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Persuasive Speech

(Support for change, support for Federalism)

Good morning everyone, may I have your ears.

People of the Philippines, I urge you to support the change in governance, the
change for federalism. Why? Because of this reasons that will really help for the
change that we waited for very long time. A change that will bring us to a
progressive and prosperous country.

Here are the reasons why federalism will be effective to achieve the change.

First is it may fosters state loyalties. Just like in America, Americans feel close
ties to their home state and it is because of federalism that maintains that
connection by giving power to the states.

Second is under this government, country may practice pragmatism. Running a

country just like the Philippines with such diverse population is much easier to do
if power is given to local officials. Likewise, state and local officials are closer to
the problems of their areas, so it makes sense for them to choose policies to solve
those problems.

Next, It may create laboratories of democracy for state government and they
may experiment policies and the other states can learn from their success and

Then it may also lead to political stability. By removing the national

government from some contentious issue areas, federalism allowed the early U.S.
government to achieve and maintain stability.

It also encourages pluralism to the country. Federalism systems expand

government on national, state and local levels, giving people more access to
leaders and opportunities to get involved in their government.
Lastly, it ensures the separation of powers and prevents tyranny. Even if
person or group took control of all three branches of the federal government,
federalism ensures that state governments would still function independently.
Federalism, therefore, fulfills the framers’ vision of a governmental structure that
ensures liberty.

As what you’ve heard all of that is very possible to happen under the federal
system. And I’m pretty sure that will make a change not just to the governance of
corrupt leaders but also it will help to improve our economy. Because of this
system, states will stand by their own without depending to the national
government, and it will determine which is the poorest and the richest, the the
one who has corrupt leader and the one with good leader, and the one with
corrupt government and the one with honest government. In this case, every
state will be determined to improve their economy and make a ways to overcome
the poverty within.


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