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FEMS Microbiology Ecology 53 (2005) 445–453

Lead and cadmium uptake in the marine fungi Corollospora

lacera and Monodictys pelagica

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Michael A.S. Taboski a, Thomas G. Rand a, Adam Piórko b,*

Department of Biology, Saint MaryÕs University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3C3
Department of Chemistry, Saint MaryÕs University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3C3

Received 24 June 2004; received in revised form 7 November 2004; accepted 3 February 2005

First published online 10 March 2005


This study provides observations on the effects of lead and cadmium ions on the growth of two species of marine fungi, Corol-
lospora lacera and Monodictys pelagica. On solid media lead appeared to have no effect on the radial rate of growth of fungi. Expo-
sure to increasing cadmium concentrations on solid media resulted in significant reduction (p < 0.05) in the radial mycelial growth
rates of both fungi, especially in M. pelagica. These results reveal significant difference in species sensitivity toward cadmium and,
essentially, insensitivity toward lead exposure. In liquid cultures, the metal content of mycelia (metal mass found in mycelium, in
mg), and the concentration of metal in dry mycelium (metal mass in 1 g of mycelium, in mg g 1) were both found to increase
(p < 0.05) with the increase in the metal cation concentration, while mycelium dry mass decreased. As it was observed on solid
media, cadmium cation affected more severely (p < 0.05) the growth of M. pelagica in liquid cultures. Ergosterol content of mycelia
of C. lacera exposed to increasing cadmium cation concentration decreased, similarly to the trend observed for dry mycelial mass. It
was found that ca. 93% of all lead sequestered by C. lacera is located extracellularly. M. pelagica was found to bioaccumulate over
60 mg of cadmium and over 6 mg of lead per 1 g of mycelium, while C. lacera bioaccumulated over 7 mg of cadmium and up to
250 mg of lead per 1 g of mycelium. Overall, the results indicate that both metal ions affect the growth of marine fungi with lead
being accumulated extracellularly in the mycelia. Both metals accumulated by fungi may then enter the marine ecosystem food
web, of which marine fungi are integral members.
 2005 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Marine fungi growth; Lead; Cadmium; Metal uptake; Sequential elution

1. Introduction for over 30 years and the results have been exhaustively
reviewed by Gadd [1], Wainwright and Gadd [2], Ram-
The toxicity of heavy metals to living systems is well say et al. [3], Baldrian [4] for white-rot fungi and by Ley-
recognized and a significant research effort has been di- val et al. [5] for mycorrhizal fungi. The role of cations in
rected toward the study of their cycling, levels in differ- biodegradation of wood by brown rot fungi, including
ent habitats, mechanisms of uptake, toxicity to living metal cation toxicity toward these fungi, has also been
systems, and remediation of polluted environments. reviewed by Jellison et al. [6]. Bioaccumulation of
Their toxicity toward terrestrial fungi has been studied various metals by living and dead fungi in polluted
environments has also been studied to establish a
biotechnological potential of fungi, along with other
Corresponding author. Fax: +1 902 496 8104.
microorganisms, to control pollution by heavy metals
E-mail addresses: (M.A.S. Taboski), at the source [7–10]. Overall, these areas of study on (T.G. Rand), (A. Piórko). terrestrial fungi are advanced, although a number of

0168-6496/$22.00  2005 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
446 M.A.S. Taboski et al. / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 53 (2005) 445–453

questions related to bioavailability of heavy metals 2. Materials and methods

including their speciation in fungal habitats and mecha-
nisms of solubilization and immobilization still remain 2.1. Fungi, solvents, glassware, and reagents
and require further evaluations [11–13].
However, the same cannot be said for marine fungi, Cultures of C. lacera (ATCC 34603) isolated from
for which only a few papers have been published, as sand grains from Bermuda and M. pelagica (ATCC
far as we are aware. Babich and Stotzky revealed that 22771) from submerged balsa wood in Maryland were
the growth of some marine fungi exposed to nickel used in the study.
was less depressed in the presence of magnesium com- All solvents used in the study were of HPLC grade
pared to their growth in the presence of nickel alone while acids used for glassware cleaning were of reagent
[14]. Hicks and Newell [15] found that exposing Phaeos- grade. Acids used for digestions and extractions were

