125 12. 7


13. 2
7 ÷ 53 = 14. 5
8 ÷ 4 12 = 15. - 2 73 ÷ 75 =

Change into a decimal.

16. 1
17. 7
18. 1

Change into a fraction and simplify.

Example .12 = 12 (100th) = 12

100 simplify = 253

19. .5 20. .7 21. .45

22. .52 23. .75 24. .6

Exercises 1.4B

Convert the following units.

Example: Flour costs $7.00 for 20 pounds. How many ounces per dollar?

! :/;01, % /;08+, ! /;08+,

Solution:    45.71 ounces per dollar
$ 1/**.2,  :/;01 $ 1/**.2,

25. If a heart beats an average of 70 beats per minute, how many beats per day is that?
$! <=>?@ %! ABCD?=@  EFDG@

26. Cereal costs $4.50 for 2 pounds. How much does it cost per ounce?
27. Fishing line costs $.02 per foot. How much would 200 yards cost?
28. I was able to drive 250 miles on 15 gallons of gas. If gas costs $3.10 per gallon, how many
miles can I drive per dollar?
29. If my sprinkler sends out 5 gallons per minute, and if water costs $0.65 per 1000 gallons,
how much does watering my lawn cost per hour?
30. How many Pesos are equal to 5 Euros? (1 Mexican Peso = $0.08, 1 Euro = $1.30)
31. How many Reais (plural for Real) are equal to 7 Pounds? (1 Brazilian Real = $0.55, 1 British
Pound = $1.50)
Scripture Connections
32. Convert the fraction in Mosiah 11:3, which King Noah required of his people, to a percent
tax rate.
33. In Alma 11:5-18, the Nephite money system is given. Use verses 8-9 to find how many
senines of gold make a shum.
34.Create a visual chart for all arithmetic of decimals. Use plenty of examples.
35. Create a visual chart for all arithmetic of fractions including Unit Conversions.

Exercises 1.4B

1. 16
24 31. 19.09 Reals
2. 14
24 32. 20%
3. 20
24 33. 4 senines per shum
4. 24
35 34. Part of Portfolio
5. 23
14 42 35. Part of Portfolio
6. − 6 39

7. − 239
8. 5 112
9. 5

10. 9

11. − 125
12. 1

13. 6

14. 5

15. - 3 52
16. .1
17. .875
18. .16
19. 1

20. 7

21. 9

22. 13

23. 3

24. 3

25. 100,800
26. $0.14 per ounce
27. $12.00
28. 5.38 miles per dollar
29. $0.20 per hour
30. 81.25 Pesos

Exercises 1.4B

Section 1.4 Exercises Part C

Exam 1 Review Exercises
Estimate the product (round to the greatest value, then multiply).
1. 2,589,000×59.34 2. .005608×.07816 3. 3.847×2,564
4. 36,841 5. 723.3 6. 16 149 + 5 13
14 =
+ 249.7 + 39.7


7. Temp: -35.5° F 8. -8 – (-11) = 9. 13 74 − 1 76 =

Change: 13.4° warmer
10. Cost: $35.20 11. 369×(-23) = 12. 4
× 12 =
Quantity: 17
Add or Subtract. Simplify.
13. 32 + 59 = 14. 11
12 + 145 = 15. 5
18 − 56 =

16. 15 16 − 6 79 = 17. 5 109 + 13 18 = 18. 12 94 − 9 142 =

Fill out the table.

Mixed Improper
19. − 3 75
20. 59

21. 8
22. 8
9 ÷ 4 23 = 23. 7 34 ÷ (− 45 ) =

Change into a decimal.

24. 5
25. 7
26. 2

Change into a fraction and simplify.

27. .3 28. .055 29. .375

Exercises 1.4C


30. 7 485 31. 3 781 32. 43 673

33. .5 47 .31 34. .0004 562 .4

35. A dishwasher uses about 1400 watts of power. If the power company charges 9 cents per
kilowatt-hour, how much does it cost to run a dishwasher for 16 hours?

36. I bought 8 yards of rope for $9.84. How much did it cost per foot?

Change into a percent.

37. 2425
38. 36
39. 17

Expenses Insurance

20% Car


Using the chart, find out how much money was spent if the total budget was $3200.

40. Car 41 House 42 Food

Find the following:

43. Price: $45.20 44. Attendees: 239 45. Price: $15.30
Tax rate: 7% Percent men: 29% Discount: 30%
Tax: Men: Amount of discount:
Final Price: Final Price:

46. Round to the nearest ten:


Exercises 1.4C

1. About 180,000,000 31. 260 13 or 260.3
2. About .00048 32. 15 28
43 or 15.65116…

3. About 12,000 33. 94.62

4. 37,090.7 34. 1,406,000
5. 763 35. $2.02
6. 22 74 36. $0.41 per foot
7. -22.1° F 37. 96%
8. 3 38. 90%
9. 11 57 39. 34%
10. $598.40 40. $448
11. -8,487 41. $1504
12. 11
15 42. $640
13. 2 181 43. $3.16, $48.36
14. 23
1 84 44. 69 men
15. − 95 45. $4.59, $10.71
16. 8 187 46. 580
17. 19 401
18. 3 19

19. − 267
20. 9 56
21. 3 15 or 16

22. 4

23. 11
- 9 16 or - 155

24. .416
25. .7
26. .285714
27. 3

28. 11

29. 3

30. 69 72 or 69.285714

Exercises 1.4C

Chapter 2:

2.1 Exponents and Calculator Usage
2.2 Variables and Formulas
2.3 More Variables and Formulas - Excel

Note to student: Beginning with this Chapter, unless specifically

requested, answers need not be in a specific form; equivalent answers are

acceptable. For example, exercise 2.2A, #1 has −6 as the answer; -6.5,

− , -650%, or any other equivalent answer is acceptable.

Section 2.1

Section 2.1

While we are on multiplication, did you know that there is some short hand? Remember
when we started multiplication we did:
6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6 = 54 but we did it a bit shorter

9×6 = 54

There is a way to write multiplication in shorthand if you do the same thing over and over again:
2×2×2×2×2×2×2 = 128

For the shorthand we write 2 = 128.

That little 7 means the number of times that we multiply 2 by itself and is called
and exponent; sometimes we call it a power. Here are a couple more examples:
53= 125 72 = 49 24 = 16

Pretty slick. You won’t have to memorize them . . . yet, but you should be familiar enough with
them to be able to recognize them.

Some of the easiest to calculate are the powers of 10. Try these:

104= 10,000 108 = 100,000,000 103 = 1,000


Evaluate 74

7 = 7 × 7 × 7 × 7
49 × 7 × 7 Set up the bases, and then multiply each couple in
343 × 7 turn.
Answer: 2401

Section 2.1

Order of Operations
The last small note to finalize all your abilities in arithmetic is to make sure you know
what you need to do when you have multiple operations going on at the same time. For example,


If you were to read that from left to right you would first add the 2 and the 3 to get 5 and
then multiply by 4 to get 20 and then subtract 5 to get 15.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t jive with what we have learned about what multiplication is.
Remember that multiplication is a shorthand way of writing repeated addition. Technically we
2 + 4 + 4 + 4 – 5 = 9.
Ahh, now there is the right answer. It looks like we need to take care of the multiplication
as a group, before we can involve it in other computations. Multiplication is done before
addition and subtraction.

Here is another one:

4 × 32 – 7 × 2 + 4
Now remember that exponents are shorthand for a bunch of multiplication that is hidden, so we
need to take care of that even before we do multiplication:
4 × 32 – 7 × 2 + 4 = Take care of exponents
4×9–7×2+4= Take care of multiplication
36 – 14 + 4 = Add/Sub left to right.
22 + 4 = 26.
Now division can always be written as multiplication of the reciprocal, so make sure you
do division before addition and subtraction as well.
Look at that. We have established an order which the operations always follow, and we
need to know it if we are to get the answers that the problem is looking for:
1st – Exponents
2nd – Multiplication and Division (glues numbers together)
3rd – Addition and Subtraction (left to right)
Parentheses can change everything. We put parentheses when we intend on grouping (or gluing)
numbers together manually. Though they all have the same numbers and operations, see the
difference between these:

2 − 3 × 62 ÷ 2 = 2
2 − (3 × 6 ) ÷ 2 = (2 − 3) × 6 2 ÷ 2 = (2 − 3 × 6)2 ÷ 2 =
2 − 3 × 36 ÷ 2 = 2 − 18 2 ÷ 2 = − 1 × 36 ÷ 2 = (2 − 18)2 ÷ 2 =
2 − 54 = −52 2 − 324 ÷ 2 = − 36 ÷ 2 = −18 (− 16)2 ÷ 2 =
2 − 162 = −160 256 ÷ 2 = 128

Section 2.1

Section 2.1 Exercises Part A

Calculator Usage Assignment
On this assignment, you should use your calculator. Become familiar with it. It is
now your friend!

Estimate the product (round to the greatest value; then multiply).

1. 75,800×49.34 2. .004208×.06916 3. 4.447×7,164
4. 37,291 5. 5.871 6. 17 239 + 5 235 =
+ 348.23 + 39.7

7. Temp: 85.3° F 8. -5 –3 = 9. 23 114 − 15 118 =
Change: 130.4° colder
10. Cost: $38.40 11. 441×29 = 12. - 25 × 16
11 =
Quantity: 27
13. 37= 14. 272= 15. 117=

Add or Subtract. Simplify.

16. 34 + 94 = 17. 5
8 + 107 = 18. 8
15 − 79 =

19. 14 18 − 7 94 = 20. 5 109 + 19 18 = 21. 4 58 − 5 163 =

Fill out the table.

Mixed Improper
22. 7 114
23. − 52
24. 11
25. 5
6 ÷ 4 12 = 26. 7 58 ÷ 83 =

Change into a decimal.

27. 7
28. 3
29. 2

Exercises 2.1A

Change into a fraction and simplify.

30. .07 31. .44 32. .625


33. 7 343 34. 6 79 35. 57 6273

36. .5 4.731 37. .004 967 .4

38. 5 − 3 + 8 ÷ 2 39. (5 − 3) + 8 × 2 40. 5 − (4 + 8) ÷ 2

41. Change 60 miles per hour into feet per second. (5280 feet = 1 mile)

Change into a percent.

42. 3028 43. 41
44. 37

Expenses Insurance

17% Car


Using the chart, find out how much money was spent if the total budget was $2437.

45. Fun 46. Insurance 47. Food

Find the following:

48. Price: $380.50 49. Attendees: 48 50. Students: 30
Tax rate: 7% Percent kids: 25% Number of A’s: 24
Tax: Kids: Percent of A’s:
Final Price:

Exercises 2.1A

1. About 4,000,000 31. 11

2. About .00028 32. 5


3. About 28,000 33. 49

4. 37,639.23 34. 13 16 or 13.16
5. 45.571 35. 110.0526…
6. 22 14
23 36. 9.462
7. -45.1° F 37. 241,850
8. -8 38. 0
9. 7 117 39. 20
10. $1,036.80 40. -7
11. 12,789 41. 88 feet per second
12. - 32
55 42. 93.3%
13. 2187 43. 71.9%
14. 729 44. 37%
15. 19,487,171 45. $316.81
16. 1 367 46. $219.33
17. 1 13
40 47. $414.29
18. − 11
45 48. $26.64, $407.14
19. 6 49
72 49. 12 kids
20. 25 401 50. 80%
21. − 169
22. 81

23. − 2 12
24. 2 145 or 33

25. 5

26. 20 13 or 61

27. .63
28. .6
29. .2
30. 7

Exercises 2.1A

Section 2.1 Exercises Part B

1. 57,831 2. 4.83 3. 14 119 + 8 115 =
+ 348.23 + 39.7

4. Temp: -85.3° F 5. -5 –53 = 6. 23 214 − 15 218 =
Change: 130.4° colder
7. Cost: $38.40 8. 15
- 25 × 14 =
Quantity: 527
9. 35 = 10. 372 = 11. (5.8)3 =

12. (2.38)2 = 13. (1.07)27 =

14. In a family history chart, there are 2 parents in the first generation of ancestors, 4
grandparents in the second generation, 8 people in the third, how many direct ancestors are in the
14th generation of ancestors?

15. If I place 2 cents on the first square of a chess board, 4 cents on the second square, and keep
doubling the amount on each square, how much money will be on the 30th square?

Fill out the table.

Mixed Improper
16. 5 23
17. − 572

18. A product costs $7 for 20 pounds. How much is that in cents per ounce?
19. Change 17 Euros into pesos. (1 Mexican Peso = $0.08, 1 Euro = $1.30)
20. Change 60 miles per hour into feet per second. (5280 feet = 1 mile)

Change into a percent.

21. 2435
22. 72
23. 14

Using the percentages, find out how much money was spent if the total budget was $2437.
24. Fun: 12.3% 25. Insurance: 7.9% 26. Food: 38%
Find the following:
27. Price: $480.50 28. Attendees: 388 29. Students: 250
Tax rate: 7% Percent kids: 25% Number of A’s: 147
Tax: Kids: Percent of A’s:
Final Price:

Exercises 2.1B

30. For a savings account that begins with $100 and has a 5% interest rate, fill out the following
Time Beginning Balance Interest earned Ending Balance
1st year 100 .05 × 100 = 5 105
2nd year 105 .05 × 105 = 5.25 110.25
3 110.25 .05 × 110.25 =5.51 115.76
4 115.76

31. For a savings account that begins with $100 and has a 6% interest rate, fill out the following
Time Beginning Balance Ending Balance
1 year 100 100 × 1.06 = 106
2nd year 106 106 × 1.06 = 112.36
3 112.36 112.36 × 1.06 = 119.10
4 119.10

32. Discuss in your group why multiplying by .05 and then adding to the balance is the same as
multiplying the balance by 1.05.

33. If a savings account started at $100 and earned 7% per year, how much would be in the
account at the end of 12 years?

34.If a savings account started at $100 and earned 7% per year, how much would be in the
account at the end of 22 years?

35.How can exponents be used to find the balance after many years?

Exercises 2.1B

1. 58,179.23 27. $33.64; $514.14
2. 44.53 28. 97 kids
3. 23  29.
4. -215.7° F 30. 12 year end balance - $179.59
($179.60 also acceptable)
5. -58 31. 12 year end balance - $201.22
($201.23 also acceptable)
$ 1 adds in the beginning balance and
6. 7 32.

.05 adds in the 5%
7. $20,236.80 33. $225.22

8. - 34. $443.04
9. 243 35. #34 can be done by 100 × (1.07)22
10. 1,369
11. 195.112
12. 5.6644
13. 6.214
14. 16,384
15. $10,737,418.24

17. - 28

18. 2.19 cents per ounce
19. 276.25 Pesos
20. 88 feet per second
21. 68.6%
22. 112.5%
23. 0.7%
24. $299.75
25. $192.52
26. $926.06

Exercises 2.1B

Section 2.1 Exercises Part C

1. Find three different places to save your money. Report the interest rates to your group, and
receive their reports.

2. 45 = 3. 872= 4. (2.7)5=

5. (5.38)2 6. (1.06)25 7. (1.11)13

Fill out the table.
Mixed Improper
8. 5 52
9. − 373

10. If I place 1 cent on the first square of a chess board, 2 cents on the second square, and keep
doubling the amount on each square, how much money will be on the 20th square?

11. A product sells for $2.50 per square foot. How much is that per square yard?

12. Change 400 Pesos into Pounds. (1 Mexican Peso = $0.08, 1 British Pound = $1.50)

13. Change 50 miles per hour into feet per second. (5280 feet = 1 mile)

Change into a percent.

14. 38 15. 74 16. 3
57 136 15,000

Using the percentages, find out how much money was spent if the total budget was $287.

17. Fun – 17.3% 18. Insurance – 6% 19. Food – 84%

Find the following:

20. Price: $80.40 21. Attendees: 388
Tax rate: 7% Percent kids: 35%
Tax: Kids:
Final Price:

Exercises 2.1C

22. For a savings account that begins with $350 and has a 5% interest rate, fill out the following
table and place the entries in the “Life Plan” spreadsheet on Sheet 2:

Time Beginning Balance Ending Balance

1st year 350 350 × 1.05 = 367.50
2nd year 367.50

23.If a savings account started at $300 and earned 7% per year, how much would be in the
account at the end of 22 years?

24. For a savings account that begins with $100 and has a 6% interest rate and to which you are
able to add $25 per year, fill out the following table and place it on Sheet 2 of your Life Plan
Time Beginning Balance Ending Balance
1st year 100 100 × 1.06 + 25 = 131
2 year 131 131 × 1.06 + 25 = 163.86
3 163.86 163.86 × 1.06 + 25 =

25. If a savings account started at $200 and earned 7% per year, how much would be in the
account at the end of 12 years if you are able to add $40 per year?

Exercises 2.1C

1. Complete when all reports are

2. 1024
3. 7569
4. 143.489
5. 28.944
6. 4.29
7. 3.88

9. −12 
10. $5,242.88
11. $22.50 per square yard
12. 21.33 pounds

13. 73.3 feet per second

14. 66.7%
15. 54.4%
16. .02%
17. $49.65
18. $17.22
19. $241.08
20. $5.63; $86.03
21. (135.8) 136 kids
22. $628.55
23. $1329.12
24. $622.97
25. $1,165.98

Exercises 2.1C

Section 2.2 Variables and Formulas

Variables and
1) Variables: These symbols, being letters, actually represent numbers, but the numbers can
change from time to time, or vary. Thus they are called variables.
Example: Tell me how far you would be walking around this rectangle.
24 ft
15 ft 15ft

24 ft

It appears that to get all the way around it, we simply add up the numbers
on each side until we get all the way around.
24+15+24+15 = 78.

