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Workbench Meshing 笔记

Local Mesh Control

2010-01-13 1 Eric's Note


Patch Independent Algorithm

Á Based on the following spatial subdivision algorithm:

À 该算法在可能的地方划分大的网格,在必要的地方网格细化,计算速度

À 一旦确定“根”网格,即能包括整个几何体的网格,Patch Independent 划

2010-01-13 2 Eric's Note

Patch Independent Algorithm
Á Max Element Size –
À The size of the initial element subdivision.
À 最大尺寸由全局控制的最大值或者Patch Independent算法所能涉及到的最大体的尺寸值决定
À 若局部体的尺寸大于全局最大尺寸,则这个全局最大尺寸会应用于除了局部尺寸没有涉及到

Á Define Defeaturing Tolerance – 细节特征退化容差

À “Filters” in/out edges based on size and angle
À 决定分网时细节特征是否被划分
À 细节特征在分网时的情况与该容差及细节特征的几何尺寸相关

Á Curvature and Proximity Refinement and

À Curvature and Proximity Refinement选项的作用是使网格的细化依据 geometry curvature and
À Curvature and Proximity Refinement默认选项为打开,仅当物理属性为Explicit时默认为关闭

Define Defeaturing Tolerance是定义分网时细节特征是否存在的问题
Min Size Limit则是定义细节特征像不像的问题

2010-01-13 3 Eric's Note


Patch Independent Algorithm

Á Mi Si
Min Size Limit
Li i
À 当Curvature and Proximity Refinement 选项打开时,Min Size
Limit 选项会随之打开
À 基于Curvature and Proximity Refinement的网格划分将持续到
达到Min Size Limit时为止
À Min Size Limit可阻止Curvature and Proximity Refinement选

Á Num Cells Across Gap

À 当Curvature and Proximity Refinement
选项打开时,Min Size Limit 选项会随之
À 用来设置狭缝地带所希望的网格层数,
À 但该选项受制于Min Size Limit ,所划分
的最小网格尺寸不会高于Min Size Limit

2010-01-13 4 Eric's Note

Patch Independent Algorithm

Á 通过下面模型的网格划分,比较Min
通过下面模型的网格划分 比较 i Size i i 和Defeaturing
i Limit 和 i Tolerance
的不同设置,比较 这两个参数对模型几何细节的影响

2010-01-13 5 Eric's Note


Min Size 0.1 0.25 0.5 1





2010-01-13 6 Eric's Note

Patch Independent Algorithm
Á 第一列 容差从0 1到1 最小尺寸为0 1
À 由于最小尺寸值较小,网格对细节特征的描写均存在
À 随着容差变大,细节特征的形状(特别是在曲率较大的地方)与原几何模型有所变化
Á 第一行,容差为0.1,最小尺寸值从0.1到1
À 此行容差较小,随着最小尺寸值变大,细节部分的网格在曲率较小处仍能保持原几何特征
À 尺寸小于最小尺寸值或与之近似的细节部分,网格与原几何特征差别较大,甚至某些几何尺寸小于最

Á 容差主要控制网格对细节部分(尺寸小于或相近于最小尺寸的)曲率及模型拓扑结构近似程度变化

Á 最新小尺寸主要控制用于填充几何体边缘部分网格的大小,
À 若细节的几何尺寸大于或与几何尺寸近似,则该特征可以被显现
À 若细节的几何尺寸小于最小尺寸 则该特征可能会被部分填充或者被忽略

Á 分网策略:
À 减小容差和最小尺寸值,虽然可以提高网格模型的精确性,但会增大网格数量
À 细节部分的网格划分与其几何尺寸 最小尺寸值及容差及均有关系
À 若细节部分比较重要,则应该综合根据各细节特征几何尺寸、网格的最大尺寸值、容差以及最小尺寸
À 若细节部分不重要,则可以
¿ 在建模时忽略该细节
¿ 增大容差及最小尺寸 简化或忽略该细节

2010-01-13 7 Eric's Note


Patch Independent Algorithm


Á The Patch Independent mesh method operates at the part level.