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pharia typharum, a salt marsh fungus, to mercury at me- of trace metal grade. All glassware in this study was acid
tal concentration of 0.74 mg l 1 resulted in no washed with either concentrated sulfuric acid in the case
significant change in glucosamine content or growth dif- of all culture and extraction glassware or concentrated
ferences compared to the cultures grown in the absence nitric acid in the case of the metal analysis. The glass-
of mercury. In another study, Vala et al. searched for the ware was then further cleaned with five washes with ul-
chelators located on the external surface of mycelia, tra-pure water, followed by a methanol wash (Fisher,
which facilitate sequestration of iron from seawater. HPLC grade) and a final wash with dichloromethane
Some 13 strains of facultative marine fungi were exam- (Caledon, HPLC grade). Artificial seawater was pre-
ined for the presence of siderophores, 10 of which pro- pared according to literature [32].
duced carboxylate and/or hydroxamate siderophores in Cd standards for metal analysis were prepared using
the iron-deficient media [16]. SCP Science AA 1000 lg l 1 Cd standard solution. Pb
Urban waste can have a significant impact on the dis- standards were prepared from ACP 1000 lg g 1 Pb
tribution of chemical contaminants in marine sediments standard solution. HPLC grade ergosterol (>98%, Flu-
and, consequently, by biogeochemical equilibria, on ka) was used as a standard in ergosterol analyses.
marine ecosystems. In our area, in Halifax Harbor, the
highest concentrations of the metals such as copper 2.2. Instruments
(up to 250 lg g 1), zinc (up to 500 lg g 1), mercury (up
to 2.5 lg g 1), lead (up to 500 lg g 1), and cadmium (up Ergosterol analyses were performed using a Varian
to 2.5 lg g 1) in surficial sediments have been found in HPLC system equipped with a UV–VIS Detector and
areas of organic rich sediments, near sewage outfalls a l-Bondapak C18 RP column (0.42 lm, 300 ·
[17]. Cadmium and lead are both toxic metals, which 3.9 mm). For metal analysis, a Perkin–Elmer Atomic
can be released into the environment as a result of indus- Absorption Spectrometer 3300 was employed. Each
trial activities and burning of fuels. Cadmium is more sample series run was preceded by the measurement of
toxic to living systems than lead, although their chemical standards. All samples were analyzed in triplicate and
properties are similar [1,18]. While there is a significant the readings were averaged to obtain a final value.
body of literature on the toxicity and bioaccumulation
of these metals in terrestrial fungi [1–6,19–24] and some 2.3. Radial growth rate measurements
marine organisms, including crustaceans [25,26] and
protozoans [27], their effect on marine fungi is unknown. The fungi were sub-cultured directly from the ATCC
As marine fungi are important members of the inshore slant cultures onto Petri dishes containing a medium
micro-biota [13,15,28–30] they are exposed to metal ions comprising 50 g cornmeal (Difco), and 15 g agar (Difco)
and complexes in large harbors and effects of such per liter of artificial seawater and incubated at 25C for
exposure on fungi and co-habitants are unknown. The 14 days. After this, circular fungal plugs (4 mm in diam-
objectives of our study were to evaluate the effects of eter) were removed from the cultures with a sterilized
lead and cadmium on the growth of Corollospora lacera metal cork borer and transferred, fungal side up, to
(Ascomycotina: Halosphaeriaceae) and Monodictys the center of new Petri dishes containing 35 g Czapek-
pelagica (Deuteromycotina: Dematiaceae) [31] as model Dox broth (Difco), and 15 g agar per liter of artificial
marine fungi. These species are commonly found seawater. This medium (pH 7.5) was amended with
in coastal Atlantic Canada waters and exhibit good either Pb chloride (Fisher) or Cd chloride (Fisher) to fi-
growth in artificial media. Study objectives were nal cation concentrations of 10 mg l 1, 50 mg l 1,
achieved by measuring their radial growth rate, myce- 100 mg l 1, 250 mg l 1, 500 mg l 1, respectively. We
lium dry weight and ergosterol content as features of also prepared the medium with 500 mg l 1 Pb nitrate
fungal biomass. Additionally we also evaluated metal (Fisher). The control medium contained neither Pb
concentration and accumulation in the mycelia of both nor Cd. The plates, with five replicates per cation
species. treatment were incubated at 22 C for 10–15 days and
M.A.S. Taboski et al. / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 53 (2005) 445–453 447

the diameters of mycelial growth, in two directions at analysis. The mycelia then were dried to a constant mass
90 angles were measured. The radial growth rates and the masses were recorded. The cultures of C. lacera
(mm per day) were determined for each species and at exposed to Pb and Cd were treated as M. pelagica
each cation concentration. above, although Pb nitrate was used instead of Pb chlo-
ride and the cultures were incubated on a shaker for 15
2.4. Liquid medium cultures days. A white precipitate was observed in all cultures for
both fungal species and both cations at concentrations
Inocula from the original ATCC cultures were sub- 50 mg l 1 or higher, although its composition was not
cultured on agar slants consisting of 2% salt water malt investigated.
extract agar (SWMEA composition: 20 g malt extract,
and 15 g agar per liter of artificial seawater) and homog- 2.5. Sequential elution