So if you walked around a 24ft X 15ft rectangle, you would have

completed a walk of 78 ft. I bet we could come up with the pattern for
how we would do this all of the time.
Well, first of all, we just pick general terms for the sides of the

width width


Then we get something like this:

Distance around the rectangle = length + width + length + width

Let's try and use some abbreviations. First, “perimeter” means

“around measure”. Substitute it in:

Perimeter = length + width + length + width

Let's go a bit more with just using the first letters of the words:

Notice now how each letter stands for a number that we could use. The number can
change from time to time. Since their values can change, these letters are known as
variables. The pattern that we have created to describe all cases is called a formula.

Section 2.2

2) Formula: These are patterns in the form of equations and variables, often with numbers,
which solve for something we want to know, like the perimeter equation before, or like:

Area of a rectangle: A=B×H Because letters are used to represent numbers, we

will see other ways to write multiplication:

Volume of a Sphere: L = MN  × , · , and putting things next to each other. Like

Pythagorean Theorem: O + P  = Q  5 × 7 = 35 5 · 7 = 35 5(7) = 35

Through the same process we can come up with many formulas to use. Though it has all
been made up before, there is much to gain from knowing where a formula comes from and how
to make them up on your own. I will show you on a couple of them.

Distance, rate
If you were traveling at 40mph for 2 hours, how far would you have traveled? Well, most
of you would be able to say 80 mi. How did you come up with that? Multiplication:
(40)(2) = 80

(rate of speed) ⋅ (time) = distance

or in other words:
rt = d
where r is the rate
t is the time
d is the distance

If you bought something for $5.50 and there was an 8% sales tax, you would need to find
8% of $5.50 to find out how much tax you were being charged.
.44 = .08(5.50)
Amount of Tax = (interest rate) ⋅ (Purchase amount)
or in other words:
T = rP
Where T is tax
r is rate of tax
P is the purchase amount.

This formula is a summary of what we did in the last section with interest. If you invested
a principal amount of $500 at 9% interest for three years, the amount in your account at the end
of three years would be given by the formula:
A = 500(1.09)3 = $647.51

Section 2.2

A = P(1 + r)Y
where A is the Amount in your account at the end
P is the principal amount (starting amount)
r is the interest rate
Y is the number of years that it is invested.

Temperature Conversion
Most of us know that there is a difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit degrees, but
not everyone knows how to get from one to the other. The relationship is given by:

C = 5 (F – 32)
where F is the degrees in Fahrenheit
C is the degree in Celsius

If you have a pile of quarters and dimes, each quarter is worth 25¢ (or $.25) and each
dime is worth 10¢ ($.10), then the value of the pile of coins would be:
V = .25q + .10d
where V is the Total Value of money
q is the number of quarters
d is the number of dimes

3) Common Geometric Formulas: Now that you understand the idea, these are some basic
geometric formulas that you need to know:

P is the perimeter
P = 2l + 2w l is the length

A = lw w is the width

Rectangle A is the Area

Section 2.2

P is the perimeter
P = 2a + 2b
a a is a side length
b is the other side length

A = bh A is the Area

h is the height

P is perimeter
P = b+a+B+d b is the shorter base
a h d
B is the longer base
a is a leg
A = 1 h(B+b) d is a leg
Trapezoid A is the Area

h is the height

P = s1+s2+s3 P is the perimeter

s is a side
A = 1 bh
h 2 A is the Area
Triangle b is the base

h is the height
a is one angle
a + b + c = 180° b is another angle
c is another angle

Section 2.2

SA =2lw+2wh+2lh SA is the Surface Area

H l is the length

w w is the width
l V = lwh
h is the height
Rectangular Solid

V is volume
C is the Circumference or
C = 2πr Perimeter

r π is a number, about
3.14159 . . . it has a button
on your calculator

A = πr2 r is the radius of the circle

Circle A is the area inside the

LSA is Lateral Surface
LSA = 2πrh Area or area just on the

h SA =2πrh+2πr2 π is a number, about

3.14159 . . . it has a button
on your calculator

r is the radius of the circle

Cylinder V = πr h
h is the height

SA is total surface area

V is Volume

Section 2.2

LSA is Lateral Surface

LSA = πrl Area or the area just on the
h l sides
SA = πr2+ πrl
r π is a number, about
3.14159 . . . it has a button
V = 1 πr2h on your calculator
Cone 3
r is the radius of the circle

h is the height
l is the slant height

SA is total surface area

SA = 4πr2 SA is the surface area

π is a number, about
V = 4 πr 3 3.14159 . . . it has a button
on your calculator
r is the radius

V is the Volume

Section 2.2

Section 2.2 Exercises Part A

Add or Subtract. Simplify.

1. 6 78 − 13 83 = 2. 7 125 + 187 34 = 3. 21 56 − 97 152 =

4. 3.7 9.574 5. 6000 254 .7 6. .008 37 .65

7.If a wood floor costs $4.50 per square foot, how much is that per square yard?

8. How much does it cost to run a 700 watt microwave for 17 hours if the power
company charges 12 cents per kilowatt-hour?

Find the following:

9. Price: $39.48 10. Price: $2,736.00 11. Birds: 140
Tax rate: 5% Percent off: 35% Black : 47
Tax: Amount saved: Percent of black birds:
Total Price: Final Price:

Evaluate the following:

12. 4 ⋅ 3 − 8(9) 13. 5⋅d ⋅7⋅ p 14. 5(3 − 9) − 2 3 ⋅ (5 + 4)

15. 45(7.8) 16. 3⋅7 ⋅m ⋅2 17 2(32)+5(4)+8 ⋅ m

Find the perimeter of the following shapes:

18. 19. 20. 15

17 14
11 19 19 5
t+3 8 r

Evaluate the following when m = 3, n = 7, t = 15, and a = 4.

21. 3t - 7 22. 2(n+9) 23. 3 ⋅ 28a + m2

Exercises 2.2A

24. 12 – a3 25. m – 12 26. 2n – 3a + 5t

Use the formula for distance, rate and time to calculate the distance.

Example: Formula is found in section 2.3: rt = d

r=3 3(14) = d
t = 14 42 = d

27. r=7 28. r = 55 29. r = 45

t = 15 t = 7.2 t = 2 13
d= d= d=

Use the formula for angles in a triangle to calculate the measure of the remaining angle.

30. a = 73° 31. a = 38° 32. a =

b = 24° b= b= 24°
c= c = 59° c= 48°

Use the formulas for Money totals (you may have to make up your own) when q stands for
quarters (1 quarter = $0.25), d for dimes (1 dime = $0.10), n for nickels (1 nickel = $0.05)
and p for pennies (1 penny = $0.01).

33. q=9 34. p = 19 35. n = 37

d = 12 d = 17 q = 23
V= V= V=

Use the formulas for Temperature Conversion.

36. F = 75° 37. F = 15° 38. F = -23°

C= C= C=


39. If the formula for area of a circle is


What is the area of a circle with radius 7?

40. Where did π come from? (Try finding out using dictionaries or the internet)

Exercise 2.2A

1. − 6 12 31. 83°
2. 195 16 32. 108°
3. − 75 103 33. $3.45
4. 2.5876 34. $1.89
5. .04245 35. $7.60
6. 4,706.25 36. 23.9° C
7. $40.50 per square yard 37. -9.4° C
8. $1.43 38. -30.6° C
9. $1.97 and $41.45 39. Discuss together.
10. $957.60 and $1,778.40 40. Discuss together.
11. 33.6%
12. -60
13. 35dp
14. -102
15. 351
16. 42m
17. 38 + 8m or 8m + 38
18. 58 + t or t + 58
19. k + 21 or 21 + k
20. 42 + r or r + 42
21. 38
22. 32
23. 30
24. -52
25. -9
26. 77
27. 105
28. 396
29. 105
30. 83°

Exercises 2.2A

Combining, Simplifying, and the Distributive Property


Example: If someone asks you
5 sheep + 2 sheep = ?
you would be able to tell them 7 sheep.

What if they asked you 5 sheep + 2 penguins = ?

We really can’t add them together, because they aren’t like things.

It works the same way with variables. Just think of “sheep” and “penguins” in this
example as variables. In fact, let’s say s stands for sheep, and p stands for penguins. We can re-
write these two equations using variables:
5 sheep + 2 sheep = 7 sheep
5s + 2s = 7s

5 sheep + 2 penguins = 5s + 2p

So adding and subtracting like terms works the same way with variables as it does with
sheep, penguins, fractions with common denominators, and other quantities with like terms.

Distributive Property:
Looking at how the problem 2 · 3412 is done by hand, we can see that the 2 “jumps” in
and multiplies each piece of the 3412:

× 2
Multiplication can be done by multiplying one small piece at a time, like this:

7(13) = 7(10 + 3) = 70 + 21 = 91
This ability of numbers to “jump in” is called the Distributive Property and works with all
numbers. So, it must work with variables as well. This is how we can distribute numbers and get
rid of parentheses:

7(x + 3) = 7x + 21

Section 2.2


Simplify 3x + 9x – 7y

3x + 9x – 7y

12x – 7y Combine like terms

Answer: 12x – 7y

Now putting them both together:

Simplify 3(2a – 4b) + 5(2b)

3(2a – 4b) + 5(2b)

6a – 12b + 10b Distributive property and multiplication

6a – 2b Combine like terms

Answer: 6a – 2b

Getting the proper units

When using the geometry formulas, the proper units of measurement are as follows:

1-Dimensional 2-Dimensional 3-Dimension

Finding length, width, Finding any kind of area Finding volume
height, radius, diameter,
circumference, perimeter,
or distance
Answers are in the form: Answers are in the form: Answers are in the form:
mi, ft, km, yd, m, cm, in, mi2, ft2, km2, yd2, m2, mi3, ft3, km3, yd3, m3,
mm cm2, in2, mm2 cm3, in3, mm3

Section 2.2

Section 2.2 Exercises Part B

Evaluate the following when p = 8, r = -7, t = 3 , and a = 3.

1. 12 + a3 2. 10a - 12
3. 5r – 7p + 6t

Use the formula for Interest to calculate the amount in the account at the end of the time
4. P = 520 5. P = 35,000
r = 6.2% r = 6%
Y=4 Y = 9.3
A= A=

Use the formulas for Money totals (you may have to make up your own) when q stands for
quarters, d for dimes, n for nickels and p for pennies.

6. q = 25 7. p = x 8. p = x
d = 17 d = f -13 q=f
n = 15 V= n = f +7
V= V=
Use the formula for Temperature Conversion to calculate the temperature in degrees

9. F = 300° 10. F = -45°

C= C=

Use the formulas for a cone to calculate the missing value.

11. r=6 12. r=5

h = 11 l=9
V= SA =

Use the formulas for a triangle to calculate the missing value.

13. b = 24 14. Two angles are 37°

h=5 and 81°; what is the
A= third?

Use the formulas for a trapezoid to calculate the missing value.

15. b = 7 16. b = 7
B = 10 B = 15
h=7 a = 12
A= d=8

Exercises 2.2B

Use the formulas for a rectangular solid to calculate the missing information.

17. l=6 18. l = 6

w=9 w = 14
h=7 h=2
SA = V=


19. 8y + 5y 20. 16r – 5t + 3t + 12r

21. 7(x – 5) +15x 22. 8 – 6(7 – 4t) +4t
23. 8 – 12x2 + 5 + 3x2 24. 13xy + 7x(6y – 4)

25. Use the shape formulas for circles, triangles, and/or rectangles to find the area of the floor of
the room you are currently in.

As a group, discuss the following:

26. If the radius and height in #11 are in meters, what is the unit of the Volume?

27. If the base and height in #13 are in inches, what is the unit of the Area?

28. If all the sides in #16 are measured in millimeters, what is the unit of the Perimeter?

29. If the radius and slant height in #12 are in miles, what is the unit of the Lateral Surface Area?

30. If all the sides in #18 are measured in yards, what is the unit of the Volume?

Exercises 2.2B

1. 39 22. 28t – 34
2. − 67 23. -9x2 + 13
3. -87 24. 55xy – 28x
4. $661.46 25. Check with the others to see if you did it right.
5. $60,174.51 26. m3 – cubic meters
6. $8.70 27. in2 – square inches
7. V = .01x + .1(f-13) 28. mm – millimeters
8. V = .01x + .3f + .35 29. mi2 – square miles
9. 148.9° 30. yd3 – cubic yards
10. -42.8°
11. 132π or 414.69
12. 70π or 219.91
13. 60
14. 62°
15. 59.5
16. 42
17. 318
18. 168
19. 13y
20. 28r – 2t
21. 22x – 35

Exercises 2.2B

Section 2.2 Exercises Part C

Please label everything with the correct units.
Evaluate the following when f = 5, r = -7, t = 3 , and a = -2.

1. 6t – f3 2. 10a - 12
2f +t 3. 2fr – 31a + 15a

Use the formula for Interest.

4. P = $15,000 5. P = £ 2,300 6. P = € 1,300

r = 6.2% r = 6% r = 8.9%
Y=7 Y = 8.7 Y=7
A= A= A=

Use the formulas for Money totals (you may have to make up your own) when q stands for
quarters, d for dimes, n for nickels and p for pennies.

7. q = t+5 8. p = 15 9. p = h+9
d=m d=9 q=7
n = 13 V= n = x - 20
V= V=
Use the formula for Temperature Conversion to calculate the temperature in degrees

10. F = -20° 11. F = 59° 12. F = 32°

C= C= C=

Use the formulas for a cylinder to calculate the missing value.

13. r = 6 in 14. r=9m 15. r = 3 yd

h = 12 in h=5m h = 8 yd
V= SA = LSA =

Use the formulas for a triangle to calculate the missing value.

16. b = 6 ft 17. b = 15 cm 18. Two angles are 45°

h = 5 ft h = 4 cm and 79°; what is the
A= A= third?

Use the formulas for a trapezoid to calculate the missing value.

19. b = 9 km 20. b = 8 mm 21. b = 12 ft

B = 11 km B = 15 mm B = 25 ft
h = 7 km h = 5 mm a = 13 ft
A= A= d = 17 ft

Exercises 2.2C


22. 9y – 11y 23. 10a – 2b + 4a – 9b 24. 8(r – 7t) + 8(t +6r)

25. 2(x – 5) +7 26. 8m+ 4(m + 15t) 27. 9 – 5(6 – 9p) +4p
28. 8x2 – 34x3 + 9x2 + 10x3 29. 12x4 – 5x – 4x4 + 13x 30. 3xy – 7x(5y – 4m)

31. If tile costs $1.50 per square foot, how much is that per square yard?

32. How much does it cost to run an 800 watt microwave for 17 hours if the power
company charges 11 cents per kilowatt-hour?

33. Change 3 Euros into Pesos. (1 Euro = $1.30, 1 Mexican Peso = $0.08)

34. Change 66 feet per second into miles per hour. (5280 feet = 1 mile)

Exercises 2.2C

1. -121 31. $13.50 per yd2
2. 38
− 15 or − 2 158 32. $1.50
3. -38 33. 48.75 Pesos
4. $22,854.03 34. 45 miles per hour
5. £ 3,818.47
6. € 2,361.23
7. .25t + .1m + 1.9
8. $1.05
9. .01h + .05x + .84
10. -28.9° C
11. 15° C
12. 0° C
13. 1,357.17 in3or 432π in3
14. 791.68 m2 or 252π m2
15. 150.8 yd2 or 48π yd2
16. 15 ft2
17. 30 cm2
18. 56°
19. 70 km2
20. 115
2 or 57.5 mm2
21. 67 ft
22. -2y
23. 14a – 11b
24. 56r – 48t
25. 2x – 3
26. 12m + 60t
27. 49p – 21
28. -24x3+17x2
29. 8x4 + 8x
30. -32xy + 28xm

Exercises 2.2C

Section 2.3 – More Formulas

A calculator is a beautiful thing. You have been able to use one for a short time now and
have probably enjoyed it considerably when compared to doing all of the math by hand. You are
now ready to take another step with a much more powerful calculator – a computer. During this
lesson, you are going to learn the basics of spreadsheets and how to make a computer do the
calculations for you.
During this discussion, we will use Microsoft Excel as the spreadsheet, but similar
functions can be done in spreadsheets that are available at no cost such as OpenOffice – Calc.

 Excel Basics
Microsoft Excel is spreadsheet software that allows you to perform calculations that help solve
math problems in this course. You supply key figures and Excel automatically makes the
calculations for you.

Open Excel on your computer by clicking Start then Programs then Microsoft Excel. The
main spreadsheet in Excel will appear. The spreadsheet is divided into cells each of which has a
column and row address. Excel identifies columns by alphabetical letters and rows by numbers.
The first cell in the upper left corner is A1. The cell to the right of it is B1 and so forth. The cell
below A1 is A2 and so forth. You enter numbers, formulas, or words into the cells.

Use the following guidelines as you enter data into Excel.

• It is easiest to enter numerical data in cells by using the number keypad on your keyboard.
Be sure the Num Lock key is pressed and the Num Lock light is on.
• The number keypad also has four arithmetic functions you will need which are + (add), -
(subtract), * (multiply), and / (divide). It also has the numbers and an enter key so you can
enter data rapidly using the keypad.

