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Direct Power Control of an AFE Using

Predictive Control
Patricio Cortés, Member, IEEE, José Rodríguez, Senior Member, IEEE,
Patrycjusz Antoniewicz, Student Member, IEEE, and Marian Kazmierkowski, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents a new control scheme for an ac-

tive front-end rectifier using model-based predictive control. The
control strategy minimizes a cost function, which represents the
desired behavior of the converter. Future values of currents and
power are predicted using a discrete-time model. The active and
reactive powers are directly controlled by selecting the optimal
switching state. The main advantages of this method are that there
is no need of linear current controllers, coordinates transforma-
tions or modulators. The rectifier operates with sinusoidal input
currents and unity power factor. Simulation and experimental
results are presented to verify the performance of the proposed
power control scheme. Fig. 1. Active front-end rectifier.

Index Terms—AC–DC power conversion, power control, predic-

tive control.
specially wind energy generation, as shown in [9] where DPC
is used to control a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). A
I. INTRODUCTION DPC strategy with constant switching frequency is presented in
[10] to control a DFIG wind turbine system.

T HE use of active front-end rectifiers (AFEs) offers several

advantages compared to a diode rectifier. It is possible to
have a bidirectional power flow, with sinusoidal input currents
Several predictive control algorithms have found application
in converter control over the last years. A well-known approach
is deadbeat control, and has been applied to current control in in-
and minimized harmonic distortion at unity power factor [1]. verters [11]–[14], rectifiers [15], multilevel active rectifiers [16],
The dc-link voltage is regulated by controlling the input currents active filters [17], [18], power factor preregulators [19], and un-
or the input power, which allows to reduce the capacitor size [2]. interruptible power supplies [20]. It uses the model of the system
These converters can also be used as active filters as shown in to calculate the voltage reference in order to make the current
[3] and [4], when connected in parallel with a nonlinear load. reach its reference in one modulation period. Then, the voltage is
Rectifier control methods can be classified, as presented in applied using a pulsewidth modulator. The model of the system
[5], as voltage–oriented control (VOC) and direct power control is used in [21] to calculate the width of the different modulation
(DPC). In VOC, the input active and reactive power are regu- intervals. Model predictive control (MPC) is another family of
lated indirectly by controlling the input currents, which are ori- predictive controllers that uses a model of the system to predict
ented with respect to the line voltage vector [6]. This method the behavior of the variables until a certain horizon of time, and
presents good dynamic and static behavior; however, its per- a cost function is used as a criterion to select the optimal future
formance depends on the quality of the current control strate- actions [22], [23]. In order to reduce the big computational ef-
gies. With DPC, the active and reactive power are estimated, fort needed to solve the optimization online, in [23], the major
using current measurements, and controlled directly with hys- calculation tasks are made offline, reducing the MPC algorithm
teresis controllers and a switching table similar to the one used to a search tree that can be implemented in a real system. An-
in direct torque control (DTC) [7], [8]. Power control has an other approach to simplify the MPC is to model the converter as
important application in some renewable energy systems and a system with a finite number of states, and only one time step
can be considered for the optimization, as presented for the cur-
Manuscript received February 13, 2007; revised June 12, 2007. Current rent control in a matrix converter in [24], a three-phase inverter
version published November 19, 2008. This work was supported in part by in [25]–[27], and a three-level inverter in [28]. This way, all pos-
the Chilean National Fund of Scientific and Technological Development
(FONDECYT) under Grant 1050549, in part by the Industrial Electronics and
sible states can be evaluated online; then, the one that minimizes
Mechatronics Millennium Science Nucleus, and in part by the Universidad the cost function is selected.
Técnica Federico Santa. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor J. A predictive DPC is presented in this paper for the control
P. Cortés and J. Rodríguez are with the Department of Electronics Engi-
of the AFE. In the proposed MPC strategy, the finite number of
neering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso 2390123, Chile possible switching states of the converter are considered, evalu-
(e-mail: ating the effect of each one on the load current and input power.
P. Antoniewicz and M. Kazmierkowski are with the Institute of Control The switching state that minimizes a cost function is selected
and Industrial Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw 00-662,
Poland. and applied during the next sampling period. The cost function
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2008.2002065 directly evaluates the input active and reactive power error for
0885-8993/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on November 27, 2008 at 10:06 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 2. Proposed control scheme for the rectifier.

the rectifier, avoiding the use of internal control loops and the B. Discrete-Time Model
The predicted current is calculated using the discrete-time

A. Space Vector Model (6)

The AFE rectifier can be modeled as shown in Fig. 1. The
rectifier is a fully controlled bridge with power transistors, con- obtained form discretizing (1) for a sampling time .
nected to the three-phase supply voltages using the filter in- The discretization is made by approximating the derivative as
ductances and resistances . the difference over one sampling period
The input current dynamics can be described in the stationary
frame by the vector equation (7)

(1) This discretization method has been selected for simplicity.