À 若multibody part中的一个或多个体被选中,或通过Named Selection方式选
中multibody part中的一个或多个体,那么这个multibody part中的所有体都
À This creates a limitation, in that you cannot have conformal mesh between
bodies meshed with the Patch Independent mesh method and any other mesh
¿ 在同一个part中的多个体会被同时选定,其间的网格conformal,但网格的尺寸
¿ 在不同part中的体可以被分别选定,网格尺寸可以设置的不同,但网格不能

Part: 1个多体part,包含2个体; Part: 2个part,各包含1个体;

选择: 选中一个体,最大单元尺寸为3mm, 选择: 选择每一个体,最大单元尺寸分别为3mm和0.7mm;
划分结果: 2个体的网格均为3mm大小,且conformal 划分结果: 2个体的网格分别划分,但非conformal
2010-01-13 8 Eric's Note
Hex Dominant Method

Hex Dominant
i t
À A free hex dominant mesh is created
À Recommended for bodies that cannot be swept
Á Hex dominant meshing adds the most value(很有价值) under the following conditions:
À Meshing bodies with large amounts of interior volume(?).
À Meshing bodies that transition from sweepable bodies in a body that has been decomposed for
sweeping. However, it is better to use Body/Face Sizing to obtain more uniform face meshing,
hi h leads
l d tot more hexes
h by
b volume.
Á Hex dominant meshing adds little value under the following conditions:
À Meshing thin complicated bodies (like a cellular phone case). The number of elements may
y increase compared
p to a tetrahedron mesh since the element size must be much smaller
for this class of body when using hex dominant meshing to create well shaped hexes.
À A body is sweepable or can easily be decomposed to multiple sweepable bodies. The quality of
a swept mesh is usually superior to that of a hex dominant mesh.
À Models where fast transition of the mesh can result in poor solution accuracy (e.g.
(e g CFD
models). The Hex dominant approach can have very fast transitions at the core of the volume.
Á Mesh Matching for cyclic symmetry is NOT supported for hex dominant meshing.

2010-01-13 9 Eric's Note


Sweep Method

Á 适用于“可扫略”的体,“薄片”体以及轴向可扫
适用于“可扫略”的体 “薄片”体以及轴向可扫
Á Src/Trg Selection :
À Manual Source - You select the source and the program
determines the target.
¿ Useful when there are multiple source target pairs and you
want to specify the source in order to get the correct bias
through the sweep direction
¿ Another application is when your cross section is changing
and the mesh quality would be better when sweeping from
one side
id vs. another
À Manual Source and Target - The sweeper will revolve
the mesh around common edges/vertices.
¿ Useful when sweeping a body where the source and target
faces share vertices and/or edges.
À Automatic Thin or Manual Thin – For thin models
such as gaskets and thin sheet metal parts
¿ For Manual Thin an additional Gasket option is available

2010-01-13 10 Eric's Note

MultiZone Method

Á Features:
À Using Patch Independent Meshing technique,
À Automatic decomposition of geometry into mapped
(sweepable) regions and free regions.
À All regions are meshed with a pure hexahedral mesh
if possible, or you can adjust your settings so that a
swept mesh will be generated in structured regions
andd a ffree mesh
h will
ill be
b generated
t d in
i unstructured
t t d
Key Parameters:
Á Mapped Mesh Type – Determines the shape of the
elements used to fill structured regions
À Hexa - A mesh of all hexahedral elements is
generated for the part the method is scoped to.
À Hexa/Prism - A mesh of hexahedral and
prism/wedge elements is generated for the part the
method is scoped to.
¿ The main difference between the Hexa/Prism option and the
Hexa option is that for swept regions, the surface mesh can
allow triangles for quality and transitioning. (The triangles are
later extruded to prisms/wedges.)
2010-01-13 11 Eric's Note

MultiZone Method
Á Free Mesh Type –
À Instruct MultiZone to allow a free mesh where is not
possible (without slicing) to generate a pure hex or
hex/prism mesh.
À Default is Not Allowed
Á Not Allowed - Choose this option if you require a mapped
Á Tetra - Regions of the model that cannot be meshed with a
mapped mesh will be filled with a tetrahedral mesh (Tetra
Co o g Method).
e od).
Á Hexa Dominant — Regions of the model that cannot be
meshed with a mapped mesh will be filled with a hex
dominant mesh.
Á Hexa Core –Regions of the model that cannot be meshed
with a mapped mesh will be filled with a hexa core mesh
À Hexa Core meshes can be generated where the majority of
the volume is filled with a Cartesian array of hexahedral
elements essentially replacing the tetras.
À This is connected to the remainder of a prism/tetra hybrid by
t ti creation
ti off pyramids.
À Hexa Core allows for reduction in number of elements for
quicker solver run time and better convergence.

2010-01-13 12 Eric's Note

MultiZone Method

Á The MultiZone mesh method operates at the PART LEVEL.

Á If one body of a multibody part is selected, all bodies of the multibody part
will be meshed with this method.
À If possible, the bodies in a multibody part will be meshed with a pure hex mesh.
À If not possible, the bodies will be meshed with the default Free Mesh Type used
by MultiZone
MultiZone, which is Tetra.
Á LIMITATION: You cannot have conformal mesh between bodies meshed
with the MultiZone mesh method and any other mesh method.

2010-01-13 13 Eric's Note


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