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Group A
Circuit connection and light path ............................................................................................ 3
Problem:How to solve the blue screen problem (For old platform) ............................. 6
Problem:How to solve the blue screen problem (For new platform) ........................... 6
Problem:Black screen, not back light on screen .............................................................. 7
Problem:Disordered display ................................................................................................... 8
Problem:LCD fade problem .................................................................................................... 8
Check:Check the main board and front board (for BE BSE) ......................................... 9
Check:Check the main board and front board (for Non-CE)........................................ 10
Check:Check main and front board (for new platform) ................................................. 12
Check:405nm wavelength feebleness problem checking ............................................ 13
Check:How to check the AD value ...................................................................................... 14
Procedure:Clean the fiber ends ........................................................................................... 16
Procedure:Facula adjustment .............................................................................................. 16
Problem:Solution to filter wheel running disorderly...................................................... 17
Problem:Front Command Time Out.................................................................................... 18
Procedure:Replace of the front board assembly ............................................................ 20
Procedure:How to replace driving board .......................................................................... 21
Check:Motor driving board checking................................................................................. 25
Procedure:How to replace the power supply ................................................................... 26
Procedure:Instructions for replace filters (For old light path E, BE) ......................... 31
Procedure:Instructions for replace filters (for small light path BSE,CSE,FSE) ...... 32
Procedure:How to add filter to reader (for old light path E, BE) ................................. 36
Procedure:How to add filter to reader (small light path BSE, CSE,FSE) .................. 40
Procedure:Optical checking and adjustment of old light path .................................... 48
Procedure:Change the lamp ................................................................................................. 52
Procedure:How to replace the Optical Fiber .................................................................... 54
Check:Mouse no function checking ................................................................................... 58
Problem:Problem of plate holder block and plate holder not detected .................... 59
Problem:Plate has no reposition signal ............................................................................ 60
Problem:Plate doesn't work or has no reposition signal.............................................. 61
Problem:How to check instrument if test result is not good or not stable .............. 63
Procedure:Test the backdoor absorbance ....................................................................... 64
Procedure:Cleaning the flash memory .............................................................................. 65
Procedure:How to reset and k and b value ...................................................................... 66
Check:Check the AD value.................................................................................................... 68
Introduction:Protocol for developing external software ............................................... 70
Procedure:WinCE Upgrading Instruction ......................................................................... 71
Procedure:Format the resident flash ................................................................................. 81
Problem:No Flash Disk found .............................................................................................. 84
Procedure:Enter Windows CE procedure ......................................................................... 85
Procedure:Upgrading Instruction for Elisa-Reader (for old platform)....................... 87

Procedure:Upgrading Instruction for Elisa-Reader (for new platform) ..................... 90

Group B
LCD transfer board .................................................................................................................... 96

Group A
Circuit connection and light path
Circuit connection:

1. The measure point on the main board:
J10 socket: 5v, C15:3.3v,

C25:1.7v, C24: 1.7v,
C16: 1.7v, C1: 3.3v,
C2: 3.3v, L5: 3.3v.
2. The measure point on the front end board:
The input voltage wire for front end board:
Black Blue Red Green Black Yellow White Black
GND +15v -15v +5v GND 0V +5V GND

CE36: 4.4v,
3. the measure point on the power supply board:
JP7: +5v, JP1:+5v
4. the measure point on the LCD transition board:
J8: +5v J10:1.89
5. Function of the board:
⑴ Main Board: the system and software run on the main board, communicate with
front end board(J7), control the LCD display(J2), adjust the LCD light-scale(J12),
receive the touch screen signal(J14), data exchange with USB disk.
⑵ Power supply: give out +5v for the main board(JP7 ), +15v and -15v for front
end board’ sampling(J27), and supply voltage for lamp and fan(J28 and JP1).
⑶ Front end board: receive the light signal and pre-amplify & convert into digital
signal, supply control signal for the motor driving board(flat cable).
⑷ Motor driving board: control the operation of plate-carrier motor(J7) and filter
wheel motor(J2).
⑸ LCD transition board: supply back light for LCD screen (J8), transfer the LCD
signals(J7) and touch screen signals(J3).

The light path of the Elisa reader:

How to solve the blue screen problem (For old platform)
1. Check the light source and plate carrier moment. If the lamp can be turned on and plate
carrier can go into then come out of the instrument, the software is good. Please
reconnect LCD cable and the cable between main board and LCD transition board to try to
solve the problem. Otherwise, you need to exchange LCD assembly, LCD transition board
or main board to fix the problem.

2. If the lamp does not turn on and plate carrier doesn’t go into then come out of the
instrument, please check main board voltage input (5V DC). If main board power is not
good, you need to exchange power supply.

3. If power of main board is good, reload software again or exchange a new main board.

How to solve the blue screen problem (For new platform)

1. Check the light source and plate carrier moment. If the lamp can be turned on and plate
carrier can go into then come out of the instrument, the WinCE system and operation
software are good. Please reconnect LCD cable and the cable between main board and
LCD transition board to try to solve the problem. Otherwise, you need to exchange LCD
assembly, LCD transition board or main board to fix the problem.

2. If the lamp does not turn on and plate carrier doesn’t go into then come out of the instrument,
please check main board voltage input (5V DC). If main board power is not good, you need
to exchange power supply.

3. If main board power is good, please check the status of two LEDs on the main board,
usually one is on, the other one is flashing all the time.

4. If the status of two LEDs are OK, it means that the WinCE system is OK and the software
get lost, please upgrade the software to solve the problem.

5. If the two LEDs are both on all the time, you need to upgrade WinCE system and software.
Please reference other documents.

6. If any LED is off, mostly the main board is defective.

Black screen, not back light on screen

1. Please check backlit power on the LCD transfer board.

If this is a big converter, the

voltage is around 1000V AC or
higher voltage.

Transfer board

If this is no big converter, the

voltage is 5V DC

Transfer board

2. If the backlight voltage is good, but the LCD is black, you need to exchange a LCD
3. After turning the instrument, if plate carrier can move into and out of the instrument,
mostly the main board is good.
4. If plate carrier can not move into and out of the instrument, please check power input
to main board (5V DC). If voltage is not good, you need to check power supply to
solve the problem.
5. If main board power input is good, maybe the main board is defective. You need to
upgrading software firstly. If software upgrading can not give help, you need to
exchange a new main board.

Disordered display
1. Please re-plug or exchange LCD cable and then check it again.
2. Please re-plug or exchange the cable between main board and LCD transition board.
Then check it again.
3. If upper suggestion can not solve the problem, you need to exchange LCD, LCD
transition board or main board to try to solve the problem.