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enized in 50 ml of sterile, distilled water. Ten milliliter
aliquots of the homogenized mycelia were used to inoc- A sequential elution procedure [33–35] was employed
ulate 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks each containing 125 ml to determine the Pb location within mycelium of C. lac-
of a culture medium containing 3 g ammonium chloride, era. It recovers metal ions from three locations – inter-
0.2 g ferrous sulfate heptahydrate, 2 g potassium dihy- cellular (metal ions between the cells remaining even
drogen phosphate, 2 g peptone, 2 g yeast extract, 2 g after washing, reflecting the composition of the growth
malt extract and 20 g of glucose per liter of ultra-pure medium), extracellular (metal ions bound to the polar
water, prepared according to Strongman et al. [32]. Ali- groups on the outer cell wall surface), and intracellular
quots of 250 ml of culture medium were prepared for (metal ions transported into the cell). At the end of each
each species, and the four flasks were placed on a G10 growth period, the mycelia were separated from the li-
gyrotary shaker at 146 rpm for 7 days. quid media, placed in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks and
Cation-containing media cultures were prepared, typ- rinsed briefly in ultra-pure water to remove residual
ically, by adding 20 ml inoculum to a 500 ml Erlenmeyer medium solution. To remove intercellular elements, the
flask or a 1 L Roux bottle containing 200 ml (for shaken mycelial samples were eluted with two 20 ml washings
cultures) or 400 ml, respectively (for stationary cul- of ultra-pure water for 40 and 30 min. The combined
tures), of 35 g of Czapek-Dox medium (Difco) per liter washings from each sample were filtered into 50 ml poly-
of artificial seawater. The medium was amended with propylene centrifuge tubes and acidified to pH 1.0–2.0
the addition of either Pb chloride (Fisher) or Cd chloride (0.2 M HNO3) for intercellular Pb analysis. To remove
(Fisher) to provide final cation concentrations. For each extracellular elements, the mycelia were washed with
species there was also a control with no cation added, two 20 ml portions of 100 mM EDTA (Fisher, pH 4.5)
and all the experiments were completed in triplicate. Fi- for 40 minutes and 30 minutes. The washings were col-
nal pH values for solutions were as follows: for controls lected by filtration through cheesecloth into 50 ml poly-
– pH 7.31; for Pb amended media – pH 7.31–7.27; for propylene centrifuge tubes and acidified to pH 1.0–2.0
Cd amended media – 7.29–6.82 (lower values for Cd (0.2 M HNO3) for extracellular Pb analysis. The remain-
at 250 and 500 mg l 1); for samples of Halifax Harbor ing mycelial samples were dried over Drierite and the
water pH varied from 7.83 to 8.01. Compositions of dry weight mass was determined. A small sample of each
our solutions were not modified in order to compensate dry mycelium was treated with concentrated HNO3 to
for changes in ionic strength, osmotic pressure, or pH dissolve intracellular elements and then diluted with
resulting from introduction of metal-containing solutes. 0.2 M HNO3 for intracellular Pb analysis. The samples
Both species grew consistently well under such from all three locations were prepared in this way and
conditions. their Pb content was subsequently analyzed using the
Corollospora lacera cultures were inoculated in Erlen- flame atomic absorption spectrometer.
meyer flasks and grown in a shaker for 15 or 30 days at
146 rpm at room temperature. M. pelagica cultures were 2.6. Flame atomic absorption spectrometer analysis
inoculated in Roux bottles placed on a stationary slant
of approximately 45 to ensure maximum surface area Metal cation content of the mycelia was analyzed
and grown for 30 days at room temperature. using atomic absorption spectrometry using 0.2 M
For the M. pelagica cultures exposed to Pb, the myce- HNO3 (Fisher, Trace Metal Grade) and following the
lia and medium were separated under vacuum filtration standard EPA methods (EPA-600/4-82-055, method
(Whatman No. 2 paper), while Cd exposed M. pelagica 213.1 for Cd and method 239.1 for Pb). Cd samples were
cultures were separated using gravity filtration (sterile analyzed at wavelengths 228.8 or 326.1 nm, while Pb-
cheesecloth). After gentle washing with de-ionized water containing samples were analyzed at 261.4 and
the mycelia were placed into clean glass Petri dishes and 283.3 nm wavelengths depending on whether or not
autoclaved at 395 K and 1.03 · 105–1.38 · 105 Pa for the sample was within the linear range of the selected
15 min to prevent contamination in the storage before wavelength. The results are presented as total metal
448 M.A.S. Taboski et al. / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 53 (2005) 445–453

