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Popayán, May 29, 2019

Mexico D.F.

Dear Gentlemen

It is for me a pleasure to write this recommendation letter for the Physics Engineer Eduardo
Jose Ordoñez.

I have known the Engineer Eduardo Jose since the year 2014, date when he was admitted in the
Physics Engineering program at the Universidad del Cauca, during his studies I was his
teacher several times, and finally his degree work chairperson. During this time I can say that
compared to his classmates, Eduardo Jose competencies located him within 5% of the best
students. During his studies, he always presented a great ability and interest for all the topics
addressed in each of the courses that I guided, as during the period of time dedicated to his
degree work. He showed a deep sense of responsibility, hard work, and dedication, very
important attitudes when addressing issues such as those studied by Eduardo Jose in his degree
work. Scientifically he shows a high interest in theoretical physics and computer sciences,
specifically in theoretical physics: Relativity, particles, quantum fields and strings.

Is worth noting that the Engineer Eduardo Jose has been known for his personal qualities and
excellent ways that have allowed him an easy integration into research groups and work groups
with which he has interacted.

I am convinced that Eduardo Jose has all the necessary qualities to be eligible for the high
energy physics school. For all these reasons I recommend and fully support Eduardo Jose in
his desire to apply to this prestigious event, I am sure that his stay in your institution will allow
him to strengthen his knowledge in different topics, allowing him to have a wider and more

Please feel free to contact me for any question or specific concern in particular.

Universidad del Cauca - Calle 5 # 4-70 - Facultad de Ciencias Naturales Exactas y de la Educación
Departamento de Física - Sede Tulcan - Pbx. (57) (2) 8209800 Ext 2411 - Fax. (57) (2) 8209834
e-mail: -
Popayán - Cauca, Colombia
Best regards,

Dr. Servio Tulio Pérez Merchancano

Ph.D., UNICAMP, Brasil, S.P.
Physics department-Universidad del Cauca
Calle 5 # 4-70 – Sede Tulcán, Edificio de Laboratorios, Ofic. 106
Tel: + 57- 2-8209800 Ext 2411

Universidad del Cauca - Calle 5 # 4-70 - Facultad de Ciencias Naturales Exactas y de la Educación
Departamento de Física - Sede Tulcan - Pbx. (57) (2) 8209800 Ext 2411 - Fax. (57) (2) 8209834
e-mail: -
Popayán - Cauca, Colombia

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