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Lesson Plan Design

Subject: Mathematics Grade: K Lesson Topic: Finding Sums

Candidate’s Name: Sean Watson ID # 023997436
Site Supervisor: Aris Wilson Coyle Ave. Elementary NU Supervisor: Darryl White Sr.
Date: 2/27/2019
1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s), rationale, focus learner, create
bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)
K.OA.A.1 Rationale:
Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, This lesson will be a continuation of
mental images, drawings,2 sounds (e.g., claps), acting out understanding addition. Students have
situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations. been saying and writing out number stories
K.OA.A.2 and number sentences. This lesson
Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and students will learn new concepts and
subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to symbols from the information they know.
represent the problem. For example, “4 and 2 is 6” to 4+2=6.
Fluently add and subtract within 5.

2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson? How will you measure
mastery of the outcome?)

Kindergarteners will identify and use the equal sign (=), add Rationale:
and write the sum of numbers till 20. They will make Joining two parts to make a whole is one
connections between number stories and concepts to use as interpretation of addition. Addition
symbols. number sentences using the plus sign (+)
and equal sign (=) can be used to show
parts of a whole.

3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students’ abilities to achieve the Learner Outcome and prescribe
instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background, academic language abilities, content knowledge,
cultural and health considerations, interests and aspirations, physical development, social development,
emotional development. )

Read Aloud Rationale:

Ten Little Puppies Story about joining stories with puppies. I
will read this read aloud after recess to calm students and get Students have been learning these
them ready for math. This story uses forming addition with standards of joining two groups to make a
puppies. whole number. Using their number
sentences such as “2 and 3 is 5”, they will
Role Play- I will pick a handful of students to role play a hear and learn of using the plus sign , equal
scenario using a number story to make a number sentence. I sign, and introducing the sum to say to link
will introduce using sum as altogether and in all along with with altogether and in all. Reading a story
the plus signal. to relate to numbers is a great way to cross-
sink subjects to make connections.
Role-playing engages kids to think and act
spontaneously and also have fun engaging
and learning on the spot.

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the pre-assessments, modify

Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the needs of ELL & special needs students,
highly achieving students and low achieving students)

ELL students- Including in this lesson are visuals in the Rationale:

Smart board/projector, pictures of objects to count on This lesson requires identifying certain
worksheet, and dice to roll to create number sentences. steps in the formation of addition.
Creating different ways to connect to
Special Needs- Some students show early signs of ADD. different learners is key. Using the Smart
They will be monitored during the lesson and be provided by board is excellent for visual, ELL, and
special seats on the carpet. I will use the model , “I do, we focused learners. Modeling the “I do, we
do, you do” throughout the lesson.” do, you do” enables students to learn and
also apply what they just learned on their
Focus Learners- These students will be called to during the own. By modeling they will feel confident
you do to come up to the Smart board to volunteer to show to work and make number sentences on
how to create a number sentence using a smart pen . their own.

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying degrees of skill level)

Book, Ten Little Puppies Rationale:

SmartBoard, projector Having visuals will help students recognize
Finding Sums Interactive worksheet number stories in their connection to using
Pencils the sum to link altogether and the plus
Dice sign. This step is critical in formation of
addition. Role playing and also using dice
are great motor sensory skills that engage
students in the moment not only count but
write out number sentences.
6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, Model, Demonstrate, Check for
Model and Demonstrate (15min) Rationale:
Students will be continuing finding and making number Showing the students joining two sets of
sentences. Today I will model and introduce the word sum. different groups has been introduced in this
Sum is linked to the words altogether and in all. new lesson. Modeling using role play,
Students will role play a scenario where I will choose certain manipulatives such as dice, objects in the
students to come up. We will make two groups and join classroom, and the Smart board are all
them using the word sum. great techniques for all types of learners.
On the Smart board, I will have our daily interactive
worksheet to do. I will call up certain students to fill out the Acknowledging students understanding is a
number sentences and the new ones using +, equal, and sum. quick and effective way to have students
Check for Understanding: relay they made a connection and got the
I will give a thumbs up to see if students make the message.
connection of a number sentence and its symbols. For
example, 4 and 5 is 9. 4+5=9.

7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for understanding and provide
feedback and re-teaching)

Guided Practice Rationale:

I will guide students at the carpet about their daily worksheet Guided practice is a more concentrated
activity. time for students to really capture what the
sum is and relate it to the vocabulary of
If students finish worksheet at their tables, I will then guide “altogether” and “in all” in number
them on the dice game. Students will roll the dice and then sentences.
find the sum of the two dice.

Check for Understanding:

I will monitor the room and check students work.

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome. Note: Independent activities
are assigned assuming that students understand the concept well enough to work on their own.)

Students will work on their interactive worksheets at the Rationale:

tables. Once they finish, I will check for completion so they Modeling to students just how number
can begin the dice roll game. sentences can be used wit haddition
Check for Understanding: symbols of the plus sign, equal sign, and
I will check their work after they are done. Students will put using the word sum is a culmination of
their work in the busy bee box. forming and joining two groups of
numbers or objects. Students can work
independently for growth and if they have
questions they can ask when I monitor the
room. Rolling dice is an excellent
manipulative to use to not only help
students count but also to create a number
sentence with two dice. Example, 6+6=
9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the students’ learning.
Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL, special needs students, highly achieving
students and low achieving students.)

During the guided practice, I can assess certain students who Rationale:
I call up to use the Smart board. When students are sitting This lesson is a continuation of forming
during independent practice, I will be able ot check that they addition. Different steps have been taking
understand their work. prior to form a number story, then a
ELL students will have pictures and objects to help make number sentence. Students in this lesson
connections with numbers. will understand the word sum in meaning
I will monitor the classroom for Special Needs students. I all together. (combining two different
will also give them physical play blocks to help them see and groups to form one number) Students will
feel joining two sets of blocks. also use the plus signal, the equal signal,
Students will be assessed formally as well at the end of the and the word sum to do math problems.
week. Having objects and using the Smart board
will help both ELL and Special Need
students. Assessing them one-on-one and
informally will help check for
understanding as we practice daily our
interactive math sheets.

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)

Students have been introduced to joining and forming two Rationale:

groups of objects and numbers. The foundation of addition Learning takes place every day with
is in place and students will make connections to the sum of joining two things whether two groups of
two things whether objects or numbers. Our daily routine students, joining goldfish in two hands to
with numbers and calendar will help students review of using eat, or simply counting how many
addition. members are on the team. We use
counting in everyday life.

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