Ask A Demonstrator If You Are Unsure How To Use The Apparatus. Hand in Answers To DR - Waters at The End of The Session

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SSM−0032 : Particles and Fields of Modern Physics

Practical Session 2, 20th November 2003

Name of Student : .................................

Ask a demonstrator if you are unsure how to use the apparatus.

Hand in answers to Dr.Waters at the end of the session.

The Speed of Light

Principle :

The speed (v) of a wave is given by the product of its wavelength (λ) and frequency (f) :
v=λ× f 1
In this experiment the frequency is known, and the wavelength is to be measured. The wavelength
is determined by measuring the difference in the distance travelled by a light beam (∆d)
corresponding to a "phase shift" of 180o. Since a full wavelength corresponds to a phase shift of
360o, equation [1] becomes :
v=2×∆ d× f 2

The wavelength of visible light is far too small to measure directly using this method. The
apparatus therefore forms a modulated light beam, with a modulation frequency that is much lower
than the frequency of the light itself. The resulting light beam can be visualised as a series of
pulses, each travelling at the speed of light1 :

A phase shift is measured by comparing the intensity wave at the light source with the intensity
wave at the receiver, as shown below. Figure [A] shows the two waveforms in−phase, while [B]
shows the waveforms 180o out of phase. If the system starts out in state [A] and the distance that the
light travels is slowly decreased until the two waveforms first look like [B], then the change in the
light−path is equal to half a wavelength.

1 Actually the speed of a pulse ("group velocity") is not quite the same as the speed of a mono−frequency light
beam ("phase velocity") but the difference is tiny for air and can be neglected. The speed of light in air is slightly
lower than the speed of light in vacuum, but this difference is also very small.

Apparatus :

The source of the modulated light beam (A) and the receiver (B) each generate an output voltage
proportional to the light intensity. The voltage from each is displayed as a function of time on the
oscilloscope2. A frequency meter attached to the source measures the modulation frequency,
reading out the frequency divided by 100 in kHz. A phase shifter is located on the receiver.

Procedure :

• Read the frequency indicated on the frequency meter and convert to MHz :

f= MHz.

• Place the reflector as far as possible from the source (position 1 on the above diagram) and
measure its position on the scale attached to the base of the instrument.
• Adjust the oscilloscope until both the source and receiver intensity waves are clearly visible.
Makes sure you know which traces corresponds to the source and receiver.
• Adjust the phase shifter on the receiver until the source and receiver waves are in−phase.

2 In fact the frequency of the output from both source and receiver are converted into the much lower frequency of
25 kHz in order to be easily visible on the oscilloscope.

Q1 Move the reflector slowly towards the source. Describe what happens to the waveforms.

Q2 Move the reflector away from the end position until the two waveforms are first in anti−
phase (position 2 on the above diagram). Write down the position of the reflector. Use this
measurement, together with the frequency and equation [2], to deduce the speed of light.
How does your answer compare to the true value for the speed of light in vacuum ?

Q3 Repeat the procedure 2 more times, starting with the reflector 10cm and 20cm away from
the end of the optical bench respectively. How consistent are your measurements ?

Q4 Why is it not necessary to know the absolute path length between the source and receiver,
or any phase shifts that might be introduced by the cables or electronics ?

Q5 How could you use this apparatus to measure the refractive index of a material ?

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