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Lecture 6c


Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 1

Ω Layout Design Rules

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 2

Layout Design Rules

Si CMOS CMOS ntwk Sticks Layout

PMOS PUP Layer Design

Fabrication represent
NMOS PDN ation Rules

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 3

Layout Design Rules
Ω The physical layout of any circuit that has to be
fabricated using any process (nMOS, pMOS, CMOS)
must satisfy a set of geometric rules known as design
Ω Design rules allow a ready translation of circuit design
concepts in stick diagram or symbolic form into actual
geometry in silicon
Design Rules

Circuit Designed in Geometry in Si
Stick Diagrams

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 4

Layout Design Rules
Ω These are a set of guidelines that specify the
minimum dimensions and spacing allowed in a
layout drawing
Ω Violating a design rule might result in a non-
functional circuit
Ω The design rules can be expressed as a list of
minimum features and spacing for all the masks
required in a given process

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 5

Layout Design Rules

Minimum line-width
Smallest dimension
permitted for any object in
the layout drawing
Minimum spacing
Smallest distance permitted
between the edges of two

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 6

Layout Design Rules
Ω Design rules define a range of features:
 Minimum wire width to avoid breaks
 Minimum spacing to avoid shorts
 Minimum overlap to ensure complete overlaps
 Resolution/torelance of masks
Ω Fabrication processes are defined by
 the minimum channel width
 How fast a fabrication process is

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 7

Layout Design Rules
Ω Design rules are the interface between the
circuit designer and the fabrication engineer
Ω Circuit designers want lighter, smaller layouts
 Improved performance and
 high packing density
Ω Layout design rules describe
 how small features can be shown on the layout
 how closely they can be reliably packed in a
particular manufacturing process.

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 8

Layout Design Rules
Ω Industrial design rules are usually specified in
Ω This makes migrating from one process to a
more advanced process or a different foundry’s
process difficult because not all rules scale in
the same way.

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 9

Layout Design Rules
Ω Process engineer wants design rules that result in
controllable and reproducible process
Ω These design rules specify the min allowable line
widths for physical objects
Ω design rules are based on a single parameter, λ,
that characterizes the resolution of the process.
Ω λ is generally half of the minimum drawn transistor
channel length.
Ω This length is the distance between the source and
drain of a transistor and is set by the minimum
width of a polysilicon wire.

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 10

Layout Design Rules
Ω The layout design rules represent a reasonable
optimum point in terms of yield, reliability and
Ω These rules significantly increase the probability
of fabricating a successful product with high
Ω There are two types of design rules
 Micron rule
 Lambda rule

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 11

Layout Design Rules
1. Micron (μ) rule
Ω All minimum sizes and spacings are stated in terms of
in micrometers (μm) =10-6m
Ω Sizes are expressed in terms of absolute (fixed)
Ω No scaling is allowed
Ω List of minimum feature sizes and spacing for all masks
 Micron rules can result in as much as a 50% size
reduction over lambda rules.
 Normal style for industry.

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 12

Layout Design Rules
2. Lambda (λ) rule
Ω All minimum sizes and spacings are stated in terms of a
single parameter lambda (λ)
Ω Lambda (λ) is given by:
λ=l l =2λ; where l =channel length
Ω Lambda rules allow linear, proportional scaling of all
geometrical constraints
Ω Minimum line width: 2λ
Ω Main disadvantages:
 Limited linear scaling
 Too conservative

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 13

Layout Design Rules
Ω Example:
Ω For a transistor with l = 180 nm process has a
minimum polysilicon width l =0.18μm
By Lambda design rule,
λ l/2 = 0.18/2μm =0.09μm
lambda-based rules actually set λ= 0.10 μm,
Ω then shrink the gate and drain by 10 nm while
generating masks

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 14

Layout Design Rules
Ω λ based design rules were designed to simplify
the industry std micron rules to allow scaling
capability for various processes
Ω Lambda rules are based on the work by Mead
and Conway
Ω The simplicity of λ rules provides introduction to
design rules and to mask layout design
Ω It provides a process and feature-size
independent way of setting out mask
dimensions to scale

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 15

Layout Design Rules
Ω Lambda-based rules are necessarily
conservative because they round up
dimensions to an integer multiple of λ

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 16

Layout Design Rules
Design Rule Entities
1. Layer Representations
 Substrates and/or Wells
 Diffusion Regions (Active areas)
• Select regions: For contacts to substrate or well
 Polysilicon Layers
 Metal Interconnects
• Contact: Metal to active
• Via: Metal to metal
2. Intralayer Constraints
3. Interlayer Constraints

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 17

Layout Design Rules
Layer λ rule μ rule

N-well layer
Minimum size 10λ 2μ
Minimum spacing (wells at the 6λ 2μ
same potential)

Minimum spacing (wells at 8λ 2μ

different potential)

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 18

Layout Design Rules
Ω N-well

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 19

Layout Design Rules

λ rule μ rule
Polysilicon layer
Minimum size 2λ 1μ
Minimum spacing 2λ 1μ
Spacing to Active Area 2λ 0.5μ

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 20

Layout Design Rules

λ rule μ rule
Metal 1
Minimum size 3λ 1μ
Minimum 3λ 1μ
Metal 2
Minimum size 3λ 1μ
Minimum 3λ 1μ

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 21

Layout Design Rules

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 22

Layout Design Rules

Minimum size 2λ 0.75μ
Minimum spacing 2λ 1μ
Minimum overlap 2λ 0.75μ

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 23

Layout Design Rules
Minimum Size 2λ 1μ
Minimum spacing 3λ 1.5μ

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 24

Pitch and Spacing
Ω Design rules define:
 the minimum widths of wires and vias,
 the minimum wire-to-wire spacing, and
 the minimum via-to-via spacing of a layer.
Ω The distance between two wires or routing
tracks of the grid-based model is often called
wire pitch.
Ω Other design rules of the manufacturing
process, such as resistance and capacitance of
each layer, are also included

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 25

Pitch and Spacing

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 26

Pitch and Spacing
Ω Routing track is the space required to place a
wire and the required spacing to the next wire.
Ω If our wires have a width of 4λ and a spacing of
4λ to the next wire, the track pitch is 8λ (4+4)

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 27

Pitch and Spacing
Ω This pitch also leaves room for a transistor to be
placed between the wires

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 28

Height and width of a cell
Ω It is reasonable to estimate the height and width
of a cell by counting the number of metal tracks
and multiplying by 8λ

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 29

Height and width of a cell
Ω Estimating the size of a 3-input NAND.
 There are four vertical wire tracks, multiplied
by 8λ per track to give a cell width of (8λ x4)
 There are five horizontal wire tracks, giving a
cell height of (8λ x5) 40λ.
 Even though the horizontal tracks are not
drawn to scale, they are still easy to count

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 30

Wiring Tracks
Ω A wiring track is the space required for a wire
 4  width, 4  spacing from neighbor = 8  pitch
Ω A Transistor consumes one wiring track

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 31

Well spacing
Ω Wells must surround transistors by 6 
 Implies 12  between opposite transistor flavors
 Leaves room for one wire track

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 32

Area Estimation
Ω The area is estimated by counting the
number of wiring tracks
 Multiply by 8 to express in 


Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 33

Question 1:
• Given the cell
shown on the
right, find the
– Height
– Width and
– area of the cell

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 34


Question 2:
•Given the cell shown
on the right, find the
i. Length
ii. Width
iii. Area

Ngeze, LV VLSI Circuits 35

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