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Loss of Separation


Loss of separation between aircraft
occurs whenever specified separation
minima are breached. Minimum
separation standards
(/index.php/Separation_Standards) for
airspace are specified by ATS
authorities, based on ICAO standards.

Types of Loss of
Loss of separation may be either in a
vertical or a horizontal plane, or both.
Loss of separation may ultimately
result in a mid air collision
(/index.php/Mid-Air_Collision). A Level
Bust (/index.php/Level_Bust) is one
scenario where a loss of separation
occurs, leading potentially to a mid
air collision. Loss of separation from
notified airspace
(/index.php/Notified_airspace) is dealt
with under Airspace Infringement
Loss of separation from the ground is
dealt with under Controlled Flight
Into Terrain (CFIT) (/index.php/CFIT).
Loss of separation between aircraft
on the ground is dealt with under
Ground Operations
(/index.php/Ground_Operations) and
Runway Incursion

Wake vortex, which may be a

consequence of loss of separation
between aircraft on the same track,
is covered in the category: Wake
Vortex Turbulence

The full article can be read here


Pages in category "Loss of Separation"

The following 77 pages are in this category, out of 77 total.

ACAS Resolution and Traffic Advisories
ACAS X (/index.php/ACAS_X)
ACAS: Guidance for Controllers (/index.php/ACAS:_Guidance_for_Controllers)
Accident and Serious Incident Reports: LOS
Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS)
Aircraft without Transponder – Mitigations
AIRPROX (/index.php/AIRPROX)
ATC Clearance (/index.php/ATC_Clearance)
ATC Clearance Error (/index.php/ATC_Clearance_Error)
ATC Team Coordination (/index.php/ATC_Team_Coordination)
ATC Unit Coordination (/index.php/ATC_Unit_Coordination)
ATM Sector Management (/index.php/ATM_Sector_Management)
Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B)
Automation and ATM (/index.php/Automation_and_ATM)

Basic Controller Techniques: Speed Control
Basic Controller Techniques: Vectoring
Basic Controller Techniques: Vertical Speed
Blind Spots – Inefficient conflict detection with closest aircraft

China Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM)
Civil-Military Interaction in ATM (/index.php/Civil-Military_Interaction_in_ATM)
Classification of Airspace (/index.php/Classification_of_Airspace)
Closest Point of Approach (CPA) (/index.php/Closest_Point_of_Approach_(CPA))
Collision Avoidance (/index.php/Collision_Avoidance)
Conflict Detection with Adjacent Sectors
Conflict Detection with Adjacent Sectors – Prevention Barriers
Conflicts with Adjacent Sectors – Typical Causes and Contributors
Controller Blind Spot (SKYclip) (/index.php/Controller_Blind_Spot_(SKYclip))
Empty Field Myopia (/index.php/Empty_Field_Myopia)
EUROCONTROL TOP 5 Operational Safety Priorities

FLARM (/index.php/FLARM)
Free Route Airspace (FRA) (/index.php/Free_Route_Airspace_(FRA))

Glider Launch Site Risks (/index.php/Glider_Launch_Site_Risks)

Hot Air Balloon Awareness (/index.php/Hot_Air_Balloon_Awareness)

Immediate departure (SKYclip) (/index.php/Immediate_departure_(SKYclip))
Immediate Тakeoff Clearances
Impact of transponder failure on safety barriers
Integration of Very Light Jets in ATM Operations

Loss of Separation (/index.php/Loss_of_Separation)
Loss of Separation - ATCO-induced Situations
Loss of Separation - Pilot-induced Situations
Loss of Separation at Sector Boundaries
Loss of Separation During Weather Avoidance
Low Level Go Around (SKYclip) (/index.php/Low_Level_Go_Around_(SKYclip))
Work in progress:Low Level Go-around

Medium Term Conflict Detection (MTCD)
Mid-Air Collision (/index.php/Mid-Air_Collision)
Minimum Hours in Position (/index.php/Minimum_Hours_in_Position)
Mitigating Risk for Non Standard Flights

Non-Aerodrome FIS Outside of Controlled Airspace (UK) (/index.php/Non-

Operation without a Transponder or with a Dysfunctional Transponder
Own Separation (/index.php/Own_Separation)

Parallel Runway Operation (/index.php/Parallel_Runway_Operation)
Probe (What-if) Controller Tool (/index.php/Probe_(What-if)_Controller_Tool)

RA Downlink (/index.php/RA_Downlink)
Radar Control - Collision Avoidance Concepts (/index.php/Radar_Control_-
Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM)
Required Navigation Performance (RNP)
Right-of-way (/index.php/Right-of-way)
See and Avoid (/index.php/See_and_Avoid)
Separation Standards (/index.php/Separation_Standards)
Simultaneous Approaches to Parallel Runways
Simultaneous Close Parallel PRM Approach
Simultaneous Offset Instrument Approach (SOIA)
State Aircraft and Formation Flights - Separation Minima
Strategic Lateral Offset (/index.php/Strategic_Lateral_Offset)
Structured Scan for Mitigating the Blind Spot Effect

Tactical Controller Tool (TCT) (/index.php/Tactical_Controller_Tool_(TCT))
TCAS RA Reversal (/index.php/TCAS_RA_Reversal)
The Handover-Takeover Process (Operational ATC Positions)
Traffic Information (/index.php/Traffic_Information)
Traffic Information Broadcasts by Aircraft (TIBA)
Transponder failure types (/index.php/Transponder_failure_types)

Uncontrolled Aerodromes - Communications
Uncontrolled Aerodromes - Procedures
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) (/index.php/Unmanned_Aerial_Systems_(UAS))

Vectoring Geometry (/index.php/Vectoring_Geometry)
Visual Scanning Technique (/index.php/Visual_Scanning_Technique)

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