LCD fade problem

The LCD fade problem may be caused by the LCD transition board, you can adjust
potentiometer for ensure the lighting of the LCD.
Note: Carefully operation needed, please don’t touch the inverter, which it generate
high voltage.
Before the adjusting you should confirm all the connectors on the transfer board are in
good condition.


Transfer board

This potentiometer
controls the lighting
of LCD.

If upper suggestion can not give help, please try to exchange a new LCD transition board
or LCD assembly to try to solve the problem.

Check the main board and front board (for BE BSE)
Indicated lamps of main board: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.

The voltage should


Figure 1

The voltage (DC) from left to right

must be 0v, 15v, -15v, 5v, 0v, 0v,
5v, 0v. please kindly check with a
Indicated lamps of the front board: A, B, C, and D. See figure 1.

In Figure 1, the voltage supply to the main board should be 5.00v(DC). Kindly check
with a multimeter.

Check the main board (Figure 1):

1. Turn on the instrument. Observe the 8 lamps which are mounted on the main board,
see the Figure 1.
2. First, all lamp lighting (on) 8-lamp lighting (on) 5-lamp lighting(on)

2&3&4-lamps lighting 2&3&4&8-lamps lighting Main sys. is set up


If all the lamps are lighting orderly, the main board is ok. If not, may be something
wrong with the main board.

Check the front board at the same time (Figure 1):

3. The lamps, which are mounted on the front board, are lighted orderly too.

First, A-lamp lighting All lamps lighting (on) A&C&D-lamp lighting (on), B-lamp flashing

A&B-lamp lighting (on), holder moving A-lamp lighting (on), B-lamp flashing, filter wheel turn around

A&C&D-lamp lighting (on), B-lamp flashing. All the sys-checking finished

Check the main board and front board (for Non-CE)

Indicated lamps of main board: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. See figure 1.

2 3 4
1 1

8 7 6

The voltage should


Figure 1

Indicated lamps of the front board: A, B, C, and D. See figure 2

The connector
for DC current 5V
supplying from

power supply 5V



Figure 2
In Figure 1, the voltage supply to the main board should be 5.00v(DC). Kindly check.
In Figure 2, please make sure all the voltage are right. Or the front board can’t work

Check the main board (Figure 1):

4. Turn on the instrument. Observe the 8 lamps which are mounted on the main board,
see the Figure 1.
5. First, all lamp lighting (on) 8-lamp lighting (on) 5-lamp lighting(on)

2&3&4-lamps lighting 2&3&4&8-lamps lighting (on) Main sys. is set up

If all the lamps are lighting orderly, the main board is ok. If not, may be something
wrong with the main board.

Check the front board at the same time (Figure 2):
6. The lamps, which are mounted on the front board, are lighted orderly too.

First, A-lamp lighting All lamps lighting (on) A&C&D-lamp lighting (on), B-lamp flashing

A&B-lamp lighting (on), holder moving A-lamp lighting (on), B-lamp flashing, filter wheel turn around

A&C&D-lamp lighting (on), B-lamp flashing. All the sys-checking finished

Check main and front board (for new platform)

1. Make sure the power input to main board is good.
2. Make sure the two LEDs lamp states are good.

There are two LEDS.

Usually one is on and the
other one is flashing. That
means the power input to
main board is good. WinCE
system is working well.

Power input 5V DC.

3. Please make sure power input to front board is good.

Voltage from left to right::

0V, 15V, -15V, 5V, 0V, 0V 5V,
0V DC.

405nm wavelength feebleness problem checking

When the instrument has problem of "405 nm wavelength is too feebleness", there
are some possibility. Please follow the following procedure to check the problem.
1. Lamp. Please check whether the lamp is lighted or not. If it is off, please check power
supply, lamp connector, or replace another lamp. For the instrument used for long time,
you need to pay attention to lamp connector. If the blank ABS is not good and unstable,
maybe lamp connector is corroded, please try to exchange a new one for checking.
Maybe the light mirror aging and need to replace.

2. Filter problem, dust on the surface or filter aging. Checking method: you should enter
the back door and check the AD and ABS value. Please reference to appendix.

Check all filters (405nm, 450nm, 492nm…) one by one.

If only one filter gets low AD value which means this filter has the problem and need to
If all filters have low AD value, you need to replace another lamp then check again.
If AD value of some low is lower or abnormal, it means that fiber is broken (AD value is
low maybe 3000 or 200) or Photocell is damaged (AD value is 1). If one end is weaker
than others visibly, it means that the fiber under the end is broken. In this case, you
need to replace the fiber; if light of eight fiber ends is the same, it means that the
problem is on photocell and you need to replace one to confirm the problem.

3. Fiber
Following step is to check the fiber. Turn on the instrument, open the main cover,
remove the black cover of the front board and then take off the front board from its
crutch. Put a paper under the wholes of the front board crutch and then run the filter
wheel with your hand (Or select it in back door). Select empty filter position and let most
strong light go through the whole.
If one end is weaker than others visibly, it means that the fiber under the end is broken.
In this case, you need to replace the fiber.

Eight fiber ends

4. Photocell problem (front board), please replace one new front board then check the
AD and ABS value in the back door.

Briefly, when this case happens, you should check lamp first, is it lighted?
And then enter the back door of software to check the AD and ABS values of filters.
The checking of lamp, filter, and fiber can be reached by checking AD value in
backdoor of software.

If all the AD value is lower than 10000, it means the lamp is aging and need to
If only AD value of one filter (e.g. 405nm) is lower than 10000, it means that the
405nm filter is aging and need to replace.
If AD value of some row is lower or abnormal (less than 10, e.g. 1), it means that
fiber is broken or Photocell is damaged. If one end is weaker than others visibly, it
means that the fiber under the end is broken. In this case, you need to replace the
fiber; if light of eight fiber ends is the same, it means that the problem is on
photocell and you need to replace one to confirm the problem.

By the way, if the instrument says “"450(492,630) nm wavelength is too feebleness" which
means the relative filter has the problem, please check AD and ABS value in the back
then replace the relative filter.


How to check the AD value

STEP 1: Enter back door Click here several

1. On the main screen click top right corner several times, see the Figure 1.
times password:

Figure 1

2. Enter the Manufacture setting window, which is not available for common user. See
figure 2.

Figure 2

3. Click the Front debug, enter next window see figure 3.

Click here then select “1” then

STEP 2: Check AD value Figure 3 click lamp voltage to turn on

Note: during the test, there must be no plate holder, lamp just test the air.