• Enter the = (equal) sign in the cell before you perform any calculation in Excel. This tells
Excel you want it to perform a calculation.

Use the following guidelines to format data in Excel.

• Never enter dollar signs ($) or commas (,) when entering data in Excel. Enter these by
formatting the cell.
• Right click the cell or range of cells and select Format Cells. This opens a window that
allows you to set the format in number, general, currency, percent, etc. You can set the
number of decimal points you want to use and you can set alignment, font, etc. in this
window. The cell format already has been set in most of the exhibits you will be using in this

TIP: You can also format data in cells by clicking the cell or range of cells then clicking the
appropriate symbol on the formatting tool bar.

Section 2.3

Lifelong Income Example – Beginning Salary

You can estimate your lifelong income using Excel

To determine Lifelong Income do the following:

1. Enter the beginning hourly rate you will earn in your first job after you graduate in cell E3,
for example $15.00.
2. Enter the number of hours you will work in a year in cell E5 as follows: =40*52 where 40 is
the number of hours per week and 52 is the number of weeks in a year.
3. Press enter. Excel automatically multiplies 40 hours per week times 52 weeks per year and
provides the result or 2080 working hours per year.
4. To calculate your first year salary in cell E7, enter (a) the equal sign, (b) click cell E3 (rate
per hour) then enter * (multiplication sign) and (c) click cell E5 (hours per year).
5. Press enter. Excel calculates your first year’s income at $31,200. These entries are illustrated

Yearly Income Calculation – Format

In Cell Enter Results
Rate Per Hour: E3 15 $15.00

Hours Per Year E5 =40*52 2080

Income - First Year of Employment (Beginning): E7 =E3*E5 $31,200.00

When you click on a cell that has a calculation set up, the formula for that cell appears in the
formula line (to the right of the = sign) at the top of the page. For example, the formula line for
the calculation performed in step 5 above would be: =E3*E5

Once your calculations are in place, Excel can save you time and effort if changes are required.
If you were to change the beginning rate per hour to $10.00 and you have used the cell addresses
in each of your formulas, Excel will recalculate all of the numbers and give you the new values.
Try it. Enter “10” in E3 and watch what happens to the Income.

Section 2.3

To help get you used to formulas in Excel and how they work, we will use some of our familiar
formulas from last week:

Circle Example
Pick a cell where you will enter the radius – say B2. Put “2” in B2 as a starting radius.
Then we write the formula for area in a cell next to it – C2. Remember the formula for area of a
circle is
R = MN 

So, in C2 we write

π variable for radius exponent in Excel

Then you will notice that the area 12.56637 pops up in C2.

Change the radius to “7” and you will be able to see that the area automatically changes. Nifty,
isn’t it? You can change the radius to any number you would like and the area calculation will
automatically update.

Now, the power of Excel doesn’t stop just there. We can see the areas of a whole bunch of radii
at the same time. List out several numbers in the cells beneath the “7” in B2. Now, if you copy
the formula from C3 and paste it in C4, C5, C6, etc. you will notice that we can make a whole
table of areas. If you label the columns, then others that see your spreadsheet will be able to tell
what you did. It should look something like this:

Circle Radius Area

2 12.56637
4 50.26548
6 113.0973
8 201.0619
10 314.1593
12 452.3893

Section 2.3

Temperature Conversion Example

Make a column of numbers that are temperatures in Fahrenheit starting with cell C10.
Then type in the formula that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius in D10:

“=5/9*(C10 – 32)”

Copy and paste the formula into the cells next to the list of temperatures. See if it looks
something like this:

Fahrenheit Celsius
-40 -40.0
-20 -28.9
0 -17.8
15 -9.4
32 0.0
38 3.3
45 7.2
72 22.2
100 37.8
150 65.6
212 100.0

Section 2.3

Section 2.3 Exercises Part A

1. Using the formula for a rectangle and a calculator, fill out the following table:
length width Perimeter Area
5 7
14 3
7.2 18.34
13 2.5
15 17
16 33
281 541.5

2. If the unit for length and width in #1 is inch, what are the units for Perimeter and Area?

3. If the unit for length and width in #1 is centimeter, what are the units for Perimeter and Area?

4. Using the formula for a rectangle and a spreadsheet (Create a new file called Formula
Practice), fill out the table in #1 using the formula abilities of the spreadsheet.

5. Using the formula for a circle and a calculator, fill out the following table:
radius Circumference Area

6. If the unit for radius in #5 is feet, what are the units for Circumference and Area?

7. If the unit for radius in #5 is kilometer, what are the units for Circumference and Area?

8. Using the formula for a circle and a spreadsheet, fill out the table in #5 using the formula
abilities of the spreadsheet.

9. Using the formula for a cone and a calculator, fill out the following table:
radius height slant height LSA SA Volume
3 4 5
5 12 13
15 8 17
24 7 25
6 8 10

Exercises 2.3A

10. If the unit for radius, height and slant height in #9 is inch, what are the units for Lateral
Surface Area, Surface Area, and Volume?

11. If the unit for radius, height and slant height in #9 is centimeter, what are the units for Lateral
Surface Area, Surface Area, and Volume?

12. Using the formula for a cone and a spreadsheet, fill out the table in #9 using the formula
abilities of the spreadsheet.

13. Open your, “Budget and Expense” spreadsheet. Make sure that all budgets and expenses are
updated. Using the “sum” formula, create cells that are the totals of your expenses and incomes.
This spreadsheet will be submitted in your portfolio.

Exercises 2.3A

length width Perimeter Area
5 7 24 35
14 3 34 42
7.2 18.34 51.08 132.048
13 2.5 31 32.5
15 17 64 255
16 33 98 528
281 541.5 1645 152,161.5

2. P – in; A – in2
3. P – cm; A – cm2
4. On Spreadsheet

radius Circumference Area
3 18.85 28.27
12 75.40 452.39
5.1 32.04 81.71
17 106.81 907.92
4 25.13 50.27
38 238.76 4,536.46
114 716.28 40,828.14
6. C – ft; A – ft2
7. C – km; A – km2
8. On Spreadsheet

radius height slant height LSA SA Volume
3 4 5 47.12 75.40 37.70
5 12 13 204.20 282.74 314.16
15 8 17 801.11 1507.96 1884.96
24 7 25 1884.96 3694.51 4222.30
6 8 10 188.50 301.59 301.59

10. LSA – in2; SA – in2; V – in3

11. LSA – cm2; SA – cm2; V – cm3
12. On Spreadsheet
13. In Portfolio

Exercises 2.3A

Section 2.3 Exercises Part B

1. Using the formula for a cylinder and a calculator, fill out two of the rows of the following
radius height Surface Area Volume
5 7
14 3
7.2 18.34
13 2.5
15 17
16 33
281 541.5

2. If the unit for length and width in #1 is inch, what are the units for Surface Area and Volume?

3. If the unit for length and width in #1 is centimeter, what are the units for Surface Area and

4. Using the formula for a cylinder and a spreadsheet, fill out the table in #1 using the formula
abilities of the spreadsheet.

5. Using the formula for a sphere and a calculator, fill out two of the rows of the following table:
radius Surface Area Volume

6. If the unit for radius in #5 is feet, what are the units for Surface Area and Volume?

7. If the unit for radius in #5 is kilometer, what are the units for Surface Area and Volume?

8. Using the formula for a sphere and a spreadsheet, fill out the table in #5 using the formula
abilities of the spreadsheet.

Exercises 2.3B

9. Using a spreadsheet fill out the table for a savings account that has a beginning balance of
$150 and grows at 7% with an additional $25 added at the end of each year:
year Beginning Balance Ending Balance
1 150 150 × 1.07 + 25 = 185.5
2 185.5 185 × 1.07 + 25 =

. use your calculator to make

. sure that the spreadsheet is
. calculating it correctly.


10. As a group, select a typical job that one of you anticipates having in the next five years. Then
open a spreadsheet document and go through the lifelong income example in this section. How
much money do you expect to earn over your lifetime?

Exercises 2.3B

radius height Surface Area Volume
5 7 376.99 549.78
14 3 1,495.40 1,847.26
7.2 18.34 1,155.40 2,986.86
13 2.5 1,266.06 1,327.32
15 17 3,015.93 12,016.59
16 33 4,926.02 26,540.17
281 541.5 1,452,185.50 134,326,275.61

2. SA – in2; V – in3
3. SA – cm2; V – cm3
4. On Spreadsheet

radius Surface Area Volume
3 113.10 113.10
12 1,809.56 7,238.23
5.1 326.85 555.65
17 3,631.68 20,579.53
4 201.06 268.08
38 18,145.84 229,847.30
114 163,312.55 6,205,877.00

6. SA – ft2; V – ft3
7. SA – km2; V – km3
8. On Spreadsheet
9. At the end of 15 years you should
have $1,042.08
10. Complete when everyone can do it
on their own.

Exercises 2.3B

Section 2.3 Exercises Part C

Chapter 2 Exam Review
Find the following:
1. 7 3 + 6 ⋅ 3 − 8 ( 5) 2. 2⋅v ⋅9⋅ m 3. 6(3 − 7) − 4 2 ⋅ (7 + 4)

Find the perimeter of the following shapes:

4. 5. 6. 18
12 18
11 s-4 13 8
t+3 8 r-9

Find the following when p = -5, r = 7, t = 3 , and a = 4.

7. 12 – a3 8. 7a - 12
9. 2r – 3p + 9t

Use the formula for distance, rate and time.

10. r = 6 m/h 11. r = 65 km/h 12. r = 36 feet per second

t = 19 hours t = 4.3 hours t = 2 13 seconds
d= d= d=

Use the formula for Interest.

13. P = $2,800 14. P = $5,000 15. P = $300

r = 7% r = 6% r = 13%
t=4 t=9 t=7
A= A= A=

Use the formulas for Money totals (you may have to make up your own) when q stands for
quarters, d for dimes, n for nickels and p for pennies.

16. q = 15 17. p = 30 18. p = 37

d = 27 d = 25 q = 23
V= V= n=7

Exercises 2.3C

Use the formula for Temperature Conversion.

19. F = 212 20. F = 98.6 21. F = -40

C= C= C=

Use the formulas for a cone.

22. r=6m 23. r = 9 ft 24. r = 3 in

h= 7 m l = 12.8 ft l = 7.9 in
V= SA = LSA =

Use the formulas for a rectangle.

25. l = 3 yd 26. l = 10.7 cm 27. l = 8.6 mm

w = 5 yd w = 4 cm w = 9 mm
A= A= P=

Use the formulas for a circle.

28. r = 4 in 29. r = 15 in 30. r = 7 m

C= A= C=

Use the formulas for rectangular solid.

31. l = 7 cm 32. l = 4.2 mi 33. l = 6 km

w = 2 cm w = 5 mi w = 8 km
h = 8 cm h = 7mi 
h = 2  km
SA = V=
SA =

34. Create a Visual Chart on one side of a piece of paper for Chapter 2 material including
information and examples relating to Calculator and Spreadsheet Usage and Formulas.

Exercises 2.3C

1. 321 31. 172 cm2
2. 18vm 32. 147 mi3
3. -200 33. 166 km2
4. 30 + s + t
5. f + 33
6. r + 45
7. -52
8. 4
9. 35
10. 114
11. 279.5
12. 84
13. $3,670.23
14. $8,447.39
15. $705.78
16. $6.45
17. $2.80
18. $6.47
19. 100° C
20. 37° C
21. -40° C
22. 263.89 m3
23. 616.38 ft2
24. 74.46 in2
25. 15 yd2
26. 42.8 cm2
27. 35.2 mm
28. 25.13 in
29. 706.86 in2
30. 43.98 m

Exercises 2.3C

Chapter 3

3.1 Linear Equations and Applications
3.2 More Linear Equations
3.3 Equations with Exponents

Section 3.1

3+ “what” = 7? If you have come through arithmetic, the answer is

Section 3.1 fairly obvious: 4.
LinearEquations However, if I were to ask something like:
2 times “what” plus 5 all divided by 7, then minus 6 = 5? There tends
to be a little more difficulty in popping out the answer. The beauty of math is that it allows us to
write down all of that stuff and then systematically make it simpler and simpler until we have
only the number left. Wonderful.
We start with the easy ones to find out all of the rules and then we will build up to the big
3+ “what” = 7

First, we need to adjust the fact that we are going to be writing “what” all the time. A
very common thing is to put a letter in that place that could represent any number. We call that a
variable. We replace the word “what” with “x” (or you could use p, q, r, f, m, l . . . ) So our
equation becomes:

The whole goal of math is to find the number that makes that statement true. We already
know that the number is 4. We would write:

Now, look at what happened to our original equation. Do you see that the right side is
missing a 3 and the left side is now 3 lower as well. This gives us some insight into what we can
do to equations! Try another one:
x + 8 = 10

What number would make that statement true? If x were equal to 2, it would work. We

Notice how we get the number that would work by subtracting that 8 from both sides of
the equation.

Let’s see if it works with some other equations:

x–7=2 x – 3 = 10

With these two equations, the answers are:

x=9 and x = 13

We got the answers by adding the 7 and the 3 to the right hand sides. This brings up a
good point. In the first couple of equations that we did, we subtracted when the equation was
adding. In the next two equations, we added when the equation was using subtraction. Let’s look
at what happens when we start doing multiplication:
4x = 20.
What number would work? That is right, 5.

Section 3.1

What would you do to 20 to get 5? Divide by 4. Holy smokes! That is the exact opposite
of what the equation is doing. Here is another:
7 = 4
What number divided by 7 equals 4? That’s it, 28. We times 4 by 7 to get that answer.
Multiplying by 7 is the exact opposite of dividing by 7.

This leads us to a couple of conclusions that form the basis for everything we will do in Algebra:

1) When we want to get rid of numbers that are

surrounding the variable, we need to do the opposite A great way to think about
(technically called the inverse) of them. these concepts is as though
you have a balance that is
centered on the equal sign.
As long as you put the
2) We can add, subtract, multiply, or divide both sides same thing on both sides,
of an equation by any number and still have the you remain balanced.
equation work.
Here is how it would work, one of each:
x+7=11 4x=24 x-3=24 5 =7
-7 -7 /4 /4 +3 +3 (5) (5)

x=4 x=6 x = 27 x = 35

You may ask why we go through all of that when the answers are obvious. The answer is
that these problems will not be so easy later on, and we need to practice these easy ones so that
when we get the hard ones, they crumble before our abilities. Now to some which are a little

When we have one like this:

2x – 7 = 11

We could think about it long enough to find a number that works, and maybe you can do
that, but I have to tell you that in just a little while we are going to have a problem that you won’t
be able to do that with too quickly. So, let’s use what we learned to get rid of the 2 and the 7 so
that x will be left by itself. If you remember the order of operations, you will remember that the 2
and the x are stuck together by multiplication, so we can’t get rid of the 2 until the 7 has been
taken care of like this:
2x – 7 = 11
2x = 18 (we added 7 to both sides)
x=9 (divided both sides by 2)

Section 3.1

To illustrate the idea of un-doing operations, I would like to try to stump you with math

We begin. I am thinking of a number, and it is your job to guess what the number is.
I am thinking of a number.
I times the number by two.
I get 10.

Not too hard to figure out, you say? You're right. The answer is 5 and you obtained that
by taking the result and going backwards. Try the next one:

I am thinking of a number.
I times the number by 3.
Then I subtract 5.
Then I divide that number by 2.
Then I add 4 to that.
I get 18.
What was the number I started with?

Aha. A little tougher don't you think? Well, If you think about it just one step at a time,
then the thing falls apart. What number would I add 4 to to get 18? 14 (notice that it is just 18
subtract 4). We can just follow up the line doing the exact opposite of what I did to my number.
Here you go:

Start with 18
Subtract 4 = 14
Multiply by 2 = 28
Add 5 = 33
Divide by 3 = 11.

That's it! Most of Algebra is summed up in the concept of un-doing what was done.

I am thinking of a number.
I times it by 4.
Then I add 5.
Then I divide by 9.
Then I subtract 7.
I get -2. What did I start with?

This one is done the same way as the other one but I wanted to show you how you make
that into an equation that will be useful in the rest of your math career. Instead of writing each

Section 3.1

step out, we construct an equation. We write it again but this time we will write the equation
along with it:

I am thinking of a number. We call that x.

I times it by 4. 4x
Then I add 5. 4x+5
4 x +5
Then I divide by 9. 9
4 x +5
Then I subtract 7. 9 −7
4 x +5
I get -2. What did I start with? 9 − 7 = -2

That looks like a nasty equation, but it is done in exactly the same way. We just go backwards
and un-do all of the things that were done to the original number. We are using the rule that we
can add, subtract, multiply or divide both sides of the equation by the same thing.

I know you can do it when it is all written out, so I will show you what it looks like using the
equation: Notice here that we are
4 x +5
9 − 7 = -2
still undoing in the
4 x +5
opposite order of what
9 =5 add 7 to both sides was there.
4x + 5 = 45 times both sides by 9
4x = 40 subtract 5 from both sides
x = 10 divide both sides by 4.

10 is the number I started with! Go ahead and make sure by sticking it into the original
problem, and you will see that we found the right number. We call that number a solution,
because it is the only number that solves the equation.

