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Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Table of Contents
1. MENU Overview ........................................................................................................................ 1
1-1 Preface .................................................................................................................................. 1
1-2 PB-E Log-in (EUM Section 3) ............................................................................................. 1
1-3 Administration (EUM Section 5) ......................................................................................... 1
1-4 Catalog (EUM Section 6): .................................................................................................... 2
1-5 Property Book (EUM Section 7): ......................................................................................... 2
1-6 Hand Receipt (EUM Section 8):........................................................................................... 3
1-7 Military Standard Requisition and Issues Procedures (MILSTRIP) /Requisitioning Non-
expendables (EUM Section 9): ................................................................................................... 3
1-8 Activity Register (EUM Section 10): ................................................................................... 3
1-9 Asset Visibility (EUM Section 11):...................................................................................... 4
1-10 Reports (EUM Section 12): ................................................................................................ 4
1-11 Interfaces (EUM Section 14):............................................................................................. 4
1-12 Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) overview (EUM Section 15):
..................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Job Aids ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2-1 Log into PB-E....................................................................................................................... 5
2-2 Help Menu ............................................................................................................................ 5
3. Administration ............................................................................................................................ 7
3-1 User Roles............................................................................................................................. 7
3-2 Derivative UIC and Department Of Defense Activity Address Code (DODAAC)
Management................................................................................................................................ 9
3-2.1 UIC Defined .................................................................................................................. 9
3-2.2 Create Derivative UIC (DUIC)...................................................................................... 9
3-2.3 DODAACs for DUIC .................................................................................................. 10
3-3 Parameter Tables ................................................................................................................ 12
4. Catalog Management ................................................................................................................ 14
4-1 Standard Catalog................................................................................................................. 14
4-2 User Created Catalog.......................................................................................................... 20
4-3 Asset Description Update (ADU)....................................................................................... 20
5. Property Book ........................................................................................................................... 24
5-1 Property Book Identification Codes (PBIC)....................................................................... 24
5-1.2 PBIC 6 (Leased/Loaned/Rental equipment)................................................................ 26
5-2 LOGTAADS....................................................................................................................... 28
5-2.1 LOGTAADS Change Listing ...................................................................................... 28
5-2.2 LOGTAADS Visibility Report: .................................................................................. 29
5-3 Administrative Adjustment Report (AAR)......................................................................... 29
5-4 Asset Adjustment................................................................................................................ 31
5-5 Lateral Transfer .................................................................................................................. 33
6. Hand Receipts ........................................................................................................................... 36
6-1 Organization Hand Receipt ................................................................................................ 36
6-2 Component Query and Component Modify/Add ............................................................... 36
7. Asset Management.................................................................................................................... 37

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

7-1 Excess ................................................................................................................................. 37

7-2 Requisitioning Nonexpendables ......................................................................................... 38
8. Activity Register ....................................................................................................................... 42
8-1 Activity Register Report (All) ............................................................................................ 42
8-2 Transaction Affecting PB Balance ..................................................................................... 42
8-3 Transaction NOT Affecting PB Balance ............................................................................ 42
8-4 Inactive Activity Register (All) .......................................................................................... 43
8-5 Input Transaction Report .................................................................................................... 43
9. Asset Visibility.......................................................................................................................... 44
9-1 Unit Equipment Readiness Listing (UERL)....................................................................... 44
9-2 Excess/Shortage Report...................................................................................................... 44
9-3 Task Force Asset Visibility ................................................................................................ 44
10. Reports .................................................................................................................................... 46
10-1 Cyclic Inventory Listing................................................................................................... 46
10-2 Sensitive Item Inventory Listing ...................................................................................... 46
10-3 Parent Level Property Listing Organizational .................................................................. 47
10-4 Dollar Value Listing ......................................................................................................... 47
10-5 Consolidated Property Book............................................................................................. 48
11. Interfaces................................................................................................................................. 50
11-1 Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS) Interface............................................... 50
12. Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) .................................................. 52
12-1 OCIE Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 52
12-1.1 Personnel ................................................................................................................... 52
12-1.2 Personnel Transfer..................................................................................................... 52
12-2 OCIE Suspense ................................................................................................................. 53
12-2.1 Personnel Transfer Suspense ..................................................................................... 53
12-2.2 Holding Area ............................................................................................................. 53
12-2.2.1 View the Transfer OCIE......................................................................................... 54
12-3 Reports.............................................................................................................................. 55
13 Chief’s Helpful Hints............................................................................................................... 56
13-1 Digital Filing..................................................................................................................... 56
13-2 Asset File Validation ........................................................................................................ 56
13-3 External Resources: Microsoft Excel ............................................................................... 57
13-4 Useful Websites................................................................................................................ 59
Appendix A: Figure Index ............................................................................................................ 61
Appendix B: References ............................................................................................................... 63
Appendix C: Credits ..................................................................................................................... 64

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

1. MENU Overview

1-1 Preface

The Army’s transformation to a more agile, self-sustaining combat force has changed the way
combat service support personnel are assigned. Many direct mentorship opportunities are no
longer available as the Division Property Book Officer (PBO) disappears.

This guide is intended to familiarize you with several key functions within Property Book Unit
Supply-Enhanced (PBUSE) as well as external resources you can use to take advantage of the
power of Property Book-Enhanced (PB-E). This is not designed to replace the End Users Manual
(EUM). In most cases the EUM will have exactly the answer you are looking for. Our intent with
the PB-E Survival Guide is to provide you with techniques to supplement the detailed
instructions in the EUM.

1-2 PB-E Log-in (EUM Section 3)

(1) Sign into PB-E at

(2) The PB-E assistance menu is found on the left side of the screen. On this menu you can
find the downloads for a zipped EUM and standalone operations module, a detail description
of the most recent updates, helpdesk Point of Contact (POC) E-mail and phone numbers,
internet links, HELP link, EUM manual and job aids (virtual training)

(3) Click on PBUSE under Main Menu. If you have multiple roles select the desired user
role. In this case, sign in under Property Book Level. At this time a screen called main menu
will appear.

1-3 Administration (EUM Section 5)

Under the main menu, the following areas are found:

(1) Alert Messages – Check your alert messages daily! This process allows the user to view
and send messages. Incoming messages come from a variety of sources: such as Lateral
Transfers, Unit Transfers, UIC Changes, and Outgoing Messages. You can also send
outgoing messages to your subordinate units directing them to conduct a cyclic or 100%
inventory and/or a sensitive item inventory.

(2) User Roles – In this area you will add, view, modify or delete users in your PB-E
hierarchy. See chapter 3 of this guide for additional information about User Roles.

(3) Organizational Data – In this area you can modify/add or delete existing units on the PB-
E, and create derivative Unit Identification Codes (UIC).You can also conduct a UTO (Unit

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Task Organization) search in the Administration Menu. The UTO search provides hierarchy
visibility of all units within the Army. This is a great tool to utilize when trying to locate the
higher headquarters of a unit that you are conducting a transaction with. You can access this
search tool from the PBUSE-Module Main Menu. Click on Administration menu and then
UTO Search to display the UTO Search screen.

(4) View Modify parameter tables – For information on the parameter tables, see Chapter 3
of this user guide.

1-4 Catalog (EUM Section 6):

The standard catalog in PB-E is updated by the Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA). The
catalog area of PB-E also contains a user created catalog. This catalog is created by the
Property Book Officer by importing information from Standard Stock Number, Line Item
Number Automated Management & Integrating System (SLAMIS). The catalog area of PB-E
also allows users to search for existing Management Control Numbers (MCN) and request
Non-Standard cataloging information from SLAMIS. For information on the catalog process
involving SLAMIS see Chapter 4 of this guide.

1-5 Property Book (EUM Section 7):

This is the most important section for the PBO. This area allows the PBO to make changes to
the property book records. The information contained in this area includes:

(1) Add/View authorizations: In this area you can add or modify other than Type
Authorization Code (TAC) 1 or 2 equipment.

(2) Logistics – The Army Authorization Document System (LOGTAADS): In this area you
can see LOGTAADS information including, the visibility listing, change listing, exception
listing, and the deactivation listing. This area will also list Equipment Readiness Code
changes which will affect your Unit Status Report.

(3) Administrative Adjustment Reports (AAR) – The most important thing to remember in
this area is that the quantity of an item should not increase or decrease and major serial
number discrepancies should not be resolved utilizing the AAR process. In this area minor
changes to the property book are made. The changes made here encompass make or model
changes, consumed item, disassembly and assembly, and Lot number changes.

(4) Asset Adjustment and Lateral Transfers – In this area you can increase and decrease the
quantity of items on your property book records. Asset adjustments normally encompass
your turn-ins. Lateral transfers allow you to transfer equipment to and from your own units as
well as other units.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

(5) Unit Transfer – In this area you will perform a total unit transfer from your property
records to the records of another PBO. This is useful when conducting split operations and
you are transferring an entire UIC to a deployed PBO.