1. At the “plate test” line, select “continue”, the relative filter (450nm) as main
wavelength,” none” for second wavelength. (See figure 3)
2. At the “Lamp voltage” line, select “1” then clicks “Lamp voltage” to turn on the lamp.
You can see the lamp is lighted from the fan’s window. (See figure 3)
3. Click “Air blank” then click “Plate test”, the plate carrier will move in and out for one
time. (See figure 3)
4. Click AD enter the test result window, all the results (AD value) listed should be
between 6000 and 60000(new lamp and new filter: 16000--60000).
5. Exit, click ABS to see the ABS results, All the results should not be more than

Clean the fiber ends

Fiber ends

Please the check the fiber ends above, is there any dirt on the surface of them?
If so, please use the lens paper ( or special soft cloth) to clean them gently.

Facula adjustment

Facula adjustment:
1. Turn on the instrument, open the main cover, remove the black cover of the front
board and then take off the front board from its crutch.
2. Put a paper under the wholes of the front board crutch and then run the filter wheel
with your hand (Or select it in back door). Select empty filter position and let most
strong light go through the whole.

3. If the light position is not good, please adjust the two screws to adjust position of
optical fiber.

Solution to filter wheel running disorderly

When you find the filter wheel run disorderly, you should check as following.

1. Check the filter wheel fixed screws (three screws). If the screws loosed, the filter wheel
will move in wrong position.
See, whether the screws
tight fix or not

2. Check the position sensor’s connectors.

Check wires, which connect the position sensor and driving board. If the wire or
connectors (another connector is on the motor driving board) are defective, the filter
wheel will run disorderly. Please make sure connected right.

See, whether this connector
in good connecting
condition or not.

3. If upper can not give help. You need to exchange a new filter motor or motor driving
board to try to solve the problem.

Front Command Time Out

Error description: The lamp will turn on for a long time and then pop up “Front Command Time
Out" error. All changed data (programmed methods) would not be saved.
1. Sometimes the GND of your building is not well connected will lead the problem. You must
make sure the power’s ground wire less than 5V. See Figure1-3.

2. Connect the Power supply, Flat Cable and Small Cable, and then re-plug them. Turn on
the instrument, is the problem solved? If not please go to step 3.

Communication cable
Flat Cable
Front Power supply between front board
and main board

Reconnect these cables

Figure 1

Flat Cable

Front Power supply

Small Cable

3. Please check the front power supply with a multimeter. The values of the voltage from
left to right are: 0V, 15V, -15V, 5V, 0V, 0V, 5V/0V (when lamp is on, the voltage is 0V; when
lamp is in energy save mode, the lamp is dim and voltage is 5V), 0V. If the voltages are
normal, go to step 4. Or else the problem is from the power supply.
4. Please restart the instrument to check if the problem solved.
5. The front board might be damaged inside. Please replace another good-working front
board to confirm the problem.

Replace of the front board assembly
1. Turn off the instrument; remove the only one screw, which fixes the upper cover.
2. Open the upper cover, remove the four screws which fix the black box, then take out
the black box and you can see the whole front board (figure).
3. Disconnect the wires and cables (see figure), and Remove the two screws, which fix
the front board with plastic frame (see figure).

Front board assembly

Big flat cable

Fixed screws

The wires

Small flat cable

4. Install the new front board with the plastic frame, place the cables and wires back to
their original positions (see figure ).
5. Check all the cables and wires, whether they are all at their original position.
6. Cover the black box, and turn on the instrument. If the instrument is ok, fix the black
box, close the upper cover then fix it with big screws.

How to replace driving board
1. Remove the three screws(① ② ③)which fix the upper cover.

① ②

2. Remove screws and take out the two black covers.

3. Loose the screws which fix the end of fiber and use a small forceps the push the end
of the fiber carefully. See figure 3, 4, 5.

Use cross screw driver to loose the screw.

The end of the fiber

Figure 3

Use special tools to loose the two screws

Figure 4

Use small forceps to push the end of fiber carefully.

Figure 5

4. Remove the four special screws and lift one side of the work area. See figure 6.

Work area with front board, plate

holder, driver board and fiber

Remove these four screws

Figure 6

Lift one side of the work area and pull the end of the fiber gently. See figure 7.

Figure 7

5. Pull the end of the fiber out the holder carefully. See figure 8.

The end is out of the holder

Figure 8

6. Turn over the work area and place it on safe place, do not fold the fiber, then replace
the one new driving board. Please ensure the connectors are in their original position.
7. Fix the fiber carefully and the other parts.

Motor driving board checking




J7 J4 J5

Please follow other documents to open the work platform and find motor driving board.

J2: Filter wheel motor, remove the connecter. The pins voltage values are signal, +12V,
signal, signal, +12V, 0V (up to down position).
When you connect the connecter, the voltages will nearly 12V for all the six wires.

J3: power supply, the pins voltage values are +5V, 0V, 0V, +12V, 0, +24V.
J4: Filter sensor, the voltage values are +5V, 0V, signal.
J5: lamp block piece and sensor, the voltage values are signal, 0V, 0V, +5V, AD signal.
(For small light path, this connector is not used.)
J6: Plate location board, the voltage values are +5V, 0V, signal.

Note: Be careful; please ensure the wires in their right position.

When you need do driving board replacing please pay more attention to the fiber,
do not fold it. See other document

How to replace the power supply

Step 1
Before the replacement of the power supply, you check the fuse first.
1. Turn off the instrument.
2. Use a screw driver to screw out (anti-clockwise) the two fuses, and check the fuses, if
they are burnt, please replace it with two new. See figure 1.


Figure 1
Step 2
Replace the power supply
8. Remove the three screws(① ② ③)which fix the upper cover.

① ②

Figure 2
9. Remove the six screws and take out the two black covers.
10. Loose the screws which fix the end of fiber and use a small forceps the push the end
of the fiber carefully. See figure 3, 4, 5.

Use cross screw driver to loose the screw.

The end of the fiber

Figure 3

Use special tools to loose the two screws

Figure 4

Use small forceps to push the end of fiber carefully.

Figure 5

11. Remove the four special screws and lift one side of the work area. See figure 6.

Work area with front board, plate

holder, driver board and fiber

Remove these four screws

Figure 6

Lift one side of the work area and pull the end of the fiber gently. See figure 7.

Figure 7

12. Pull the end of the fiber out the holder carefully. See figure 8.

The end is out of the holder

Figure 8

13. Put the work area upside down, do remember, and do not let anything touch the fiber.
14. Record the wires position of power supply and disconnect all the wire connector. See
figure 9.