Solving for a variable:

When given a formula, it is sometimes requested that you solve that formula for a
specific variable. That simply means that you are to get that variable by itself.
An example:

Solve for t:
rt = d (Original equation of rate x time = distance)

We are supposed to get t by itself. How do we get rid of the “r”?

Divide both sides by r. It looks like this
rt = d
rt d
r r
t= Done. t is by itself.

Section 3.1

Another example:

Solve for x:
y = bx +c
y – c = bx subtract “c” from both sides
=x Divide both sides by “b”.
Done. “x” is by itself.

Section 3.1

Section 3.1 Exercises Part A

Find the Volume of a rectangular solid when the width, height and length are given.
Formula is V=lwh
1. l = 4 in 2. l = 7 ft 3. l = 7.2 m
w = 2.5 in w = 4 ft w=9m
h = 3 in h = 2.8 ft h=3m
V= V= V=

Find the Area of a trapezoid when the bases and height are given.Formula is
A = 12 h(B+b)
4. B = 15 5. B = 21 6. B = 19
b = 10 b = 11 b=6
h=7 h=3 h = 10
A= A= A=


7. 2(3+x)+5(x-7) 8. 5(a-3b) – 4(a-5) 9. 3x+4y-7z+7y-3x+18z

10. 2s(t-7) – 6t(s+3) 11. 3(x2-5n) +3n – 7x2 12. 6kj – 7k +8kj +11

Solve. Example:
4x + x – 7 = 1
Combine x’s
5x – 7 = 1 +7 on both sides

5x = 8

Divide by 5 on both sides
x= 5

13.  3x − 1  14.  − 2x − 8  15. -3 + m = 18

5 + 2  = 35 3 + 7  − 3 = 12
 7   6 
16. 7
t = 14 17. -13 = 5x + 7 18. 5x − 6
3 =3
19. − 83 x – 4 = 20 20. 12 + 2p = 3 21. .4y = 78

Exercises 3.1A

22. 5x + 3 – 7x = 15 23. 3x – 9 + 2x = - 3 24. .3p + 5 = 19

25. -r + 9 = -15 26. 4f + 9 = 9 27. 2x + 3

= 11
28. t + t + 4t – 7 = 17 29.  5x − 8 
3 + 7  − 3 = 18
 6 

Solve for the specified variable.

30. y = mx + b for b 31. 5m − 7

=r for m
32. A = 2πrh for h 33. A= 1
2 bh for b

34. C = 95 (F – 32) for F 35. V= 1

3 πr2h for h


36. After reading some from the next section, Try to solve this problem.
Two numbers add up to 94 and the first is 26 more than the second one. Find the two numbers.

37. Find the missing variable for a cone:

SA = 622.04

Exercises 3.1A

1. 30 in3 29. x = 85 or 1.6
2. 78.4 ft3 30. b = y – mx
3. 194.4 m3 31. m = 3r + 7
4. 87.5 32. A
5. 48 33. 2A
6. 125 34. 9
F = 5 C + 32
7. 7x – 29 35. 3V
πr 2
8. a – 15b + 20 36. Discuss together.
9. 11y + 11z 37. Discuss together.
10. -4st – 14s – 18t
11. -4x2 - 12n
12. 14kj – 7k + 11
13. x = 12
14. x=2
15. m = 21
16. t=6
17. x = -4
18. x= 18
5 or 3.6
19. x = -64
20. p = - 92
21. y = 195
22. x = -6
23. x= 6
5 or 1.2
24. p = 46.6
25. r = 24
26. f=0
27. x = 26
28. t=4

Exercises 3.1A

Applications of linear equations

“When am I ever going to use this?” “Where would this be applicable?” All the way
through math, students ask questions like these. Well, to the relief of some and the dismay of
others, you have now reached the point where you will be able to do some problems that have
been made out of real life situations. Most commonly, these are called, “story problems”.

The four main points to remember are:

D- Data. Write down all the numbers that may be helpful. Also, note any
other clues that may help you unravel the problem.
V- Variable. In all of these story problems, there is something that you
don’t know, that you would like to. Pick any letter of the alphabet to
represent this.
P- Plan. Story problems follow patterns. Knowing what kind of problem
it is, helps you write down the equation. This section of the book is
divided up so as to explain most of the different kinds of patterns.
E- Equation. Once you know how the data and variable fit together.
Write an equation of what you know. Then solve it. This turns out to be
the easy part.

Once you have mastered the techniques in solving linear equations, then the fun begins.
Linear equations are found throughout mathematics and the real world. Here is a small outline of
some applications of linear equations. You will be able to solve any of these problems by the
same methods that you have just mastered.

The first application is when you simply translate from English into math. For example:
Seven less than 3 times what number is 39?
Since we don’t know what the number is, we pick a letter to represent it (you can pick what you
would like to); I will pick the letter x:
3x – 7 = 39 then solve
3x = 46
x = 463 (or 15 13 or 15.3)
That’s the number.

Sometimes you are given a couple of different things to find. Example:
Two numbers add to 15, and the second is 7 bigger than the first. What are the
two numbers?

Section 3.1

Pick some letters to represent what you don’t know. Pick whatever is best for you. I will
choose the letter “f” for the first number and “s” for the second. I then have two equations to
work with:
f + s = 15 and s = f + 7
The letter “s” and “f+7”
f + f + 7 = 15 are exactly the same and
2f + 7 = 15 can be changed places.
2f = 8
4 must be the first number, but we need to stick it back in to one of the original equations
to find out what “s” is.
= 11. 4 and 11 are our two numbers.

These kind of problems often take the form of an object being cut into two pieces. Here, I will
show you what I mean.
A man cuts a 65 inch board so that one piece is four times bigger than the other.
What are the lengths of the two pieces?

Now, I would personally pick “f” for first and “s” for second. We know that
f + s = 65 and that s = 4f

Thus, f + 4f = 65
5f = 65
f = 13, so the other piece must be 52.
The pieces are 13in and 52in.

With many of the problems that you will have, pictures and shapes will play a very
important role. When you encounter problems that use rectangles, triangles, circles or any other
shape, I would suggest a few things:

1. Read the problem

2. READ the problem again.
3. READ THE PROBLEM one more time.

Once you draw a picture to model the problem – read the problem again to make sure that your
picture fits.

The formulas for the shapes that we will be discussion are found in Section 2.2.

Section 3.1

Variable on Both Sides

Unfortunately, not all equations come out such that this un-doing technique works. Sometimes
the x shows up in several different places at once:
3x – 5 +2x – 3 = 4x + 7(x – 8)

Seeing all of the x’s scattered throughout the equation sometimes looks daunting, but it
isn’t as bad as all that. We know a couple of ways to make it look a bit more simple.

3x – 5 +2x – 3 = 4x + 7(x – 8) becomes

5x – 8 = 4x + 7x – 56 Distribute the 7 and combine

5x – 8 = 11x – 56 Combine the like terms

Now we reach a point where you should feel

You might as well know that if you
somewhat powerful. Remember that you can add,
didn’t like the 5x on the right hand
subtract, multiply or divide anything you want!
side, you could get rid of that instead:
(As long as you do it to both sides).
5x – 8 = 11x – 56
-5x -5x
Particularly, I don’t like the way that 11x is
on the left hand side. I choose to get rid of it! So, I
Combining like terms, we get:
subtract 11x from both sides of the equation:
-8 = 6x – 56
48 = 6x (add 56 to both sides)
5x – 8 = 11x – 56
8=x (divide both sides by 6)
-11x -11x
We will always get the same answer!
You can’t mess up!
Upon combining the like-terms, I get

-6x – 8 = -56

Which now is able to be un-done easily:

-6x = -48 (add 8 to both sides)

x=8 (divide both sides by -6)

Special cases: What about 2x + 1 = 2x + 1

Well if we want to get the x’s together we had better get rid of the 2x on one side. So we
subtract 2x from both sides like this:

2x + 1 = 2x + 1
-2x -2x

Section 3.1

Ahh! The x’s all vanished.
Well, what do you think about that? This statement is always true no
-3 = -3
matter what x is. That is the point. x can be any number it wants to be
solution is all real
and the statement will be true. All numbers are solutions.

On the other hand try to solve:

2x + 1 = 2x - 5
-2x -2x
0=1 1 = -5
5=7 Again, the x’s all vanished. This time it left an equation that is never
-3 = 2 true. No matter what x we stick in, we will never get 1 to equal -5. It
No solution simply will never work. No solution.

Section 3.1

Section 3.1 Exercises Part B


1. 4s(t-9) –t(s+11) 2. 6nj – 7j +8nj +11n

3. Think of a number, but don’t tell your group. Change the number by addition, subtraction,
multiplication or division at least three times, and then tell your group only the operations you
did and the result is. See if they can figure out your original number. (See page 97 for some

4. 7
t = -14 5. -15 = 3x + 9 6. 2x − 7
2 = 33
7. t +5t + 4t – 7 = 17 8.  5x − 8 
9 + 7  − 3 = 42
 6 

Solve for the specified variable.

9. y = mx + b for x 10. 5m + 9
=r for m

11. 27 is 6 more than 3 times a number. What is the number?

12. Two numbers add to 238 and the first is 34 bigger than the second. What are the two

13. Find the area of the shaded region:



14. I have created a triangular garden such that the largest side is 6ft less than twice the smallest
and the medium side is 5ft larger than the smallest side. If the total perimeter of the garden is
47ft, what are the lengths of the three sides?

Exercises 3.1B

15. If a cone has a Lateral Surface Area of 250 in2, a radius of 8in, what is the slant height of the
cone? Use a calculator.

16. If a cylinder has a volume of 538 cm3 and a radius of 6 cm, how tall is it?

17. Find the missing variable for a rectangle:

P = 39 ft
w = 7.2 ft

x + 4 – 5x = 7x + 1 Combine like terms
-4x + 4 = 7x + 1 Get all x’s together by adding 4x to
+4x +4x both sides
4 = 11x + 1 Subtract 1 from both sides
-1 -1
3 = 11x
11 = x
Divide both sides by 11

18. 4p + 2 = 7p – 6 19. -4n + 5 = n 20. 2x – 7 = x + 5

21. x – 42 = 15x 22. – 4(x-3) = -4x +12 23. 7x = 13 +7x

Exercises 3.1B

1. 3st – 36s – 11t
2. 14nj – 7j + 11n
3. Have some fun with it.
4. t = -4
5. x = -8
6. x = 53
7. t= 12
5 or 2.4
8. x = - 54
9. x=
y −b
10. m=
2r − 9
11. 7
12. 102, 136
13. 69.73 in2
14. 12 ft, 17 ft, 18 ft
15. ℓ = 9.95 in
16. 4.76 cm
17. l = 12.3 ft
18. p = or 2.67

19. n=1
20. x = 12
21. x = -3
22. All numbers
23. No solution

Exercises 3.1B

Section 3.1Exercises Part C

1.  3x + 4  2.  − 2x + 8  3. -17 – 7m = -18
5 + 2  = 65 3 − 3  + 17 = 20
 5   5 
4. 3
t + 1 = -11 5. 9 = 3x +17 6. 5x + 7
7 = 13
7. 8t +3t + 14t – 17 = -17 8.  5x + 8 
7 + 9  − 3 = 18
 2 

Solve for the specified variable.

9. p= fx + bn for f 10. xf − xz
F= for f
11. M = 5t – 3p for t 12. LSA = πrl for r

13. T1 14. 3s − 4 g
E = Q− for Q =c for g
T2 7

15.48 is 9 more than 3 times a number. What is the number?

16. 18 less than 7 times a number is 80. What is the number?

17. Two numbers add to 151 and the second is 21 bigger than the first. What are the two

18. Two numbers add to 436 and the first is 134 bigger than the second. What are the two

19. Find the area of the shaded region:


20. I have created a triangular garden such that the largest side is 9 less than twice the smallest
and the medium side is 7 larger than the smallest side. If the total perimeter of the garden is 82,
what are the lengths of the three sides?

Exercises 3.1C

21. If a rectangle’s length is 7 more than 4 times the width and the perimeter is 54 what are the
dimensions or the rectangle?

22. If a cone has a volume of 338 cm3 and a radius of 6 cm, how tall is it?

23. Find the missing variable for a parallelogram:

A = 64 in2
b = 12.6 in

x + 4 – 5x = 7x + 1 Combine like terms
-4x + 4 = 7x + 1 Get all x’s together by adding 4x to
+4x +4x both sides
4 = 11x + 1 Subtract 1 from both sides
-1 -1
3 = 11x
11 = x
Divide both sides by 11

24. 5p + 12 = 33 – p 25. 7n + 18 = 5(n – 2) 26. 5x – 10 = 5x + 7

27. x – 7 = 15x 28. 2x – 4(x-3) = -2x +12 29. .07x = 13 - .12x

30. .7(3x – 2) = 3.5x + 1 31. .3x – 9 + 2x = 4x - 3 32. .4y = 78 + .4y

33. 7(x – 5) – 3x = 4x – 35 34. 9x – 4(x – 3) = 15x 35. 2x – 3x + 7x = 9x +8x

Exercises 3.1C

1. x = 17 28. All real numbers
2. x = -6 29. 68.42
3. m= 1
7 30. x = - 127 or -1.71
4. t = -28 31. x = -3.53
5. x = - 83 32. No solution
6. x=9 33. All numbers
7. t=0 34. x= 6
5 or 1.2
8. x = -4 35. x=0
9. f=
p − bn
10. f=
2 F + xz
11. t=
M + 3p
12. r=
13. T
Q=E+ 1
14. g=
7 c − 3s
3s − 7c
−4 4
15. x = 13
16. x = 14
17. 65, 86
18. 151, 285
19. 129.9 cm2
20. 21, 28, 33
21. w = 4, l = 23
22. h = 8.97 cm
23. h = 5.08 in
24. p= 7
2 or 3.5
25. n = -14
26. no solution
27. x = - 12

Exercises 3.1C

Section 3.2 Percents

If you scored 18 out of 25 points on a test, how well did you do. Simple
LinearEquations w/
division tells us that you got 72%. As a review, 18/25 = .72
If we break up the word “percent” we get “per” which means divide and
“cent” which means 100. Notice that .72 is really the fraction 100 . We see that when we write is
as a percent instead of its numerical value, we move the decimal 2 places. Here are some more
examples to make sure that we get percents:
.73 = 73%
.2 = 20%
.05 = 5 %
1 = 100%
2.3 = 230%
The next reminder, before we start doing problems, is that the word “of” often means “times”. It
will be especially true as we do examples like:
What is 52% of 1358?
All we need to do is multiply (.52)(1358)
which is 706.16

Sometimes however, it isn’t quite that easy to see what needs to be done. Here are three
examples that look similar but are done very differently. Remember “what” means “x”, “is”
means “=” and “of” means times.

What is 15% of 243? 15 is what percent of 243? 15 is 243% of what?

x = .15(243) 15 = x (243) 15 = 2.43x

x = 36.45 .062 = x 6.17 = x
6.2% = x

Once we have that down, we have the ability to solve tons of problems involving sales tax, mark-
ups, and discounts. Here are two examples:

An item sold at $530 has already been marked up

An item sells for $85.59 but is on sale
20%. What was the price before the mark-up?
at 20% off. What is the final price?
x + .2x = 530
.2(85.59) = 17.12 amount of discount
original + 20% of original = final price
85.59 – 17.12 subtract discount
1.2x = 530
x = 441.67
$68.47 = final price

Section 3.2

Section 3.2Exercises Part A

1. 45 is 12 more than 3 times a number. What is the number?

2. 25 less than 7 times a number is 108. What is the number?

3. Two numbers add to 251 and the second is 41 bigger than the first. What are the two

4. Two numbers add to 336 and the first is 124 bigger than the second. What are the two

5. Find the area of the shaded region:


6. I have created a triangular garden such that the largest side is 8m less than twice the smallest
and the medium side is 12m larger than the smallest side. If the total perimeter of the garden is
104m, what are the lengths of the three sides?

7. If a rectangle’s length is 5 more than 3 times the width and the perimeter is 58 mm what are
the dimensions of the rectangle?

8. If a parallelogram has an area of 258.9 cm2 and a base of 23.2 cm, how tall is it?

9. Find the missing variable for a trapezoid:

A = 68 ft2
h= 4ft
B = 21ft


10. 7p + 13 = 33 – 4p 11. 5n + 48 = 7n – 2(n – 2) 12. 5x – 10 = 7(x – 2)

13. 3x – 7 = 12x 14. 5x – 7(x+3) = -2x -21 15. .06x = 15 - .18x

16. .8(7m – 2) = 9.5m + 1 17. .2q – 7 + 2q = 3q - 5 18. 12t = 45 + .4t

19. 6(x – 5) – x = 5x – 20 20. 9x – 2(x – 3) = 15x +7 21. 5x – 13x + x = 7x +8x

Exercise 3.2A

22. 18 is what percent of 58? 23. What is 87% of 54?

24. 34 is 56% of what? 25. What is 13% of 79?

26. 119 is 8% of what? 27. 23 is what percent of 74?