(6) Task Force/Split Operations – This process is becoming utilized more often due to the
increased number of deployments. This process is used to transfer a portion of a unit’s
property book data to a derivative unit. Prior to performing the Task Force/Split Operations
process, perform the following steps:

It is strongly recommended that you review Appendix E of the PB-E EUM prior to initiating
a Task Force/Split function.

a. Use the Create Derivative UIC (DUIC) process to create the gaining UIC. Ensure the
proper Task Force Code and PBIC is entered. See Paragraph 5.5.3 in the PB-E EUM for
more information.

b. Add support data to the DUIC, i.e., DODAAC. See Paragraph 5.4 in PB-E EUM for
more information.

c. Print and review the UIC Hand Receipt Listing and System Component Listing to
determine the quantities of items to be left at the home station.

(8) Unit identification Code Change/Mass Change/Merge – Use this area to change an old
UIC to a new UIC. You can also use this to conduct a mass change of UICs or to merge two
UICs (i.e. DUIC with PUIC).

1-6 Hand Receipt (EUM Section 8):

Use this area to print your monthly hand receipts by UIC, or to search for specific items
within a unit’s Primary Hand Receipt.

1-7 Military Standard Requisition and Issues Procedures (MILSTRIP)

/Requisitioning Non-expendables (EUM Section 9):

In this area you can requisition equipment, cancel or modify open requisitions, and process
receipts. This area will also generate the necessary output transactions to interface with other

1-8 Activity Register (EUM Section 10):

In this area you can review a history of your transactions through the use of the activity
(document) register. You can also print out the transactions affecting the property book and

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

transactions not affecting the property book (you should print the Trans affecting and Trans
not affecting reports daily at the end of each business day).

1-9 Asset Visibility (EUM Section 11):

In this area you will be able to print out reports that encompass all of your unit’s equipment.
You can generate reports for the assets on hand at the company or parent level and is a useful
tool for a quick glimpse of your units equipment. This is also useful to have on hand during
staff meeting for questions that may arise related to the on hand assets of your unit. Your
Unit Equipment Readiness Listing is also located here. You are required to print out the Unit
Equipment Readiness Listing monthly, review it, and answer questions regarding the status
of requisitioned equipment. The data obtained from this listing is used to complete the
logistical portion of the Unit Status Report (USR).

1-10 Reports (EUM Section 12):

In this area you can print out your unit’s cyclic inventories, sensitive items inventory,
consolidated property listing, parent level listing and a dollar value listing. These reports are
covered in detail in Chapter 10 of this guide.

1-11 Interfaces (EUM Section 14):

This section allows users of PB-E to interface with other logistics computer systems. This is
the area you would go to in order to send your requisitions to the Supply Support Activity
(SSA), retrieve status, and post your receipts (D6S).

1-12 Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) overview

(EUM Section 15):

This section allows the property book office to receive or transfer OCIE between units.
Additionally it allows the property book officer to create roll-up and asset visibility reports
for the OCIE. The personnel tab displays two types of records; individual personnel and bulk
hand receipt holders. This process is not intended to replace your local Central Issue Facility

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

2. Job Aids

2-1 Log into PB-E

When you log into PB-E you will notice that on the left-hand side of the screen there is a tool
titled "Job Aids". Within this window you will see multiple links that will provide
abbreviated training on some of the main areas contained within PB-E. The Job Aid area is
an excellent training tool for you and your Soldiers. The Job Aid area is provided by
Northrop Grumman and provides tutorials on the following areas: Software Change Package
(SCP) Overview, Organizational Updates/Changes, View/Maintain Parameters, Catalog
Overview, LOGTAADS, and many others. Ensure your supply personnel check this area as
well because it also provides information that pertains to Unit Supply-Enhanced (US-E).

Figure 2-1, PBUSE Job Aids

2-2 Help Menu

The Help Menu is also located on the left side of the screen as you log into PB-E. The help
area in PB-E offers guidance on Army policies and procedures, Online Help, and computer
based training.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 2-2, PBUSE Help menu

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

3. Administration

3-1 User Roles

The Information System Security Officer (ISSO) validates requests for user roles and submits
them to the Enterprise for approval. Normally the PBO is also the ISSO for their
organizational units. It is the ISSO/PBOs responsibility to ensure that the user is
qualified to perform those roles in which they will be assigned. Training should be a key
factor in determining whether or not the requestor is qualified to fulfill the requested roles. It
is highly recommended that PBUSE training occurs prior to the approval of user roles. The
below matrix shows the WRITE capabilities associated with certain user roles you will more
than likely have to approve/disapprove as a PBO/ISSO:

This table shows the Unit Level

User roles with Writing
capabilities. There are many
other areas that the users have
read only capabilities that are Unit Unit Company Arms
not identified here. Supply Supply Company Executive NBC Room
Sergeant Clerk Commander Officer NCOIC Clerk
Add a new user x x
View/maintain Organization x
Budget Functionality x x
Logistics Planning x x x
DSU DODAAC Code Table x x x
MILSTRIP Property Book
Code Table x x x
Routing Identifier Code Table x x x
Property Book Origin Data x x x
FEDLOG Query x x x x
Component List Management x x
Unit Level Hand Receipts x x x
Operational/Basic Load x x
MILSTRIP/Requisition x x
Import AMSS x x x
ADHOC Report x x x
AMMO x x x
SARSS Interface x x
Alert Messages x x x x x x
OCIE x x
Figure 3-1, User Roles Write Capabilities

(1) Assign User Roles- This function provides the capability to view user records, obtain
status of user records, modify/delete user records and add user records. The information is
then sent to the ISSO and Enterprise System Administrator to review/approve roles,
functions and classification requirements for users. See pg 5-11, Para 5.4 in EUM

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

(2) User Roles – View- This process is used to view current users of the PBUSE system. You
have the capability to view user information and specific user records based on login roles
and permissions. See pg 5-13, Para in EUM

(3) User Roles – Status- Use this tab to view the status of requests pending review by the
ISSO and Enterprise System Administrator. See pg 5-14, Para, Figure 5.4-3 in EUM

(4) User Roles – Modify- Use this tab to request modification or deletion of a user record.
ISSO and Enterprise System Administrator must approve all requests for modification and/or
deletion. See pg 5-16, Para, Figure 5.4-5 in EUM

(5) Add User- Use this Tab to request new users be added to PBUSE. See pg 5-22 Para, Figure 5.4-10 in EUM

(6) ISSO Review List- This process allows the ISSO to approve, reject, or place in pending
status, all user requests to be added, modified, or deleted. See pg 5-25, Para 5.4.2, Figure 5.4-
12 in EUM

(7) Enterprise Review List- The system administrator at the Enterprise System Administrator
level must approve the action submitted by ISSO before a user can be added, modified, or
deleted. See pg 5-28, Para 5.4.3, Figure 5.4-15 in EUM

(8) Roles, Functions, and Classification Requirements- This tab allows the user to view User
Roles, Functions, and Classification Requirements. See pg 5-31, Para 5.4.4, Figure 5.4-18 in

Figure 3-2, User Roles

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

3-2 Derivative UIC and Department Of Defense Activity Address Code

(DODAAC) Management

This process provides the PBO with the capability to add a new organization to his/her
existing organizational structure. Ensure the parent UIC is correct during this process
because the system will automatically default to the first parent UIC in the database. Refer to
PBUSE EUM section 5.5.2 for detailed instructions.

3-2.1 UIC Defined

What is a UIC and what does it represent? It is a six digit code which uniquely identifies
a Modified Table of Organizational Equipment (MTOE) or Table of Distribution and
Allowances (TDA) unit in the Army. The first digit identifies a unit as actual or planned;
the next three are the unique identity group, wherein a leading alpha character always
identifies an MTOE, and a numeric identifies a TDA. The last two codes identify parent
(AA), subordinate (T0), derivative unit (HD), or TDA augmentation (99) to an MTOE.
Example: WB4JAA is a parent UIC, WB4JHD is a derivative UIC, WB4JT0 is a
subordinate UIC, and WB4J99 is a TDA UIC.

3-2.2 Create Derivative UIC (DUIC)

The element(s) that remain behind at the unit's home location under the purview of the
unit commander when the commander and a portion of the unit deploy is called the Rear
Detachment. Registration of a DUIC is required for the rear detachment to account for
non-deploying personnel, to receive replacements, and to maintain property
accountability. This DUIC is inactivated or maintained for future use once the main body
returns to the rear detachment's location, ensuring that all personnel and equipment
previously assigned to the rear detachment are assigned to the returning UIC.

The below chart depicts the DUIC request flow. Ensure you use your organization’s
DODAAC Manager to submit your request. See AR 220-20, Army Status of Resources
and Training System (ASORTS) – Basic Identity Data Elements (BIDE) for additional
information about UIC/DUICs.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 3-2.1, DUIC Request Process

Ensure you have all the appropriate data such as contingency operation, deployment
location, and mailing, shipping, and billing addresses. Follow the instructions listed in the
EUM section for the naming conventions for the DUIC.

