Memo Writing Assignments

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Memo Writing Assignments

For each of the following memo practices you are going to write memos based
on the information given. Format your memos according to the notes I gave you.

Save the memos as memo1.doc, memo2.doc, etc. Since you are writing the
memos, you will have to decide what belongs in the TO, FROM, DATE and
SUBJECT sections and the body based on the information you have been given.

Be creative.

1. You work for Sanofi Pasteur as the Public Relations Director. Write a
memo to all the employees at your company telling them about an
upcoming company picnic. The event will be held Friday, October 31,
2009 at Pocono View Park. You will decide what activities to include
(softball game, hay rides, relay race, etc.) The memo body should be at
least two full paragraphs. Use a direct writing approach. 7 points

2. Write a memo from Dr. Pfennig (the PMSD school superintendent) to all
PMSD parents explaining the new dress code that will be enforced starting
with the 2010-2011 school year. NOTE: you are going to create the dress
code. Be specific and be creative, but also be appropriate. Make sure
you include an explanation for the new dress code procedures, and
remember that you are writing FROM Dr. Pfennig’s perspective. Use an
indirect writing approach. 8 points

3. Write a memo to Mr. Burns from you using today’s date. Explain in detail
two or three different concerns you have about the school environment
and/or educational practices. Write a paragraph on each concern, 3 to 5
sentences each. You can use a combination of direct and indirect writing
approaches. 10 points

4. Extension: Write a memo from you using the direct approach to all of
your co-workers suggesting that they make a donation to the Red Cross
(or another charity).

OR Write a memo from you to the facilities department of your company

regarding a concern you have. It could be about the parking situation, a
dirty refrigerator, your idea for a new product, etc.

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