Pharmacy Latin Terms and Abbreviations

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A. Dosage Forms

Abbreviation Latin Meaning English Meaning

Aorist Auristillae Ear drops
Caps Capsula Capsule
catapl Cataplasma Poultice
Collun Collunarium Nosewash
Collut Collutorium Mouthwash
Collyr Collyrium Eyewash
Crem Cremor Cream
Gtt Guttae Drops
Liq Liquor Solution
Lot Lotio Lotion
Mist Mistura Mixture
Narist Naristillae Nose drops
Neb Nebula Spray solution
Oculent Oculentum Eye ointment
Past Pasta Paste
Pig Pigmentum Paint
Pulv Pulvis Powder
pulv. consp. Pulvis conspersus Dusting powder
Troch Trochiscus Lozenge
Ung Unguentum Ointment
Vap Vapor Inhalation
Vitrell Vitrella Glass capsule/crushable

B. Prescription Abbreviations

Abbreviation Latin Meaning English Meaning

A Ante Before
Aa Ana Of each
a.s. Aurio sinister Left ear
Abd Abdomen
Ac Ante cibos Before meals
Ad Ad Up to
ad lib Ad libitum As much as desired
ad tertiam vicem For three times
a.d. Aurio dextra Right ear
Admov Admove Apply
Agit Agitta Shake or stir
a.l. Aurio laeva Left ear
Alb Albus White
Alt Alternus Alternate
alternis horis Every one hour
Am Ante meridiem Before noon, morning
Amp Ampul Ampule
Applic Applicandus To be applied
Aq Aqua Water
aq aerat Aqua aerate Carbonated water
aq astr Aqua astricta Frozen water
aq bull Aqua bulliens Boiling water
aq ferv Aqua fervens Hot water
ASA Aspirin
ATC Around the clock
Au Auris uttrae Each ear
BCP Birth control pill
b or bis Bis Twice
Bibe Bibe Drink
Bid Bis in die Twice a day
BM Bowel movement
Bol Bolus A large pill
BP Blood pressure
BS Blood sugar
BSA Body surface area
Bull Bulliat or bulliant Let boil
C Cum With
Cal Calidus Warm
Cap Caplat Let him take
Cc Cubic centimeter Cubic centimeter
Cf With food
chart cerat Charta cerata Waxed paper
Cib Cibos Food
cito disp Cito dispensator Dispense quickly
coch amp Cochleare amplum Tablespoonful
coch mag Cochleare magnum Tablespoonful
coch med Cochleare medium Dessertspoonful
coch parc Cochleare parvum Teaspoonful
Commisce Commisce Mix together
Comp Composites Compound
Cong Conglus A gallon
Conc Concentrates Concentrated
cum aq Cum aqua With water
Cuj Cujus or cujus libet Of which or any
D5W Dextrose 5% in water
D5NS Dextrose 5% in normal saline
D.A.W. Dispense as written
D in p.aeq. Dividatur in partes aequales Let it be divided into equal
D or det Da or detur Give/let be given
DC Discontinue
De d ind De die in diem From day to day
Dest Destillatus Distilled
Dextra Dextra The right
dieb alt Diebus alternis Every other day
D Dies A day
Dil Dilutus Dilute
Dim Dimidus One-half
Disp Dispense
Div Divide