which is the metal content of mycelia (mass of the metal changes in mycelial mass and as sequestration of metal
found in dry mycelium, in mg), and the concentration of ions by mycelium.
metal in dry mycelium (mass of the metal in 1 g of dry
mycelium, in mg g 1). 3.1. Lead – radial growth on solid media

2.7. Ergosterol extraction Exposure of C. lacera and M. pelagica to increasing

Pb concentrations in solid media did not significantly al-
Extraction of the dried mycelia was accomplished ter growth rates compared to controls. Comparison of
using a simplified method for the analysis of fatty acids C. lacera growth on media containing either Pb chloride
and ergosterol adapted from Paterson and Amado [36] or Pb nitrate revealed that there was no significant dif-
with consideration given to reports by other authors ference between growth rates at concentrations

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[37–39]. The dried mycelium of one replicate from each 500 mg l 1. However, there was a significant difference
species and treatment was ground to a fine powder between the control and the two treatments (p < 0.05)
using a mortar and pestle. The powder was added to with fungal growth rates slightly higher on both Pb salts.
a 25 ml screw-capped test tube with 4.5 ml of 1% pyro- The highest growth rate for the nitrate (observed
gallol in methanol (Fisher, HPLC grade) and 0.5 ml of 2.5 ± 0.1 against 1.4 ± 0.6 mm day 1 for control) was
50% potassium hydroxide (BDH) and the content expected, as this anion is a nitrogen source for fungal
hydrolyzed in a shaking water bath for 1 h at growth.
120 rpm at 60 C. After cooling to room temperature,
2.5 ml of de-ionized water was added, followed by 3.2. Lead – liquid media
5 ml of hexane (Fisher, HPLC grade), and the samples
were vortexed at the highest setting for 2 min. Vortexed Exposure of C. lacera to increasing Pb concentrations
material was then centrifuged at 2200g for 3 min; the in liquid culture resulted in marked colony morphology
upper hexane layer was transferred to a clean 15 ml and color changes. Colonies formed in the presence of
screw capped test tube while hexane extraction of water Pb were larger, irregularly shaped, and grayish com-
layers was repeated. The hexane extracts for each sam- pared to control colonies, which were spheroidal and
ple were combined and evaporated to dryness. The res- greenish. These morphological colony features were
idue was re-dissolved in 5 ml of hexane. The solutions most apparent at the highest Pb concentration
were filtered through a 0.22 lm polyvinylidene fluoride (500 mg l 1). Compared to controls, C. lacera mycelial
(PVDF) filter in polypropylene housing into clean vials. mass increased (p < 0.05) at Pb concentrations 6250
Using a method of Newell [36], the ergosterol extracts mg l 1 after 30 days of exposure and decreased at
were analyzed using HPLC with methanol as the sol- P10 mg l 1 at 15 days post-inoculum (PI) (Table 1). To-
vent at a flow rate of 2 ml min 1 and the UV–VIS tal Pb and mycelial Pb concentrations also increased
detection at 282 nm. (p < 0.05) in colonies exposed to increasing Pb concen-
trations at both 15 and 30 days PI. Both total Pb and
2.8. Statistical analysis mycelial Pb concentration were significantly higher
(p < 0.05) in C. lacera colonies harvested at 15 days
All statistical analyses were done using Minitab compared to those harvested at 30 days PI. The correla-
13.30. The Anderson–Darling test was used to deter- tion coefficients for mycelial dry mass and mycelial Pb
mine if data were parametric or non-parametric. The content were 0.97 for C. lacera grown for 15 days
significance (p < 0.05) of differences among means for and 0.61 for C. lacera grown for 30 days. Pb content
all experimental results on solid media, the 30-day Pb of intercellular, extracellular, and intracellular mycelial
uptake experiments, and all Cd uptake experiments in li- fractions and total dry mycelia of C. lacera (shaken,
quid media was evaluated using one-way ANOVA for 15 days) increased with increasing Pb concentration in
parametric data. The Kruskall–Wallis test for non-para- the medium (Table 2). Compared with control values,
metric data was used to compare the means for 15-day these differences were all significant (p < 0.05). While
C. lacera Pb uptake and for the sequential elution exper- Pb was detected in both extracellular and intracellular
iments. Correlation analysis was completed using the mycelial compartments (intercellular Pb refers to metal
Pearson correlation method. ions loosely associated with mycelium although not re-
moved by washing prior to metal analysis), distribution
was uneven. The majority of the Pb was present in the
3. Results extracellular fraction, which contained 93.6–95.6% of
the total Pb in the mycelia while only 1.7–5.5% of the to-
Exposure of C. lacera and M. pelagica to Pb and Cd tal Pb was found in the intracellular fraction.
resulted in a variety of responses. These were manifest as Unlike the marked colony changes observed in
species-specific differences in growth rates, as significant C. lacera exposed to Pb in liquid culture, M. pelagica
M.A.S. Taboski et al. / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 53 (2005) 445–453 449