28. Original Price:$92.56 29. Original Price:

Tax: 7.3% Discount: 40%
Final Price: Final Price: $43.90

30. Original Price: 31. Original Price: $58.50

Tax: 5% Discount: 30%
Final Price: $237.50 Final Price:

32. If the population of a town grew 21% up to 15,049. What was the population last year?

33. If the price of an object dropped 25% down to $101.25, what was the original price?


34. After reading some from the next section, try to solve this equation.
x 13 15 2x
7 + 7 = 7 − 7

3 + 133 = 153 − 23x

Exercises 3.2A

1. x = 11 28. $99.32
2. x = 19 29. $73.17
3. 105, 146 30. $226.19

4. 106, 230 31. $40.95

5. 136.71 cm2 32. 12,437

6. 25m, 37m, 42m 33. $135
7. w = 6mm, l = 23mm 34. Discuss together.
8. 11.16 cm 35. Discuss together.
9. 13ft = b
10. p= 20

11. No solution
12. x=2
13. x = − 79
14. All numbers
15. x = 62.5
16. 26
m = - 23 or - 39
17. q = -2.5
18. t = 3.879
19. No solution
20. x = - 18
21. x=0
22. 31%
23. 46.98
24. 60.7
25. 10.27
26. 1487.5
27. 31%

Exercise 3.2A

Equations with Fractions

The one other thing that might throw you off is when you see a bunch of fractions in the
problem. Not to worry, remember that you have power to do anything you want to the equation.
For example:
3 5 7x
x− = might be easier to look at if there weren’t so many fractions in the
8 8 8
way. Well, get rid of them. Multiply by 8 on both sides.
(8) 3 5 7x
x − (8 ) = ( 8 ) which makes it become:
8 8 8

3x – 5 = 7x (not bad at all)

-5 = 4x
- 54 = x Ta Da.

Worse example:

2 x−3
− =5 looks scary.
7 4

You have the ability to wipe out all of the fractions. Fractions are simply statements of
division. The opposite of division is multiplication – and you have the power to multiply both
sides of the equation by anything you want to. The question is, what will undo a division by 7
and by 4; the answer is multiplication by 28. Here is what it looks like:

2 x−3
− =5
7 4
2 x −3
( 28) − ( 28) = 5( 28) (multiplying everything by 28)
7 4
1. Simplify (4)2 – (7)(x – 3) = 140 (28/7 = 4 and 28/4 = 7)

8 – 7x + 21 = 140 (Distribute the -7)

-7x +29 = 140 (Combine numbers)

2. Subtract -7x = 111 (Subtract 29 from both sides)

3. Divide x= − (Not a nice looking answer, but it is

Section 3.2

Every problem can be boiled down to three steps:

Linear Equations
1. Parentheses
1. Simplify 2. Fractions
3. Combine like terms
2. Add/Subtract
3. Multiply/Divide

Section 3.2

Section 3.2 Exercises Part B

1. 35 less than 7 times a number is 98. What is the number?

2. Two numbers add to 351 and the second is 71 bigger than the first. What are the two


3. 7p + 12 = 33 – 4p 4. 3n + 48 = 7 – 2(n – 2) 5. 5x – 10 = 5(x – 2)

6. 3x – 7 = 15x 7. 5x – 7(x+3) = -2x +12 8. .09x = 13 - .18x

9. 85 is what percent of 39?

10. What is 19% of 2,340?

11. 119 is 18% of what?

12. Original Price:$72.56

Tax: 7.3%
Final Price:

13. Original Price:

Tax: 5%
Final Price: $339.50

14. The number of full-time LDS missionaries grew 40.76% from the end of 2012 to the end of
2013 up to a total of 83,035. How many missionaries were there at the end of 2012?

15. If the price of an object dropped 35% down to $101.25, what was the original price?

Exercises 3.2B

16. For each of the following things that can be included in equations to make them more
complex, explain how to remove the obstacle and simplify the equation:

Parentheses –

Fractions –

Variables in multiple locations –

Solve. Example:
1 5 1 5
(S + 4) − = S +
3 2 4 6
1 4 5 1 5 Distribute through parentheses
S+ − = S+
3 3 2 4 6
(12)     Clear fractions by multiplying by 12
x + (12) - (12) = (12) x +(12)
4x + 16 – 30 = 3x + 10
x – 14 = 10 Combine, getting x to one side

x = 24 Add 14 to both sides

17. 7
3 t – 5 = 19 18. − 83 (x – 7) = 5 + 3x 19. 2
3 x–6=3+ 1
2 x

20. 4
5 x = 2x - 5
21. 3
5 x– 2
5 (x-3) = 15 x +3 22. 3 x+ 2
7 = 4 x −1

23. .9(-4x – 5) = 2.5x + 6 24. .0005x + .0045 = .004x 25. x+7

4 = 8 − 56 x

Exercises 3.2B

1. 19 17. t= 72

2. 140, 211 18. x = - 19


3. p= 21
11 19. x = 54
4. n = − 375 or -7.4 20. x= 25

5. All numbers 21. no solution

6. x = − 127 22. x= 17

7. no solution 23. x = - 105


8. x = 48.15 24. x= 9

9. 218% 25. x= 75

10. 444.6
11. 661.1
12. $77.86
13. $323.33
14. 58,990
15. $155.77
16. Parentheses – Distribute
Fractions – Multiply through by Least
Common Denominator
Variable in multiple places – Combine
them all together (subtract from both
sides if on opposite sides of the

Exercises 3.2B

Summary of Linear Equations

Linear Equations
1 – Simplify Fractions
Combine like terms

2 – Add/Subtract
3 – Multiply/Divide

Word Problems
- Translation
- Shapes
- Substitution (Finding two numbers)
- Percent forward (just arithmetic, no variables)
- Percent backward; P±rP = F

Linear Equations Summary


Section 3.2 Exercises Part C

1.  3x − 1  2.  − 6x + 4  3. -4 – 9m = -22
5 − 2  = 70 3 + 3  − 5 = 19
 5   2 
4. 6
t = -24 5. 19 = 3x -7 6. 5x − 7
7 = −9
Solve for the specified variable.

7. 2s − at 2 8. I
=V for s r= for p
2t pt
9. LR2 10. 9s − 5g
d= for R1 =c for s
R2 + R1 11

11.84 is 6 more than 3 times a number. What is the number?

12. Two numbers add to 438 and the first is 74 bigger than the second. What are the two
13. Find the area of the shaded region:

14. If a rectangle’s length is 7 more than 4 times the width and the perimeter is 194 mm, what are
the dimensions or the rectangle?

15. Find the missing variable for a rectangle:

P = 48.3 ft
w = 7.2 ft

16. Find the missing variable for a cone:

SA = 628.32 in2
r = 8 in

17. 7p + 12 = 13 – 7p 18. 4n + 68 = 7 – 2(n – 2) 19. 7x – 10 = 5(x – 2)

20. 9x – 4 = 15x 21. 8x – 7(x+3) = x – 21 22. .18x = 13 - .20x

Exercises 3.2C

23. 14 is what percent of 68? 24. What is 37% of 754?

25. 119 is 18% of what? 26. 27 is what percent of 74?

27. Original Price:$192.56 28. Original Price:

Tax: 7.3% Discount: 35%
Final Price: Final Price: $43.90

29. After an increase of 50% in one year, there were 102 operating LDS temples by the end of
the year 2000. How many were there at the end of 1999?

30. If the price of an object dropped 15% down to $59.50, what was the original price?


31. 7
3 t – 2 = 19 + 5t 32. − 34 (x – 4) = 5 + 2x 33. 1
6 x–4=3+ 3
10 x

34. 5
2 (-4x – 2) = 3
4 x+6 35. x −5
3 = 5 x6+8 36. x+7
14 = 6 − 73 x

Exercises 3.2C

1. x = 27 28. $67.54
2. x = -1 29. 68 temples
3. m=2 30. $70
4. t = -28 31. t = - 638
5. x= 26
3 32. x = - 118
6. x = -4 33. x = -52.5
7. 2Vt + at 2 34. x = - 44
8. p=
I 35. x = -6
9. R1 =
LR 2 − dR 2 36. x = 11
10. s=
11c + 5 g
11. 26
12. 182, 256
13. 62.38 in2
14. 18mm X 79mm
15. l = 16.95 ft
16. 17 in
17. p= 1

18. n = -9.5
19. x=0
20. x = - 23
21. All numbers
22. x = 34.21
23. 20.6%
24. 278.98
25. 661.1
26. 36.5%
27. $206.62

Exercises 3.2C

The rules that come with exponents are relatively easy to understand, but
Section 3.3 they take some practice to ensure that you have them down completely.
Exponents Instead of numbers we will use letters. If we multiply:
We just have to remember what that means:


which is simply 13 of them multiplied together.

We write it as x13.This is our very first rule! Exponents add during

The next one is quite similar:

Again, we just have to remember what it means:
which is by the first rule: x40

That gives us the second rule: Exponent to exponent will multiply.


Division with exponents is just about as easy. Looking at:

This means: TTTTT
and we are left with x3.

Third rule: Exponents subtract during division.

This particular rule gives rise to a couple of interesting facts. Specifically, what happens if the
top and the bottom have the same power?
= x0
But, we know that anything divided by itself is equal to 1. Thus:
x0 = 1

Secondly, what happens if the number on the bottom is larger than the one on the top.
For example:

By using the third rule we get

= x V = x-3 What? a negative exponent! What do we do with
that? Well, if we do it the long way, we get:
which is TW

Section 3.3

Thus we have our next definition. A negative exponent puts the number on the bottom.

x-3 = W

Look at a couple of examples:

Using rules of exponents Checking with numbers
23 · 22 = 25 = 2 · 2 · 2 · 2 · 2 = 32 23 · 22 = 8 · 4 = 32

= 2$V = 2 = 8 = =8
7 7 %

Look at that. The rules really work for any number. Here are some more examples to be able to
simplify some expressions:

(3x5)3 = 27x15 by use of the second rule.

(4y5)(7y12) = 28y17 by use of the first rule.

2-6 = X = % by the definition of a negative exponent


6-2 = %' = %

= = 49

\] 7 ^ = \] 7 ^ = \^ = \ Y' ^ = ] Z7 = ] Z7
] ZZ ] ZZ ] ] YZ7 ' 

Here is a summary of how you can simplify expressions with exponents:

Rule Official Example Why
Multiplication –
aman = am+n 3x2 · 2x5 = 6x7 3xx2xxxxx = 6xxxxxxx = 6x7
add exponents
Exponent to a
power – multiply (5x2) (5x2) (5x2) =
(am)n = amn (5x2)3 = 125x6
exponents 125x6

a( 36x 36xxxxxxxx
= a(V0 = 9x  = 9xx = 9x 
Division – subtract
a0 4x % 4xxxxxx

= x ! by division rule
Exponent of 0
a0 = 1 if a ≠ 0 70 = 1; x0 = 1 1=

2-4 = 7 = ;
1 xx x
Negative exponent
1 = = = x V
= x$ x  xxxxxxx x $
a-n = .`
x V$

Section 3.3

Section 3.3 Exercises Part A

Simplify the following.
1. (3m2)5 2. x7x11

3. 4Z' 4. t8t5
5. 3-4 6. 3x7 · 4x

7. a6 8. 170

9. (g8)-2 10. HW


11. (2m2n5g8)7 12. 5x2 · 4x7

13. 25 less than 7 times a number is 73. What is the number?

14. Two numbers add to 251 and the second is 41 bigger than the first. What are the two


15. 5p + 12 = 39 – 4p 16. 5n + 48 = 7n – 2(n – 2) 17. 15x – 10 = 5(x – 2)

18. 2(x – 5) – x = 4x – 7 19. 9m – 3(m – 3) = 15m +7 20. 8x – 12x + 3 = 9x +8x

21. 45 is what percent of 39? 22. 85 is 24% of what?

23. What is 19% of 3,517? 24. What is 23% of 49?

25. Original Price: 26. Original Price: $55.50

Tax: 5% Discount: 23%
Final Price: $239.40 Final Price:

27. If the population of a town grew 41% up to 7,191. What was the population last year?

Exercises 3.3A

28. If the price of an object dropped 35% down to $11.44, what was the original price?


29. 7
3 t + 5 = 19 30. − 83 (x + 7) = 5 + 3x 31. 2
3 x–6=7+ 1
2 x

32. .3(4x + 7) = 2.5x + 6 33. .005x + .045 = .004x 34. x +7

4 = 4 − 56 x


35.Simplify the following (so that there are no negative exponents).

.Y7 bY 8YW 1Y6 4Y[

$-YW 9Y cY' dYZ

Exercises 3.3A

1. 243m10 28. $17.60
2. x18 29. t=6
f7 %
3. 30. x=-
4. t13 31. x = 78

5. 32. x = -3
6. 12x8 33. x = -45
a' $

7. 34.

8. 1 35. -W 9 c' dZ
$.7 b 8W 16 4[


11. 128m14n35g56
12. 20x9
13. 14
14. 105,146
15. p=3
16. No solution
17. x=0
18. x = -1

19. m=

20. x=
21. 115.4%
22. 354.17
23. 668.23
24. 11.27
25. $228
26. $42.74
27. 5,100

Exercises 3.3A

Compounding Quarterly, Monthly, and Daily

So far, you have been compounding interest annually, which means the interest is added once per
year. However, you will want to add the interest quarterly, monthly, or daily in some cases.
Excel will allow you to make these calculations by adjusting the interest rate and the number of
periods to be compounded. Remember that all interest rates provided in the problems are
annual rates. You must adjust them to fit other compounding periods. The adjusted rate is
called the periodic rate. To adjust the periodic rate in Excel, open the FV calculation box and
change a 10% annual rate to quarterly, monthly, or daily as follows:

• Quarterly Rate: .10/4 Changing the rate to 2.5% or .025

• Monthly Rate: .10/12 Changing the rate to .83% or .0083
• Daily Rate: .10/365 Changing the rate to .0274% or .000274

Change ten years of compounding to quarterly, monthly, or daily as follows:

• Quarterly Nper: 10*4 Changing the compounding periods to 40

• Monthly Nper: 10*12 Changing the compounding periods to 120
• Daily Nper: 10*365 Changing the compounding periods to 3,650

If you assume you put $50 into savings and you are comparing savings accounts where the 10%
annual interest rate is compounding quarterly, monthly, or daily. You can compare the amount
of interest you will earn using Excel as follows:

Quarterly Monthly Daily

Rate: .1/4 or .025 Rate: .1/12 or .00833 Rate: .1/365or .000274
Nper: 10*4 or 40 Nper: 10*12 or 120 Nper: 10*365 or 3650
Pmt: 0 Pmt: 0 Pmt: 0
Pv: -50 Pv: -50 Pv: -50

Future Value = $134.25 Future Value = $135.35 Future Value = $135.90

The more frequently interest is added to your savings and compounded, the more interest
you will earn. The above illustration involves a small amount of savings. The more the savings
and the more often you add to your savings the more difference it will make when the interest in
added and compounded more frequently. The following example illustrates saving $100 per
month for ten years at 10% interest rate compounded monthly versus annually.

Annually Monthly
Rate: .1 or 10% Rate: .1/12 or .00833
Nper: 10 Nper: 10*12
Pmt: -1200 Pmt: -100
Pv: 0 Pv: 0

Future Value = $19,124.91 Future Value = $20,484.50

Section 3.3

h ij
Savings Plan Formula for a lump sum
e = f \g + ^
A = Final Amount

PMT = monthly payment
P = Principal amount
(beginning balance)
r = annual interest rate
n = number of compounding
h ij
Savings Plan Formula with payment
\g + i^ − g
per year

e = fkl m h n
Y = number of years

= periodic interest rate (rate
used in spreadsheet)
Thus we have the monster formula for a Savings Plan
that begins with a balance and then is added to by a nY = number of periods (nper)

h ij
h ij \g + i^ − g
e = f \g + ^ + fkl m h n

Spreadsheets normally have this formula built into their functions. It is known as
Future Value (FV),so you won’t need to use this one if you learn the spreadsheet

Loan Payment Formula

fkl = f m i n
h Vij
g − \g + ^

Though you will be asked to use your calculator to find some payments,
spreadsheets also normally have this formula built into their functions. It is known
as Payment (PMT).
Final note using a spreadsheet: The formulas are built so that money going out from you is
negative and money coming in to you is positive. When you are entering Savings into the
spreadsheet, the payment and Principal (Present Value) will be negative. However, for a loan, the
payment will be negative but the Principal (Present Value) will be positive, because it represents
money coming to you.

Section 3.3

Calculating Payments, Interest Rates, and Number of Periods

Excel will help you calculate the payment you will need to make on a loan. It will calculate the
interest rate you would need to earn on your savings to realize a certain future balance. The
number of periods it will take to have your savings grow to a certain future balance can also be

Monthly Payment Calculation

If you wanted to buy a car that costs $15,000 and you can get a loan at 6% interest for
four years, you can determine the monthly payments using the PMT Excel function as

Rate: .06/12 or .005 (monthly interest)

Nper: 4*12 or 48 (months)
Pv: 15000
Fv: 0
Monthly Payment = -$352.28

When you have paid the monthly payment for forty-eight months you will own the car
and the future value of the loan is zero because the loan in paid off.

Benefits Versus Bondage

You can see how hard your savings will work for you given an interest rate and enough time.
However, interest works against you when you borrow money. The benefits may seem great at
the moment but the financial bondage is terrible. By calculating the interest you would pay on a
loan to borrow a car and the interest you would earn by saving to be able to pay cash for the car,
we can determine the financial advantage of collecting interest rather than paying interest.