Figure 9

15. Remove the four screws in the bottom which fix the power supply. See figure 10

Four screws fix

the power

Figure 10

16. Replace it with a new power supply and all wires to their positions.
17. Check, to see if the entire things are right now including the GND wires.
18. Fix the power supply and install work area with the fiber to its position, pay attention to
fiber, don’t fold fiber anytime, and fix the end of the fiber.

Instructions for replace filters (For old light path E, BE)
STEP 1: Install filters
1. Turn off the instrument normally. Remove the three screw and open the main cover of
the Reader.
2. Loosen the three screws that fix the filter wheel and the two screws for motor, So, You
can take out the filter wheel including filters. (Figure 1)
Piece block motor

Special screws
fix the motor

Screws fix the

filter wheel

Wheel including
4 filters

Figure 1

3. Find the filter position which you want to replace according below figure.

The gap
of the #6 #0

#5 #1



Figure 2

4. Please assembly parts carefully after you finish install filter.
(1). Take out the ring which fix the filter and then take out filter and attenuators.
glasses for attenuation

Take out the ring

Take out the defective filter

(2). Install new filter with the original glass that is for light attenuation, and then install the ring.

(3). Install the filter wheel, motor.

Note: Don’t touch the filters with your finger during installing.

5. Please assembly parts carefully after you finish install filter.

Instructions for replace filters (for small light path

Part1: Install filters
1. Turn off the instrument normally. Remove the only one screw and open the main cover of
the Reader. And open the main cover of the Reader.
2. Remove the two special screws which fix the convergent mirror. Then loosen the three
screws that fix the filter wheel and the two screws for motor. So you can take out the filter
wheel including filters. (Figure 1)

Two special screws
fix the convergent

Wheel including 4

Screws fix the

filter wheel
Figure 1

2.1. Take off the label, you can see the hole of screw, as shown in figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1

2.2. Use Allen key wrench M3 to loosen the two fixing screws, as shown in figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2
2.3. Take out the convergent mirror assembly, as shown in Figure 2-3 (a).

Convergent mirror Optic coupler bracket

(a) (b)
Figure 2-3

2.4. Loosen the two M3 cross screws which fix the optical coupler bracket, please not
that you don’t need to take them off, as shown in figure 2-3 (b).
2.5. Move away the optic coupler, take out the filter wheel, as shown in figure 2-4 (a)

Filter wheel

Figure 2-
3. There are two versions of the filter position. Find the filter position which you want to
replace according below figure.
Filters position:
1) Version A:
#4: 630nm
#3: 492nm



# 2: 450nm


#1: 405nm

# 0: Blocked


2) Version B:

#4: 630nm #5

#3: 492nm #6

# 2: 450nm

# 7: Blocked
#1: 405nm

4. Please assembly parts carefully after you finish install filter.
(1). Take out the ring which fix the filter and then take out filter and attenuators. glasses for attenuation

Take out the ring

Take out the defective


(2). Install new filter with the original glass that is for light attenuation, and then install the ring.

(3). Install the filter wheel, motor.

Note: Don’t touch the filters with your finger during installing.
5. After changing the filters, re-install the filter wheel and convergent mirror. Please note that
the upside surface between the optic couplers should align at the side board surface of the
optical path, as shown in figure 7-1.

Side board of optical
The two surface should
be align

Figure 7-1

How to add filter to reader (for old light path E, BE)

STEP 1: Install filters

1. Turn off the instrument normally. Remove the only one screw and open the main
cover of the Reader.
2. Loosen the three screws that fix the filter wheel and the two screws for motor, So,
You can take out the filter wheel including filters. (Figure 1)
Piece block motor

Special screws fix the

Screws fix the

filter wheel

Wheel including
4 filters

Figure 1

3. Use a forceps to install new filter (e.g.600 nm) in #4(Recommended install to 4

position, if install to 5, 6 also ok). From #0 to # 3 are the fixed filters, please don’t
move. See the Figure 2.

The filter wheel:

The gap of the wheel


#6 #0

#5 #1



Figure 2

3) Please assembly parts carefully after you finish install filter.

(1). Install the new filter and necessary glass for attenuation, if needed, with the
glass that is for light attenuation, and then install the ring.
glasses for attenuation

Take out the ring

Take out the defective filter

(2). Install the new filter, if needed, with the glass that is for light attenuation, and
then install the ring.

(3). Install the filter wheel, motor.

Note: Don’t touch the filters with your finger during installing
5. Please assembly parts carefully after you finish install filter.

STEP 2: Setting on software
1. Click up-right corner many times to enter the back-door (Manufacturer setting window, it
is only for engineer). Then input password 123456.

Click here
several times

Figure 3

2. Click Sample data, enter Filter and Abs modify modulus window.

The #0-405, #1-450, #2-492 and #3-630 are the orderly fixed filters, you should not
change them.
Due to the new filter (e.g.600nm) had been installed at #4, So choose #4-N/A, and
click” add “to input 600 in the window “Input filter wavelength (400-700)”, (Remember:
Don’t change k value and b value in the next two windows.) Click OK and Exit to
manufacturer setting window.

STEP3: Test filters

1. On Manufacture setting window. Click “Front debug” enter another window(as

following figure),
2. At the plate test line, select “continue”, and choose filter (600nm) as main
wavelength, ”none” for second wavelength.
3. At the Lamp voltage line, select “1” then clicks “Lamp voltage” to turn on the lamp. You
can see the lamp is lighted from the fan’s window.
4. Click “Air blank” then click “Plate test”, the plate carrier will move in and out for one
5. Click AD enter the test result window, all the results (AD value) listed should be
between 16000 and 60000. Exit, click ABS to see the ABS results, All the results
should not be higher than 0.001A.
If the AD values are too high to 65520, you must add glass for attenuation for the
filter to make the value in reference range. I advise you add glass for attenuation to
make the AD value between 25000and 40000 for a new instrument.
6. Exit to the main screen, and then turn off the instrument normally. Turn on the
instrument 2 minutes later, now you can work with the new filters.

