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Ancestral Healing Alternatives of Besao


Besao's healing methods were creative in some way in the olden times. Our ancestors didn't only use
herbal healing methods but has also used spiritual or religious aternatives with the use of sarificed
animals. Although because of modernization, the Americans imparted great influences and changes to
their cultures of healing and beliefs. With the introduction of pharmaceuticals (medicine tablets, etc.)
the healing modalities of the i-Besao folks change and improve as the advent of technology conquers
the modern world. Moreover, Christianity and education also contributed to the changes of Besao
traditions and cultures. Christianity, as introduced in the Philippines had changed some i-Besao beliefs
and religious perspectives. This could include the fading belief on anitos and deities that could punish
people with diseases or curses. Education on the other hand, along with science introduces discoveries
in the field of Medicine. Despite these developments, the traditional healing methods are still
remembered as these have helped the old locals to explain strange phenomena, and cure the sickness or
diseases of people.


Attributions of Supernatural Creatures

How did superior deities affect the lives of our ancestors? Our ancestors once believed and
worshipped Kabunian before Christianity spread through Besao. Now, we randomly hear this word but
we don't know that this belief had a great impact for the day to day lives of our ancestors. Aside from
Kabunian ''anitos'' (spirits or souls of the dead) were also once believed to dwell in the forms of nature.
The people even spoke and communicated with them. Decades and decades ago, any displeasing
behaviors and unrecognition to the Kabunian and ''anitos'' can cause illnesses and death.

According to old locals, an ''anito'' can invoke illnesses yet has the power to take them away. A
family illness, for instance are believed to be caused by ancestral spirits who are hungry or lonely.
Sacrificial rituals are usually offered to appease ancestors. This ritual can still be seen as a healing
practice by some barangays in Besao.

*Who perform the rituals?

Healing rituals of the past involved shaman figures (''man-sip-ok'' -local term for shaman' or village
elders officiating the ceremony. Sacrificial offerings usually offered are animal meat like chicken,
salted pork (''etag'') and even dog meat. Effective rituals should be performed in solemness.

Kinds of Rituals
Different rituals are offered depending on the illness or sickness of a patient. ''Sagawsaw'', one of the
rituals is done to heal a patient with insane behaviours caused by angry spirits who were victims of the
''buso'' or headhunters. These angry spirits, whose bodies are violently locked in ''takbas'' were
believed to vent out their anger to the living by playing with their sanity. As part of the ''sagawsaw''
ritual, gong playing and dancing is done. Moreover, the ''takbas'' containing the remnants of the dead
bodies are brought out in the ceremony.

''Bakid'', another healing ritual is performed when an old man is ill. This is a sacrificial feast with the
butchering of three pigs and two chickens. There is a prayer, specifically, a chant asking the gods to
heal the patient.

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