Interest Paid on a Car Loan

You calculate the amount of interest you would pay on a four year car loan of $15,000 at
6% annual interest using the Excel Pmt function as follows:

Rate: .06/12
Nper: 4*12
Pv: 15000
Fv: 0
Monthly Payment = - $352.28
Total Payment = - $352.28*48 (Payments) = - $16,909.22
Interest Paid =-$16,909.22 (Paid) +$15,000 (Borrowed) = - $1,909.22

Section 3.3

TIP: You can have Excel calculate this for you by entering the Pmt function to calculate
the monthly payment and then, on the formula bar at the top of the Excel sheet, multiply
by 48 payments and subtract the $15,000 you borrowed. The formula will be as follows:


You can also double click on the cell with the Pmt calculation in it and the formula will
appear in the cell. Now you can multiply by 48 payments and subtract 15000 and enter
this formula in the cell. The cell will have the answer and the formula will be in the
formula bar.

Interest Collected on Your Savings

The interest you will earn on your savings of $350.00 per month earning 6% annual
interest for 39 months (the number of months we calculated above would be required to
accumulate $15,000 in savings) is calculated using the FV function in Excel as follows:

Rate: .06/12
Nper: 39
Pmt: -350
Pv: 0
FV = $15,030.44

Amount Deposited in Savings = - $350*39 (deposits) = - $13,650.00

Interest Earned on Savings = $15,030.44-$13,650.00 = $1,380.44

Again, you can double click on the cell containing the FV calculation and subtract
350*39 and enter this formula giving you the amount of interest earned. You can make
the same adjustment to the formula in the formula bar. The resulting formula is as


Total Savings From Saving Versus Borrowing

Here is how you benefited by saving and paying cash for the car rather than borrowing
the money to buy the car:

Interest Earned $1,380.44

Interest Not Paid $1,909.22
Financial Advantage $3,289.66

You are wealthier by $3,289.66 because you collected interest rather than paying interest.
This practice will make a major difference in your financial well-being throughout your
life. If you put the money you save by paying cash for major purchases to work for you

Section 3.3

by investing it for your retirement you will add greatly to your independent wealth. You
can estimate that using the FV function in Excel as follows assuming a 6% return on your
investment for 30 years:

Rate: .06
Nper 30
Pv: -3289.66
FV = $18,894.13

This addition to your wealth along with the other additions resulting from saving rather
than borrowing will make a major impact on your ultimate wealth.

TIP: In all of the Excel functions you will be using, you only need three entries or factors to
calculate the fourth factor you are after. Notice that there are only three entries in each of the
above Excel functions. You can leave blank any factor not needed and Excel will assume it is

Section 3.3

Section 3.3 Exercises Part B

Simplify the following.
1. (x7x11)3 2. (3m2)3(2m2)3

3. 4Z' -Y7 4. 5q V r sV$

46 -
5. 2-4 6. 3x7(4x2 – 5x +3)

t  v
7. u Y HW 8. 5x5(4x7 – 7x6 + 5x-2)
u 6 H

9.Why doesn’t a negative exponent make the answer negative?

Using your calculator and the Savings Plan formulas, fill out the table for a savings account.

10. Simple n = 1 11. Quarterly n = 4 12. Monthly n = 12 13. Daily n = 365

P = 200 P = 200 P = 200 P = 200
r = 8% r = 8% r = 8% r = 8%
Y = 15 Y = 15 Y = 15 Y = 15
A= A= A= A=

Using a spreadsheet and the Future Value (FV) formula, fill out the table for a savings account.
Put your results in a spreadsheet called “Savings and Loan Practice.”

14. Simple n = 1 15. Quarterly n = 4 16. Monthly n = 12 17. Daily n = 365

P = 200 P = 200 P = 200 P = 200
r = 7% r = 7% r = 7% r = 7%
Y = 15 Y = 15 Y = 15 Y = 15
A= A= A= A=

Exercises 3.3B

Using your calculator, find the monthly (n = 12) payment for the following loans.

18. 19. 20. 21.

P = 300 P = 3000 P = 1500 P = 23,000
r = 8% r = 9% r = 15% r = 8%
Y=2 Y=5 Y = 12 Y = 30

Using a spreadsheet and the Payment (PMT) formula, find the monthly (n = 12) payment for the
following loans.Put your results in a spreadsheet called “Savings and Loan Practice.”

22. 23. 24. 25.

P = 500 P = 4800 P = 2500 P = 23,000
r = 4% r = 9% r = 15% r = 8%
Y=2 Y=5 Y = 12 Y = 20

26. Following the Benefit versus Bondage example in the text or video instructions, find the
overall wealth advantage of saving $279.43 for 39 months or paying off a $12,000 loan in 48
months (monthly payment of $281.82).

27. Ensure that every member of the group is able to put in the formulas and use the spreadsheet
to do the calculations.

Exercises 3.3B

1. x54
2. 216m12
3. 4
4. A7
w W x

6. 12x9 – 15x8 + 9x7
7. 8WX 1Z'
8. 20x12 – 35x11 + 25x3
9. Negative exponents mean
10. 634.43
11. 656.21
12. 661.38
13. 663.94
14. 551.81
15. 566.36
16. 569.79
17. 571.47 26. Interest gained on Savings: about $1102
18. 13.57 Interest paid on Loan: about $1527
19. 62.28 Advantage to Savings: about $2629
20. 22.51
Note: Some students may not keep
21. 168.77 all of the decimals through the
22. 21.71 whole problem and may be off by
a dollar or two. That’s all right;
23. 99.64
that is why the answers have
24. 37.52 “about” in them.
25. 192.38
27. Complete only when everyone
understands and can enter the
formulas on their own.

Exercises 3.3B

Section 3.3 Exercises Part C – Exam Review

1.  3x − 1  2.  − 6x + 4  3. -7 – 9m = -22
5 − 2 = 10 3 + 3 − 5 = 25
 5   2 
4. 6 5. 19 = 7x – 39 6. 4x − 7
7t = -48 = −9

Solve for the specified variable.

7. 2s + at 2 8. I
=V for s r= for t
5t pt
9. LR 2 10. 9s − 5g
for g
d= for L =c
R2 + R1 11

11.84 is 6 more than 13 times a number. What is the number?

12. Two numbers add to 438 and the first is 72 bigger than the second. What are the two
14 in
13. Find the area of the shaded region:
6 in

14. If a rectangle’s length is 5 more than 4 times the width and the perimeter is 180 mm, what are
the dimensions of the rectangle?

15. Find the missing variable for a rectangle:

P = 78.3 ft
w = 17.2 ft

16. Find the missing variable for a cylinder:

SA = 453.9 in2


17. 7p + 12 = 15 – 7p 18. 3n + 68 = 7 – 2(n – 2) 19. 2x – 10 = 5(x – 4)

Exercises 3.3C

20. 18 is what percent of 68? 21. 119 is 28% of what?

22. Original Price:$92.56 23. Original Price:

Tax: 7.3% Discount: 35%
Final Price: Final Price: $13.90

24. If the price of a meal after a 20% tip was $16.08? What was the price of the meal before the
tip was added?

25. If the price of an object dropped 15% down to $413.10, what was the original price?


26. 5 3 27. x−5

= 4x6+8 28. 2x+7
= 6 − 73 x
2 (-3x+ 2) = 4 x + 6 3 21

29. Find the price, interest rate and years of a loan for homes in your area. In your “Life Plan”
spreadsheet, enter the Price, Number of years, and Interest Rate, then use the PMT formula to
figure out how much it will cost to own a home. Report to your group when you have completed

30.Using the PMT formula in your “Life Plan” spreadsheet, find the cost of owning your own
transportation. Report results to your group.

31. Create a Visual Chart on one side of a piece of paper for Chapter 3 material including
information and examples relating to Linear Equations and Applications.

Exercises 3.3C


1. x=7 28. x=

2. x=- 29. Will be submitted in Portfolio

3. 30. Will be submitted in Portfolio
4. t = -56 31. Make it nice.

5. x=
6. x = -5

7. z5V.5'

HJ~' ~Z K
9. }= ~'

11. 6
12. 255, 183
13. 55.73in2
14. l = 73mm, w = 17mm
15. 21.95 ft
16. 3.32 in

17. p=

18. n=-

19. x=
20. 26.5%
21. 425
22. $99.32
23. $21.38
24. $13.40
25. $486.00

26. x=-
27. x = -9

Exercises 3.3C

Chapter 4

4.1 Charts and Maps
4.2 Lines and Slope
4.3 Writing Equations of Lines

Exercises 3.3C

Have you ever had difficulty finding locations of objects on maps? If

Section 4.1 you haven’t yet had that experience, then I have a little activity for
Graphs and Charts you. At the end of your Bible (King James Version – LDS Edition)
there are several maps. On any of the 13 or so maps, try to find the
following locations:

Unless you have some help, it might take you a while. Let’s walk through a couple of
them together. Right before the maps is an Index of Place-Names. First, we look up Bethsaida. In
the edition I have, I find Bethsaida and right next to it is listed 11:C3. The map we have to look
at is number 11, but what does the C3 mean? Well, if you turn to map #11 you will notice that
across the top are letters and then there are numbers along the side. If you go straight down from
C and straight across from 3, you will be right in the vicinity of Bethsaida (right on the north
shore of the Sea of Galilee.
Next we will look at the Samothrace. In the Index of Place-Names we find that it is
located on map 13: E1. Go to map #13. Again, the letters are across the top and numbers are
listed on the side. Go straight down from E and across from 1, and you will find a small island
with the name of Samothrace.

Here is an example from the maps for Church History and the Doctrine and Covenants:
Find Harmony, Pennsylvania.

In the Index of Place-Names we see that Harmony, Pennsylvania is on two maps, 1:B3
and 3:H3. So we go to map #3 straight down from H and straight across from 3 and find Village
of Harmony.

If you aren’t familiar with the map, the little grid set up by using one letter and one
number is absolutely indispensable.

Because letters and numbers go in definite orders, they are called ordinates. When they
are used together to pinpoint an exact location, they are then called coordinates. The use of
coordinates to find an exactly location was introduced into mathematics centuries ago by a man
named Rene Descartes. Now his method to specify locations is used widely in the world.
Longitude and latitude are the two numbers that, when used together, can give us an exact
location on the planet and form the basis for all ship and plane navigation.

Using coordinates is also valuable in being able to read charts and “see” trends that aren’t
so readily picked up by only seeing the numbers. Here is an example of a savings account and
how it has grown:

Section 4.1

Year Amount Savings Account information

2001 $8.31 $100.00
2002 $17.48
2003 $28.00
2004 $56.39 $60.00
2005 $72.48 $40.00
2006 $85.34
The chart helps to visualize the $20.00
growth. $0.00
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Notice how the graph is
made by plotting each set of
The standard coordinate system that is used in math is called the Cartesian Coordinate
System. It was created by Descartes (hence the name Cartesian) and uses numbers (positive or
negative) for both the horizontal and the vertical measuring. Here is the system and the parts of

y - axis
tick marks so you won’t lose
your place

x - axis

Keeping things in order, when you are given a set of

numbers like (6,-2), we have the following:

Parentheses tell us that these two numbers go

together to make a single set of coordinates
6 comes first and so matches up with the x
-2 comes second and matches up with y
So, we go to where we are at 6 on the x and -2 on the
y to find the right location of the point like this:
· (6,-2)

Section 4.1

Section 4.1 Exercises Part A

Find the following locations in the maps section of your Bible using the Index of Place-

1. Marah
2. Haran
3. Mt. Ararat
Now use the Church History maps.
5. Adam-Ondi-Ahman
6. Nauvoo, Illinois

Based on the chart:

7. In what year did the 600
company make $450? 500

8. How much did the 400

company make in 2006? 300
9. What years did the
company make over $500? 100
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

10. Chart the following table of growth of a savings account:

# of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Amount 38 50 72 105 130 155 195 205 170

Graph the following points on a Cartesian coordinate system.

11. (1,8) 12. (2,-4) 13. (3,8)
14. (-5,1) 15. (-3,-7) 16. (0,1)
17. (-2,4) 18. (1,-1) 19. (5,0)

Exercises 4.1A

1. On maps
2. On maps
3. On maps
4. On maps
5. On maps
6. On maps
7. 2003
8. About $350
9. 2004(maybe), 2009, 2010
100 Amount
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

· · (1,8) (3,8)

· (-2,4)
· · ·
(-5,1) (0,1)
· (1,-1)

· · (-3,-7)

Exercises 4.1A

Section 4.1 Exercises Part B

Find the following locations in the maps section of your Bible and Doctrine and Covenants
(Church History) using the Index of Place-Names.

1. Thessalonica
2. Ur
3. Mt. Nebo
4.Kidron Valley
5. Nineveh
6. Fayette, New York

Based on the chart:

7. In what years did the 600
company make about $400? 500

8. How much did the 400

company make in 2002? 300
9. What year did the
company make less than 100
$375? 0
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

10. Chart the following table of growth of the number of worldwide Pathway sites:
Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Amount 3 13 27 65 130 227 387

11. As a group, use a spreadsheet to make a table of the growth of a savings account for 20 years
that begins with $200 and receives a $25 deposit each month and grows at 6% compounded
monthly. The table should show the yearly values at the end of each year.

12. As a group, use the spreadsheet to make a graph of the 20-year table.

13. How much money was paid into the savings account over the 20 years? How much interest
was earned?

Graph the following points on a Cartesian coordinate system.

14. (5,1) 15. (3,-7) 16. (0,-1)
17. (-12,4) 18. (1,1) 19. (-5,0)

Exercises 4.1B

1. On maps
2. On maps
3. On maps
4. On maps
5. On maps
6. On maps 11. Answer on next page . . .
7. 2001, 2005, and 2007 12. Answer on next page . . .
8. About $500 13. $6200, 6013.06
9. 2006
Operating Pathway Sites

300 227

200 130
100 27
3 13
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


· (-12,4)

· ·· ·

· (3,-7)

Exercises 4.1B

Answer to #11:

t r n P PMT rate nper Amount

1 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 12 $520.72
2 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 24 $861.23
3 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 36 $1,222.74
4 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 48 $1,606.54
5 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 60 $2,014.02
6 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 72 $2,446.63
7 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 84 $2,905.92
8 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 96 $3,393.54
9 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 108 $3,911.24
10 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 120 $4,460.86
11 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 132 $5,044.39
12 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 144 $5,663.90
13 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 156 $6,321.63
14 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 168 $7,019.92
15 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 180 $7,761.29
16 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 192 $8,548.37
17 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 204 $9,384.01
18 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 216 $10,271.18
19 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 228 $11,213.08
20 0.06 12 -200 -25 0.005 240 $12,213.06

Answer to #12:

$6,000.00 Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Exercises 4.1B

Section 4.1 Exercises Part C

Find the following locations in the maps section of your Bible and Doctrine and Covenants
using the Index of Place-Names.

1. Bethlehem
2. Ephesus
3. Hebron
4. Mt. Sinai
5. Liberty, Missouri
6. Kirtland, Ohio Value
Based on the chart: 3500
7. In what year did the value first drop
below 2500?
8. How much value was lost in the 7 1500
years? 1000
9. Which year had the biggest drop in 0
value? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10. Chart the following table of growth of a savings account:

# of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Amount 52 35 48 54 62 73 68 72 85

11. Use a spreadsheet to make a table of the growth of a savings account for 20 years that begins
with $200 and receives a $50 deposit each month and grows at 6%. The table should show the
yearly values at the end of each year.

12.Use the spreadsheet to make a graph of the 20-year table.

13. How much money was paid into the savings account over the 20 years? How much interest
was earned?

14. How much interest is earned if the account grows at 9% instead of 6%?

Graph the following points on a Cartesian coordinate system.

15. (7,1) 16. (13,-7) 17. (0,4)
18. (8,4) 19. (-1,1) 20. (-8,0)

21. Create a realistic savings plan for yourself. Make a table of the growth of your savings for 20
years. Create a graph of the table. Include it in your portfolio.

