Parallelism - Exercise 1

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Name: _______________________________ Date:

G8 - ____________________
Exercise on Parallel Structure
Directions: Analyze the given statements carefully before writing your answer below
each number
1. Jennifer is smart, beautiful, and takes responsibility with her action.

2. Andy’s day is so long that he gets up at 6:00 a.m., leaves for work at 6:30 a.m., is
eating dinner at 11:00 p.m., and goes to bed at 2:00 a.m.

3. Bob was not only Sam’s roommate, but also he was his best friend.

4. If you go to the store, please remember to pick up your prescription, buy some
shampoo, and to look for a notebook.

5. I spent two hours with Ms. Smith, reviewing my job performance, evaluating my
goals, and my future with the company was also discussed.

6. Mr. Brown’s lecture was inaccurate, boring, and should have been omitted.

7. Most people play golf for pleasure, for exercise, and so they can meet people.

8. The most dangerous forms of transportation are bicycles, cars, and riding a

9. Many people share the same three fears: making speeches, being in high
places, and numbers.

10. At the body shop, the car was sanded to the bare metal, painted with primer,
and blue enamel was sprayed on.
1. Jennifer is smart, beautiful, and responsible.
2. Andy’s day is so long that he gets up at 6:00 a.m., leaves for work at 6:30 a.m.,
eats dinner at 11:00 p.m., and goes to bed at 2:00 a.m.
3. Bob was not only Sam’s roommate but also his best friend.
4. If you go to the store, please remember to pick up your prescription, to buy some
shampoo, and to look for a notebook.
5. I spent two hours with Ms. Smith, reviewing my job performance, evaluating my
goals, and discussing my future with the company.
6. Mr. Brown’s lecture was inaccurate, boring, and unnecessary.
7. Most people play golf for pleasure, for exercise, and for social contacts.
8. The most dangerous forms of transportation are bicycles, cars, and motorcycles.
9. Many people share the same three fears: making speeches, being in high
places, and working with numbers.
10. At the body shop, the car was sanded to the bare metal, painted with primer,
and sprayed with blue enamel.
C. Parallelism: please correct the following parallelism issues.
1. An actor knows how to memorize his lines and getting into character.
2. Tell me where you were, what you were doing, and your reasons for doing it.
3. Clark's daily exercises include running, swimming, and to lift weights.
4. To donate money to the homeless shelter is helping people stay warm in the winter.
5. Jim not only likes working outside but also getting dirty.
6. We followed the path through the forest, over the hill, and we went across the river.
7. The writer was brilliant but a recluse.
8. After the party, we want to either go to a movie or the diner.
9. She told Jake to take out the trash, to mow the lawn, and be listening for the phone
10. Marcie studied for the test by reviewing her class notes and she read her textbook.

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