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How to Create a Delivery Area using Google Maps

1. Open a web browser (ex: Firefox)

2. Please enter this web address into the browser
3. A box will be in the middle of the screen, click the blue Create a new map
4. Enter your restaurant address into the search bar on the top of the Google
maps page and find your restaurants address.
5. Make sure that you can see your entire delivery area

6. Click the button below the maps search bar that looks like a uncompleted
triangle. If you hold your mouse over the button it says Draw a Line

7. Create a delivery area using the draw a line tool. Find a good place to start and
click the map to create a point. Use the draw a line tool to create a shape that
is your delivery area. If you mess up doesn’t start over you can change the
lines when you have completed the shape.
8. Once the lines are connected it will say Polygon 1. You can rename this and
save it. Verify that all of the points are in the right spot. You can move a line
by clicking the dot and placing it on the map where it needs to be.

**NOTE: You may add additional Delivery Areas to your map. You will follow the
same import steps no matter how many delivery areas have been created. DO
NOT overlap Delivery Areas!

To add a Second Delivery area click on the Draw a Line icon & select add a
line or shape. Create another delivery area using the draw a line tool. Find a
good place to start and click the map to create a point. Create a shape that
around your delivery area. If you put the line in the wrong place doesn’t
start over; you can change the lines when you have completed the shape.
Click the pencil icon to rename your polygon and follow the below steps to
complete the import to

9. Once you are satisfied with your delivery area you will then find the button
near the top left of the page. It is a folder that looks like it is open.
10.Click the open folder & Click the button and Export to KML
11.Export the Entire map and press download.
Log into Letsget Web Portal
If you need your login information again, please call 800-750-3947 or log
a support ticket at

12.Please find that file in your computer downloads and upload the file directly to To do this you will need to Login to and click on the
Delivery Area tab on the left side of the page.

13.Once in the delivery area tab click the Import delivery areas from KML file.
14.Click Choose File button and find the KML file that was downloaded to your
computer. Once you find the file you will need to select it and press Open. To
verify that you have the correct file selected merely view the file name shown
the right of the Choose File button. Now click Import KML Delivery Area Map
15.Once the file has been uploaded you will see a delivery area shown below the
Delivery Area list.

(Multiple Delivery Areas will import with all areas as individual maps)

16.If you click Map you can verify that you have uploaded the correct delivery file.
17.Options will allow you to change the several options for the delivery area. Any
changes that you make will need to be Saved.

Please contact GranburyS at (800)-750-3947 if you have any questions, comments or


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