Table 1 M. pelagica with increasing Pb concentration, values

Effect of Pb(II) on the growth and Pb uptake by Corollospora lacera measured in this species were markedly lower than those
and Monodictys pelagica in liquid media
measured in C. lacera especially at the highest Pb con-
Initial Pb(II) Mycelium Total metala Metal concentration centration in the cultures (29.6 mg Pb/52.4 mg Pb g 1
concentration dry mass (mg) (mg Pb g 1
(mg l 1) (g) mycelium)b
for C. lacera vs. 9.28 mg Pb/6.72 mg Pb g 1 for M.
Corollospora lacera (15 days, shaken)c
0 0.39 ± 0.02 0 0
10 0.45 ± 0.05 1.6 ± 0.1 (S) 3.5 ± 0.5 (S) 3.3. Cadmium – radial growth on solid media
50 0.42 ± 0.02 6.6 ± 0.6 (S) 15.7 ± 1.3 (S)
100 0.35 ± 0.02 12.9 ± 2.2 (S) 36.2 ± 4.1 (S) Exposure of C. lacera and M. pelagica to increasing
250 0.23 ± 0.04 (S) 26.3 ± 3.9 (S) 116.2 ± 11.2 (S) Cd concentrations resulted in depressed or no radial
500 0.17 ± 0.01 (S) 44.9 ± 3.8 (S) 259.0 ± 36.0 (S)

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mycelial growth on solid media (Fig. 1). C. lacera
Corollospora lacera (30 days, shaken)d growth was significantly (p < 0.001) depressed compared
0 0.61 ± 0.56 0 0
to controls at P50 mg l 1 Cd for up to two days PI, fol-
10 0.71 ± 0.13 (S) 0.16 0.22
50 0.73 ± 0.06 (S) 1.85 2.53 lowed by modest growth at all Cd concentrations
100 0.77 ± 0.11 (S) 2.63 3.39 (0.5 ± 0.1 vs. 2.5 ± 0.1 mm day 1for control or ca.
250 0.77 ± 0.04 (S) 5.50 7.13 20% of the control growth rate for the highest Cd con-
500 0.56 ± 0.06 (S) 29.6 52.4 centration). C. lacera responses to Cd were significantly
Monodictys pelagica (30 days, stationary)d different (p < 0.001), indicating sensitivity of the species
0 1.42 ± 0.37 0 0 to this metal at higher concentrations. Exposure to
10 1.70 ± 0.11 0.43 0.25 increasing Cd concentrations depressed growth of M.
50 1.56 ± 0.09 1.17 0.75
100 1.37 ± 0.28 6.50 4.74
pelagica for up to 6 days PI at 10 mg l 1, and suppressed
250 1.09 ± 0.53 3.89 3.57 growth at P50 mg l 1. Growth rates of both species ex-
500 1.38 ± 0.08 9.28 6.72 posed to Cd were significantly depressed (p < 0.001)
Data are expressed as either the mean or means ± SD; S – significant compared to those of Pb exposed cultures and the
(p < 0.05). Dry mass of mycelia was measured in three replicates. controls.
Metal content in mycelia was measured in three replicates (15 days
experiment) and two replicates (30 days experiments). 3.4. Cadmium – liquid media
Mass of the metal found in mycelium, in mg.
Mass of the metal in 1 g of mycelium, in mg g 1.
Significance of differences among means was evaluated using the In liquid cultures, C. lacera (shaken, 15 days) and M.
Kruskall–Wallis test. pelagica (stationary, 30 days) mycelial dry masses de-
Significance of differences among means was evaluated using one- creased significantly (p < 0.05) as Cd concentration in-
way ANOVA. The other two parameters (n = 2) could not be creased compared to the controls (Table 3). At
500 mg l 1, C. lacera dry mass decreased to ca. 80% of
control dry mass while M. pelagica dry mass decreased
Table 2
Cellular location of Pb(II) in Corollospora lacera (15 days, shaken, in
liquid media)
Initial Pb(II) Metal concentrationa (mg of Pb g 1
of M. Pelagica C. lacera
Radial Growth Rate (mm day -1)