However, it is possible to use another more accurate method,
where is the input current vector, is the supply line voltage, but for fast sampling frequencies, the coefficients of the dis-
and is the voltage generated by the converter. crete-time models are almost the same.
The input current vector is related to the phase currents by the Considering the input voltage and current vectors in orthog-
equation onal coordinates, the predicted instantaneous input active and
reactive power can be expressed by equations

where . Voltages and are defined in a sim- (8)

ilar way

(3) (9)

The voltage is determined by the switching state of the where is the predicted input current vector, for a given
converter and the dc-link voltage, and can be expressed by the voltage vector generated by the rectifier .
equation For a small sampling time, with respect to the grid funda-
mental frequency, it can be assumed that .
(4) However, if the sampling time is not small enough to consider
the grid voltage constant between two sampling intervals, the fu-
where is the dc-link voltage and is the switching state ture grid voltage can be calculated by compensating
vector of the rectifier defined as the angle of the voltage vector for one sampling time

(5) (10)

where , and are the switching states of each rectifier where is the angle advance of the grid voltage vector
leg, as shown in Fig. 1, and take the value of 0 if is OFF, or in one sampling interval and is the angular frequency of the
1 if is ON . grid voltage.

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Fig. 3. Performance of the input power control in steady-state operation.

(a) Without delay compensation. (b) With delay compensation. Fig. 4. Behavior of the predictive power control for a step in the active power
reference from 750 to 1500 W. (a) Active and reactive power. (b) Input
voltage, input current, and converter voltage.

To regulate the dc-link voltage, a PI controller is used. The

output of the PI corresponds to the power needed to compen- until time . By time-shifting (6) one step forward, an ex-
sate the error in the dc-link voltage. This variable has been des- pression for is obtained
ignated as the active power reference .

C. Compensation of the Control Delay

When implementing the predictive controller in a real system,
some consideration must be taken into account with respect to where is calculated using the current and voltage
the calculation time. As presented in (6), the prediction of the measurements, and considering the converter voltage
current is calculated using the measured current selected in the previous sampling time. Converter voltage
and voltage , and assuming that the selected converter is the voltage to be applied.
voltage is also applied at instant . It is not possible due
to the time needed to perform all the calculations of the control III. CONTROL OF THE POWER CONVERTER
algorithm, and this assumption leads to errors in the prediction For the rectifier, active and reactive input powers are con-
when implemented. This problem can be solved by considering trolled, so the cost function evaluates the error in the input
this delay in the predictive model. power. The switching state of the converter is changed in
Now assuming that the selected voltage will be applied at in- equidistant time instants and is constant during a whole sam-
stant , it is required to predict the behavior of the current pling interval. On each sampling interval, the control strategy

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Fig. 5. Performance of the input power control for a load step from 150 to 100
. Fig. 7. Active power, reactive power, and input currents considering errors in
the inductance value.

Fig. 8. Spectrum of the input current.

The active power control is intended to match the output

power and control the dc-link voltage, and its reference must
consider the output power and the power required for the dc
Fig. 6. Operation at different supply power displacement factors: step in the
reactive power reference from to . link to reach its reference.
Each possible voltage vector will generate a dif-
ferent value of the cost function . The voltage vector that
selects the switching state that will be applied during the next minimizes the function, i.e., the error in the input power,
interval. will be selected and applied during the next sampling interval.
The proposed predictive power control has no internal control The presented control strategy is an application of model pre-
loops and does not need external modulators. The currents are dictive control for plants whose input is restricted to belong to
forced by directly controlling the active and reactive powers. a finite set, which means that the proposed controller is a non-
The block diagram of the control strategy is shown in Fig. 2. linear controller, so it is not possible to analyze stability using
The input currents are measured and the future current standard methods like poles loci. The input filter of the con-
is calculated using the applied converter voltage verter is a first-order stable plant, and it has been shown in [22]
. Predictions of the future current are gen- that states of a stable system are always bounded and either con-
erated for each one of the seven possible voltage vectors verge toward a fixed point or toward a limit cycle.
generated by the AFE. These predictions are used to calculate
the future input active and reactive power, and IV. SIMULATION RESULTS
, using (8) and (9) shifted one step ahead in time. The behavior of the proposed control scheme was simulated
Each prediction of and is evaluated by for a 5-kW converter, and the sampling time for the control was
the cost function . set to . The parameters of the system used for sim-
The cost function summarizes the desired behavior of the ulation are mH,
rectifier: minimize the reactive power and control the active .
power to be equal to a reference value Operation in steady state is shown in Fig. 3. The input voltage,
input current, and the converter voltage when the predictive
(12) model does not include the control delay are shown in Fig. 3(a).

