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Web-based Application

Submitted By :-

• Mufeeda K P (40)
• Muhammad Jabir A C K (41)
• Muhammed Asif (42)
• Muhammed Unais V K (43)
• Nasiq C K (44)
What is a web based application?
A web based application is a software package that can be
accessed through the web browser. The software and database
reside on a central server rather than being installed on the
desktop system and is accessed over a network.

Web based applications are the ultimate way to take

advantage of today's technology to enhance your organizations
productivity & efficiency. Web based application gives you an
opportunity to access your business information from anywhere
in the world at anytime. It also facilitates you to save time &
money and improve the interactivity with your customers and

It allow your administration staff to work from any location

and sales staff to access information remotely 24 hours a day,
7 days a week. With a computer connected to the Internet, a
web browser and the right user name and password you can
access the systems from any location.

Web-based applications are easy to use and can be

implemented without interrupting your existing work process.
Whether you need a content managed solution or an e-
commerce system, we can develop a customized web
application that fulfills your business requirements.

Web-based applications actually encompass all the

applications that communicate with the user via HTTP. This
includes light applications like Flash games, online calculators,
calendars and so on, as well as more intensive applications
such as web-based word processors and spreadsheet

Web-based applications are also known as web apps.The

definition of a web application and a website is quite similar.
You could think as a web app something like GMail or Facebook.
They differ from websites due to its dinamic nature, web apps
are designed for a specific task or use.
Some popular Web Application frameworks follows some
principles with patterns like MVC (Model, View and Controller),
separating its functionalities.

•Model:The model manages the behavior and data of the

application domain, responds to requests for
information about its state (usually from the view), and
responds to instructions to change state (usually from the

•View: The view manages the display of information.

•Controller. The controller interprets the mouse and

keyboard inputs from the user, informing the model and/or
the view to change as appropriate.

What Are the Benefits of a Web

A Web application relieves the developer of the
responsibility of building a client for a specific type of computer
or a specific operating system. Since the client runs in a Web
browser, the user could be using an IBM-compatible or a Mac.
They can be running Windows XP or Windows Vista. They can
even be using Internet Explorer or Firefox, though some
applications require a specific Web browser.
Web applications commonly use a combination of server-side
script (ASP, PHP, etc) and client-side script (HTML, Javascript,
etc.) to develop the application. The client-side script deals
with the presentation of the information while the server-side
script deals with all the hard stuff like storing and retrieving the
How Long Have Web Applications Been
Web applications have been around since before the Web
gained mainstream popularity. For example, Larry Wall
developed Perl, a popular server-side scripting language, in
1987. That was seven years before the Internet really started
gaining popularity outside of academic and technology circles.
The first mainstream Web applications were relatively
simple, but the late 90s saw a push toward more complex Web
applications. Nowadays, millions of Americans use a Web
application to file their income taxes online.

What Is the Future of Web Applications?

Most Web applications are based on the client-server
architecture where the client enters information while the
server stores and retrieves information. Internet mail is an
example of this, with companies like Yahoo and MSN offering
Web-based email clients.
The new push for Web applications is crossing the line into
those applications that do not normally need a server to store
the information. Your word processor, for example, stores
documents on your computer, and doesn't need a server.
Web applications can provide the same functionality and
gain the benefit of working across multiple platforms. For
example, a Web application can act as a word processor,
storing information and allowing you to 'download' the
document onto your personal hard drive.
If you have seen the new Gmail or Yahoo mail clients, you
have seen how sophisticated Web applications have become in
the past few years. Much of that sophistication is because of
AJAX, which is a programming model for creating more
responsive Web applications.
Google Apps, Microsoft Office Live and WebEx WebOffice
are examples of the newest generation of Web applications.
What are the business advantages?
• Cost effective development

With web-based applications, users access the system via a

uniform environment—the web browser. While the user
interaction with the application needs to be thoroughly tested
on different web browsers, the application itself needs only be
developed for a single operating system.

There is no need to develop and test it on all possible operating

system versions and configurations. This makes development
and troubleshooting much easier and for web applications that
use a Flash front end testing and troubleshooting is even

• Accessible anywhere

Unlike traditional applications, web systems are accessible

anytime, anywhere and via any PC with an Internet connection.
This puts the user firmly in charge of where and when they
access the application.

It also opens up exciting, modern possibilities such as global

teams, home working and real-time collaboration. The idea of
sitting in front of a single computer and working in a fixed
location is a thing of the past with web-based applications.

• Easily customisable

The user interface of web-based applications is easier to

customise than is the case with desktop applications. This
makes it easier to update the look and feel of the application or
to customise the presentation of information to different user

Therefore, there is no longer any need for everyone to settle for

using exactly the same interface at all times. Instead, you can
find the perfect look for each situation and user.Accessible for a
range of devices

• Accessible for a range of devices

In addition to being customisable for user groups, content can

also be customised for use on any device connected to the
internet. This includes the likes of PDAs, mobile phones and

This further extends the user’s ability to receive and interact

with information in a way that suits them. In this way, the up to
date information is always at the fingertips of the people who
need it.

• Improved interoperability

It is possible to achieve a far greater level of interoperability

between web applications than it is with isolated desktop
systems. For example, it is much easier to integrate a web-
based shopping cart system with a web-based accounting
package than it is to get two proprietary systems to talk to
each other.

Because of this, web-based architecture makes it possible to

rapidly integrate enterprise systems, improving work-flow and
other business processes. By taking advantage of internet
technologies you get a flexible and adaptable business model
that can be changed according to shifting market demands.
• Easier installation and maintenance

With the web-based approach installation and maintenance

becomes less complicated too. Once a new version or upgrade
is installed on the host server all users can access it straight
away and there is no need to upgrade the PC of each and every
potential user.

Rolling out new software can be accomplished more easily,

requiring only that users have up-to-date browsers and plugins.
As the upgrades are only performed by an experienced
professional to a single server the results are also more
predictable and reliable.

• Adaptable to increased workload

Increasing processor capacity also becomes a far simpler

operation with web-based applications. If an application
requires more power to perform tasks only the server hardware
needs to be upgraded.

The capacity of web-based software can be increased by

“clustering” or running the software on several servers
simultaneously. As workload increases, new servers can be
added to the system easily.

For example, Google runs on thousands of inexpensive Linux

servers. If a server fails, it can be replaced without affecting
the overall performance of the application.

• Increased Security

Web-based applications are typically deployed on dedicated

servers, which are monitored and maintained by experienced
server administrators. This is far more effective than
monitoring hundreds or even thousands of client computers as
is the case with desktop applications.

This means that security is tighter and any potential breaches

should be noticed far more quickly.Flexible core technologies

Any of three core technologies can be used for building web-

based applications, depending on the requirements of the
application. The Java-based solution (J2EE) from Sun
Microsystems involve technologies such as JSP and Servlets.

The newer Microsoft .NET platform uses Active Server Pages,

SQL Server and .NET scripting languages. The third option is
the Open Source platform (predominantly PHP and MySQL),
which is best suited to smaller websites and lower budget


Web-based applications are:

•Easier to develop
•More useful for your users
•Easier to install, maintain and keep secure
•Easier to grow as you grow

Examples of web-based applications

Anything you access through a web browser: Quora,
Gmail, Google Search, Facebook, LinkedIn.

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