concentration (mg l 1) mycelia) 2.5

Intercellular Extracellular Intracellular
0 0 0 0
10 0.04 ± 0.02 3.31 ± 0.52 0.18 ± 0.01
50 0.15 ± 0.01 14.71 ± 0.52 0.86 ± 0.02 1.5
100 0.45 ± 0.12 33.92 ± 7.97 1.85 ± 0.46
250 3.09 ± 0.03 110.99 ± 0.05 1.99 ± 0.05 1 ** **
500 10.30 ± 0.02 243.20 ± 1.30 5.99 ± 0.09 **
Data are expressed as means ± SD of three replicate experiments for
each concentration; data at all five Pb concentrations are significant
(p < 0.05, Kruskall–Wallis test). 0
Mass of the metal in 1 g of mycelium, in mg g 1. 0 10 50 100 250 500
Cadmium Concentration (mg l -1)

Fig. 1. Radial growth rates of Corollospora lacera and Monodictys

showed only modest change. Compared to controls,
pelagica on solid media amended with Cd(II) ranging in concentration
mycelial mass change for this species was non-signifi- from 0 to 500 mg l 1. The bars reflect mean values of five replicates.
cant, even at the highest concentration (Table 1). Addi- Error bars show 99% confidence intervals. Double asterisks indicate
tionally, even if both total and mycelial Pb increased in highly significant (p < 0.001, one-way ANOVA) differences.
450 M.A.S. Taboski et al. / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 53 (2005) 445–453

Table 3 Mycelial ergosterol content of C. lacera in liquid cul-

Effect of Cd(II) on the growth and Cd uptake by Corollospora lacera ture decreased significantly (p < 0.05) from 15.5 ± 0.1 lg
(15 days, shaken) and Monodictys pelagica (30 days, stationary) in
liquid media
in the control cultures to 9.3 ± 0.1 lg in cultures con-
taining 500 mg l 1 Cd (Table 4). The strong correlation
Initial Cd(II) Mycelium Total metala Metal concentration
concentration dry mass (mg) (mg Cd g 1
between ergosterol content and the mass of dry mycelia
(mg l 1) (g) mycelium)b (r = 0.94) in our experiment indicates that this com-
Corollospora lacera (15 days, shaken)
pound remains a reliable indicator of fungal biomass
0 0.51 ± 0.09 0 0 even in environments significantly contaminated with
10 0.52 ± 0.07 0.08 0.15 metals.
50 0.50 ± 0.05 (S) 0.58 1.15
100 0.47 ± 0.01 (S) 0.89 1.90
250 0.39 ± 0.01 (S) 1.33 3.37