Exercises 4.1C

1. On maps
2. On maps 11. Answer on next page
3. On maps 12. Answer on next page
4. On maps 13. $12200, $11564.09
5. On maps 14. $22,396.17 interest for a
total of $34,596.17
6. On maps
7. 3rd year
8. About $2000
9. From the 1st to 2nd year
40 Amount

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


· (0,4) · (8,4)

· (-8,0)
·(-1,1) · (7,1)

· (13,-7)

21. Include in Portfolio

Exercises 4.1C

Answer to number 11:

t r n P PMT rate nper Amount
1 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 12 $829.11
2 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 24 $1,497.03
3 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 36 $2,206.14
4 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 48 $2,958.99
5 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 60 $3,758.27
6 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 72 $4,606.85
7 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 84 $5,507.77
8 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 96 $6,464.26
9 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 108 $7,479.73
10 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 120 $8,557.85
11 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 132 $9,702.45
12 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 144 $10,917.66
13 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 156 $12,207.81
14 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 168 $13,577.54
15 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 180 $15,031.75
16 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 192 $16,575.66
17 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 204 $18,214.79
18 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 216 $19,955.01
19 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 228 $21,802.57
20 0.06 12 -200 -50 0.005 240 $23,764.09

Answer to number 12:




$10,000.00 Amount


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Exercises 4.1C

When we solved equations that looked like 3x-2=13, we got a solution

Section 4.2 like x=5, but what does that really mean? We have followed an algorithm to
Graphing arrive at the proper location, but the reader is reminded that the whole
purpose of manipulating equations is to find numbers for x that we can stick
in and make a true statement. If we stick in 5 for x in this equation, we get 3(5) - 2 = 13, which is
true. There is no other number which will do this. We call this a solution to the equation.
In that kind of equations we found a number for x that made the statement true, and
sometimes we could even guess what would work without really using any formulas or steps.
This process becomes a bit helpful when studying the next type of equation:
In this type of equation there is an x and a y to find numbers for. The solution to this equation
will not be a single number as it was in the earlier cases, but a pair of numbers. The answers will
look something like (3,-2), which means that we will stick in 3 for x and -2 for y. If you stick
those in, the equation becomes:
3(3)+2(-2) = 5
Woo Hoo! It works! We found a solution, and we don’t even know what we are doing yet. Let’s
see if there is another one. Try the following pairs of numbers in the equation to see if they also
(1,1) 3(1)+2(1)=5 solution
(3,2) 3(3)+2(2) =5 nope
(-1,4) 3(-1)+2(4)=5 solution
(5,-2) 3(5)+2(-2)=5 nope
(5,-5) 3(5)+2(-5)=5 solution

If you try all of these, you will realize that some of them work as solutions and some of
them don’t. In any case, you should be able to realize that there are a whole lot of solutions, tons
of them! One way to get them is to keep guessing. When you get tired of that there is an
algorithm that might make things a little easier. If we pick a number for x and stick it in, then
we will have an equation that we can solve for y. For example, if we say in this example we
want x to be 7, we stick it in to get:
y=-8 Which means that when x is 7, y will be -8, or in other words,
the pair (7,-8) is a solution. What would we get if we made y = 9? The equation would be:
Solving for x, we get x= -  , so the pair (-  ,9) is a solution.
Now we can get so many solutions this way that it doesn’t pose a problem to find one
anymore. Since there are so many, the question arises, “Are there any patterns in the solutions to
these equations.” Well, of course there are. This is math! The solutions are pairs, which we can
stick on a graph. If we plot the ones that we have already found to the problem we are using we
get this: (3,-2), (1,1), (-1,4), (5,-5), (7,-8)

Section 4.2

You will notice that all of the solutions are in a straight line.
If we connect them, we get all of the solutions for the
equation. It is important to realize that if we draw the line .
that connects the dots, all of the points on that line are
solutions. The problems will simply ask you to graph the
line 3x+2y=5 or something similar.

. The correct answer to

“Graph the line
3x+2y=5”, is then the graph at the left.

For the next one, find four points on the line and then graph it:
y = 4x – 2
x y
4 when x = 4 we have y = 4 (4) – 2 which means y = -1.
0 1
when x = 0 we have y = 4 (0) – 2 which means y = -2.
3 when y = 0 we have 0 = 4 (x) – 2 which means x = 8.
when y = 3 we have 3 = 4 (x) – 2 which means x = 20.
x y
The table completely filled out looks like this:
4 -1
and the graph like this:
0 -2
8 0
20 3
Notice that we really only need two points
to get the pattern. For convenience, we often
select 0 for x, and then 0 for y.
When x is 0 the point is on the y-axis. Likewise, when y is 0
the point is on the x-axis. In the previous example, the point
(0,-2) lies on the y-axis and is called the y-intercept; the point
(8,0) lies on the x-axis and is called the x-intercept.

Section 4.2

Here is another example.

An x-intercept happens Graph the line 4x + 3y = 8; find the x and y intercepts.
when y is zero, and a y- We start by finding the x- and y-intercepts with a table that looks like:
intercept happens when x x y
is zero. 0

Then fill it out by plugging in 0 for x and getting 4(0) + 3y = 8

3y = 8
y= 3
When we plug in 0 for y we get: 4x + 3(0) = 8
x y
4x = 8
0 83
x=2 so we have the table:
2 0
and the graph:

There are a couple of particular kinds of lines that may give you a bit of trouble when you first
see them. Your first reaction when asked to graph the line:
is probably something like, “Hey, where is the y?” or, “How do I do that? It looks

Relax, these kind are actually a bit easier than the other ones.
Watch: The points (4,7) (4,0)
What is x when y is 7? Answer: 4 and (4,-3) are part of
What is x when y is 0? Answer: 4 the line and help us
What is x when y is -3? Answer: 4 graph it.
Do you see how nice that is? Since y is not in the equation it can be anything it wants to be, but x
is always 4. The graph is as follows:

Section 4.2

Here is the line x = 4; notice that it is vertical and hits where x is 4.

For future reference you can remember that all equations that only
have an x will be vertical.
The other special case that may seem difficult at first looks like:
y = -2
But I think you can see that it will be very similar to the previous

What is y when x is 0? Answer: -2 The points (0,-2) (5,-2)

What is y when x is 5? Answer: -2 and (-3,-2) are part of the
What is y when x is -3? Answer -2 line and help us graph it.

See how slick that is?! The graph is as follows:

Here is the line y = -2; notice that it is horizontal and hits

where y is -2.

All equations with just a y in them will be horizontal lines.

Now that we can graph any lines, there is one particular property of lines that is
most useful. We introduce this by bringing to mind a familiar road sign. This
sign warns of steepness, but take a look at what it is really saying. 7% means
the fraction 100.The interpretation of the sign means that the road falls
vertically 7 feet for every 100 feet that you travel horizontally. In this
way the highway department uses fractions to denote the steepness of
roads. We are going to do the same thing with the steepness of lines.
When we have a couple of points on the graph we can find the steepness
7% between them. Here are a couple of examples.

Section 4.2

1st Example The steepness of the line between point A(-2,1) and B(3,3) is found by taking
how much it changes up and down (distance between
1 and 3 = 2) over how much it changes left and C (1,7)
right(distance between -2 and 3 = 5). That makes a
steepness of 5 . The name for steepness is slope, and
B (3,3)
the symbol is m (as in a mountain). We would write
A (-2,1)
that m = 5 .

2ndExample The slope of the line through A(-2,1) and

C(1,7) would be 6 (the distance from 1 to 7) over 3 D (5,-3)
(the distance from -2 to 1.

We would write m = , or in other words m = 2.

3rdExample The slope of the line through A(-2,1) and D(5,-3) would be -4 (the distance from 1
down to -3) over 7 (the distance from -2 to 5); m = - 7 .

There are some properties that you should start to see from these examples.
1. Bigger numbers for slope correspond to steeper lines.
2. Positive slopes tilt up as you go to the right.
3. (Opposite of #2) Negative slopes will tilt down as you go to the right.

In the first example we obtained the 2 as the distance from 1 to 3. What operation finds distance?
Answer: Subtraction.
Aha! Seeing that, we can start to see a pattern in how to find slopes a little more quickly. Let’s
look at those three examples, using subtraction this time:
As a note: 1You should
st Example: 2ndExample: 3rdExample:
realize that the
3 −1 2 7 −1 6 − 3 −1 4
= = =2 =−
subtraction3may− −2 5 1 − −2 3 5 − −2 7
happen in the opposite
direction but will still
give the same slope.
Example #1 would Now, see if you can find the slope between two general points:
look like this: Point 1 and point 2 with coordinates that we don’t know.
1− 3 −2 2 We would like to call them both just (x,y), but then subtraction
= = would give us zero. This is a good place to introduce you to how
−2−3 −5 5
subscripts can be very helpful. We will call point #1 (x1,y1) showing that
the x and the y come from the 1st point. Similarly we will call point #2
Now you can find the slope just like we did in the previous examples:
y − y1
m= 2
x 2 − x1
Voila! You have just created the formula for finding slope between two points. Practice using it
quite a bit until it almost becomes natural. Memorize it!

Section 4.2

Sometimes formulas are written in a few different ways. Here are some of the others:

€ − € € QℎO‚ƒ N„…ƒ Δ€
r= r = r = r =
S − S S QℎO‚ƒ N†‚ ΔS
They all mean the same thing.

m = undefined
m = 15 To get a feel for slope a little bit better, we are going to
take a little time to look at some slopes. You will notice
m=2 that the higher the number, the steeper it is.
Common sense from that will tell you that a
m =1 slope of 0 will belong to a line that is
completely flat. Also, you should see
that since numbers get bigger as the
 slope gets steeper, the slope of a vertical
line would have to be far greater than a


billion. On the other hand, numbers get
increasingly large in the negative
direction for lines that are heading
down ever steeper. That means that
vertical lines would have to have a
slope that is less than negative one
billion. Hmmmmmm…. greater than a
r = −
 billion and less than negative a billion
at the same time. No wonder that
division by zero can’t be done and is

r = −

r = −1
A word of caution: Since the term “no
slope” is interpreted by some to mean
r = −2 zero slope and by others to mean that the slope
r = −8
doesn’t exist, we will simply avoid the term. A vertical
line has undefined slope and a horizontal line has a
m = undefined slope of zero.

Section 4.2

Section 4.2 Exercises Part A

1. Two numbers add up to 57, and the first is 23 bigger than the second. What are the two

2. An international phone call costs 35¢ to connect and 12¢ for every minute of the call. How
long can a person talk for $3.60?

3. A 52m rope is cut so that one piece is 18m longer than the other. What are the lengths of the

4. Original Price:$292.50 5. Original Price:

Discount:20% Discount: 40%
Final Price: Final Price: $73.90

6. The perimeter of a rectangle is 82 cm. If the length of the rectangle is 6 more than 4 times the
width, what are the dimensions of the rectangle?

Fill out the table for each of the following:

Ex. 1
3x + 4y = 7 Solution:
x y
x y 3x + 4(0) = 7 2 1
3(2) + 4y = 7 2 4
3x = 7
4y = 1 0 7
7 0
1 x= 3
1 3
y= 4 1 1
5 13 5
0 3x + 4(1) = 7 - 4
3(0) + 4y = 7 3x = 3
4y = 7 0 7
x=1 4
y= 4 3x + 4(5) = 7
3x = -13
x=- 3

7. x + y = 9 8. 2x – y = 5 9. 5x + 4y = 9 10. x–7y = 13

x y x y x y x y
5 2 1 1
-4 0 0 3
3 -1 -3 2
0 0 0 0
7 4 5 -1

Exercises 4.2A

Graph the following lines, and label three points.

2x – 7y = 3

Pick three numbers to make a table (intercepts are helpful):

y . ..
3 1
(0,- 7 ) (1,- 7 ) (-2,-1)

11. 3x + y = 10 12. y = 2x 13. x – 4y = 7

14. x = 3 15. y = - 7 x + 4 16. 6x – 5y = 12

17. y = -4 18. 5x + 2y = 6

19. After reading a bit about slope from the book section, try to find the slope between (4,1) and

Exercises 4.2A

1. 17, 40 11. (0,10) (3,1) (-1,13) 16. (2,0) (0, - Z'6) (7,6)
2. 27 minutes
3. 17m, 35m

4. $234

5. $123.17
6. 7cm X 34cm

7. 12. (0,0) (1,2) (2,4) 17. (0,-4) (2,-4) (37,-4)

x y
5 4
-4 13
6 3
9 0
2 7

8. 13. (7,0) (3,-1) (0,V7) 18. (0,3) (2,-2) ( X6 ,0)

x y
2 -1
0 -5
-1 -7

9. 14. (3,0) (3,1) (3,2) 19. m = ZˆW

x y
1 1
-3 6

10. 15. (0,4) (7,1) (14,-2)

x y
20 1
34 3


6 -1

Exercises 4.2A

Section 4.2 Exercises Part B

1. If the length is 3 more than 4 times the width of a rectangle and the perimeter is 76mm, what
are the dimensions?

2. Solve. 4(x-7) = 2x + 15

Fill out the table for each of the following:

3. x + 4y = 9 4. y = Wx - 13

x y x y
1 2
0 5
-3 2
0 0
5 -1

5. Points and Lines in Conference. In October 2011 conference, Elder Tad Callister used
points and lines to illustrate what gospel principle? (About 4:20 – 5:40 in the video at

Graph the following lines, and label two points. (Any two points on the line are fine; your
points might be different than the ones in the answers, but the lines should be in the same spot.)

6. 3x + 2y = 10 7. y = 2x - 7 8. y = Z'x

9. x = -6 10. y = - 7 x - 2 11. 2x – 5y = 12

12. y=5 13. 5x + y = 6

14. What is the x-intercept of 2x – 3y = 16?

15. What is the y-intercept of € =  S − 7?

Exercises 4.2B

Find the slope between each pair of points.

Ex. (7,2) (-3,5)

m = 5−2
=- 3

16. (5,-2) (7,3) 17. (4,1) (-5,6) 18. (5,-1) (-3,-8)

19. (7,3) (-2,3) 20. (-5,2) (4,-3) 21. (-6,1) (-6,5)

22. Explain the difference between a slope of zero and an undefined slope.

23. Find two points of each line and then use those points to find the slope.

2x – 3y = 1 y = W6x + 4

Exercises 4.2B

1. w=7, l=31 8. (0,0) (2, 1) (8,4) 13. (0,6) (1,1) ( X6 ,0)

2. x=
x y
1 2
-3 3
9 0
-11 5

4. 9. (-6,0) (-6,1) (-6,2) 14. (8,0)

x y (0,-7)
m = 6'
35 2
42 5 16.
 m = - 6[
0 -13 18. m = 
28 -1 19. m = 0
20. m = -6[

5. The Law of 10. (0,-2) (7,-5) (-7,1) 21. m = undefined

Witnesses; The Book
of Mormon and the
Bible establishing

6. (0,5) (Zˆ
,0) (2,2) 11. (6,0) (0, -Z'6) (1,-2) 22. Undefined is straight up and
down, vertical.
0 is horizontal, straight across

23. m =  
7. (0,-7) (1,-5) (2,-3) 12. (0,5) (-2,5) (3,5) m=

Exercises 4.2B

Section 4.2 Exercises Part C

1. Three types of trees are in a local park. The number of aspens is 4 more than twice the number
of birch, and there were 50 more pines than birch. There are a total of 874 trees in the park. How
many of each kind are there?

2. If the length is 7 more than 4 times the width of a rectangle and the perimeter is 74mm, what
are the dimensions?

3. Solve. 5(x-7) =  x + 15

4. Original Price:$92.50 5. Original Price:

Discount:20% Discount: 25%
Final Price: Final Price: $174.30

6. What is the Volume of a Cylinder with radius 8cm and height 12cm?

Fill out the table for each of the following:

7. 2x + 3y = 9 8. y = -5x+2 9. x - 7y = 9 10. y = Wx

x y x y x y x y
5 2 1 2
-4 0 0 5
3 -1 -3 2
0 0 0 0
7 4 5 -1

Graph the following lines, and label three points.

11. 4x + 2y = 10 12. y = -2x - 7 13. y = W'x

14. x = 5 15. y = - 7 x - 2 16. 7x – 5y = 12

17. y = -3 18. 5x + 2y = 6

Exercises 4.2C

Find the slope between each pair of points.

19. (4,-2) (7,3) 20. (4,8) (-5,6) 21. (-3,-1) (-3,-8)

22. (7,7) (-2,3) 23. (-5,-3) (4,-3) 24. (-6,1) (-5,5)

25. Explain the difference one more time between a slope of zero and an undefined slope.

Find two points of each line and then use those points to find the slope
26. 2x – 3y = 1 27. y = W6x + 4 28. 5x – y = 10

29. 2x + 7y = 1 30. y = - 'x + 3

Exercises 4.2C

1. 205 Birch, 414 Aspen, 11. (0,5) (6',0) (1,3) 16. (Z',0) (0,- Z'6) (1,-1)
255 Pine
2. w = 6, l = 31
3. x=
4. $74.00

5. $232.40
6. 2412.74 cm3
12. (0,-7) (1,-9) (- $,0) 17. (5,-3) (7.2,-3) (0,-3)

7. x y
5 - g


0 3

-6 7

8. x y 13. (0,0) (2, 3) (4,6) 18. (0,3) (2,-2) ( X6 ,0)

2 -8
0 2

-1 7

-  4

9. 14. (5,2) (5,0) (5,-3.4) 19. m = 6W

x y 20. m = '[
1 -$ m is undefined
0 - $# 22. m = 7[
-3 - $ 23. m=0
9 0 24. m=4
44 5 25. Undefined is straight up and
down, vertical.
0 is horizontal, straight across

10. 15. (0,-2) (7,-5) (-7,1) 26. (0,- ZW) (Z' , 0) m = 'W
x y
27. (0,4) (5,7) m = W6
35 28. (2,0) (0, -10) m = 5
6 29. (0, Z) (Z',0) m = - '
30. (0,3) (7,1) m = - '
0 0


Exercises 4.2C

Okay, now that you know how to graph a line by getting some points, and
Section 4.3 you know how to find the slope between two points, you should be able to
Graphing find the slope of a line once you have an equation:
Equations with
Example: Find the slope and graph the line 3x-4y=2
Well, if we find a couple of points: (2,1) and (6,4), the graph
must look like this: (6,4)

Then finding the slope, we can just use the same method that
4−1 3
we have done the other ones we get the slope m = 6−2 = 4 .

Let’s try it again with another line:

€= S−5

First, find a couple of points…
(0,-5) is a nice easy one
(7,-3) is a little bit trickier
Now to find the slope:
r= =
$V! $

Here I will do the work for another four lines. See if you can see the pattern:
Equation: Slope:
y = -2x – 5 m = -2
3 3
y = 7x + 4 m= 7
4 4
y = - 9 x – 13 m = -9
y = 7x - 2
m= 7

Can you see that? When y is by itself, the slope is simply the number in front of x. No change
at all.