3-2.3 DODAACs for DUIC

If the majority of the unit is deploying, the deploying element will maintain the UIC and
a DUIC will be established for the rear element. Once the DUIC is created, ensure all the
parameter code table files are updated for the new DUIC to include the assigned
DODAAC or Derivative DODAAC.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 3-3, Creating a DUIC

Figure 3-4, Adding/Modifying DODAACs

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

3-3 Parameter Tables

(1) Code tables and associated data elements work behind the scenes to channel information
into report formats, fund and accounting files, and many other areas. If they are not properly
entered, PB-E will not process your information correctly. Fortunately, most PBOs fall in on
an established PBUSE system where the tables are preset. You will find your Code Tables in
the Reference Data Lookup tab of PB-E’s View/Maintain Parameters screen.

Figure 3-5, Parameter Files

(2) In Appendix D of the EUM you will find a complete listing of the tables and data
elements, along with brief definitions of each. You should review the existing Reference
Lookup tables for accuracy and to familiarize yourself with the codes used in your new

(3) Before you modify any record in the code tables, make sure you coordinate with other
activities who might share the same Installation Code (INS code). This is common in
Reserve Component units under a Regional Readiness Command (RRC). For example, an
RRC may have administrative control of property management for several units in different
commands. If one PBO deletes a code in one of the tables, it will affect every other PBO
within that INS code.

(4) Active Component units are normally assigned one INS code per Battalion (BN) or
Brigade (BDE) sized element. However, problems may still occur if certain elements of code
tables are deleted.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

(5) One of your first actions should be to check the Document Number Assignment table
against the current document number assignment memorandum. The Property Book Officer
is responsible for assigning document number series for every class of supply within their
subordinate command.

(6) Review your Routing Identifier Code, Direct Support (DSU) DODAAC, and MILSTRIP
Property Book tables to make sure the correct Routing Identification Code (RIC) is entered
for your SSA, and all of your supported units’ DODAACs and UICs are loaded.

(7) Table 2-2 in AR 710-2 describes the types of items to be inventoried, and how often you
conduct inventories. PB-E uses the Monthly Sensitive Items Listing table to filter your
complete listing of property when generating the Sensitive Items Listing.

(8) Your Monthly Sensitive Items Listing table should at least contain all of the Controlled
Item Inventory Codes identified in Federal Logistics Record (FEDLOG) by Controlled
Inventory Item Code (CIIC) of “1–6,” “8,” “9,” “N”, “P,” “O,” “R,” “$” or “Y”. You may
need to use additional codes depending on the type of property assigned to your units.
Appendix D in the PB-E EUM gives you a complete listing.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

4. Catalog Management

Catalog Maintenance: Use the Catalog function to query the Standard Catalog, update select
information on the Standard Catalog, add/modify/delete User Created Catalog, view Catalog
Reports, and to view/maintain Asset Description Updates (ADU). See Section 6 of the

4-1 Standard Catalog

This function is broken down into six menu tabs. Within this function minor modifications
can be made to Standard National Stock Number (NSN) and Non-Standard Lin Item
Numbers (NSLIN) and Management Control Numbers (MCN) can be added to the property
book as needed, see Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1, Standard Catalog

(1) FEDLOG Query: The FEDLOG is loaded monthly by LOGSA. The PBO does not have
to take any action to load or update FEDLOG. Some minor adjustments can be made to the
FEDLOG items such as; publication data, unit price, CIIC, and Serial/Registration Number
Requirement Code (SRRC). Once changes have been made to FEDLOG items, the item will
be displayed in your User Created Catalog by simply pushing apply on the screen.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

(2) SB 700-20 Query: Use this tab to display the Army Adopted Item of Materiel and
List of Reportable Items (SB 700-20). The SB 700-20 contains catalog items assigned a Line
Item Number (LIN). The SB 700-20 is updated twice a year in April and September with
data updated by LOGSA and requires no user intervention.

(3) NSLIN Master Catalog Query: This tab allows the user to query NSLIN and MCN for
items that do not have a standard NSN. This function is also linked to SSN-LIN Automated
Management & Integrating System (SLAMIS). If the PBO has an item that has a NSN but no
Line Item Number (LIN), the item can be searched in this menu tab.

(a) Once the item is located, it can be added to the property book under the NSLIN. If the
PBO has a commercial off the shelf (COTS) item that needs to be added to the property
book, the item can be searched in this menu tab.

(b) Once found, the item can be added to the property book under the assigned NSLIN
and MCN. There are five search criteria that can be utilized when searching for an item;
NSLIN, NSN/MCN, Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE Code) number,
part number, and item nomenclature. If the NSLIN or NSN/MCN is not known, the best
search is item nomenclature.

(c) The user can search by a model number, manufacturer name, or any known fact about
the item. When searching by item nomenclature, ensure the condition is set for
“contains”. This allows for the system to search any item that contains the information
provided and will not look for exact matches. Refer to section 6.2.3 of EUM for more

(d) If the item cannot be located in the NSLIN Master Catalog Query menu, then a
request needs to be submitted in SLAMIS. Use the link in this menu tab to take you
directly to the SLAMIS website. You must have a SLAMIS account established to access
the site.

(4) Ammunition Query: This provides you with the ability to obtain the National Item
Identification Number (NIIN), Department of Defense Identification Code (DODIC),
Nomenclature and Material Category (MATCAT). See Figure 4-2.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 4-2, Ammunition Query

(5) Appendix H SB700-20 Query. This query allows users to view substituted LINs in
accordance with SB700-20, Appendix H. This query is also updated with no action required
by PBOs. See Figure 4-3.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 4-3, Appendix H SB 700-20 Query

(6) If you are a new user to SLAMIS, use the tutorials on the website to familiarize yourself
with the website’s functions. See Figure 4-4. Once you are ready to work, click
LIN/NSLIN/DODAC in the left column. Seven sub-functions will appear. To add an item
that could not be located in the NSLIN Master Catalog Query of PBUSE, select add request
to input the information for the item that need to be added. Another sub-menu will appear.
Select NSLIN. The menu will open for you to search for the item within SLAMIS. The
system has two search criteria available in this menu; NIIN and item information. Select the
one most appropriate and proceed to input as much information as possible. The fields that
are required to be filled in are denoted by an asterisk.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 4-4, SLAMIS:

(a) FSG: Use the drop down arrow and select the Federal Supply Group (FSG) of the
item to add to the NSLIN Master Catalog.

(b) FSC: Use the drop down arrow to select the Federal Supply Classification (FSC).
The FSC is related to the FSG that was selected. If the FSC is not listed for the item you
want to add, select another FSG.

(c) General Nomenclature: Provide the general nomenclature of the item.

(d) Part Number or Model Number: Input the part number or model number of the item.

(e) Manufacturer: Input the manufacturer.

(f) CTA: Use the drop down menu to select the Common Table of Allowances (CTA) if

(g) Table Number: Add if applicable.

(h) Number of Record Displayed: Select the number of records you would like to be
displayed during your search.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

(7) Once the system has searched for the item, a new screen appears with the search results.
If items are found that match the information you submit, the system will list the item with
associated NSLIN and NSN/MCN. If no item is found or the items displayed do not appear
to be the item you need, proceed with your request by selecting the prompt underlined text
“click here”. You must select from the drop down menu; NIIN, NSLIN, Developmental LIN
(ZLIN). The request menu will appear. The fields that are required are denoted by an

(a) Reason Request Code: Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate reason for
the request.

(b) Detailed Description: Input a detailed description of the item that needs to be added.

(c) Unit Price: Input the price of the item to be added.

(d) Remaining items: Use the drop down menu to provide as much information on the
item as possible. The more information provided the less the Research Cells will have to
look up or reject your request.

(8) When you have submitted your request, you will receive a notification by e-mail with
your SLAMIS request number to track the status of the request. When the SLAMIS request
has been approved and issued a NSLIN and/or MCN, you will again be notified by e-mail of
the assigned NSLIN and/or MCN. Utilize your NSLIN Master Catalog Query in PBUSE to
insert the data into the User Created Catalog, see Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5, User Created Catalog

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

4-2 User Created Catalog

This process allows the user to add, delete, and modify User Created records. Modified
Standard Catalog records are added to the User Created Catalog.

4-3 Asset Description Update (ADU)

Due to the recent changes with SCP 6.2 you no longer use the Administrative Adjustment
Report to make changes in Make, Model, and National Stock Number (NSN). The ADU
process allows the PBO to make these changes to existing assets on the Standard or User
Created Catalog. This process will affect all the UICs (under one INS code) that have assets
on hand and make the changes with a single posting. This process can also be used to correct
those items listed on the property book as “Not on Catalog”. There are four menu tabs listed
in the ADU process. See section 6.6 of the EUM. Additionally, the ADU process allows
serial numbers to be listed on the Trans-Not Affecting PB Listing as a Document Identifier
Code of ZRG and allows document numbers to be retrieved from the users Document
Number Assignment Code Table rather than using C001 as a document number. This process
was further modified to create new authorizations with a Type Authorization Code (TAC) of
“9” rather than updating existing authorization.