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500 0.42 ± 0.02 (S) 3.11 7.42
4. Discussion
Monodictys pelagica (30 days, stationary)
In this study two marine fungi, C. lacera and M. pel-
0 1.42 ± 0.37 0 0
10 0.36 ± 0.32 (S) 0.41 1.12 agica, were exposed to two toxic metal cations com-
50 0.33 ± 0.03 (S) 2.44 7.42 monly found in the environment, Pb(II) and Cd(II).
100 0.26 ± 0.03 (S) 5.28 20.7 We attempted to assess the toxicity of Pb and Cd to
250 0.33 ± 0.05 (S) 17.9 54.3 these species by studying their radial growth rate on so-
500 0.24 ± 0.08 (S) 16.3 66.7
lid media and growth of biomass in liquid media, and to
Data are expressed as either the mean or means ± SD; S – significant evaluate biosorption of metals by the species in liquid
(p < 0.05); dry mass of mycelia was measured in three replicates. Metal
cultures. Our study revealed that C. lacera and M. pelag-
content in mycelia was measured in two replicates. Significance of
differences among means was evaluated using one-way ANOVA. The ica are sensitive to Pb and Cd cations in vitro. This re-
other two parameters (n = 2) could not be analyzed. sult suggests that the local levels of these metals in
Mass of the metal found in mycelium, in mg. Halifax Harbor sediments and waters (due to biogeo-
Mass of the metal in 1 g of mycelium, in mg g 1. chemical equilibria) could restrict distribution and/or
growth of these fungi in this area. Marine fungi are
to ca. 20% of that of the control. However, for both spe- important members of marine ecosystems serving
cies, total and mycelial Cd concentration increased with mostly as decomposers [28], and as food for meiofauna,
increasing Cd concentration of media. The correlation microarthropods and benthic organisms [9,12,13,28],
coefficients for mycelial dry mass and Cd content were among others. Restricted distribution and/or growth of
negative: for C. lacera grown for 15 days r = 0.78, fungi due to toxic concentrations of these metals could
for M. pelagica grown for 30 days r = 0.46. The myce- impact on biodegradation processes and food web com-
lial mass in C. lacera was lower than that of M. pelagica position and interactions within Pb and Cd contami-
in the absence of metals. However, in the presence of nated sediments in Halifax Harbor. Given the
metal, total metal content and mycelial Cd concentra- importance of saprophytic marine fungi in marine food
tions in M. pelagica were comparatively higher webs, the possibility that marine fungi can accumulate
(3.11 mg Cd/7.42 mg Cd g 1 for C. lacera vs. 16.3 mg toxic metal ions in nature should be explored.
Cd/66.7 mg Cd g 1 for M. pelagica at highest Cd Corollospora lacera and Monodictys pelagica exhib-
concentration). ited different growth responses towards Pb and Cd expo-
sure. Exposure of both species to Pb had essentially no
effect on the growth rates on solid media and in liquid
Table 4
cultures, with one exception. At the highest Pb concen-
Effect of Cd(II) on the ergosterol level in Corollospora lacera (15 days,
shaken culture, liquid media) trations in liquid cultures of C. lacera grown for 15 days
we observed significant (p < 0.05) decrease in dry mass
Initial Cd(II) Mycelium Total ergosterola Ergosterol
concentration dry mass (g) (lg) (lg erg. g 1 of mycelium. In contrast, exposure to Cd on solid media
(mg l 1) (±0.001 g) myc.)b depressed the growth rate of C. lacera and suppressed
0 0.467 15.5 ± 0.1 33.2 ± 0.1 the growth of M. pelagica at concentrations above
10 0.490 15.8 ± 0.1 32.2 ± 0.2 10 mg l 1. In liquid cultures Cd significantly reduced
50 0.482 13.1 ± 0.2 27.1 ± 0.4 the M. pelagica biomass, while C. lacera biomass was af-
100c 0.462 0.000 0.000 fected to a lesser degree. That difference in growth re-
250 0.391 6.1 ± 0.1 15.6 ± 0.2
sponses of the two species toward these two metals
500 0.410 9.3 ± 0.1 22.7 ± 0.2
were observed is not surprising since Cd is known to
Data are expressed as means ± SD from three replicate measurements
be more toxic than Pb. However, in cultures exposed
for the ergosterol content in mycelia.
Mass of the ergosterol found in mycelium, in lg. to Cd, C. lacera and M. pelagica exhibited species-spe-
Mass of the ergosterol in 1 g of mycelium, in lg g 1 mycelium. cific sensitivity manifest as differences in the growth
Sample contaminated. rates on solid media. Differences in species sensitivity
M.A.S. Taboski et al. / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 53 (2005) 445–453 451

have been reported previously in selected terrestrial of Pb in Saccharomyces uvarum occurs predominantly
basidiomycetes grown in the presence of metals [21] via complexation by exposed carboxyl and other anionic
but apparently not in marine fungi. groups, with significant contribution by uncharged,
The species responses to metal exposure revealed that nitrogen-containing groups of the cell walls. Brady and
the type of culture medium influences the fungal growth. Duncan [45] also found that biosorption can be achieved
Cultivation of the fungi on solid media with Cd resulted through complexation by cell wall and membrane
in a significant and abrupt inhibition of growth rates for hydroxylated components. Cellular location of some
both species. In contrast, in liquid media containing this metal cations such as copper [47], zinc [48] and Cd
metal both species exhibited far more gradual inhibition [19,49–55] was investigated in terrestrial fungi. These
of growth. For Pb amended cultures this medium influ- metals were found distributed extracellularly, and intra-
ence was clearly observed only in the case of C. lacera cellularly in soluble fractions and vacuoles, although