Dup Double
DW Distilled water
Dx Diagnosis
Dtd Dentur tales doses Let such doses be given
Emp Ex modo prescripto As directed
Elix Elixir Elixir
Emuls Emulsum Emulsion
Et And
EtOH Ethanol
ex aq Ex aqua In water
f or ft Fac or fiat or fiant Let it be made
Fort Fortis Strong
FSAR Fiant secundum artem regulas Let it be made according to the
rules of art
G Gram
Garg Gargarisma Gargle
Gr Granum Grain
H Hora At the hour of or an hour
HCTZ Hydrochlorothiazide
hor dec Hora decubitus At bedtime
HR Heart rate
HRT Hormone replacement therapy
Hs Hora somni At bedtime
HTN Hypertension
i.u. International unit
ID Intradermal
IM Intramuscular
in vit In vitro In glass
in d In dies Daily
Inj Injection Injection
Int Inter Between
IV Intravenous
Ic Inter cibos Between meals
IVP Intravenous push
IVPB Intravenous piggy back
JRA Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
K Kalium Potassium
KCl Kalium chloratum Potassium chloride
L Laevo Left
LAS Label as such
Lamella Eye disk
LCD Coal tar solution
Lev Levis Right
Lin Linimentum Liniment
M Mane In the morning
M Misce Mix
M dict Mode dictu As directed
m.d.u. More dicto utendus To be used as directed
m or min Minimus A minim
Mag Magnus Large
Man Mane Morning
masca or massa pilularis Mass or pill mass
Mcg Microgram
mEq Milliequivalent
Mg Milligram
mg/kg Milligram per kilogram
mg/m2 Milligram per square meter
Mitt Mitte Send
mL Milliliter
mod praesc Mode praescripto In the manner prescribed
MOM Milk of magnesia
mOsmol Milliosmole
MS Morphine sulfate
MTX Methotrexate
MVI or MVT Multivitamins
N&V Nausea and vomiting
Na Natrium Sodium
NF National formulary
NKA No known allergies
NKDA No known drug allergies
Nmt Not more than
No Numerus Number
noct or n Nocte At night
noct maneq Nocte maneque Night and morning
non rep or NR Non repetatur Do not repeat
NP Nomen propium The proper name
NPO Non per os Nothing by mouth
NS Normal saline
NTE Not to exceed
NTG Nitroglycerin
O Octaricis A pint
O2 Oxygen
Od Oculus dexter Right eye
o.d. Omni die Everyday
Oint Ointment
OJ Orange juice
o.l. Oculus leaves Left eye
Ol Oleum Oil
o.alt.hor Omnibus alternis horis Every other hour
o.m. Omni mane Every morning
o.n. Omni nocte Every night
omn.bih Omni bihorio Every two hours
omn.hor Omni hora Every hour
o.s. Oculus sinester Left eye
o.u. Oculo utro Each eye
Oz Ounce
P Pulse
p.a. Parti affectae To the affected part
p.aeq. Partes aequales Equal parts
part.affect. Parti affectae applicandus To be applied to the affected
part.dolent. Parti dolente To the painful part
Pc Post cibos After meals
Pm Post meridiem Evening
p.o. Per os By mouth
Pp Partes Parts
post.op. After surgery
Pr Rectally
Prn Pro re nata When necessary
Q Quaque Every
Qd Quaque die Everyday
Qh Quaque hora Every hour
Qad Quaque alternis die Every other day
Qid Quarter in die Four times a day
Qod Every other day
Qr Quantum rectum The quantity is correct
Qs Quantum sufficiat As much as is sufficient
qs ad Quantum sufficiat ad A sufficient quantity to prepare
Rect Use rectally
Rept Repetatur Let it be repeated
RL or R/L Ringer’s lactate
Rx Recipe Take though
S Sine Without
SA or sa Secundum artem According to art
sat sol Solution saturate Saturated solution
Sc Subcutaneous
Sos Si opus sit If necessary
Sig Signa Write on label
SL Sublingual
SN Secundum naturam According to nature
SOB Shortness of breath
Sol Solutio Solution
Ss Semisce/semis One half
Stat Statum Immediately
Supp Suppsitorium Suppository
Susp Suspension
Sx Symptom
Syr Syrupus Syrup
T Talis Of such
T Temperature
Tab Tabellla Tablet
Tal Talus Of such
tal dos Such doses
Tbsp Tablespoonful
TCN Tetracycline
TED Thromboembolic disease
Tid Ter in die Three times a day
Tiw Three times a week
TMP-SMX Trimethoprim-
Top Topically
TPN Total parenteral nutrition
Tr Tincture
Tsp Teaspoonful
Tuss Tussis A cough
tuss. urg. Tussis urgent When the cough troubles
Tx Treatment
U Unit
UA Uric acid or urinalysis
UC Ulcerative colitis
Uf Until finished
Ug Until gone
URI Upper respiratory tract
USP United states pharmacopeia
UTI Urinary tract infections
u.d. Ut dictum As directed
Utend utendus To be used
Vag Vaginal
VS Vital signs
WA While awake
WBC White blood cell
Wk Week
y.o. Years old

