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Archimede's principle - It states that a body when wholly or partially immersed in a liquid,
experiences an upward thrust which is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by it. Thus, the body
appears to lose a part of its weight. This loss in weight is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the

2. Aufbau principle - It states that in an unexcited atom, electrons reside in the lowest energy orbitals
available to them.

2. Avogadro's Law - It states that equal volumes of all gases under similar conditions of temperature and
pressure contain equal number of molecules.

4. Brownian motion - It is a zigzag, irregular motion exhibited by small solid particles when suspended in
a liquid or gas due to irregular bombardment by the liquid or gas molecules.

5. Bernoulli's principle - It states that as the speed of a moving fluid, liquid or gas, increases, the
pressure within the fluid decreases. The aerodynamic lift on the wing of an aeroplane is also explained in
part by this principle.

6. Boyles's Law - It states that temperature remaining constant, volume of a given mass of a gas varies
inversely with the pressure of the gas. Thus,
PV = K (constant), where, P = Pressure and V = Volume.

7. Charles's Law - It states that pressure remaining constant, the volume of a given mass of gas
increases or decreases by 1/273 part of its volume at 0 degree celsius for each degree celsius rise or fall
of its temperature.

8. Coulomb's Law - It states that force of attraction or repulsion between two charges is proportional to
the amount of charge on both charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between

9. Heisenberg principle (uncertainty principle) - It is impossible to determine with accuracy both the
position and the momentum of a particle such as electron simultaneously.

10. Gay-Lussac’s Law of combining volumes - Gases react together in volumes which bear simple
whole number ratios to one another and also to the volumes of the products, if gaseous — all the
volumes being measured under similar conditions of temperature and pressure.

11. Graham’s Law of Diffusion - It states that the rates of diffusion of gases are inversely proportional to
the square roots of their densities under similar conditions of temperature and pressure.
12. Kepler's Law - Each planet revolves round the Sun in an elliptical orbit with the Sun at one focus.
The straight line joining the Sun and the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals. The squares of
the orbital periods of planets are proportional to the cubes of their mean distance from the Sun.

13. Law of Floatation - For a body to float, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
(1) The weight of the body should be equal to the weight of the water displaced.
(2) The centre of gravity of the body and that of the liquid displaced should be in the same straight line.

14. Law of conservation of energy - It states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but it can
be transformed from one form to another. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, the amount of
energy present in the universe is always remain constant.

15. Newton's First Law of Motion - An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends
to stay in motion, with the same direction and speed in a straight line unless acted upon by some external

16. Newton's Second Law of Motion - The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly
proportional to the force applied and takes place in the direction in which the force acts.

17. Newton's Third Law of Motion - To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

18. Newton's Law of Gravitation - All particles of matter mutually attract each other by a force directly
proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between them.

19. Ohm's Law - It states that the current passing through a conductor between two points is directly
proportional to the potential difference across the two points provided the physical state and temperature
etc. of the conductor does not change.

20. Pauli exclusion principle - It explains that no two electrons in the same atom or molecule can have
the same set of quantum numbers.

21. Raman effect - It is the change in wavelength that occurs when light is scattered by the atoms or
molecules in a transparent medium.

22. Tyndall effect - The scattering of light by very small particles suspended in a gas or liquid.

Uses Inventors

Altimeter An instrument used in aircrafts for French physicist Louis Paul Cailletet
measuring altitudes

Ammeter Measures electric current Friedrich Drexler

Anemometer Used to measure the speed, direction Leon Battista Alberti

and pressure of the wind.

Audiometer Measures intensity of sound Georg von Békésy (1899-1972; winner of the Nobel Prize), a
Hungarian-American physicist.

Barograph Continuous recording of atmospheric Frenchman Lucien Vidi


Barometer Measures atmospheric pressure and Evangelista Torricelli


Binoculars An optical instrument used for J. P. Lemiere

magnified view of distant objects.

Bolometer Measures infra-red (Heat) radiation. Samuel Pierpont Langley

Callipers Measures diameters of thin Pierre Vernier


Calorimeter Measures quantity of heat Antoine Lavoisier and Pierre-Simon

Carb urettor Used for charging air with petrol The first carburetor was invented by Samuel Morey in 1826.
vapours in an internal combustion Later, Enrico Bernardi developed another carburetor at the
engine. University of Padua in 1882

Cardiogram(ECG) Traces movements of the heart , Willem Einthoven

recorded on a Cardiograph

Cathetometer Determines heights and levels French physicists P. Dulong and A. Petit(1816)

Chronometer Determines longitude of a vessel at John Harrison


Cinematograph Used for projecting pictures on the Auguste Lumière


Colorimeter Compares intensity of colours John T. Stock

Uses Inventors

Commutator Used in generators to reverse the British scientist William Sturgeon in 1832
direction of electric current.