How to add filter to reader (small light path BSE, CSE,FSE)

Part1: Install filters

4) Turn off the instrument normally. Remove the only one screw and open the main cover of
the Reader. And open the main cover of the Reader.
5) Remove the two special screws which fix the convergent mirror. Then loosen the three
screws that fix the filter wheel and the two screws for motor. So you can take out the filter
wheel including filters. (Figure 1)

Two special screws fix
the convergent mirror

Wheel including 4 filters

Screws fix the

filter wheel

Figure 1

2.1. Take off the label, you can see the hole of screw, as shown in figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1

2.2. Use Allen key wrench M3 to loosen the two fixing screws, as shown in figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2

2.3. Take out the convergent mirror assembly, as shown in Figure 2-3 (a).

Convergent mirror Optic coupler bracket

(a) (b)
Figure 2-3
2.4. Loosen the two M3 cross screws which fix the optical coupler bracket, please not
that you don’t need to take them off, as shown in figure 2-3 (b).
2.5. Move away the optic coupler, take out the filter wheel, as shown in figure 2-4 (a)

Filter wheel

Figure 2-
6) The filter wheel, please check and confirm which version filter position is the same as
your instrument (please compared the Blocked position to confirm it) and then add the
special filter into the filter wheel and write down the position number:
Filters position:
7) Version A

#3: 492nm Gap
#4: 630nm



# 2: 450nm


#1: 405nm

# 0: Blocked

8) Version B

#4: 630nm #5

#3: 492nm #6

# 2: 450nm

# 7: Blocked
#1: 405nm


9) Please assembly parts carefully after you finish install filter.

glass for attenuation

New filter

(1). Install the new filter and necessary glass for attenuation, if needed, with the glass that
is for light attenuation, and then install the ring.

(2). Install the filter wheel, motor.

Note: Don’t touch the filters with your finger during installing
(3) After changing the filters, re-install the filter wheel. Please note that the upside surface
between the optic couplers should align at the side board surface of the optical path, as shown
in figure 7-1.

Side board of optical

The two surface should
be align

Figure 7-1

Part2: Setting on software

1. Click up-right corner many times to enter the back-door(Manufacturer setting window, it is
only for engineer). Then input password 123456.

Click here
several times

Figure 3

2. Click Sample data , enter Filter and Abs modify modulus window.

3.The #1-405, #2-450, #3-492 and #4-630 are the orderly fixed filters, you should not change
For example,due to the new filter (e.g. 640nm) had been installed at #5, So choose
#5-N/A, and click add to input 640 in the window “Input filter wavelength (400-700)”,
(Remember: Don’t change k value and b value in the next two windows.) Click OK
and Exit to manufacturer setting window.

Part3: Test filters
7. On Manufacture setting window. Click “Front debug” enter another window(as following

8. At the plate test line, select “continue”, and choose filter (640nm) as main
wavelength, ”none” for second wavelength.
9. At the Lamp voltage line, select “1” then clicks “Lamp voltage” to turn on the lamp. You can
see the lamp is lighted from the fan’s window.
10. Click “Air blank” then click “Plate test”, the plate carrier will move in and out for one time.
Click AD enter the test result window, all the results (blank of the AD value) listed should
be between 16000 and 60000. Exit, click ABS to see the ABS results. All the results should

not be higher than 0.001A.
If the AD values are too high to 65520, you must add glass for attenuation for the
filter to make the value in reference range. I advise you add glass for attenuation to
make the AD value

between 25000and 40000 for a new instrument and set the AD value nearly to the
other filters’ AD value.
11. Exit to the main screen, and then turn off the instrument normally. Turn on the instrument 2
minutes later, now you can work with the new filters.

Optical checking and adjustment of old light path
Part 1:

Screw which fix

First gap of the
optical lens.

Optical lens are under

front board crutch. raster

Screw which fix

optical lens. raster sensor

Front board crutch

Figure 1.
1. Front board crutch adjustment.
If you have loosen the four screws which fix the front board crutch, please check it
following the procedure to check and adjust it.

Figure 2.
1), Turn on the instrument, open the main cover, remove the black cover of the front
board and then take off the front board from its crutch.
2), Put a paper under the wholes of the front board crutch and then run the filter
wheel with your hand (Or select it in back door which is included in Part 2 Step

1.). Select empty filter position and let most strong light go through the whole.
3), Lights must be in middle of the wholes or you need to adjust the four screws to
make the light spot in middle of the whole.

Figure 3: bad spot position.

Figure 4: good spot position.

2. Optical lens adjustment.
If you have exchanged new optical lens or change position of optical lens (Raster sensor
position is not changed), you need to check it and adjust it following below step.
1), Turn on the instrument, open the main cover, remove the black cover of the front
board and then take off the front board from its crutch.
2), Put a paper under the wholes of the front board crutch and then run the filter
wheel with your hand (Or select it in back door which is included in Part 2 part 1).
Select white position and let most strong light go through the whole.
3), Lights must be in middle of the wholes or you need to adjust the two screws
(Figure 1.) to make the light spot in middle of the whole (Figure 4.).
3. Raster sensor adjustment.
If you have exchanged new raster sensor or change its position (optical lens position is
not changed), you need to check it and adjust it following below step.
1), Turn on the instrument, open the main cover, remove the black cover of the front
board and then take off the front board from its crutch.
2), Put a paper under the wholes of the front board crutch and then run the filter
wheel with your hand (Or select it in back door which is included in Part 2.).
Select white position and let most strong light go through the whole.
3). Put a plate (only first line has empty sample cup) on the plate carrier and push it
to the left side of the instrument. Put a white paper under the wholes of the front

board crutch and move the plate carrier position to get a most strong light spot in
middle of the whole.
4) Then adjust the two screws which fix raster sensor to make the first gap in middle
of the sensor. (If the plate grid affects the adjustment, you can cut off them.
Please make sure that the plate carrier position is not changed when you make
the adjustment.)
4. Filter wheel sensor adjustment.
If you have exchanged new filter wheel sensor or change its position, you need to check it
and adjust it following below step.
1), Turn on the instrument, open the main cover, remove the black cover of the front
board and then take off the front board from its crutch.
2), Put a paper under the wholes of the front board crutch and select a empty filter
position by using back door in Part 2 step 1.).
3). Move the filter wheel by your hand, if you can get a better/stronger light spot, you
need to adjust the filter wheel sensor to get better position.
After you finish the adjustment, please check AD and ABS value. If the values are in range,
you can use this instrument now or please send the value to me for analyzing. I will further
give support.

Part 2:
Step 1.
10) On the main screen click top right corner several times, see the Figure 1.

Click here several

Password :123456

Figure 1

11) Enter the Manufacture setting window, which is not available for common user. See
figure 2.

Figure 2
12) Click the Front debug, enter next window see figure 3.

