They Are Level 3 Now So You Would Be Level 3

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Roll for stats. 4d6 drop lowest 6 times, less than 70 total reroll them all.

Can upgrade 2 stats if

they are odd and under 15 (i.e. 15 to a 16, 11 to 12)
Game is set in the forgotten realms. You are level 1 adventurers hired by Gundren Rockseeker in
Neverwinter to escort his goods and mining equipment to an emerging town called Phandalin.

They are level 3 now so you would be level 3

Brief character questions/backstory: What is your character’s name? How old are you? What do
you look like? What would people immediately notice about you (birthmarks/scars/etc.)? Where were you

Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do? Do you have any other friends/family? Are you
married? Had/have kids?

What is your alignment? Do you have a moral code? Does your character have any goals? Are you
religious? Any character quirks (like do you sweat a lot? Do you fart a lot? Lot of tattoos/piercings?)

Why does your character adventure? Anything your character loves? Hates? Fears?

Do you know any of the other characters?

You could know NPC’s in Phandalin but we would need to figure out your backstory to pick what

Side note: If you pick a Dragonborn – Dragonborn are originally from another plane that merged
into the world we are playing in, where they used to be slaves to chromatic dragons
(red/blue/green/black/white) a few hundred years ago. So they pretty much hate chromatic
They have tribal tattoos, piercings on their scales and body modifications (dying scales, carving
symbols into their horns) to show their tribal affiliation and accomplishments. You could be
hunting dragons and kobolds as part of your backstory or hunting worshippers of Tiamat (God of
evil dragons, she has 5 heads = Red/Blue/Green/Black/White). They will probably be fighting a lot
of giants in the main campaign and could possibly meet a couple dragons along the way so you
could come up with something for that too.
Dawn = Sorcerer
Tom and Nate = rogue
Kaleb = ranger
Aaron = monk

House rules
Drinking a potion is a bonus action, giving it to someone else is an action
You can use any official stuff (PHB, Xanathars, volo’s) but I don’t have all the books. Monster races need
to have a reason for not being a typical monster (Goblins/Bugbears/Yuan-ti). It can work but people will
be assholes to you and might try to kill you in certain parts of the world.
Flanking – Only applies to Player characters, if you are flanking you get advantage on attacks.
Critical failures = roll to attack adjacent ally or yourself if no one is nearby (has to hit ac of target)
If you roll for health on level up – reroll 1 or 2’s. You can take average if you don’t want to roll.
Assume you have components for spells unless it consumes the component after casting.
For arrow/bolt tracking after a fight roll a d4, 3 or 4 you gain half of the ammo you used rounded up.
Skill checks in combat only take up your action if they succeed (pushing over a book case on someone or
something like that)
No evil alignments. I want you guys to work together

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