Crescograph Used for measuring growth in plants. Jagadish Chandra Bose

Cryometer Measurement of low temperature.

Cyclotron Used for accelerating charged Ernest Lawrence

particles in microwave oscillator

Dilatometer Measures change in volume of Abbe and Fizeau in the second half of 19th century

Dynamo Coverts mechanical energy into Michael Faraday

electrical energy

Electrometer Measures very small but potential William Snow Harris

difference in electric currents

Electrometer Used for measuring electrical

potential difference.

Electroscope Detects presence of an electric William Gilbert


Electron microscope Used to obtain a magnifying view of Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska
very small objects (20,000 times).

Endoscope To examine internal parts of the body Bozzini

Fathometer Measures depth of the ocean Herbert Grove Dorsey (April 24, 1876 – 1961)

Fluxmeter Measures magnetic flux Muller Martin

Galvanometer Measures electric current Johann Schweigger

Gramophone Used to reproducing recorded sound. French inventor Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville

Hydrometer Measures the relative density of William Nicholson


Hydrophone Measure sound under water Reginald Fessenden

Hygrometer Used to measure the moisture content Horace Bénédict de Saussure

or the humidity of air or any gas.

Hygroscope Shows the changes in atmospheric Robert Hooke


Hypsometer Determines boiling point of liquids. Wayne R Norman

Uses Inventors

Lactometer Measures the relative density of milk. Mr. Dicas

Machmeter Determines the speed of an aircraft Angst Walter

relative to the speed of sound

Manometer Compares magnetic movement and Otton von Guerick


Manometer Used to measure atmospheric


Micrometer Coverts sound waves into electrical William Gascoigne


Microphone Converts sound waves into electrical Emile Berliner


Microscope Used to obtain a magnified view of Zacharias Janssen

small objects

Nephetometer Measures the scattering of light by Theodore William Richards

particles suspended in a liquid

Odometer An instrument attached to the wheel Benjamin Franklin

of a vehicle, to measure the distance

Ohmmeter Measures electrical resistance of Osvold Robert Harold


Ondometer Measures the frequency of

electromagnetic waves(radio waves)

Optometer Used for testing the refractive power Dr Jules Badal

of the eye.

Otoscope Used for visual examination of the E. Seigle


Periscope Used to view objects above sea level Hippolyte Marié-Davy

(Used in submarines).

Phonograph Used for reproducing sound. Thomas Edison

Photometer Compares the luminous intensity of Dmitry Lachinov

the two sources of light

Polygraph It simultaneously records changed in William Moulton Marston

physiological processes such as
heartbeat, blood pressure & the
Uses Inventors

respiration (used as lie detector)

Pyrheliometer Used for measuring Solar radiation. C. G. ABBOTT

Pyrometer Measures very high temperature. Josiah Wedgwood

Quadrant Measures altitudes and angles in John Hadley

navigation and astronomy

Radar Radio, Detection and Ranging. Heinrich Hertz

Rain Gauge Measures Rainfall. King Sejong the Great

Refractometer Measures salinity of solutions Ernst Abbe

Refractometer Measures a Refractive Index of a Carl Zeiss


Sextant Used by navigators to find the John Campbell

latitude of place by measuring the
elevation above the horizon of the sun
or another star; also used to measure
the height of very distant objects

Sextant Used for measuring angular distance

between two objects.

Siesmograph Used for recording the intensity and John Milne

origin of earthquakes shocks.

Spectroscope Used for Spectrum analysis. Robert Wilhelm Bunsen

Speedometer An instrument used for measuring Croatian Josip Belušić in 1888

speed of the vehicle.

Spherometer Measures curvature of spherical Robert-Aglaé Cauchoix


Sphygmomanometer Measures blood pressure. Samuel Siegfried Karl Ritter von Basch in 1881

Stethoscope Used for hearing and analysing the René Laennec

sound of Heart.