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grown on solid media and for 15 days in liquid media. percentage metal distribution at these sites varied. White
It is unclear what mechanism accounts for this difference and Gadd [49] studied uptake and cellular distribution
in growth performance on solid vs. liquid media. Possi- of copper, cobalt and Cd in strains of Saccharomyces
bly, the solid medium amended with metal salts appears cerevisiae cultured on elevated concentrations of metals.
to represent an environment with dispersed metal cat- For Cd they found increased uptake of metal in the sol-
ions that are immobilized by interaction with other mol- uble fractions of the cell and decrease in the bound frac-
ecules and ions present in solid medium. Thus, the tion, which in one strain contained ca. 25% of the total
fungus growing on the solid medium would encounter intracellular Cd. Kunst and Roomans [50] found that
the metal cations in fixed positions, on the periphery polyphosphate granules localized in or close to the cell
of mycelial growth. Growth of terrestrial fungi in such vacuoles, which are the major storage vesicles for heavy
heterogeneous media has been studied recently metal ions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae pre-treated with
[3,40,41] and a negative fungal chemotropism was re- phosphate. Orlovich and Ashford [51] followed up on
ported [42]. The authors of these studies proposed that aforementioned studies and determined the exact vacuo-
‘‘foraging’’ mode of fungal growth prevails in such med- lar location for polyphosphate granules incorporation.
ia types, particularly under limited carbon conditions. Favero et al. [52] found that 80% of Cd was bound to
Under these conditions, fungal growth was toward car- the hyphal cell walls in their study of basidiomycete
bon sources and away from immobilized toxic metal Pleurotus ostreatus. In the exposure of fungus Paxillus
ions. Ramsay et al. [3] reported that both copper and involutus to Cd for up to 12 h Blaudez et al. [19] found
Cd were capable to disrupt this exploratory growth that Cd was nearly equally distributed among cell wall,
phase by different mechanisms. In the case of Cd, most cytoplasm and vacuole. In shorter exposures (0.5 h) the
of the fungal biomass was located in the interior of the distribution was 48%, 32%, and 20%, respectively. Joho
colony at the expense of reduction in radial growth et al. [53–55] reported that Cd-sensitive and Cd-resistant
and in number of hyphal branches. The Cd concentra- strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae differed in the distri-
tion used in their work (0.1 mM or 11.2 mg l 1) parallels bution of Cd after exposure. The Cd-resistant strain was
the concentration range at which M. pelagica was still found to contain metal mostly in the intracellular solu-
growing in our experiments (10.0 mg l 1) while its ble fraction (up to 90% of metal) while in the Cd-sensi-
growth was totally depressed at higher (50.0 mg l 1) tive strain metal was associated predominantly with the
concentration. That C. lacera grew under all Cd concen- insoluble intra- and extracellular fractions (up to 40% in
trations we used (up to 500 mg Cd l 1) suggests that this intracellular soluble fraction).
species is resistant to Cd toxicity, although defensive In liquid cultures based on artificial salt water, com-
mechanisms are unknown. plex equilibria involving metal cations, their complexes,
Conceivably, this resistance may be due to incorpora- other ions present in solution, acidic ions released by
tion and sequestration of Cd cations in mycelial walls, fungus, and ions either deposited or/and absorbed by
just as it seems to be in the case of Pb. For Pb, we found fungus are established. Metal cations may exist in solu-
that color of C. lacera mycelial pellets in Pb enriched li- tion in the form of free cations, Me2+ (or hydrated
quid media was different from that in control pellets. forms) which are toxic, and complexes, most probably
Colony pigmentation change was observed in Zalerion of the type MeCl1+, MeCl02 and MeCl13 [18,25,26,56],
maritimum exposed to pesticides [29] and in many other which decrease the concentration of the toxic form. As
studies of fungal growth on solid media and in liquid a result of foraging fungal actions, extracellular enzymes
cultures [1,3,4,20,21,43]. In our experiments the majority as well as citrate and oxalate ions, are released by fungi
of accumulated Pb was found in the extracellular com- [1,11]. All these molecules can form complexes with met-
partment, i.e. cell wall, and this result may indicate the als, and oxalate complexes of both Pb and Cd are insol-
involvement of functional groups of cell wall [1,44,45] uble in water [11]. Metal ions may also be complexed by
and pigments such as melanins [1,46], in sequestering the functional groups present on the mycelial surface
the Pb ions. Ashkenazy et al. [44] found that biosorption [1,44–46]. These actions likely contribute to the fungal
452 M.A.S. Taboski et al. / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 53 (2005) 445–453

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