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The topic is CULTURE from the organisational behaviour area of study … In 1,000 words .

Present keys theories that relate to the topic:

1. What are the differences and similarities ?

2. Why might these differences and similarities exist ?
3. Why is this information useful for individuals and their line managers ?
4. What can you conclude from your analysis ?

You need to display your knowledge in order to provide a reasoned opinion ..

Essay criteria :

1. Introduction to the topic area of CULTURE … introduction to the assignment

2. Review of relevant theories and perspectives on CULTURE … selection and review of
literature and application of theory.
3. Structure ,, flow and layout,
4. Summary and conclusion.
5. 12 sources or 10

More information :

. Huckzynski. A. & Buchanan. D. Organizational Behaviour (2010) 7th edition FT Prentice Hall
Chapter 3,4, & 18

Handy (1981) based on Harrison’s classification cited in Mullins 2007:722

 The power culture – one with a central power source which exercises control. There
are few rules or procedures and the atmosphere is competitive, power oriented and

 The role culture – in which work is controlled by procedures and rules and the role
or job description is more important than the person who fills its. Power is
associated with position not people.

 The task culture – in which the aim is to bring together the right people and let them
get on with it. Influence is based more on expert power than on position or personal
power. The culture is adaptable and teamwork is important.

 The person culture – in which the individual is the central point. The organisation
exists only to serve and assist the individual in it.

 There is lecture of the CULTURE for work organisations.

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