Tachometer To determine speed, especially the James W. Allen

rotational speed of a shaft(rpm)

Tangent Measure the amount of direct André-Marie Ampère

galvanometer current(DC)

Telemeter Records physical happenings at a C. Michalke

Uses Inventors

distant place(space)

Telescope Used for magnified view of distant Hans Lippershey


Thermometer Measures Temperature Galileo Galilei

Thermostat Automatically regulates temperatures Warren S. Johnson

at a constant point.

Tonometer Measures the pitch of a sound John Austin

Transformer An apparatus used for converting Ottó Bláthy

high voltage to low and vice-versa
without change in its frequency.

Transponder To receive a signal and transmit a Charles M Redman

reply immediately in satellites.

Venturimeter Measures the rate of flow of liquids Clemens Herschel

Vernier Measures Small sub-division of scale. Pierre Vernier

Viscometer Measures Viscosity of liquid. Edward H Zeitfuchs

Voltmeter Used to measure electric potential Andrew Kay

difference between two points

Wattmeter To measure electric power Ottó Bláthy

Wavemeter To measure the wavelength of a Paul D Zottu

radiowave(high frequency waves)


Uses Inventors

Altimeter An instrument used in aircrafts for French physicist Louis Paul Cailletet
measuring altitudes

Ammeter Measures electric current Friedrich Drexler

Anemometer Used to measure the speed, direction Leon Battista Alberti

and pressure of the wind.
Uses Inventors

Audiometer Measures intensity of sound Georg von Békésy (1899-1972; winner of the Nobel Prize), a
Hungarian-American physicist.

Barograph Continuous recording of atmospheric Frenchman Lucien Vidi


Barometer Measures atmospheric pressure and Evangelista Torricelli


Binoculars An optical instrument used for J. P. Lemiere

magnified view of distant objects.

Bolometer Measures infra-red (Heat) radiation. Samuel Pierpont Langley

Callipers Measures diameters of thin Pierre Vernier


Calorimeter Measures quantity of heat Antoine Lavoisier and Pierre-Simon

Carburettor Used for charging air with petrol The first carburetor was invented by Samuel Morey in 1826.
vapours in an internal combustion Later, Enrico Bernardi developed another carburetor at the
engine. University of Padua in 1882

Cardiogram(ECG) Traces movements of the heart , Willem Einthoven

recorded on a Cardiograph

Cathetometer Determines heights and levels French physicists P. Dulong and A. Petit(1816)

Chronometer Determines longitude of a vessel at John Harrison


Cinematograph Used for projecting pictures on the Auguste Lumière


Colorimeter Compares intensity of colours John T. Stock

Commutator Used in generators to reverse the British scientist William Sturgeon in 1832
direction of electric current.

Crescograph Used for measuring growth in plants. Jagadish Chandra Bose

Cryometer Measurement of low temperature.

Cyclotron Used for accelerating charged Ernest Lawrence

particles in microwave oscillator

Dilatometer Measures change in volume of Abbe and Fizeau in the second half of 19th century

Dynamo Coverts mechanical energy into Michael Faraday

Uses Inventors

electrical energy

Electrometer Measures very small but potential William Snow Harris

difference in electric currents

Electrometer Used for measuring electrical

potential difference.

Electroscope Detects presence of an electric William Gilbert


Electron microscope Used to obtain a magnifying view of Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska
very small objects (20,000 times).

Endoscope To examine internal parts of the body Bozzini

Fathometer Measures depth of the ocean Herbert Grove Dorsey (April 24, 1876 – 1961)

Fluxmeter Measures magnetic flux Muller Martin

Galvanometer Measures electric current Johann Schweigger

Gramophone Used to reproducing recorded sound. French inventor Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville

Hydrometer Measures the relative density of William Nicholson


Hydrophone Measure sound under water Reginald Fessenden

Hygrometer Used to measure the moisture content Horace Bénédict de Saussure

or the humidity of air or any gas.