(1) Create ADU: This menu tab allows the PBO to manually input the information needed for
an ADU transaction. With the implementation of SCP 6.2, the mandatory input fields are
now identified using the color red. The following processes within this menu tab are: LIN
change, NSN/MCN change, or LIN and NSN/MCN change, see Figure 4-6.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 4-6, Create ADU

(2) Use the LIN change when the LIN/NSLIN has changed in the standard catalog or in
SLAMIS and listed in the NSLIN Master Catalog. Use the NSN/MCN when changes need to
be made to an existing NSN/MCN because of a catalog change from LOGSA or in SLAMIS.

(3) The PBO has the option of using “FULL ADU” to change the NSN/MCN for all the UICs
listed under your INS code. A PARTIAL ADU will allow the PBO to select specific UICs
and quantity that will be changed. Use the LIN and NSN/MCN when both need to be
changed for an existing item.

(4) ADU Status: This menu tab allows the PBO to view the current status of ADU
transactions submitted within the past 30 days. Please note that ADUs are automatically
removed after 30 days. See Figure 4-7.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 4-7, ADU Status

(5) ADU Process Listing: This menu tab allows the PBO to view successfully processed
ADU transactions for the past two years. This listing provides an audit trail of transactions
that affected the property book. See Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8, ADU Process Listing

(6) Catalog Change Notification: The PBO is notified of all LIN and/or NSN/MCN
discrepancies that must be processed due to changes from an SB 700-20 update. If the PBO
clicks on one of the listings, the system will take you to the Create ADU menu with the
updated information. See Figure 4-9.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 4-9, Catalog Change Notification

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

5. Property Book

5-1 Property Book Identification Codes (PBIC)

Assignment and identification of Property Book Identification codes is determined by

authorization Documents, CTA documents, Army Command (ACOM) regulations, Technical
Manuals (TM), and all non expendable property requested and received by an Army unit or
activity specifically for use by another service or other government service property. For
Property Book Accounting purposes all property is classified as Expendable/Durable and
Non-expendable. This classification leads to the assignment of PBICs to account for property
in the unit property book.

There are several types of property for the subordinate commands of the Army, Army
Reserve and the Army National Guard to account for property in PBUSE.

A PBIC is a one-position code that identifies the type of property contained on a property
book or hand receipt. These codes will correspond with the supply class whenever possible.

The following chart lists all PBICs and can be found in Appendix D of the PBUSE EUM:

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 5-1, Property Book Identification Codes (PBIC)



(1) LOGSA automatically updates PBUSE authorization data for MTOE and TDA
activities with LOGTAAD files. These changes occur on the effective date of the new
authorization document and overwrite existing authorizations. These authorizations will
appear on your property book as PBIC 8 (MTOE, TAC 1) and PBIC 4 (TDA, TAC 2).
The PBO does not have the authority to make changes to TAC 1 and TAC 2

(2) The PBO does have the authorization to view and/or update the non-LOGTAADS
property book authorizations. This would include but is not limited to PBIC 1, 5, 6, and
9. Non-LOGTAADS items would be listed on a CTA or authorized by a document other
than the MTOE or TDA.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

5-1.2 PBIC 6 (Leased/Loaned/Rental equipment)

(1) Due to mission requirements a unit may need additional assets that are above and
beyond their authorizations in order to complete the assigned mission. If this occurs the
unit may submit an Operational Need Statement (ONS). The Director of Logistics
(DOL)/G-4 or equivalent will establish item retention authority. Once the mission is
complete the equipment will be redistributed by the issuing agency accordingly. If the
ACOM of the requesting unit does not have internal excess the ONS shortages may be
filled utilizing Army Loan equipment.

(2) Loan requests for materiel from an Army activity, as well as extensions that are sent
to Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA), Office of Deputy Chief of Staff
(ODCS), G-4 will be submitted on DA Form 4881-6 or electronically. Request will be
made through the same channels that are used for ordering authorized

(3) Requests will be approved by the equipment manager or installation accountable

property officer (APO). The installation APO will serve as the commander's
representative for initiating and consummating loans.

(4) DA Form 4881-6 will be sent through National Guard Bureau (NGB) for Army
National Guard (ARNG) equipment; through the appropriate United States Army Reserve
Command (USARC) Major Subordinate Command (MSC), through the USARC to the
Office of the Chief Army Reserve (OCAR) and the DA staff element for USAR
equipment; through the appropriate ACOM to the proper AMC/MSC for wholesale
materiel, or other source of supply if known; or through the installation or ACOM to HQ,
CMH for historical property.

(5) For extensions beyond the maximum timeframe, where MTOE/TDA authorization
has been requested, DA Form 4610 –R must accompany the extension request. If an
extension is requested beyond the maximum timeframe allowed (2 to 4 years) and
MTOE/TDA authorization is not appropriate, the extension request must include a
request for exception to loan policy along with the appropriate justification. Exception to
loan policy extension requests must be approved at MACOM level and forwarded to
AMC responsible official and HQDA (DALO-SMP) for approval. Only situations of
extreme importance will be approved. Routine requests for loan or lease of Army
materiel will be sent in writing 45 days prior to the date that the materiel is required. The
form will include the following:

(6) Normally, a non-continuing requirement for an item of equipment is one that has a
duration of less than 1 year. Requirements of a non-continuing duration should be
satisfied by use of temporary loan procedures in AR 700-131, chapter 2. Under no
circumstances will any unit using loaned equipment report such equipment as authorized
on their MTOE or TDA document. Use of Army Material Command (AMC), MSC -
loaned property will permit the requesting unit to develop usage data on whether or not
the item should be requested as a permanent addition to the MTOE or TDA.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

(7) Loaned or leased property will be kept on the accountable records of the owning
property account. Loan materiel should not be reported on hand at the borrowing activity
as MTOE/TDA property. It should only be reported as "loan materiel." You will utilize
PBIC 6 to accomplish this. It is very important that you do not mix your MTOE/TDA
assets with Army Loan equipment.

(8) The PBO of the borrowing activity will keep files to provide an audit trail for Army
Loan transactions. Ensure you create a support file that includes at a minimum:

(a) The loan or lease request. If the request was made by telephone (urgent), a copy of
the Memorandum for Record prepared to summarize the call will be used.

(b) The approving authorization to make the loan or lease.

(c) The loan or lease agreement.

(d) DD Form 1348-1A, used for shipping the items and a signed copy verifying

(9) It is very important to keep in mind that Army property will be loaned or leased to the
ACCOUNTABLE PROPERTY OFFICER at the activity where the loan/lease materiel
will be located. You CANNOT further loan or lease the equipment to another agency.

(10) Remember that Army Loaned equipment is just a temporary loan. Materiel will be
loaned or leased only for the number of days needed for the specific purpose for which
borrowed. Loan or lease extensions must be justified. Approval of loan extensions will be
based on the merit of the reasons given and current Army requirements.

(11) Additionally, your units may have loaned or leased equipment that is not in support
of a wartime mission. Items such as copiers that are leased for an extended period of time
will also be maintained on the property book utilizing PBIC 6.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 5-2, Accounting for Army Loan Equipment

5-2.1 LOGTAADS Change Listing

This process displays and prints the LOGTAADS Change Listing. The listing displays
additions, deletions, quantity, and Equipment Readiness Code (ERC) changes to
LOGTAADS authorized items, resulting from the LOGTAADS broadcast/projections.
See Pg 7-11, Para 7.2.4, Figure 7.2-14 in EUM

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 5-3, LOGTAADS Menu

5-2.2 LOGTAADS Visibility Report:

(1) This process displays and prints the LOGTAADS Visibility Listing. The
Visibility Listing contains the past authorization, the present authorization and two future
authorization documents. By viewing the visibility listing, you can see the changes to
your MTOE/TDA for the past, present and projected two years.

(2) The visibility report also allows you to track possible shortages and excess. The
screen reflects the Required, Authorized and On Hand quantity of each MTOE/TDA item
for the past, current and future documents. Therefore you can see which items are going
to be short or excess according to what MTOE changes are going to take place.

5-3 Administrative Adjustment Report (AAR)

Use this function to make minor adjustments to serial numbers, lot numbers, registration
numbers, acquisition cost/date, system numbers, assemble, and disassemble. This function is
not used to change an authorized LIN to a Substitute LIN (SUBLIN) and vise versa. Use the
lateral transfer process for that functionality. There are eight different sub-functions the user
can perform. Only one function can be performed on a single AAR.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 5-4, Asset Adjustment Report, Adjustment Action LOV

Note: Use the ADU processes to change make/model/NSNs.

(1) Change Serial/Reg/Detector Serial Number (SN): This function allows the user to make
changes to serial numbers, registration numbers, and detector numbers. The system will not
allow you to change an existing serial number to one that is already listed on another
property book for the same NSN/MCN. Follow the instructions listed in the EUM for step by
step process.

Figure 5-5, Administrative Adjustment Report, Change Serial Number

(2) Change Lot Number/Qty: This function allows the user to make changes to the Lot
number and/or Lot number/Qty.