Click here then select “1” then

click lamp voltage to turn on lamp

Figure 3
Step 2. Check AD value
Note: during the test, there must be no plate holder, just test the air.
13) At the “plate test” line, select “continue”, the relative filter (450nm) as main
wavelength,”none” for second wavelength. (See figure 3)
14) At the “Lamp voltage” line, select “1” then clicks “Lamp voltage” to turn on the lamp.
You can see the lamp is lighted from the fan’s window. (See figure 3)
15) Click “Plate test”, the plate carrier will move in and out for one time. (See figure 3)
16) Click AD enter the test result window, all the results (AD value) listed should be
between 6000 and 60000(new lamp and new filter: 16000--60000).
Please send me blank value of all the filters in this step.
17) Exit, click ABS to see the ABS results, All the results should not be more than

Change the lamp
Old light path:
Loosen a screw in the middle of the front-end of the machine and lift the top cover of the
Remove the three screws(① ② ③)which fix the upper cover.

① ②

Loosen the screws of the two black light-masking boards on the right of the machine and
remove the black cover.
Loosen the fastening screw of the lamp and disconnect the power cord of the lamp.
Replace it with a new lamp and restore the instrument.


The power supply for the lamp

Small light path version 1:

Loosen the fastening screw of the lamp and disconnect the power cord of the lamp.
Replace it with a new lamp and restore the instrument.


Small light path version 2:

Disconnect the power cord of the lamp and press the spring. Replace it with a new lamp
and restore the instrument.

How to replace the Optical Fiber
3. Turn off the instrument.
4. Remove the three screws(① ② ③)which fix the upper cover.

① ②

5. Remove the screws and take out the two black covers.
Note: If the instrument’s SN is xxxxxxxxxBSE/CSE/DSE/FSE, please jump to step 5
6. Loose the screws which fix the end of fiber and use a small forceps the push the end
of the fiber carefully. See figure 3, 4, 5.

Use cross screw driver to loose the screw.

The end of the fiber

Figure 3

Use special tools to loose the two screws

Figure 4

Use small forceps to push

the end of fiber carefully

Figure 5

7. Remove the four special screws and lift one side of the work area. See figure 6.

Work area with front board, plate
holder, driver board and fiber

Figure 6

Remove these four screws

Lift one side of the work area and pull the end of the fiber gently. See figure 7.

Figure 7

8. Pull the end of the fiber out the holder carefully. See figure 8.

The end is out of the holder

Figure 8

9. Put the work area upside down, do remember, and do not let anything touch the fiber.
10. Remove all the screws riveting the Optical Fiber, replace the Optical Fiber with a new
one carefully. Fix the fiber to its position, pay attention to fiber, don’t fold fiber anytime,
and fix the end of the fiber.
You must adjust the fiber’s position to the right place, and the AD value you
checked in backdoor must be fitted for instrument reading.

Mouse no function checking
Old plat form:
1. Clean dust on main board.
2. Clean RS-232 probes. Maybe the probes are corroded.
3. Exchange a new mouse to check it again.
4. Please use the electric iron to weld RS232 port again or exchange a new main board.

New platform:
1. Clean dust on main board.
2. Use another USB port.
3. Exchange a new mouse or a new main board.

Problem of plate holder block and plate holder not


Block problem
Step 1
If installation of plate to the plate holder is not proper, the plate holder will be blocked
inside the black box. Please turn off the instrument, remove the power cable, and open
the cover of instrument then take off the black box. See the figure 1.

Remove the four screws

then take this black box
This is the
position strip

The detector is here

Figure 1

Step 2
Press the micro plate to the plate holder gently, then push the plate holder out and take
the plate out.

Note: during the operation, don’t touch the position strip and loosen it, it is very important
for the test.

Plate has no reposition signal

1. Sometimes, it maybe the plate holder with microplate is blocked inside, please turn off the
instrument then open it and then reinstall the microplate.
2. Please try to re-plug the 10pin connector on the front board. Please also re-plug another
end on the motor driving board to make sure the connection is good.
3. Normally, the problem is caused by the position of the detector (Hall module). The detector
does not detect the magnetic alloy.
When the problem happens, you open the instrument and adjust the Hall module to its
original position by using your finger to pull the Hall module to down a little gently.

Plate holder. If it is blocked

inside, please push it out

Please try to re-plug

this connector.

Hall module under
the board with the

Plate doesn't work or has no reposition signal
When the main board do not get position signal from plate, this error message would be
To solve the problem, we need to understand the ways that signal works. Please reference to
below figure.

Location Raster

Location Photo-Coupler

Motor Driver Board

Front board

Main board

Figure 1
As a result, please follow below procedures to check.
1. Make sure Location Raster is in its position. Sometimes it might drop. If the gaps are not
clear, you will get the same problem, so please make sure it is clean.

Location Raster

Figure 2 Location Raster

2. Check voltages of the Photo-Coupler. When photo-coupler is blocked, the voltage of red
cable should be about 5 volt. As a result, if the voltage is 0 volt while the photo-coupler is
blocked, photo-coupler is damaged, please replace it. Please reference to below figure.
The photo-coupler is used to detecting raster.

Photo-Coupler Voltages:
Green: about 5 V;
Black: 0 V
Red: For signal.
When it is blocked,
voltage is 5 V;
otherwise, it is 0 V.

Figure 3 Location Photo-Coupler

3. Generally, if the plate carrier can be moved, motor driver board is in good condition.
However, if above checkings (Raster & Photo-Coupler) are ok, the motor driver board
might be defective, please replace one to confirm the problem.

Figure 4 Motor Driver Board

4. If above checking can not solve the problem, replace a new front board to check.

How to check instrument if test result is not good or not

1. If you get “405nm wavelength feebleness” error, please follow other document to
solve this problem firstly and the follow the next step to try to solve the problem.
2. Please reset K and B value in back door and then check if the problem solved.
3. Please clean flash rom and reset K, B value, then check if the problem solved.
4. If the instrument used for a long time (eg, more than 2 years), please pay attention to
the lamp cable (maybe it is corroded inside), filters (maybe it is aging), mirror (maybe
it is aging), optical fiber (maybe some channel is not good).
5. After replace new lamp cable, filter, mirror and optical fiber, if the problem still not
solved, please check next step.
6. If upper suggestion can not solve the problem and the instrument have been repaired
many times (some hardware position maybe not good yet), please do further adjusting.
This step is a little hard for the some engineers, so please check all the content firstly.
If you know all the points clearly, please follow “Optical checking and adjustment of old
light path” to adjust the instrument.

Test the backdoor absorbance

STEP 1: Enter back door

18) On the main screen click top right corner several times, see the Figure 1.

