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Mindanao State University

General Santos City

College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering

Name: Angelica R. Curambao BS CEN IV

Time/Day: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM, MTH
Subject: CE 141 – Transportation Engineering I
Instructor: Engr. Steve Anthony N. Lim
Due Date: June 03, 2019 (Monday)

As is stands today, traffic congestion, especially in intersections during peak hours, is a

major concern for transportation engineers of the city (i.e. General Santos City). A good way of
mitigating this problem is by using proper transportation planning. What are the processes of
transportation planning? How are they prepared and implemented?
Transportation congestion are frequently observed in large urbanized area affecting
everything that relies on transportation. Rodrigue et al (2006), stated that the transport system
supports economic activities particularly in cities where there are high level of concentration and
accumulation of such activities. During rush or peak hours when people are going to work, school
and home, a multitude of vehicles are travelling in urban roads causing traffic especially in
intersection areas where people are suffering predominantly in recurrent queues, delays and time
wastage. According to Singh and Gupta (2018), traffic flow interruptions usually occur in
intersections where there are two or more roads cross. There are no other location within the street
and highway systems have vehicular conflicts than at road intersections (Mchsare et al., 1998).
Transportation planning process has several steps as stated by the FHWA and FTA (2007).
In order to identify strategies and plans to mitigate the traffic congestion, problems should be
observed, this can be done through the (1) monitoring of the existing conditions. Comprehensive
collection and analysis of data, including spot speed, volume, capacity, and highway safety studies,
helps in finding the most appropriate type of strategies that should be created;
(2) Forecasting of the future population and employment growth including the assessment
of land use and identification of major growth corridors;
(3) Identification of the current and projected future transportation problems and needs,
and analysis of these through detailed planning studies, and creating various improvement
(4) Development of long-range and short-range plans of alternative capital improvement
and operational strategies for transportation;
(5) Estimation of the impacts of the recommended future improvements to the
transportation system on environmental features, and;
(6) Development of financial plan to secure sufficient revenues to cover the cost of
It can be inferred from the processes, 2, 3, 4, and 5, that in order for the plans to be made,
a thorough assessment of the present and the possible implications on the future should be done,
whether or not it will affect the community and its development, and whether it will solve the
problems identified on process 1.
Meanwhile, Garber and Hoel (2008) formulated a seven-step planning process for the
organization of work that is necessary in development of the plant, this includes;
(1) Situation Definition, which involves activities required to understand situations that
caused the need for improvement of the transportation.
(2) The second step is problem definition, where problems are described in the terms of the
objectives to be accomplished by the project and for the translation of these objective to enable
quantification. This helps to measure the effectiveness of a proposed transportation project.
(3) Search for solutions, which is the third step, means as it says. Ideas, designs, location,
and system configurations should all be thought out in this phase. This is technically the
brainstorming stage, and this may need data gathering for the project to be realized.
(4) Analysis of performance should be done to estimate how each of the proposed ideas
would operate under present and future conditions.
(5) Evaluation of alternatives: This is to determine how well each proposed idea achieved
the objectives determined on the second phase. The data from the fourth phase are used in order
to be able to compute the benefits and costs of the selected idea.
(6) Choice of project: Selection is made by considering all the factors involved. This is
where all the criteria are weighed out. Is it effective but costly? Is it less effective but is also less
costly? etc.
(7) Specification and construction: Once the selection is done, the process moves unto a
more detailed design phase in which each components of the facility is specified. This includes,
physical location, geometric dimensions, and structural configuration. Materialization of the
project is also done on this phase.
The intersection of Salvani Street with Aparente Street in Barangay City Heights, is one of
the heavily congested intersections within the city. Using concepts in transportation planning,
propose a method to mitigate this dilemma. Specify and/or enumerate the steps that need to be
taken to achieve your proposed method. What are the possible hindrances/obstacles that your
proposed plan may face? Enumerate and elaborate as many as you can.
As the common subjects on the two processes mentioned above, we must first identify and
assess the situation on the intersection stated. Realization of the problems, and formulation of
possible solutions that is cost-effective and benefits the public.
In addressing the problems, which is mainly the congestion of traffic on the intersection of
Salvani and Aparente Street, the personal driving habits of the driver should be considered. Traffic
congestion is caused mainly by improper habits of driver such as overtaking, especially to the
impatient drivers who cannot wait for their turn in crossing in which they try to insert on the
ongoing traffic which may lead to blockage of other roads causing a great disaster. Though it may
be quite ambitious to conduct seminars, an awareness should be done since it has a positive effect
on the society.
My second take for this would be road expansion, through adding lanes, the volume would
be greater. However due to the residential areas without setbacks from the road, it is impossible to
implement the road widening. Additionally, as observed, the road have holes making it difficult
for the vehicles to pass, thus, road repair must be done.
Lastly, assignation of traffic enforcer to foresee the overall traffic on the area. Traffic
enforcers lessen traffic tension by acting on the problem stated above, which is the forced crossing
of vehicles. This is probably my most preferred method on addressing the issues, traffic enforcers
can understand the behavior of the drivers which may be a positive feedback on the drivers.
FHWA and FTA (2007), The Transportation Planning Process Key Issues: A Briefing
Book for Transportation Decisionmakers, Officials, and Staff, FHWA-HEP-07-039, FHWA and
FTA (; at
Garber, N. J., & Hoel, L. A. (2009). Traffic & Highway Engineering (4th ed.) Canada, MA:
Cengage Learning.
Singh, R. & Gupta, R. (2018). A Review Paper on Traffic Regulation at Highway
Intersection. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN:
2395-0056 Volume: 05 Issue: 08 | Aug 2018
Rodrigue JP, Comtois C, Slack B (2006). The Geography of Transport Systems, London:
Mchsane WR, Roess PR, Prassas ED (1998). Traffic Engineering, Second Edition New
Jersey: Prentice Hall.

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