(3) Change Acquisition Cost/Date: This function allows the user to make changes to the
acquisition cost and/or acquisition cost/date.

(4) Change Sys Num: This function allows the user to make changes to the system number
for components of an End Item.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

(5) Consumed: This process allows the user to process supplies that have been consumed
such as ammo, Meals Ready to Eat (MRE), etc.
Note: This menu function will affect the on hand quantity.

(6) Assembly: This menu function allows the user to assemble an End Item.
Note: This menu function will affect the on hand quantity.

(7) Disassembly: This menu function allows the user to disassemble an End Item.
Note: This menu function will affect the on hand quantity.

5-4 Asset Adjustment

This function is used to add, modify, and delete materiel items assigned to the selected unit.
This function has four sub-functions user can perform.

(1) Add New Materiel Items: This function is used to add new items to the selected unit’s
property book.

a. Select the appropriate form; all fields in RED are required entries. The Type
Transaction Code is used to identify whether it is an increase or decrease. Make the
appropriate entries into the fields and click the apply button to process.

b. New Materiel Item using a form other than DD Form 200, gaining or losing DODAAC
is required. Make the appropriate entries into the fields and click the apply button to

Figure 5-6, New Materiel Item Screen, Other Than DD Form 200

(2) Posting an Asset Adjustment Increase or Decrease: This process is used to increase or
decrease the on hand quantity of a selected materiel item.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 5-7, Suspense Item, Serial Number Data Displayed

Note: Multiple items may be added to a currently suspended document by entering the
suspense document number in the Doc Num field.

(3) Delete a specific Materiel Item: This process is used to remove a specific materiel item
that has been selected by mistake. Click the delete box located to the materiel item to be
deleted and then click the delete button in the bottom of the page to process.

Figure 5-8, Suspense Item Tab, Materiel Item Deletion

(4) Add New Materiel Item Serial/Registration/Lot Numbers: This process is used to add
serial numbers to the property book. Serial number field contain data if the new item has an
SRRC of A, C, R, S, or T; registration number is required if the SRRC is R; and lot number
is required if the SRRC is W.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 5-9, Add Serial No/Registration No/Lot No Screen

NOTE: If changes are made and do not appear after returning to the Materiel Items tab, click
the Refresh button.

5-5 Lateral Transfer

This function is used to create, transmit and receive lateral transfer documents. Use this
process to transfer materiel items from one UIC to another UIC, from one PBIC to another
PBIC, from ECS to another ECS, change an Authorized LIN to SUBLIN or SUBLIN to an
Authorized LIN. The gaining unit must have authorization for the items being received.

(1) Lateral transfer from one UIC to another UIC. Select the losing UIC then fill the
gaining UIC field. Click the LIN to select the item to transfer, then click apply to process.

Figure 5-10, Lateral transfer from one UIC to another UIC

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

(2) Transfer the document. Notify the gaining PBO after all updates are complete, then
click the OK button on the Notify Gaining PBO confirmation box.

Figure 5-10.1 Notifying Gaining PBO Confirmation

(3) Check the Incoming Lateral Transfer tab. You will also receive notification through
Alert Messages. Find the document number; change the type of action code to from “S”
to “P” then click apply to process.

Figure 5-10.2 Incoming Lateral Transfer

(4) In order to make a LIN a substitute LIN you can process a lateral transfer within the
same UIC. Click the LIN to select the item to process. Type the authorized LIN in the
gaining LIN field, if different, and type the gaining SUBLIN field, then click apply to

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 5-10.3 Lateral Transfer from Authorized LIN to SUBLIN

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

6. Hand Receipts

6-1 Organization Hand Receipt

Use this process to view or print organization and installation equipment hand receipts
utilized for inventories. See pg 8-1, Para 8.2 Figure 8.2-1 in EUM

6-2 Component Query and Component Modify/Add

Use these processes to manage components of major items at the Property Book level. See pg
8-1, Para 8.2 Figure 8.2-1 in EUM.

Figure 6-1, Primary Hand Receipt Menu / Component Modify/Add

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

7. Asset Management

7-1 Excess

(1) Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) prescribes guidance and procedures for
the management of material excess to your command. Units must report serviceable excess
property to their higher command for re-distribution. Excess can be the result of MTOE/TDA
changes, inventory discrepancies, Found on Installation, or incorrect shipments.

(2) Each echelon of command will attempt to redistribute excess property internally prior to
forwarding a request for distribution to higher headquarters. BN PBOs cross-level assets
within the BN to fill shortages. If no shortages exist within the BN then the BN PBO will
forward a request for disposition to the BDE PBO. The BDE PBO will then cross-level the
excess within the BDE. If no shortages exist in the BDE the BDE PBO will forward a request
for disposition to the Division G4. Division G4 will cross-level within the Division. A good
program to utilize in managing your property book is Command Asset Visibility Equipment
Redistribution System - Force and Asset Search Tool (CAVERS FAAST)
( Note: CAVERS-FAAST is not a DA approved asset visibility
system. It is simply a tool available to assist you in managing your property book and
providing you total asset visibility.

Figure 7-1, CAVERS-FAAST Main Menu

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

(3) End items being turned in should be complete with all components and Basic Issue Items
(BII). If end items are not complete, the commander of the element maintaining the
document register for that category of supplies must validate a shortage annex to document
what is missing. Typically, the PBO will validate non-expendable annexes while the unit
commander validates annexes for expendable shortages. Procedures to validate durable
property annexes vary from unit to unit depending on local Standard Operating Procedures
(SOP). Some units retain durable property document registers at the BN S4 level, while
others allow unit commanders to order and validate shortages of durable items. Attach the
shortage annexes to the turn-in document.

(4) All excess and unserviceable classified Communications Security (COMSEC) equipment
and components will be turned in by the COMSEC custodian to the supporting COMSEC
account. Disposal through channels other than COMSEC channels is not authorized.

(5) When property is Found On Installation (FOI) or discovered in a unit and not properly
accounted for the property must be turned into the SSA. FOI property will not be picked up
on organization property records. It will be turned in to the SSA in “as-is” condition. This is
to ensure that the asset is entered back into the supply accounting system. If the finding unit
is short the equipment the SSA can issue the item back to the unit if there is an open
requisition or if one is created. Units will not spend resources to upgrade FOI property prior
to the turn-in.

(6) Classified COMSEC material discovered that are not on COMSEC accountable records
will be immediately reported to the COMSEC custodian. All such discoveries will require
incident reporting as specified in TB 380–41.

(7) Before turning in any damaged, excess, or unserviceable blessed or consecrated items, the
installation staff chaplain will submit a memorandum requesting that the PBO drop such
items from the property book. The request will also state the condition or status of the items,
and that the equipment must be disposed of in a manner acceptable to the distinctive faith
group that blessed or consecrated the items. After the PBO has dropped the items from the
property book, the equipment may be disposed of in the appropriate manner. Such items will
not be turned over to property disposal officers.

(8) No items (regardless of serviceability) will be turned in to the Defense Reutilization and
Marketing Service (DRMS) directly from the unit/organization level. All material will be
turned in to the activity responsible for consolidating and reporting excess material. This
does not preclude the SSA from directing the units to turn in scrap to the DRMS.

7-2 Requisitioning Nonexpendables

(1) In Accordance With (IAW) AR 710-2, commanders will ensure that equipment and
components listed in the authorized column (of the MTOE and TDA) are on hand or on
request. Where available, TAADS-based automated systems such as Distribution Execution
System (DES), Logistics Army authorization document system (LOGTAADS), PBUSE, and

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS) will be used to request MTOE/TDA items.
Exceptions are those granted per AR 71-32, AR 570-7, AR 710-1, and materiel fielded under
Total Package Fielding (TPF).

(2) Determining shortages: It is the responsibility of the PBO to reconcile authorized

allowances annually with the authorization documents. A statement indicating that this
reconciliation has been accomplished by the PBO will be submitted to the commander for
whom the property book is maintained. The commander or designated representative will
personally acknowledge the reconciliation in writing and the PBO will post a copy in front of
the property book. The original will be files in accordance with Army Records Information
Management System (ARIMS).

(3) Requesting nonexpendable shortages: When all units Continental United States
(CONUS) and Outside CONUS (OCONUS) request equipment resulting from approved
future The Army Authorization Documents System (TAADS) changes, they will do so no
sooner than 365 days before the effective date of the authorization document.

(a) Ensure funding is available prior to submitting requests for Operations and
Maintenance Army (OMA) funded items. It is highly recommended that the PBO obtains
a signed request prior to ordering any equipment requiring unit funding. The
Appropriation and Budget Activity (ABA) code determines what type of funding is
required. This code can be located in FEDLOG and is the second digit of the MATCAT

(b) Units will not request items designated for reduction or deletion, as listed on the old
authorization document, once the 365-day threshold is reached.

(c) There is no need to cancel open requisitions for major items projected to be deleted
from authorizations by approved TAADS changes when under 365 days of the effective
date of the approved TAADS authorization document; this will occur automatically.