Click here
several times
PW: 123456

Figure 1

19) Enter the Manufacture setting window, which is not available for common user. See
figure 2.

Figure 2

Cleaning the flash memory

Note: After performing clean procedure, the item program info. and results will be
deleted, so please write down important data beforehand.

STEP 1: Enter back door

20) On the main screen click top right corner several times, see the Figure 1.

Click here several

times and input
password: 123456

Figure 1

21) Enter the Manufacture setting window, which is not available for common user. See
figure 2.

Figure 2

STEP 2: clean the flash memory

Click the “Flash user area” to enter the next window.

Select the items then click the clear to do the cleaning one by one.
For old platform instrument, after cleaning is finished, don’t exit, directly power off
machine in this clean window.

For new platform instrument, after cleaning is finished, power off machine in normal
procedure (click power off button to turn off).

About 2 minutes later, you could start instrument for checking.

How to reset and k and b value

STEP 1: Enter back door
22) On the main screen click top right corner several times and then input password:
123456, see the Figure 1.

Click here several

times. And then
input PW: 123456

Figure 1
23) Enter the Manufacture setting window, which is not available for common user. See
figure 2.

Figure 2
STEP 2: Reset the k and b value.

Click Sample data (Figure 2), enter next window see figure 3.

If the K and b value are not the 1.000 and 0.000, please click “reset” key to set the value
Don’t modificate other factors, such as filters.

Click here to reset

the k and b values

Figure 3

Check the AD value

STEP 1: Enter back door Click here

several times
24) On the main screen click top right corner several times, see the Figure 1.

Figure 1

25) Enter the Manufacture setting window, which is not available for common user. See
figure 2.

Figure 2

26) Click the Front debug, enter next window see figure 3.

Click here then select “1” then
click lamp voltage to turn on lamp

Figure 3

STEP 2: Check AD value

27) At the “plate test” line, select “continue”, the relative filter (450nm) as main
wavelength,”none” for second wavelength. (See figure 3)
28) At the “Lamp voltage” line, select “1” then clicks “Lamp voltage” to turn on the lamp.
You can see the lamp is lighted from the fan’s window. (See figure 3)
29) Click “Air blank” then click “Plate test”, the plate carrier will move in and out for one
time. (See figure 3)
30) Click AD enter the test result window, all the results (AD value) listed should be
between 6000 and 60000(new lamp and new filter: 16000--60000).
31) Exit, click ABS to see the ABS results, All the results should not be more than ±

Note: during the test, there should no load any plate on plate holder, just test the air.

Protocol for developing external software

Plate transfer data format

B(Plate Sign)plate number, cuvette, plate item number, item name, full name, 1
wavelength,2wavelength, sample number, absorbency, quantitative, qualitative, calculate
mode, reagent name, control 2 represent double controls 3 represent three controls,
factor, negative control, positive control, maximum normal value, minimum normal value,
negative suspicious range, positive suspicious range, positive 0 negative 1 no 2,
shake time, checkout code, TRANSFER FINISH

Quality control data transfer

str. Format(L"Q,%s,%s,%d,%s,%.4x,%s"
//Q(quality control sign),assay name, method, month, data (include 31 days),checkout

Sample data transfer

R, %s,%s,%d,%d,%s,%03d,%s,%s,%f,%s,%s,%f,%-7.3f,%7.3f,%.4x
R, patient name,section office name,gender of patient, age,time for test,sample
number,assay name,full name,unit,qualitative,quantitative,normal range (low),
normal range (high),checkout code,TRANSFER FINISH

TRANSFER FINISH is displayed when all the data is done.

baud rate:19200
data bit:8
stop bit:1

WinCE Upgrading Instruction
1. Download the “WinCE Upgrading Package1.4e” folder and save it C disk.
2. Prepare PC, instrument, power supply cable, USB mouse, RS-232 cable (2-3, 3-2, 5-5
please refer to document “RS-232 serial cable” to buy locally), and net wire (The net
wire is crossover cable, not straight cable, please refer to document “crossover
network line” to make the line or buy locally).

3. Connect instrument with PC as below figure.

Figure 1

4. Enter “WinCE Upgrading Package” folder.

WinCE software

Figure 2

5. Enter “Tftpd32” folder and install the Tftp tool.

Double click to install

Figure 3

6. Click “Next”.

Figure 4

7. Click “Install”.

Figure 5

8. Click “Close” to finish installation of Tftp.

Figure 6

9. Click Tftp icon in desk to run Tftp tool.

Figure 7
10. Click “Browse” to change “Current Directory” to “C:\WinCE Upgrading Package 1.4e”,
where the Windows CE software is.

Note: Do not close Tftp tool in this step.

Figure 8

11. Enter “Clinet” folder.

Figure 9

12. Click to run “Clinet” software and change “Baud Rate” as “115.2k”.

Figure 10

13. Click “Ok”, you will see below figure.

Figure 11
14. Power on the instrument and click “Enter” in keyboard when you see “Hit any key to
stop auto boot” within 2 seconds.
Note: This step is important. If you do not click “Enter” within 2 seconds when you see
“Hit any key to stop auto boot”, you need to close “cliNet” and power off the
instrument. 2 minutes later, go step 14 again.

Click “Enter” within 2 seconds

Figure 12

15. Input “setenv serverip PC IP address”, such as “setenv serverip”

when you see SJPG2410#.
Note: “” is just an example and it is IP address of my computer. As
a result, you should enter IP address of your computer here.

Figure 13
16. Then input “setenv ipaddr + instrument IP address”, such as “setenv ipaddr” when you see SJPG2410#.
Note: As long as instrument IP address is different to PC IP address, it is ok. It means
that “192.168.1” should be the same and 104 should be changed to other number
(2-255, “” is forbidden), such as “”. For example,
“” and “”is wrong.

Figure 14

17. Input “run tftp_wince”

Figure 15

18. Then you will see below figure.

Figure 16
19. If Figure shows “TTTTTT……” for all the time, please change net card as below
setting and repeat the procedure from step 9. (Properties of my computer →
Hardware → Device Manager → Net Adapter → Select the property of the internet
card → Advanced. Change the link speed to 10 half mode.)

20. When you see “SJPG2410#” again, input “run write_wince”

Figure 17

21. The writing of Windows CE software is beginning.

Figure 18

22. Wait for about 3 minutes, the upgrading is finished when you see “SJPG2410#”.

Figure 19

23. Close “cliNet”, “Tftp”, and power off the instrument.

24. 2 minutes later, you can power on the instrument.

