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Format of Lesson Plan

Student- teachers need to prepare 2 lesson plans from each grades (Selected in School Selection Form).

Note: Six lesson plans per week.

Lesson plan should be activity based for students so that they can directly participate in the process of
learning and construct learning from their own experiences. Here are the brief contents of the lesson plan;
you may please prepare your lesson accordingly.

1. Subject 2

2. Grade level/ Class

3. Text Book

4. Topic & Sub Topic

5. Time duration

6. General Objectives  2

7. Specific/Instructional Objectives 3

8. Resources/Materials A.V aids (resources that will be used in the lesson)  1

9. Procedure  7
a. Introduction (something to get the students' attention)
b. Teaching Procedures (methods you will use in the classroom & black/whiteboard work)
c. Student Participation (how will you get the students’ participation)
d. Formative check (check students’ understanding during the lesson)
e. Closure/summarizing (how will you end the lesson)

10. Assignment or Homework (relevant to the specific objective of the lesson)  2

11. Assessment of Student Learning (Propose the questions for this lesson e.g. objective &
subjective)  3

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