Hygroscope Shows the changes in atmospheric Robert Hooke


Hypsometer Determines boiling point of liquids. Wayne R Norman

Lactometer Measures the relative density of milk. Mr. Dicas

Machmeter Determines the speed of an aircraft Angst Walter

relative to the speed of sound

Manometer Compares magnetic movement and Otton von Guerick


Manometer Used to measure atmospheric


Micrometer Coverts sound waves into electrical William Gascoigne

Uses Inventors

Microphone Converts sound waves into electrical Emile Berliner


Microscope Used to obtain a magnified view of Zacharias Janssen

small objects

Nephetometer Measures the scattering of light by Theodore William Richards

particles suspended in a liquid

Odometer An instrument attached to the wheel Benjamin Franklin

of a vehicle, to measure the distance

Ohmmeter Measures electrical resistance of Osvold Robert Harold


Ondometer Measures the frequency of

electromagnetic waves(radio waves)

Optometer Used for testing the refractive power Dr Jules Badal

of the eye.

Otoscope Used for visual examination of the E. Seigle


Periscope Used to view objects above sea level Hippolyte Marié-Davy

(Used in submarines).

Phonograph Used for reproducing sound. Thomas Edison

Photometer Compares the luminous intensity of Dmitry Lachinov

the two sources of light

Polygraph It simultaneously records changed in William Moulton Marston

physiological processes such as
heartbeat, blood pressure & the
respiration (used as lie detector)

Pyrheliometer Used for measuring Solar radiation. C. G. ABBOTT

Pyrometer Measures very high temperature. Josiah Wedgwood

Quadrant Measures altitudes and angles in John Hadley

navigation and astronomy

Radar Radio, Detection and Ranging. Heinrich Hertz

Rain Gauge Measures Rainfall. King Sejong the Great

Refractometer Measures salinity of solutions Ernst Abbe

Uses Inventors

Refractometer Measures a Refractive Index of a Carl Zeiss


Sextant Used by navigators to find the John Campbell

latitude of place by measuring the
elevation above the horizon of the sun
or another star; also used to measure
the height of very distant objects

Sextant Used for measuring angular distance

between two objects.

Siesmograph Used for recording the intensity and John Milne

origin of earthquakes shocks.

Spectroscope Used for Spectrum analysis. Robert Wilhelm Bunsen

Speedometer An instrument used for measuring Croatian Josip Belušić in 1888

speed of the vehicle.

Spherometer Measures curvature of spherical Robert-Aglaé Cauchoix


Sphygmomanometer Measures blood pressure. Samuel Siegfried Karl Ritter von Basch in 1881

Stethoscope Used for hearing and analysing the René Laennec

sound of Heart.

Tachometer To determine speed, especially the James W. Allen

rotational speed of a shaft(rpm)

Tangent Measure the amount of direct André-Marie Ampère

galvanometer current(DC)

Telemeter Records physical happenings at a C. Michalke

distant place(space)

Telescope Used for magnified view of distant Hans Lippershey


Thermometer Measures Temperature Galileo Galilei

Thermostat Automatically regulates temperatures Warren S. Johnson

at a constant point.

Tonometer Measures the pitch of a sound John Austin

Transformer An apparatus used for converting Ottó Bláthy

high voltage to low and vice-versa
without change in its frequency.
Uses Inventors

Transponder To receive a signal and transmit a Charles M Redman

reply immediately in satellites.

Venturimeter Measures the rate of flow of liquids Clemens Herschel

Vernier Measures Small sub-division of scale. Pierre Vernier

Viscometer Measures Viscosity of liquid. Edward H Zeitfuchs

Voltmeter Used to measure electric potential Andrew Kay

difference between two points

Wattmeter To measure electric power Ottó Bláthy

Wavemeter To measure the wavelength of a Paul D Zottu

radiowave(high frequency waves)

National Scientific Laboratories For TNPSC Exams - General Science Study Materials

In this post we have compiled the important scientific laboratories in Tamil nadu and the remaining
states will be updated soon.

SL.No Name Location State

1. Central Research Laboratory Chennai Tamil Nadu
2. Central Leather Research Institute Chennai Tamil Nadu
3. Central marine Research Station Chennai Tamil Nadu
4. National Institute for Research in Chennai Tamil Nadu
5. Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research Kalpakkam Tamil Nadu
6. South Indian Textile research Association Coimbatore Tamil Nadu
7. Central Electrochemical Research Institute Karaikudi Tamil Nadu
8. Central Leprosy Training and Research Chengalpattu Tamil Nadu
9. Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute Aaduthurai Tamil Nadu
10. Bureau of Indian Standards New Delhi Delhi
11. AIIMS – All India Institute for Medical New Delhi Delhi
12. Central Road Research Institute New Delhi Delhi
13. CSIR - Council for Scientific and Industrial New Delhi Delhi
14. ICMR – Indian council for Medical Research New Delhi Delhi
15. Indian National Scientific Documentation New Delhi Delhi
16. National Institute for Communicable Diseases New Delhi Delhi
17. National Institute for Malaria Research New Delhi Delhi
18. National Physical Laboratory New Delhi Delhi
19. National Remote Sensing Centre Hyderabad Telangana
By TNPSC Master
at 5/24/2019
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National Laboratories in India