Important note:

If the instrument can not run the software automatically after finishing upgrading
WinCE system, you need to upgrade the instrument’s software, please refer to the
document “Instrument software upgrading Instruction”.

During the software upgrading produce, if you have the problem of “can not find
resident flash” Or “No Flash Disk found”, please refer to document “Error note”.

Format the resident flash

After you finish the system upgrade please try to format the residentflash. The procedure
is following:

1. Turn on the instrument, it enters wince.

2. Click start and enter setting, then select “Control panel”.

3. Click “storage Manager”.

4. Select “Flash Microsoft Flash Disk” then click “dismount” to end the software.

Note: If you can not find "FlashDr Microsoft Flash Disk", please cancel this
procedure and follow "Fail to find flash disk.doc" to upgrade WinCE again and will
find the "FlashDr Microsoft Flash Disk". After solve this issue, please follow this
instruction to format resident flash again.
5. Click “Format”, then click “Yes” on the following figure.

6. Then it display Format store succeeded.

7. Click “Ok” then click “New” then enters the “residentflash”.

8. Click “OK” to finish the procedure of residentflash set up. Return, then you can see the
file of ResidentFlash.

9. Copy the file RT-6000 file to the ResidentFlash for upgrading the software.
10. Make wince software upgrading again.

No Flash Disk found

If you fail to find flash disk as following:

You need to reinstall the Wince. Before you install the wince you need to use this
Before step 17, please enter the following command:
SJPG2410# nand clean 0 4000000
This procedure is for cleaning flash memory in the flash disk.
After this command, please do other commands enter according to the document “WinCE
upgrading instruction”.

When you enter the “storage properties” again, you can see the “Flash Disk” again.

Enter Windows CE procedure

You need a USB mouse, 20060122.exe file, a SD card and a SD card reader to complete
the upgrade. Please kindly follow the instruction step by step to upgrade software.

1. Save the system software and 20060122.exe in your SD card as figure 1.

Figure 1
2. Put the SD card into the instrument, and then turn on the instrument. You will see the
instrument screen as Figure 2.

Figure 2
5. Put the mouse cursor on the blank sash then click the right button of the mouse, and
click Close button to close the software. (Figure 3)

Figure 3

Figure 4
6. Then there is an interface that indicates to power off the system. Please put the mouse

cursor on the blank sash again. Click the right button of the mouse, and then click
Close button to close the interface as figure 5 & 6.

Figure 5

Figure 6
7. We can see the Window CE interface as figure 7. Double click My Computer to get into
another interface.

Figure 7

Upgrading Instruction for Elisa-Reader (for old platform)
(Completely upgrade)

Kindly follow the instruction step by step to upgrade.

Make sure your Microplate Reader is powered off.
Prepare an RS-232 serial cable; connect your instrument (RS-232 port) with PC COM1
port. Please ensure the power supply and RS232 cable connected (RS-232 port) correctly.
Please turn off PC’s screen saver and don’t do other operations on PC during the

Connect to
PC Com1 port

Run Newup_e.exe on your PC.
Set the parameters exactly according to the following Figure 1 and click “open object”

Figure 1

Select destination file, for example “RT-6000 v1.5e” and click “open” button.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Click “Send” button, you will see the state showing “Handshaking”,

Figure 4

Then switch on the instrument.
Waif for a moment, the software upgrading will start. The blue bar is telling you the status
of upgrading. The whole process will take about 1 hour.
Don’t do other operations on PC during the upgrading, or that will damage the main
board of the instrument.

Figure 5

When the upgrading is done, you can see “Send success”. Turn off your instrument
The upgrading is finished.

Figure 6

Switch off the instrument then restart the system.

Please enter the back door to clean the flash memory. Refer to the document of
cleaning flash memory.
After the cleaning flash memory, the instrument works with the new software.

Upgrading Instruction for Elisa-Reader (for new platform)

(For new work bench with SN xxxxxxxxxCSE/DSE/FSE)

Please copy the original System Software and save them for future use before starting the

You need a USB mouse, 20060122.exe file, a SD card and a SD card reader to complete
the upgrade. Please kindly follow the instruction step by step to upgrade software.

3. Save the system software and 20060122.exe in your SD card as figure 1. (Don’t
change the software name ‘RT6000.exe’, or the instrument can’t find the software

Figure 1
4. Put the SD card into the instrument, and then turn on the instrument. You will see the
instrument screen as Figure 2.

Figure 2
Note: If the software is lost and you can not find software, please jump to step 7
5. Put the mouse cursor on the blank sash then click the right button of the mouse, and
click Close button to close the software. (Figure 3)

Figure 3

Figure 4
6. Then there is an interface that indicates to power off the system. Please put the mouse
cursor on the blank sash again. Click the right button of the mouse, and then click
Close button to close the interface as figure 5 & 6.

Figure 5

Figure 6
7. We can see the Window CE interface as figure 7. Double click My Computer to get into
another interface.

Figure 7
8. Double click Storage Card icon.

Figure 8
9. Move cross on the software RT2100.exe icon and click right button, then click Copy
option. (Figure 9)

Figure 9

10. Click icon, and then double click Resident Flash icon. You will open a new folder
and see the old software.

Figure 10
11. Click right button in blank position, and click Paste option.

Figure 11
12. Then lick Yes button to replace the original file.

Figure 12
10. Close the folder and get back to the main interface. Click Start then click Suspend in
the menu (figure 13).

Figure 13
11. The screen will be turn to blue, please turn off the instrument directly.

Figure 14
12. After 1 minute, turn on the instrument again the new software is upgraded completely.
13. Turn on the instrument, re-fix touch panel calibration. You can find it in system menu
following user manual.
14. Please input the SN of the instrument in back door. (How to change SN.)

Group B
LCD transfer board

Backlit voltage is about

1000V AC or higher.

Display signal.

Touch signal.

Signal from main board..

Power input under this cable, 5V DC.

LCD transfer board (with high voltage) (Non-CE old platform)

Backlit voltage is about

1000V AC or higher.

Display signal.

Touch signal.

Signal from main board..

Power input under this cable, 5V DC.

LCD transfer board (with high voltage) CE mode old platform

Backlit voltage is 5V DC.

Display signal.

Touch signal.

Signal from main board..

Power input under this cable, 5V DC.

LCD transfer board (LED type) without high voltage old platform

Backlit voltage is 4V DC.

Power input 5V DC.

Display signal on back side.

Touch signal on back side.

Signal from main board..

LCD transition board (for new platform)


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