(d) All supply requests will be submitted to the appropriate SSA. It is highly
recommended that the document number date and the date forwarded be the same to
ensure timely supply action. Urgency of Need Designator (UND) "A" requests will be
delivered by the most expedient means, including voice. When voice is used, each party
will create and file a copy of the request. In the event you submit an offline request
ensure you process a suppressed A0A in PB-E so that you have visibility of the due-in.
The Suppress Code allows establishment of a due-in on the Transaction History File
(THF) without passing an output AØ_ transaction to the SSA. The Suppress Code
utilized is determined by the PBIC of the property book items.

(4) Substitutes: When authorized substitute items (SB 700-20, appendix H) are on hand, the
preferred item must still be placed on order. The use of substitute items is considered a near
term expedient to improve unit readiness and will not relieve the unit from compliance with
AR 310-49 which requires that the unit have authorized equipment on hand or on order.
Equipment to be replaced through force modernization action is an authorized substitute and

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

will be retained until receipt of new equipment. Units of the Active Army, ARNG and US
Army Reserve (USAR) will be equipped in Army Order of Precedence (AOP)/ Issue Priority
Designator (IPD)/ Army Resourcing Priority List (ARPL) sequence with major end items
prescribed by the LIN authorized in applicable authorization documents unless otherwise
directed by Department of the Army (DA).

(a) A list of substitute LINs has been developed by the AMC MSCs and is published in
SB 700-20, appendix H as the approved DA Class VII Substitution List. A substitute LIN
being used in lieu of the authorized LIN must appear in the DA approved list in order to
qualify for readiness reporting purposes per AR 220-1.

(b) The substitute LIN will be reported as an asset on hand, and will be included in
equipment totals for unit status reporting purposes.

(c) Also note that when the substitute LIN is replaced with the authorized LIN, the
substitute LIN will be redistributed per ACOM guidance, per AR 710-2 or reported to the
AMC MSC for disposition instructions.

(d) Several factors utilized in determining that the substitute item is acceptable are:

(1) Being compatible with the Associated Support Items of Equipment (ASIOE) in
the unit.

(2) Performing a similar function and purpose as authorized by the LIN. For
Communications/Electronics equipment, the item must be interoperable with the
existing network, i.e., can do the job/function in an acceptable (not optimal) way.

(3) Having fuel characteristics compatible with the units Petroleum, Oil, & Lubricants
(POL) requirements. It does not have to match the authorized LINs POL

(4) Ammunition availability for the substitute weapons. If the type of ammunition
required for the substitute item is unavailable to the unit on a regular basis, the item
should be rejected.

(5) Possessing similar mobility characteristics. All movement situations should be


(6) Having similar air transportability characteristics.

(7) Maintenance supportability by personnel authorized in the unit MTOE/TDA.

(8) Supply supportability which encompasses repair parts, tools, and Test,
Measurement, & Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE). The supportability criteria is not
based on whether or not the repair parts are on-hand but they be obtained in a timely

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

(5) Ammunition basic loads will be requested on a pre-approved DA Form 581 (Request For
Issue and Turn-In of Ammunition). A suspense document number will be assigned utilizing
PB-E. Quantities of basic load items authorized by an ACOM commander will be on hand or
on a suspense pre-approved DA 581 (request).

7-2.1. Equipment Release Priority System (ERPS), Logistics Information Warehouse

(LIW) Requisition Validation (REQVAL) and Major Item Requisition Validation (MIRV):

The Equipment Release Priority System (ERPS) was developed because the
Army wholesale logistics system was receiving multiple priorities and direct distribution
guidance from many different sources. The resulting piecemeal distribution was often not in
accordance with scheduled documentation changes and caused increases in the number of units
reporting NMC due to low equipment on-hand ratings. The ERPS is aimed toward better
integration of readiness and modernization. It has been designed to assist item managers in
determining the order in which requisitions should be filled and to eliminate receipt of multiple
priorities and directed distribution guidance. The ERPS brings together all HQDA distribution
priority guidance, the Equipment Readiness Code (ERC) and Dynamic Army Priority List
(DARPL) into a single source for near-term execution. While the LIW REQVAL application
provides a single source for validating requisition shortages, ERPS extracts the current year’s
shortages from the LIW REQVAL application database and establishes a priority release
sequence for filling the shortages. This product is provided to wholesale and retail customers on
a monthly basis to use in equipment distribution. This includes a data feed into the wholesale
systems (CCSS/LMP) via the Major Item Requisition Validation (MIRV) front-end edit process.

The Major Item Requisition Validation (MIRV) system is defined in Army Regulation 725-50 as
a wholesale supply source program (Commodity Command Standard System (CCSS)) which
provides the major item manager with a method of maintaining valid backordered requisitions in
release sequence under the proper line item number (LIN). This system provides automated
support for major item requisitioning under MILSTRIP and supports the functions of materiel
managers at the commodity commands. The data comes from the Requisition/Validation system
maintained by the Army Materiel Command (AMC) Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA) (link
to the LOGSA homepage: Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA) Homepage).

(Note: Life Cycle Management Command (LCMC) is current vernacular for what was
previously referred to as an AMC Major Subordinate Command (MSC) or Commodity

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

8. Activity Register

There are several reports that you will need to produce on a daily, weekly, and/or on a monthly
basis. These reports will be produced IAW local SOP.

Figure 8-1, Activity Register Menu

8-1 Activity Register Report (All)

This option is used to display the Activity Register Report for all active (open) transactions.
See pg 10-1, Para 10-1, Figure 10-12 in EUM.

8-2 Transaction Affecting PB Balance

This option is used to display those transactions that have processed and posted to the
property book. It is limited to the past 30 days of transactions and displays a limit of 100
transactions. This report resets at midnight (Eastern Standard Time). See pg 10-13a, Para
10.3, Figure 10.3-1 in EUM.

8-3 Transaction NOT Affecting PB Balance

This option displays transactions that have been processed, but do not affect the property
book balance. If you exceed 100 transactions in a single day you will need to select Entire

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Report. The daily transaction lists will reset and purge every night at midnight. See pg 10-
13b, Para 10-3, Figure 10.3-2 in EUM.

8-4 Inactive Activity Register (All)

This option is used to display the Activity Register Report for all inactive (closed)
transactions. See pg 10-5, Para 10.2.2, Figure 10.2-5 in EUM.

8-5 Input Transaction Report

This report provides a listing of all transactions processed to the system that day. The input
transaction report will reset and purge every night at midnight. See pg 10-18, Para 10.5,
Figure 10.5-1 in EUM.

Figure 8-2, Reports Menu

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

9. Asset Visibility

9-1 Unit Equipment Readiness Listing (UERL)

This listing provides commanders with equipment readiness information as required by AR

220-1, Unit Status Reporting. The UERL can be produced for a parent level UIC. See pg 11-
2, Para 11.2.1, Figure 11.2-1 in EUM

9-2 Excess/Shortage Report

Use this tab to view excess/shortages for a unit level or parent level. It can be sorted by UIC
or LIN. The screen also displays the total dollar amount for Procurement Army (PA) and
OMA items, to include the grand total dollar amount. See pg 11-32, Para 11.2.5, Figure 11.2-
40 in EUM.

Figure 9-1, Asset Visibility Menu / Excess/Shortage Report

9-3 Task Force Asset Visibility

PB-E enables you to create and management locally assigned task forces within your Titular UIC
(UIC ending in FF) and allows you to provide asset visibility for each Task Force. Use the
following procedures to display a Task Force structure, search for a specific unit within a
Task Force, and to print a Task Force structure.

(1) From the Asset Visibility menu, click View/Add/Modify Task Force to display the User
Created Task Force screen, View Task Force tab.

(2) Click the symbol in front of the Task Force to display the subordinate Units.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

(3) Click the symbol to display more subordinate units.

(4). To locate a specific unit within a task force:

(a) Click the Search button to display the Search screen (Figure 11.5-3).

(b) Click the Task Force LOV and select a Task Force.

(c) Enter either a partial or complete UIC or Unit Name and click the Find button to
display the unit. Partial entries may return multiple units.

(d) Click the UIC to display the Unit in bold text within the Task Force structure.

(e) To print the Task Force as displayed, click the Print button.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

10. Reports

10-1 Cyclic Inventory Listing

This report provides a listing that is used to conduct and record inventories (100% or cyclic).
The listing is produced based on the UIC and LIN range entered. See pg 12-1, Para 12.2,
Figure 12.2-1 in EUM.

Figure 10-1, Cyclic Inventory Listing Search Screen

10-2 Sensitive Item Inventory Listing

This process produces the listing that identifies the sensitive, explosive, and hazardous items
that must be inventoried. The listing can be produced for a specific UIC and LIN range
(optional). The LINs are selected based on their assigned CIIC and the CIICs entered in the
Monthly Sensitive Items Code Table. See pg 12-3, Para 12.3 Figure 12.3-1 in EUM.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 10-2, Sensitive Item Inventory

10-3 Parent Level Property Listing Organizational

The parent level property listing provides you with asset visibility for a 4-position parent
UIC. This includes but is not limited to authorizations, on-hand balances, and due-ins. See
pg 12-6, Para 12.4, Figure 12.4-1 in EUM.