1. Central Building Research Institute : Roorkee (U.P.)

2. Central Drug Research Institute : Lucknow (U.P.).

3. Central Electro - Chemical Research Institute : Karaikudi (Tamil Nadu).

4. Central Electronic Engineering Research Institute : Pilani (Rajasthan).

5. Central Food Technological Research Institute : Mysore (Karnataka).

6. Central Fuel Research Institute : Dhanbad (Bihar).

7. Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute : Kolkata (West Bengal).

8. Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants : Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh).

9. Central Leather Research Institute : Chennai (Tamil Nadu).

10. Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute : Durgapur (West Bengal).

11. Central Mining Research Station : Dhanbad (Bihar).

12. Central Road Research Institute : New Delhi (Delhi).

13. Central Salt and Marine Chemical Research Institute : Bhavnagar (Gujarat).

14. Central Scientific Instruments Organisation : Chandigarh (Chandigarh).

15. Indian Institute of Chemical Biology : Kolkata (West Bengal).

16. Indian Institute of Petroleum : Dehra Dun (Uttar Pradesh)

17. Indian Toxicology Research Centre : Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh).

18. Regional Research Laboratory : Bhuvaneshwar (Cuttack), Jorhant (Assam), Jammu and Kashmir

and Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh).

19. Birla Industrial and Technological Museum : Kolkata (West Bengal)

20. Structural Engineering Research Centre : Roorkee (U.P.). and Chennai.

21. Visveswarayya Industrial and Technological Museum: Bangalore, (Karnataka).

22. National Aeronautical Laboratory : Bangalore (Karnataka)

23. National Biological Laboratory (in Planning) : Palampur, Kangra Dist. (Himachal Pradesh).

24. National Botanical Research Institute : Lucknow, (U.P.)

25. National Chemical Laboratory : Pune, (Maharashtra).

26. National Environmental Engineering Institute : Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh).

27. National Institute of Oceanography : Panaji (Goa).

28. National Metallurgical Laboratory : Jamshedpur (Bihar).

29. National Physical Laboratory : New Delhi (Delhi).

30. Pulsars Research Laboratory : New Delhi (Delhi).

Scientific Research Institute in India

1. Bharat Ophthalmic Glass Limited : Kolkata, (West Bengal).

2. Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaecobotany : Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)

3. Bose Research Institute : Kolkata (W.Bengal).

4. Central Arid Zoo Research Institute : Jodhpur (Rajasthan).

5. Central Coconut Research Institute : Kaserkode (Kerala)

6. Central Glass and Ceramic Research Station : New Delhi

7. Central Inland Fisheries Research Station : Barrackpore (W.Bengal)

8. Central Institute of Fisheries Technology : Ernakulam (Kerala).

9. Central Jute Technological Research Institute : Kolkata (W.Bengal).

10. Central Marine Research Station : Chennai (Tamil Nadu).

11. Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute : Durgapur (West Bengal).

12. Central Mining Research Station : Dhanbad (Bihar)Central Research Laboratory : Chepauk,

Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

13. Central State Farm : Suratgarh (Rajasthan).

14. Central Tobacco Research Station : Rajamundry (Andhra Pradesh).

15. Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology : Hyderabad

16. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Institute: New Delhi.

17. Fluid Control Research Institute : Kanjikode (Kerala).

18. Forest Research Institute : Dehra Dun (Uttar Pradesh)

19. Indian Institute of Agricultural Research Institute : New Delhi.

20. Indian Institute of Science : Bangalore.

21. Indian Institute of Sugar Technology : Kanpur, (U.P).

22. Indian Lac Research Institute : Ranchi (Bihar).

23. Indian Space Research Organisation : Bangalore (Karnataka)

24. Institute of Microbial Technology : Hyderabad.

25. National Dairy Research Institute : Karnal (Haryana).

26. National Environmental Engineering Institute : Nagpur.

27. National Sugar Research Institute : Kanpur (U.P.)

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