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Fig. 9. Experimental results: steady-state operation. 1: input voltage; 2: input Fig. 10. Experimental results: step in the active power reference from 750 to
current; 3: converter voltage. (a) Without compensation of the control delay. (b) 1500 W. (a) (Top) Active power. (Bottom) Reactive power. (b) 1: input voltage;
With compensation of the control delay. 2: input current; 3: converter voltage; 4: number of selected voltage.

It is possible to observe that the distortion in the input current

can be considerably reduced when the control delay is consid- The operation at different supply displacement power factors
ered in the model, as shown in Fig. 3(b). is shown in Fig. 6. The reactive power reference presents a step
The performance of the power control for the rectifier was from to , while the active
tested applying a step in the active power reference . The power reference is constant at . The phase shift
external PI controller used for voltage control is disconnected between the voltage and current is also shown for this change in
during this test. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the power tracking is the reactive power.
very fast and there is no coupling between the active and reactive The effect of errors in the parameter values is presented in
power. The input currents, shown in Fig. 4(b), are sinusoidal and Fig. 7. This plot is divided into three time sections, starting with
in phase with the line voltages. an inductance value of in the model, i.e., 200%
Results for the predictive DPC inside a voltage control loop of the real value; between time and , there
are shown in Fig. 5 for a step in the dc load. The active power ref- is no error, and after time , an inductance value of
erence, generated by the voltage controller, is followed with fast 5 mH is used in the model. Since the active power reference
dynamics and without affecting the reactive power. The input is achieved in all cases, it can be observed that the ripple is
currents for this test are also shown. increased when a wrong value is used in the model. In the case

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has an amplitude of 150 V and frequency 50 Hz, the input filter

have an inductance mH and resistance ,
and the dc-link capacitor .
The line voltage, line current, and converter voltage in steady-
state operation are shown in Fig. 9(a). The same variables in the
steady state operation are shown in Fig. 9(b) when the compen-
sation of the control delay is applied. The current ripple is re-
duced and the switching frequency of the converter is increased
without increasing the sampling frequency. The active power
reference has been set to 1500 W for both cases.
The behavior of the system for a step in the active power ref-
erence from 750 to 1500 W is shown in Fig. 10(a), while
the reactive power reference is zero. The proposed control
presents a fast dynamic response and decoupled active and re-
active powers. The input voltage and current for one phase are
shown in Fig. 10(b) for the same test. Input currents are sinu-
soidal and in phase with the line voltage.
The effect of errors in the model parameter values is shown
in Fig. 11 for errors in the filter inductance value. It is shown
that considering inductances of 50% and 150% of the nominal
value in the predictive model implies an increase of the current