10-4 Dollar Value Listing

This option provides a financial (dollar) accounting listing of all assets for a UIC for a
specified PBIC and dollar value. The listing also provides dollar value rollups by fund
category based on the ABA code assigned to the asset. See pg 12-9, Para 12.6, Figure 12.6-1
in EUM.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 10-3, $ Value/Capital Equipment Listing

10-5 Consolidated Property Book

This option provides a listing of all property book assets required, authorized, on-hand, or
due-in for the specified PUIC, PBIC, and LIN range entered. Note that the display of
Serial/Registration/Lot/System Numbers on the listing is optional. See pg 12-13, Para 12.7


Your schedule to generate these reports may vary according to local SOP, the size of your
unit, and your service component policies. For example, you may decide to run your Activity
Register menu reports daily and review transactions against your supporting documents, or
even weekly if you process only a few transactions throughout the week. You might have a
monthly primary hand receipt update and prefer the primary hand receipt holder to sign
immediately after the update(s).

Since your subordinate units now have access to the same data through US-E, you can
eliminate the need to generate some of these reports at the PBO level. Granting battalion S4s
the appropriate read-only roles will allow them to print their own copies of the Unit
Equipment Readiness Listing (UERL) each month when USR is due, and company
commanders can easily print their own reference copies of their Primary Hand Receipts,
Dollar Value Listings, or Excess/Shortage reports as needed. The matrix listed on the
following page depicts certain reports and the recommended frequency that they should be

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 10-4, Reports Matrix

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

11. Interfaces

11-1 Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS) Interface

SARSS is used to manage the Army’s distribution pipeline and stock control at the Army
retail level. SARSS performs the critical functions of inventory management, storing,
ordering and receiving of supplies and equipment. Units of all types submit requisitions
through SARSS for all classes of supply, and receive status on those requisitions during the
interface process with SARSS.

With PB-E, the preferred method of interfacing with SARSS is through Secure File Transfer
Protocol (SFTP) network connection. SFTP interface is quick, reliable and saves time for
operators of both STAMIS systems. As a secondary option, PB-E also can send transactions
and receive status via floppy diskette, although this method may increase the risk of data loss
or corruption.

Detailed instructions for setting up the SARSS/PB-E interface can be found in Appendix H
of the EUM. However, there are a few issues you should be aware of if you are having
difficulty interfacing with the SARSS system:

(1) Since PB-E is completely Web-based, there is no direct connection between the PB-E
computer on your desk and the SARSS computer that supports you. Instead, PB-E users
generate transactions on the PBUSE server behind the Army Knowledge Online (AKO)
portal at Ft. Belvoir, VA. SARSS “talks” to the PBUSE server, pulls any transaction files
marked for that particular SARSS system, and sends the requisition status back to be
updated in the units’ PB-E Activity Register.

(2) A common problem with communication between PBUSE and SARSS is the local
installation computer network management policy. If the network manager blocks the
SARSS server’s access to AKO, the SARSS operator will not be able to communicate
with the PBUSE server. Close coordination between your supporting Combat Service
Support Automation Management Officer (CSSAMO) and your installation network
manager can help to eliminate this problem.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 11-1, SARSS SFTP

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

12. Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE)

12-1 OCIE Maintenance

The OCIE functional area is used to add, maintain, transfer, and delete personnel records as
they relate to clothing and individual issue equipment. It also provides the capability to issue,
maintain, and inventory OCIE, and create roll-up and asset visibility reports for OCIE.

Figure 12-1, OCIE Menu

12-1.1 Personnel

The Personnel tab displays two types of records, individual personnel and bulk sub-hand
receipt holders. The individual records display the last four digits of the Social Security
Number, while the bulk records display the sub-hand receipt number.

12-1.2 Personnel Transfer

Use this process to initiate a transfer of an individual, or group of individuals to another

unit with all or part of the OCIE. This is the first step in a multi-step process. After
completing this process, the losing PBO must perform the actions in the Personnel
Transfer Suspense. Next, the gaining unit must perform the actions in the Holding Area.
And finally, the gaining unit must complete the transfer by performing the actions for an
incoming lateral transfer.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

12-2 OCIE Suspense

12-2.1 Personnel Transfer Suspense

The following two steps are required to complete a personnel transfer:

(1) Personnel Transfer Suspense. This process has different functionality depending upon
user permissions. At the property book level it is the final step prior to transferring
personnel out of the unit. At the unit level, it permits the removal of transfer records and
the viewing of personnel and OCIE data prior to transfer. From the Main Menu, click
OCIE, and then click Personnel Transfer Suspense to display the OCIE Suspense
Screens, Personnel Transfer Suspense tab.

(2) Complete a Personnel Transfer utilizing PB-E. Click the Assign Doc Number
checkbox on the row to be transferred or click the checkbox next to the Assign Doc
Number label to select all rows. Enter the Gaining UIC(s), if necessary. Click the Apply
button and click the OK button on the document number dialog box.

12-2.2 Holding Area

This process is used by the gaining unit to accept personnel from a personnel transfer.
From the Main Menu, click OCIE, and then click Holding Area to display the OCIE
Suspense Screens, Holding Area tab.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 12-2, OCIE Suspense Screens, Holding Area Tab

12-2.2.1 View the Transfer OCIE

Click the Losing Doc Number to display the Document Number screen. The screen
displays all of the OCIE for the selected document number. Click the Individual to
display the Individual screen.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 12-3, Document Number Screen

12-3 Reports

The OCIE functional area provides two different report processes, OCIE Rollup Report and
the unit level OCIE (UL OCIE) Asset Visibility Report.

(1) OCIE Rollup Report. Use this report to view OCIE by unit or by clothing size. It
provides the flexibility to tailor the report to meet specific needs. Also, the system saves a
copy of each unit report. From the Main Menu, click OCIE and then click Roll-up to
display the OCIE Reports screen, OCIE Rollup Report tab.

(2) UL OCIE Asset Visibility Report. This report displays the OCIE for a selected unit by
LIN and shows the OCIE holders. From the Main Menu, click OCIE and then click UL
OCIE Asset Visibility to display the OCIE Reports screen, UL OCIE Asset Visibility
Report tab

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

13 Chief’s Helpful Hints

13-1 Digital Filing

When printing hard copies of reports for files or distribution, save a copy of the electronic
file from PB-E in a folder by month, by parent organization, or by UIC. Having a regular
routine of saving electronic files can help you develop a historical record of all reports for
“soft copy” quick reference, or to reestablish operations if paper copies are misplaced. If a
supported unit is in a remote location, having electronic copies to email will eliminate
mail/fax delays.

In addition to the standard PB-E reports, you may also want to consider scanning and filing
supporting documents as image files saved by document number, Julian Date/Sequence
Number or in folders by UIC/DODAAC. This gives you quick access to your supporting
documents, and will enable you to leave your hard copies in a safe location while deployed.
Using your scans for research also means you no longer have to use large binders and
document protectors to “display” your hard copies. You can simply file paper copies in
folders for safekeeping, which greatly reduces the need for storage space.

Note: Recommend that you back-up your computer hard drive weekly or as needed.

Sample of items to include in the Unit digital file:

Cyclic Inventory Listing
Sensitive Item Inventory Listing
Primary Hand Receipt
Transaction Affecting/Not Affecting Balance
Unit Equipment Readiness Listing

Sample of items to include in the Digital Supporting Document file:

Turn-in Documents
Issue Documents
Activity Reports
Input Transaction Reports

13-2 Asset File Validation

Manually reporting assets through Continuing Balance System–Expanded (CBS-X) is no

longer a requirement. LOGSA automatically pulls this data from your PB-E system.
However, as the PBO you have a requirement to check for PB-E errors that can cause
reporting data rejects at LOGSA. You can check for PB-E errors through the Logistics
Information Warehouse (LIW).

To view any PB-E errors in LIW follow the steps listed below:

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

(1) Sign into the Logistics Information Warehouse (LIW) at

(2) Under applications click on “WebLIDB”

(3) Under WEBLIDB reporting click on “Reportable Assets”

(4) Under Assets Load you have two options “Transaction Rejects–PBUSE” and
Transactions Rejects–PBUSE RECON”. The Transaction Rejects–PBUSE process will
display the errors as a result of the daily PB-E upload (this is an automatic process) and
the Transaction Rejects – PBUSE RECON will errors resulting from the PBUSE RECON

(5) Click on Transaction Rejects – PBUSE. In this area you can pull your report by
Interface Code (s). Click on the interface code that corresponds with your unit, move it to
the right by clicking on the arrow, then click on the “running man” icon in the top right
corner of the screen. In a few minutes your report will be visible under the Report Status
Bar (on your left); click on this link, a separate window will appear listing the errors that
you have. Most errors are related to cataloging and can be corrected by requesting the
correct LIN and/or NSN through SLAMIS.

