Thomas Calculus 12th Edition George B. Thomas PDF

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THOMAS’ THOMAS’ CALCULUS Twelfth Edition Based on the original work by George B. Thomas, Jr. Massachusetts Institute of Technology as revised by Maurice D. Weir Naval Postgraduate School Joel Hass University of California, Davis ‘Addison-Wesley Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River ‘Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montréal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney HongKong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editor-in-Chief Deze Lynch Senior Acquisitions Editor: William Hoffian Senior Project Editor: Rachel S. Reeve Associate Fltor: Caroline Celano “Associate Projeet Editor: Leah Goldbere ‘Senior Managing Ealtor: Karen Weriolm ‘Senior Production Supervisor: Sheila Spinney ‘Senior Design Supervisor: Andrea Nix Digital Assets Manager: Marianne Groth -Media Producer: Lin Maboney Software Development: Mary Durawald and Bob Carll “Executive Marketing Manager: Je? Weidenaar ‘Marketing Assistant: Kendra Bass ‘Senior Author Support/Technology Specialist: Joe Vetere Senior Prepress Supervisor: Careline F ‘Manufacturing Manager: Evelyn Beaton Production Coordinator: Katy Diamond ‘Composition: Nesbitt Graphics, ne IMlustrations: Karen ley strech ‘Cover Design: Rokusck Design ‘Cover image: Forest Edge, Hokuto, Hokkaido, Japan 2004 © Michael Kenna About the cover: The ever image of a tee line on a snow-swept landscape, by the photographer Mishel Kenn, ‘was taken in Fiokkaido, Japan, The artist was not chinking of cleus when fe composed the image, bu rather, of visual haiku consisting ofa few elements that would spark the viewer's imagination. Similarly the minimal design ‘ofthis tex allows the central ideas of calculus developed in tis book to unfold to ignite the learners imagination. For permission o se copyrighted material, grateful acknowledgment is made to the copyright holders on page C-1, ‘whichis hereby made part ofthis copyright page. Many ofthe designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks ‘Where those designations appear in this book, and Addison-Wesley was ware ofa trademark elim, the designa- tions have been printed in intial eaps oral caps Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ‘Weit, Mautee D. Thomas Calelus / Maurie D. Weir, Joel Hass, George B. Thomas. 12th ed, pen ISBN 978.0-321-38799-2 1. Caleulus~ Textbooks. 1 Hass, ool. IL Thomas, George B. (George Brinton), 1914-2006. IL Thomas, George B. (George Briton), 1914 2006, Caleahis, IV Tile V. Title: Cale (303.2. 20085 S15-de22 2009023069 ‘Copyright © 2010, 2005, 2001 Pearson Education, Ine. Al ights reserved. No par ofthis publication may be epreduced, stored in arereval system, or tansmitted in ay form or by any means, electronic, mechanical phosoeopying, recording, or atherwise, without the prior writen permission of the publisher. Priatd in the United States of America Fr information om obsiing permission for we of materi inthis work, please submit a writen request 1o Pearson Education, Ine, Righs and Contacts Department, $01 Boylston Steet, Suite 900, Boston, MA ‘2116, fax your request to 617-848-7047, or e-mail thy www pearsoned coeegalpermissions hm, 123456789 10-cRK—12 11 1909 ‘Addison-Wesley an imprint of, aT ele ISBN-10: 0-321-58799-5 sn 1SBN-13: 978-0-321-58799-2

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