C. Medical Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
Ab Abortion
ADR Adverse drug reaction
A and E Accident and emergency
AFB Acid-fast bacillus
A/G Albumin/Globulin Ratio
Ag Antigen
ALL Acute lymphocytic leukemia
AMI Acute myocardial infection
AML Acute myelogeneous leukemia
A-R Apical-radial pulse
ASCVD Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
AV Arteriovenous/atrioventricular
BaE Barium enema
BBB Blood brain barrier or bundle branch block
BM Bowel movement
BMR Basal metabolic rate
BNO Bowels not open
BOR Bowels open regularly
BS Bowel sounds, breath sounds, blood sugar
BUN Blood urea nitrogen
Bx Biopsy
CA Cancer or carcinoma
CAPD Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
CAT Computed assisted tomogram
CC Chief complaint
CHF Congestive heart failure
CCF Congestive cardiac failure
CCU Coronary care unit
CHD Congestive heart disease
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CP Chest pain
CO Cardiac output
C/O Complains of
COAD Chronic obstructive airway disease
COLD Chronic obstructive lung disease
C&S Culture and sensitivity
CSF Cerebrospinal fluid
CSU Catheter specimen of urine
CVA Cerebovascular accident
CVP Central venous pressure
Cx Cervical, cervix
CxR Chest x-ray
D Diagnosis
D&C Dilatation and curettage
DD Differential diagnosis
DH Drug history
DJD Degenerative joint disease
DM Diabetes mellitus
DNA Did not attend [outpatient]
DOA Dead on arrival
DOB Date of birth
DOE Dyspnea on exertion
DTs Delirium tremens
DU Duodenal ulcer
D&V Diarrhea and vomiting
DVT Deep vein thrombosis
ECG Electrocardiogram
ECT Electroconvulsive therapy
EEG Electroencephalograph
EMS Early morning specimen
ENT Ear, nose and throat
ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
EUA Examination under anesthetic
FB Finger breaths or foreign body
FBC Full blood count
FBS Fasting blood sugar
FEV1 Forced expiratory volume in 1 second
FFA Free fatty acids
FH Family history
FROM Full range of movement
FUO Fever of unknown origin
FVC Forced vital capacity
Fx Fracture
GFR Glomerular filtration rate
GI Gastrointestinal
GERD Gastroesophageal reflux disease
GTT Glucose tolerance test
GU Genitourinary
Gyn Gynecology
HA Headache
HBP High blood pressure
Hct Hematocrit
HCVD Hyepertensive cardiovascular disease
H&P History and physical
HPI History of present illness
HTVD Hypertensive vascular disease
ICM Intracostal margin
ICS Intercostal space
ICU Intensive care unit
ID Intradermal or initial dose
Ig Immunoglobulin
IHD Ischemic heart disease
IM Intramuscular
INR International normalized ratio
IP Intraperitoneal or in-patient
IPPB Intermittent positive pressure breathing
IUD Intrauterine device
IV Intravenous
IVP Intravenous pyelogram
J Jaundice
JVP Jugular venous pulse
LA Local anesthetic
LD Lethal dose
LE Lupus eythematosus
LVF Left ventricular failure
LVH Left ventricular hypertrophy
MCH Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MCHC Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
MCV Mean corpuscular volume
MI Mitral incompetence, mitral insufficiency or myocardial
MIC Minimum inhibitory concentration
MS Mitral stenosis or multiple sclerosis
MSU Midstream urine specimen
N Normal
NAD Nothing abnormal detected
NBM Nil by mouth
NG Nasogastric
NPN Nonprotein nitrogen
NPO Nothing by mouth
NS Nervous system
NSR Normal sinus rhythm
N&V Nausea and vomiting
BS Absence of bowel sounds
O Edema
O/A On admission
Ob-gyn Obstetrics and gynecology
O/E On examination
OOB Out of bed
OP Out-patient
OPD Out-patient department
Para Number of pregnancies
PBI Protein-bound iodine
PCV Packed cell volume
PDQ At once
PE Physical examination or pulmonary embolism
PERRLA Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation
PF(R) Peak flow (rate)
PKU Phenylketonuria
PM Post mortem
PMH Past medical history
PMT Premenstrual tension
PND Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
PO Oral/peroral
PR Rectal/per rectum
Pt Patient
PT Prothrombin time
PTA Prior to admission
PUO Pyrexia of unknown origin
PV Per vagina
PVC(R) Premature ventricular contraction
RA Right atrium or rheumatoid arthritis
RBC Red blood cells
RBS Random blood sugar
RCC Red cell count
RF Rheumatoid factor
RHD Rheumatic heart disease
Rh Rhesus factor
ROS Review of symptoms
RS Respiratory system
Š Without
S1 First heart sound
S2 Second heart sound
SA Sinoatrial
SB Seen by or short of breath
SBE Shortage of breath on exertion or Subacute bacterial
SC Subcutaneous
SGOT Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
SGPT Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase
SH Social history or Serum hepatitis
SL Sublingual
SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus
SOA Swelling of ankles
SOB Shortness of breath
SOS Swelling of sacrum
STD Sexually transmitted disease
Sx Symptoms
T Temperature
T3 Tri-iodothyronine
T4 Thyroxine
T&A Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
TB Tuberculosis
TBA To be arranged or administered
TIA Transient ischemic attack
TIBC Total iron binding capacity
TKVO To keep vein open
TLC Total lung capacity
TPN Total parenteral nutrition
TPR Temperature, pulse, respiration
TTO To take out [home]
Tx Treatment
UA Uric acid or urinalysis
UC Ulcerative colitis
U&E Urea and electrolytes
UTI Urinary tract infection
URI Upper respiratory infection
URTI Upper respiratory tract infection
VD Venereal disease
VP Venous pressure
VS Vital signs
VT Ventricular tachycardia
WBC White blood cell
WBS Whole body scan
WNL Within normal limits
WR Wasserman reaction
XR x-ray

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