Figure 13-1, LIW Transaction Reject Reports

13-3 External Resources: Microsoft Excel

Most reports you will find in PB-E are not in a true spreadsheet format and cannot be sorted
or used for calculations without some additional formatting. For example, the Consolidated
Property Listing dumps each line of data into the first cell of each row with data separated by
spaces and also leaves out repeated LINs when multiple NSNs occur under the same LIN.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

This makes for a “cleaner” printout and is easily understandable but is not much use to
serious data managers.

MS Excel has the power to convert those PB-E reports from easily read, but non-functional
printouts into extremely valuable data management tools. With the use of simple functions
and formulas, you can extract and condense useful information from large amounts of data in
a spreadsheet, such as totals of specific types of equipment on hand, or the total amount of
stock-funded shortages in a specific unit. You can use other spreadsheets as a reference to
data fields in your main spreadsheet, and set up functions to automatically fill in data
elements just by typing a single reference.

MS Excel’s Insert Function dialog will walk you through the process step-by-step, and even
asks you to “Type a brief description of what you want to do” if you are not sure what
function to use.

Figure 13-2, MS Excel’s “Insert Function” dialog

You can find a series of PowerPoint slideshows called “MS Excel for the PBO” designed
specifically for the Property Book Officer on Battle Command Knowledge Systems (BCKS)

This progressive class series uses screen shots of the entire process, step-by-step, of
converting a Consolidated Property Listing (CPL) into a spreadsheet format, and introduces
some basic functions and techniques along the way. By following the step-by-step processes
in the slideshows, you can change the CPL from a “dead” text document to a spreadsheet
with each data field in a separate cell. Once you have converted the CPL you will be able
sort, filter, calculate and perform numerous other functions with the raw data directly from

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

your property book. With practice, this process can be completed in as little as 10 minutes
and become part of your daily routine.

Figure 13-3, “MS Excel for the PBO”

13-4 Useful Websites

LOG 911: This site is run by LOGSA and is where you can pose logistical questions to be
answered by LOGSA personnel.

ETMs Online: This LOGSA-run site is where you can view and download various types of
manuals, the most popular type being Technical Manuals (TMs). Some restricted TMs
require a LOGSA user ID and password to be viewed or downloaded.

PS Magazine Online: This is an electronic version of the LOGSA published PS Magazine.

They offer an archive of past publications as well.

Sets, Kits, and Outfits (SKOs) Online: This is where you can view the latest components of
your sets, kits and outfits in the form of component listings (CL).

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

LIW: This LOGSA managed website offers various tools to track requisitions, query serial
numbers, research unit info, and numerous other similar types of tools.

Parts Tracker: This is a part of LIW and allows you to research the status of requisitions
through the use of document numbers.

WebLIDB (Logistics Integrated Database): LIDB consolidates data from dozens of

maintenance, supply, cataloging, and transportation sources to allow users to build reports
and conduct research.

SLAMIS: This activity establishes non-standard catalog records for use in PBUSE.

DLA Customer Handbook: This helpful tool will allow you to decipher many of the codes
you can run across when working in the field of logistics.

Battle Command Knowledge Systems, LOGNET: An Army-sponsored knowledge-sharing

network for logisticians in any area. LOGNET features discussion forums, libraries of useful
files ranging from PowerPoint briefings and classes, to SOPs, supply calculators, and more.

Army e-Learning offers free interactive training on hundreds of subjects, from management
skills, logistics, foreign language training, and software for networking and office
productivity. The website also has digitized versions of thousands of management and
software related publications, also free. Many of the available titles cost more than $100 in
published form, but are available to you online for reference at no cost.

Log Tool: offers you a shortcut to many useful logistical websites as well as
many other great sources.

United States Army Force Management Support Agency: USAFMSA website enables you
to view all authorization documents as well as the CTA’s.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Appendix A: Figure Index

Figure 2-1, PBUSE Job Aids
Figure 2-2, PBUSE Help menu
Figure 3-1, User Roles - Write Capabilities
Figure 3-2, User Roles
Figure 3-2.1, DUIC Request Process
Figure 3-3, Creating a DUIC
Figure 3-4, Adding/Modifying DODAACs
Figure 3-5, Parameter Files
Figure 4-1, Standard Catalog
Figure 4-2, Ammunition Query
Figure 4-3, Appendix H SB 700-20 Query
Figure 4-4, SLAMIS:
Figure 4-5, User Created Catalog
Figure 4-6, Create ADU
Figure 4-7, ADU Status
Figure 4-8, ADU Process Listing
Figure 4-9, Catalog Change Notification
Figure 5-1, Property Book Identification Codes (PBIC)
Figure 5-2, Accounting for Army Loan Equipment
Figure 5-3, LOGTAADS Menu
Figure 5-4, Asset Adjustment Report, Adjustment Action LOV
Figure 5-5, Administrative Adjustment Report, Change Serial Number
Figure 5-6, New Materiel Item Screen, Other Than DD Form 0200
Figure 5-7, Suspense Item, Serial Number Data Displayed
Figure 5-8, Suspense Item Tab, Materiel Item Deletion
Figure 5-9, Add Serial No/Registration No/Lot No Screen
Figure 5-10, Lateral transfer from one UIC to another UIC
Figure 5-10.1 Notifying Gaining PBO Confirmation
Figure 5-10.2 Incoming Lateral Transfer
Figure 5-10.3 Lateral Transfer from Authorized LIN to SUBLIN
Figure 6-1, Primary Hand Receipt Menu / Component Modify/Add
Figure 7-1, CAVERS-FAAST Main Menu
Figure 8-1, Activity Register Menu
Figure 8-2, Reports Menu
Figure 9-1, Asset Visibility Menu / Excess/Shortage Report
Figure 10-1, Cyclic Inventory Listing Search Screen
Figure 10-2, Sensitive Item Inventory
Figure 10-3, $ Value/Capital Equipment Listing
Figure 10-4, Reports Matrix
Figure 11-1, SARSS SFTP
Figure 12-1, OCIE Menu
Figure 12-2, OCIE Suspense Screens, Holding Area Tab
Figure 12-3, Document Number Screen
Figure 13-1, LIW Transaction Reject Reports

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Figure 13-2, MS Excel’s “Insert Function” dialog

Figure 13-3, “MS Excel for the PBO”

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Appendix B: References
Automated Information System Manual Global Combat Support System Army/Tactical Property Book
Unit Supply Enhanced End User Manual, 1 July 2007.

AR 10-87, Army Commands, Army Service Component Commands and Direct Reporting Units,
4 September 2007

AR 220-1, Unit Status Reporting, 19 December 2006

AR 220-20, Army Status of Resources and Training System (ASORTS) – Basic Identity Data
Elements (BIDE), 19 March 2004

AR 700-131, Loan, Lease, and Donation of Army Materiel, 23 September 2004

AR 700-142, Materiel Release, Fielding, and Transfer, 21 February 2006.

AR 708-1, Logistics Management Data and Cataloging of Supplies and Equipment, 21 July 2000.

AR 710-2, Supply Policy Below the National Level, 8 July 2005.

AR 710-3, Asset and Transaction Reporting System, 31 March 1998.

AR 725-1, Special Authorizations and Procedures for Issues, Sales and Loans, 17 October 2003.

AR 725-50, Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System, 15 November 1995.

AR 735-5, Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability, 28 February 2005.

DA PAM 700-142, Instructions For Materiel Release, Fielding, and Transfer, 2 August 2004.

DA PAM 708-1, Cataloging of Supplies and Equipment, Management Control Numbers, 1 August 2000.

DA PAM 710-2-1, Using Unit Supply System (Manual Procedures), 31 December 1997.

DA PAM 710-2-2, Supply Support Activity Supply System: Manual Procedures, 30 September 1998.

Property Book-Enhanced Survival Guide for the New Property Book Officer

Appendix C: Credits

Original Survival Guide Prepared by:

WOAC Class 003-2007, 920A Team 1
CW2 Greg Besaw (Team Leader)
CW3 David Bell
CW3 Deborah Butrim
CW3 Rodney McLeod
CW2 Peter Castro
CW2 Carmina Quintanillae

1st Revision Completed by:

WOAC Class 001-2008, 920A Team 1
CW3 Brenda Bailey (Team Leader)
CW3 Tameko Friend
CW2 Franco Collart
CW2 Elizabeth Gibbs
CW2 Darlene Golden-Brown
CW2 Jarrod Jermstad

Cover Image Copyright Information

The cover image is a collage created by CW2 Paul Pishnak compiled of Images from the
Army Web site. These images are cleared for release and are considered in the public

Photos that comprise the collage Courtesy of U.S. Army and consist of:
Photo 11359 by Department of the Army
Photo 10952 by Staff Sgt. Russell Lee Klika July 19, 2006
Photo 11654 by Petty Officer 2nd Class Eli J. Medellin October 11, 2006
Photo 11837 by Sgt. 1st Class Dexter D. Clouden October 31, 2006


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