The strategy introduced in this paper is simple and easy to
understand and generates sinusoidal input currents with unity
power factor without having any type of current controllers or
modulators. The proposed system presents a fast dynamic re-
sponse directly controlling the input power.
Some implementation issues have been studied, such as com-
pensation of the control delay, thus improving the performance
of the predictive power control strategy. The proposed system
has proved to be robust when errors in the inductance values are
This control strategy very advantageously uses the discrete
nature of the power converters and the microprocessor used in
the control. The amount of calculations needed to predict the
Fig. 11. Experimental results: effect of error in the inductance value. 1: input behavior of the variables for all possible switching states can
voltage; 2: input current; 3: converter voltage. (a) % of nominal value. be performed very fast and without problems by several digital
(b) % of nominal value. signal processors available today. As a consequence, predictive
control is a very promising alternative for the future of power
of the reactive power, some steady-state error appears when an
inductance value of 5 mH is assumed in the model. Errors in the REFERENCES
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model—A unified approach for voltage-source PWM converters,” power conveyors, controlled drives for shovels, and power quality issues. He
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[15] Y. Nishida, O. Miyashita, T. Haneyoshi, H. Tomita, and A. Maeda, His current research interests include power electronics and electrical drives.
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[17] L. Malesani, P. Mattavelli, and S. Buso, “Robust dead-beat current con- Patrycjusz Antoniewicz (S’05) received the M.Sc.
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[19] P. Mattavelli, G. Spiazzi, and P. Tenti, “Predictive digital control of Warsaw University of Technology. He has authored
power factor preregulators with input voltage estimation using distur- or coauthored more than 15 technical papers. His cur-
bance observers,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. rent research interests include predictive control of
140–147, Jan. 2005. active rectifiers and digital signal processing (DSP)
[20] P. Mattavelli, “An improved deadbeat control for UPS using dis- applications.
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206–212, Feb. 2005.
[21] G. Brando and A. D. Pizzo, “A predictive control technique for PWM-
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Symp. Ind. Electron. (ISIE 2002), L’Aquila, Italy, Jul. 8–11, 2002, pp. received the M.Sc., Ph.D., and Dr. Sc. degrees in
1196–1200. electrical engineering from the Institute of Control
[22] D. Quevedo, G. Goodwin, and J. Dona, “Finite constraint set receding and Industrial Electronics (ICIE), Warsaw University
horizon quadratic control,” Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, vol. 14, of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, in 1968, 1972, and
pp. 355–377, 2004. 1981, respectively.
[23] A. Linder and R. Kennel, “Model predictive control for electrical From 1967 to 1980, he was an Assistant Professor
drives,” in Proc. IEEE-PESC 2005, Recife, Brazil, Jun. 12–16, 2005, at the ICIE, where, since 1987, he has been a
pp. 1793–1799. Professor and the Director. From 1980 to 1983,
[24] S. Muller, U. Ammann, and S. Rees, “New time-discrete modulation he was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at
scheme for matrix converters,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 52, no. Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule
6, pp. 1607–1615, Dec. 2005. (RWTH) Aachen, West Germany. From 1986 to 1987, he was a Visiting
[25] J. Rodríguez, J. Pontt, C. Silva, P. Correa, P. Lezana, P. Cortés, and Professor at Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), Trondheim, Norway.
U. Ammann, “Predictive current control of a voltage source inverter,” He was a Visiting Professor at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, in
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 495–503, Feb. 2007. 1990, at Aalborg University, Denmark, in 1990 and 1995, and at the University
[26] J. Rodríguez, J. Pontt, C. Silva, M. Salgado, S. Rees, U. Ammann, P. of Padova, Italy, in 1993. From 1996 to 2000, he was a Coordinating Professor
Lezana, R. Huerta, and P. Cortés, “Predictive control of a three-phase of the International Danfoss Professor Program, Aalborg University. From
inverter,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 561–562, Apr. 29, 1996 to 2004, he was an Elected Member of the State Committee for Scientific
2004. Research, Poland. He was also the Director of the Centre of Excellence on
[27] P. Cortes, J. Rodriguez, D. E. Quevedo, and C. Silva, “Predictive cur- Power Electronics Intelligent Control for Energy Conservation—PELINCEC
rent control strategy with imposed load current spectrum,” IEEE Trans. 2003–2006 (European Framework Program V), ICIE. He is the author or
Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 612–618, Mar. 2008. coauthor of over 300 technical papers and reports, as well as 13 books and
[28] R. Vargas, P. Cortes, U. Ammann, J. Rodriguez, and J. Pontt, “Pre- textbooks. He has coauthored the book Automatic Control of Converter-Fed
dictive control of a three-phase neutral-point-clamped inverter,” IEEE Drives (Elsevier, 1994), and coedited and coauthored the compendium Control
Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 2697–2705, Oct. 2007.

Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on November 27, 2008 at 10:06 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

in Power Electronics (Academic, 2002). He is engaged in experimental research Warsaw, Poland. He has been the Vice President for publication in the IEEE
and theoretical work on electric drives and industrial electronics. Industrial Electronics Society (1999–2001). He was the Editor-in-Chief of the
Dr. Kazmierkowski was the recipient of an Honorary Doctorate degree from IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS (2004–2006). He is also
Aalborg University in 2004 and the Dr. Eugene Mittelmann Achievement Award a member of many IEEE committees and conference organizing committees.
by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society in 2005. Since 2007, he has been an In 2007, he was the General Co-Chair of the IEEE European Conference (EU-
elected Corresponding Member of the Polish Academy of Science. He was the ROCON) 2007, Warsaw. He is the Past-Chairman of the IEEE Poland Section.
Chairman of the 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,

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