New Doc 2019-06-09 07.11.27

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lente iti your Aol no wiemcestintely) al No argh, = - - Sessional Teat 3. Teh - Ftr Sem Septembare; aper Code 1- ETEC 40S Sabin Wireleet Comm’ tak te 1 hes Man. Marke :- 30 ae Mbempt any Maer portions Gc) Wate. the pence of Lutaelers temeunuab, bytes , _ (0 net ora Deone ond onplase mrp ke access Lechmegpues : a (to marks) O73 Explore dimeacty Lecheryue te dital (10 mas) OY Wale short nelii on tn ‘ a) GSM b) GPRS i (10 make) Please write your Exam Rott No) Exam Rolt No. EnpD TERM EXAMINATION Seventi Semester [B. Teck] Novemser-Decesen 2018 [Paper Code: ETEC-405 ‘Subject: Wireless Communication. ‘Time: 3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks: 75 Qi (a) What is the necessity of having a large number of cell sités in a system? Differentiate between LMDS & MMDS applications of WLL technology. Explain different types of spread spectrum techniques? Compare 18-95, Cdma2000 & WCDMA i 18 of Power Control cs ee t out the features of Cordless telephone systems? Consider that geographical service {001 radio channels are available for handling traffic. ‘Suppo: ‘area of a cell is 12 km?. How many times would the cluster of size 7 have to be replicated in order to cover the entire ? Calculate the no, of channels per cell and the system (Sx3=15) Q3-_ (a) Draw & explain PCS Network Architecture in detail (0) What is diversity in wireless Communication? Explain different of diversity techniques/ Q4 (a) Explain GSM Protocol Architecture in detail with the help of diagram. a (0) GSM uses a frame structure where each frame consists of 6 times slot ‘and each time slot contains 156.25 bits and data is transmitted over a ‘channel at 27..833 bps. Find ime duration . (ivJHow long must a user wail when occupying a single time slot between ‘two successive transmissions? 8) QS (a) Mlustrate the step by step procedure for mobile initiated call stablishment procedure giving the type of logical channel with sub- ayer categories of GSM Layer (10) employs a total bandwidth of 600 MHz and an - bandwidth of 100 Hz. What is the minimum no. of PN bits required for each frequency gap? 8) Q6 _ (@) Describe Operation & Encapsulation in Mobile IP. (9) (b) Explain mobility management in GPRS. (6) 7 (a)Briefy describe UMTS Network Architecture, Identify various rfaces used in its different entities. @) (6) Erecues Pro. By Average fade duration, Depth offeing? ise oe a i] (a) Explain essential requirements and various standerds of IEEE 803.11. im (b) What is WPAN technology? Write down its standard & its various applications. 8) Write ehort notes on: - (2) Comparison of case studies of IRIDIUM with GLOBALSTAR. 8) (b] Hidden && exposed node problem in MANET. a cc ecco Ew eb

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