 = ‘ + ’
When y is by itself, the slope is right in front of the x and the intercept is really easy to find:

slope y-intercept

Section 4.3

Since this is such a common ways of writing lines, it has been given the name of Slope-Intercept
Slope-intercept Form:

€ = rS + P
- Written in the form

- r is the slope without any adjustment.

- J0, PK is the y-intercept.

Slope is most easily found.
Y-intercept is most easily found.
Graphing is simple.

Let’s look at how nice this can be:

€ = $S − 5

Based on our shortcuts, we have that the slope is r = $

and that a nice point to start from is the intercept J0, −5K.

There is the graph:



Though slope-intercept is truly awesome, it is not the only way that equations of lines can
be written. Another common way of writing the equation of a line is called Standard Form.
This version has no fractions and keeps all the x’s and y’s on the same side of the equation. Here
is an example:

3S − 4€ = 2

Since both Slope-Intercept and Standard form will be given to you to graph, you should
be able to work with both of them.
Important Note: You should also see that we can change from Standard form into Slope-

3S − 4€ = 2
intercept form (and vice-versa) simply by solving for y. In the example 3x-4y=2, we get:

Subtract 3x from both sides

−4€ = −3S + 2
Divide both sides by -4

Section 4.3

€ = 4 S −
3 1

Which is now in Slope-Intercept Form.

Notice how the same line can be Standard: 3x-4y=2 3

Slope-intercept: y= 4 x - 2
written in the different forms: 3 3
Slope: m= 4 Slope: m= 4
1 1
y-intercept: (0, - 2 ) y-intercept: (0, - 2 )
2 2
x-intercept: ( 3 ,0) x-intercept: ( 3 ,0)

Here are some more that have been transformed into Slope-Intercept with the slope as well listed
off to the side

I hope that you kind of see a

3S – 5€ = 10 3
Standard Slope-Intercept Slope:

€= S−2
pattern emerging that you would be

m= able to use as a shortcut.
2S + 9€ = 4 2 4 m=−

€=− S+
9 9

5S + € = 15 € = −5S + 15 m = −5
S − 3€ = 12 1 
€= S−4


e‘ + “ = ”
For any Standard Form equation written like

The slope can be found easily by:

In any case, you will learn and have practice with both forms. Being able to pick out
intercepts and slope from lines will help you to graph them quickly. Having the slope especially
makes it a cinch to graph lines. You only need to find one point, then follow the slope to the next
point and draw the line.

Section 4.3

Graph the line and find the slope of y=- 3 x - 4
Well the slope is right in front of x, so m= - 3
One easy point is to stick in zero for x. We get the point (0,-4).
Following the slope, (it is negative, so we will head down as we
go to the right) down 5 over 3 and we come to the point (3,-9),
and then draw the line.

Another example: -5

slope of 2S − 7€ = 4
Graph the line and find the
Well the slope is the
opposite of 2 over -7, so r = − −7 =
7 2 2
2 7

It appears that the easiest point in this one is the x-

intercept, so we stick in zero for y and get x=2: (2,0).
Following the slope we move up 2 and over 7 to the next
point (9,2), and then draw the line.

What if we are missing x or y?

That covers graphing and finding the slope for the vast majority of equations. As you will recall,
there were a couple of special cases where either the x or the y were missing. We now look to
find the slope of these.

We will work two examples of this:

First: y= -2

Remember how to find a couple of points that work: (3,-2) and (-

1,-2). It gives us the graph of a horizontal line where y is always -

Putting those two points in to the formula for finding slope, we get:
− 2 − −2 0
m= = =0
−1− 3 −4
which means that all horizontal lines will have a slope of 0.

Section 4.3

Second: x=5
Remember how to find a couple of points that work: (5,2) and (5,6).
It gives us the graph of a vertical line where x is always 5:

Now if we put the points in the slope formula, we get:

= 4 = bad news. (Division by zero is undefined.)
5−5 0
which means that all vertical lines have undefined slope.

m = undefined For good emphasis, we restate the overview of slopes from Section 4.2.
m = 15 To get a feel for slope a little bit better, we are going to
take a little time to look at some slopes. You will
m=2 notice that the higher the number, the steeper
it is. Common sense from that will tell you
m =1 that a slope of 0 will belong to a line that is
completely flat. Also, you should see
that since numbers get bigger as the
 slope gets steeper, the slope of a vertical
 line would have to be far greater than a


billion. On the other hand, numbers get
increasingly large in the negative
direction for lines that are heading
down ever steeper. That means that
r=0 vertical lines would have to have a
slope that is less than negative one
billion. Hmmmmmm…. greater than a
r = −
 billion and less than negative a billion
at the same time. No wonder that
division by zero can’t be done and is

r = −

r = −1
A word of caution: Since the term “no
slope” is interpreted by some to mean
r = −2 zero slope and by others to mean that the
r = −8
slope doesn’t exist, we will simply avoid the term. A
vertical line has undefined slope and a horizontal
m = undefined line has a slope of zero.

Section 4.3

Writing Equations
Now that we can go from the equation of a line to the finding of points, getting the slope and
graphing the line, we are going to work on how to go backwards.

Since from an equation we can get the slope, we can certainly write an equation from the slope.

Write an equation of the line that has slope r = , and goes through the point J5,2K.

In slope-intercept, the slope is right in front of the x when y is by itself.

€ = 5 S + P
Step #1 is to put the slope where it goes. 3

J5,2K 2 = J5K + P
Step #2 is to substitute the given point in for x and y.

-1 = b
Thus our equation must be

y = 5x - 1

2 = J5K + P
Step #3 is to solve for b.

2= 3+P

−1 = P

€ = 5 S − 1
Step #4 is now write the equation properly. 3

Section 4.3

Parallel and Perpendicular

As a side note on slope:
When two lines have the same slope, or
steepness such that they never cross, we call these a
parallel. When two lines meet at a 90 degree angle,
it is called perpendicular. Let’s suppose that line “a”
has a slope of 2 ; it is pretty steep and positive. Line 7
“b” will have a similar ratio, but we can see that it is -2
shallow and negative. As we can see from the 2
picture, the slope of “b” is m= - 7 . This pattern
happens every time that two lines are perpendicular. b
As a rule: A perpendicular slope is the negative
reciprocal. Some people like to think of it that the
two slopes will always multiply together to give you

As a special case, can you see what slope would be

perpendicular to 0? Since vertical and horizontal are perpendicular, an undefined slope is the

Here are a few examples:

Equation Slope Parallel slope Perpendicular
3 3 2
3x+2y=7 m= - 2 m= - 2 m= 3
y = 5x-2 m=5 m=5 m= - 5
4 4 7
4x-7y=7 m= 7 m= 7 m= - 4

x=-7 m = undefined m = undefined m=0

y=3 m=0 m=0 m = undefined

Section 4.3

Section 4.3 Exercises Part A

1. Three types of horses are in a local ranch. The number of Arabians is 8 more than twice the
number of Quarter-horses, and the number of Clydesdales is50 more than the number of Quarter-
horses. There are a total of 282 horses at the ranch. How many of each kind are there?

2. What is the slant height of a cone that has Surface Area of 219.91 in2 and a radius of 5 in?

3. The perimeter of a rectangle is 120 in. If the length of the rectangle is 3 more than twice the
width, what are the dimensions of the rectangle?

4. Original Price:$392.50 5. Original Price:

Tax: 6% Tax: 7%
Final Price: Final Price: $73.90

Fill out the table for each of the following:

6. 2x - 3y = 9 7. y = 'x+2

x y x y
5 2
-4 0
3 -1
0 0
7 4

Graph the following lines, and label x and y intercepts.

8. 5x + 2y = 10 9. y = 7x - 6 10. y = Wx

11. x = 10 12. y = - 7 x +4 13. 7x – y = 14

Find the slope between each pair of points.

14. (8,-2) (7,3) 15. (8,1) (-5,6) 16. (-3,-1) (-3,-8)

17. (7,9) (-2,3) 18. (-5,2) (4,6) 19. (-6,1) (6,1)

Exercises 4.3 A

Graph the following lines giving one point and the slope.

2x – 7y = 3

3 2
Find one point: ( 2 ,0) and the slope: m = 7 . 7
Then graph the point. Then go up 2 and over 7 for the next one: .

20. -6x + y = 10 21. y = 4x + 3 22. y = Z'x - 4

23. x = -6 24. y = - 7 x - 2 25. 3x – 4y = 12

26. 5x + 3y = 10 27. x + 4y = 9 28. y = 7


29.Make up 5 equations of lines that have the slope:

m= -

Exercises 4.3A

1. 56 Quarter-horses, 106 10. (0,0) (3,8) 20. (0,10); m = 6
Clydesdales, 120 Arabian
2. slant height = 9 in
3. 41in X 19in

4. $416.05

5. $69.07 11. (10,0) no y-int 21. (0,3); m = 4

6. x y
-4 -gŽ
9 3
15 7
7. x y 12. (0,4) ( '
,0) 22. (0,-4); m = Z'
2 9
0 2
-1 - Š
- ŒŽ 0

8. (0,5) (2,0) 13. (2,0) (0,-14) 23. (-6,0); m = undefined

9. (0,-6) ( 'Z
,0) 14. m = -5 24. (0,-2); m = - W
15. m = - ZW
16. m = undefined
17. m = 'W
18. m = 7[
19. m=0

Exercises 4.3 A

25. (4,0); m = W7 27. (9,0); m = - Z7 29. Discuss it together.

26. (2,0); m = - 6W 28. (15,7); m = 0

Exercises 4.3A

Slope Monster
Equation Slope Equation Slope

2x – 5y = 7 4x – y = 7
y= x-4 y= x-4

5x – 3y = 7 8x – 3y = 12

2x + 7y = 19 - 4x + 7y = 19

x = 13 x = -19

y= x-8 y= x-4

y = 5x – 8 y = -3x – 8

-3x + 9y = 4 -10x + 6y = 4

y = -3 y = 15
y=- x-4 y= x-4

7x – 3y = 7 2x – 8y = 17
y= x-4 y= x+6

5x – 3y = 7 4x + 7y = 7

4x + 7y = 19 2x - 9y = 19

x=-3 x=7

y=- x-4 y= x-4

y = -2x – 8 y = 4x + 13

-3x + 6y = 4 -3x - 6y = 4

y = -5 y=7
y=- x-4 y = - x + 15

Section 4.3 Slope Monster


Slope Monster Solution

Equation Slope Equation Slope

2x – 5y = 7 m= 4x – y = 7 m=4
# #  
y= x-4 m= y= x-4 m=

5x – 3y = 7 m= 8x – 3y = 12 m=

$ $
2x + 7y = 19 - 4x + 7y = 19 m=

x = 13 Undefined x = -19 Undefined

  $ $
y= x-8 m= y= x-4 m=

y = 5x – 8 m=5 y = -3x – 8 m = -3
-3x + 9y = 4 m= -10x + 6y = 4 m=

y = -3 m=0 y = 15 m=0

  % %
y=- x-4 y= x-4 m=
7x – 3y = 7 m= 2x – 8y = 17 m=
# #  
y= x-4 m= y= x+6 m=

5x – 3y = 7 m= 4x + 7y = 7

$ #
4x + 7y = 19 2x - 9y = 19 m=

x=-3 Undefined x=7 Undefined

y=- x–4 y= x-4 m=

y = -2x – 8 m=-2 y = 4x + 13 m =4

-3x + 6y = 4 m= -3x - 6y = 4

y = -5 m=0 y=7 m =0

m=− m=−
y=- x-4 y = - x + 15

Section 4.3 Slope Monster


Section 4.3 Exercises Part B

1. Take the Slope Monster a couple of times.

Fill out the table for each of the following:

2. 2x - 5y = 11 3. y = 'x+6

x y x y
5 2
-4 0
3 -1
0 0
7 4

Graph the following lines, and label x and y intercepts.

4. 4x - 2y = 10 5. y = - 6Wx - 6 6. y = 5x

Find the slope between each pair of points.

7. (3,-2) (7,3) 8. (9,1) (-7,6) 9. (5,-1) (-3,-8)

10. (-2,9) (-2,3) 11. (-5,2) (5,6) 12. (19,1) (6,1)

13. Explain the difference between a slope of zero and an undefined slope.

Graph the following lines giving one point and the slope.

14. -3x + 4y = 10 15. y = 2x - 7 16. y = '6x - 4

17. y = 17 18. y = - 7 x - 2 19. 2x – 6y = 12

Exercises 4.3B

Write the equations of the lines with the slopes and points:

Write an equation of the line that has slope m = 7 , and goes through the point (2,1). Put the
answer in Slope-Intercept Form.
From the slope m = 7 , I know that the equation must look like:
y = 7x + b Put the point in to see what b is.
1 = 7 (2) + b
1- 7 = b
- 7= b
4 1
Thus the answer is y = 7 x - 7 (or 4x – 7y = 1 if written in Standard Form).

20. Write an equation of the line that has slope m= -3, and goes through the point (-4,6).

21. Write an equation of the line that has slope m= 8 , and goes through the point (3,6).

22. Write an equation of the line that has slope m=- 3 , and goes through the point (1,-3).

23.Write an equation of the line that has slope m=- 5 , and goes through the point (5,-3).

24.Write an equation of the line that has slope m= 2, and goes through the point (0,5).

25.Write an equation of the line that has slope m=- 7 , and goes through the point (-4,7).

Exercises 4.3B

1. Correct with key. 7. m = 67 18. (0,-2) m = -W
2. 8. m = - ZX
m = 
x y
- g‰
5 9.
-4 - g‹
10. m = undefined
‰ 11. m = '6
13 3
gg 0 12. m=0
Š 13. Undefined is vertical
0 is horizontal
(0,6') m = W7 19. (6,0) m = ZW
23 7
x y
2 13
0 6


- Z'

0 20. € = −3S − 6 or 3S + € = −6
7 15. (0,-7) m = 2 21. € =  S +  or 5S – 8€ = −33

- 4
22. € = −  S − $ or 2S + 3€ = −7
23. € = −  S + 1 or 4S + 5€ = 5

4. (0,-5) (6',0) 24. € = 2S + 5 or 2S – € = −5
25. € = −  S +  or S + 7€ = 45
$ $

16. (0,-4) m = '6

5. (0,-6) (-Z

17. (0,17) m = 0

6. (0,0) only intercept

Exercises 4.3B

Section 4.3 Exercises Part C – Exam Review

1. Chart the following table of growth of a savings account:

# of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Amount 35 50 75 102 130 161 174 205 240

Based on the chart:

2. In what year did the 600
company make $450? 500

3. How much did the 400

company make in 2006? 300
4. What years did the
company make over $500? 100
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

5. Graph the growth of a savings account in Excel, using the savings formula, over the course of
20 years of a savings account that starts out at $200 and adds $50 per month and gets 7%

Fill out the table for each of the following:

6. 3x + 4y = 11 7. y = 7x - 2

x y x y
5 2
-4 0
3 -1
0 0
7 4

Graph the following lines, and label x and y intercepts.

8. 5x - y = 10 9. y = - 7Wx - 5 10. y = -2x

Exercises 4.3C

Find the slope between each pair of points.

11. (4,-2) (7,3) 12. (3,1) (-7,6) 13. (5,-1) (5,-8)

14. (-2,9) (-2,254) 15. (-5,2) (5,7) 16. (19,1) (6,2)

17. Explain the difference (again) between a slope of zero and an undefined slope.

Graph the following lines giving one point and the slope.

18. -3x + 5y = 10 19. y = - x - 2 20. y = W6x - 1


21. y = -5 22. y = - x - 2 23. 12x – 6y = 12

Write the equations of the lines with the slopes and points:
24. Write an equation of the line that has slope m = 2, and goes through the point (-4,1).

25. Write an equation of the line that has slope m = $ ,and goes through the point (-14,6).

26. Write an equation of the line that has slope m = - 3 , and goes through the point (0,0).

27.Write an equation of the line that has slope m = -  , and goes through the point (2,-3).

28.Write an equation of the line that has slope m = 7, and goes through the point (0,5).

29.Write an equation of the line that has slope m = - , and goes through the point (-4,7).

30. Create a Visual Chart on one side of a piece of paper for Chapter 4 material including
information and examples relating to Charts, Graphs, and Lines.

Exercises 4.3C

1. 20. (0,-1) m = W6
9. (0,-5) (- ,0)



0 21. (0,-5) m = 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10. (0,0) (2,-4)

2. 2003
3. about $340
4. 2004(?), 2009, 2010
5. On Spreadsheet 22. (0,-2) m = -X6

6. x y
5 -1
3 11. m = 6W
gg m = - Z'
0 12.
gŽ 7 13. m = undefined
- 14. m = undefined 23. (1,0) m = 2
7. 15. m = Z'
x y 
16. m=-
Š 17. Undefined is vertical
0 -2 0 is horizontal
-Z6 18. (0,2) m = W6



8. (0,-10) (2,0) 24. € = 2S + 9 or 2S – € = −9

25. € =  S + 12 or 3S – 7€ = −84

€ = −  S or 2S + 3€ = 0
19. (0,-2) m = -1 26. 

€ = −  S + 2 or 5S + 2€ = 4

28. € = 7S + 5 or 7S − € = −5
€ = −  S + 6 or S + 4€ = 24

30. Make it nice.

Exercises 4.3C

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