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Proc ASEAN Congr Trop Med Parasitol. 2008;3:38-42.

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Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Indonesia.

Why is West Java
Having the Highest Endemicity?

Ridad Agoes1, Sadeli Masria2

Graduate School of Public Health, Padjadjaran University


Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University


F rom December 2003, outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza were reported in poultry populations
in Indonesia and beyond. Within Southeast Asia and the wider Asian region, outbreaks have been
reported in at least 15 countries, including Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the
Lao PDR, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. The strain, identified as H5N1, has led to massive
die-offs in bird, chicken, and duck populations. In Indonesia, > 90 million poultry were either culled or died.
Within these countries, the disease has also infected a significant number of people. To date, 235 human
cases of avian influenza H5N1 have been detected in several countries, including Indonesia. Of this number,
105 casualties (44.7%) were reported from Indonesia alone. The majority of human cases have resulted
from direct contact between humans and infected poultry or contaminated environments. In a few instances,
limited human-to-human transmission of the virus could not be ruled out. Despite this, there have been no
large clusters of human cases, indicating that the virus has not yet adapted for widespread human-to-human
transmission; however, the high prevalence and different mortality rates within the region require more intense
study. Among the 29 provinces of Indonesia, 12 have reported human fatalities, with West Java holding the
highest case fatality rate (CFR–25 deaths from 31 infections. This paper discusses the factors causing West
Java Province to have the highest mortality rates in the country. With the global spread of the virus and its
pandemic potential, measures should be found to respond to outbreaks, including enhanced surveillance,
outbreak management, and hospital preparedness.

Keywords: human avian influenza, West Java, high prevalence

Background resurfaced in Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, China,

Avian influenza, or bird flu, is a zoonotic poultry Japan, Lao PDR, South Korea, and Vietnam, in late
disease caused by a subtype of the H5N1 virus, which 2003-early 2004 (source: Centers for Disease Control
primarily affects domestic poultry and wild birds. and Prevention). By 2007, the disease had reportedly
The virus first appeared in Hong Kong, in 1997, and spread to 13 countries.
The year 2007 marked a watershed in terms of
Correspondence: human fatalities. Indonesia was the worst-affected
Ridad Agoes, country, with over 124 cases and 100 documented
E-mail: <> human deaths, followed by Vietnam. One real fear,

38 P r o c o f t h e 3 rd A S E A N C o n g r o f Tr o p M e d a n d P a r a s i t o l . P a r a s i t e s : a H i d d e n T h r e a t t o G l o b a l H e a l t h
Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Indonesia. Why is West Java Having the Highest Endemicity?

Map of Indonesia

Table 1 Current H5N1 avian influenza situation; April 2008, the deadly H5N1 virus had claimed over
human cases in Asia. 216 lives globally from 349 confirmed cases (source:
Countries Confirmed Confirmed As of March 2008, human cases of avian influenza
cases deaths have been found in at least 13 of 33 Indonesian
provinces (North Sumatra, Riau, South Sumatra,
Indonesia 129 105 Lampung, Banten, Greater Jakarta, West Java, Central
Vietnam 104 50 Java, East Java, South Sulawesi, and West Sulawesi),
China 29 19 with 124 confirmed cases and 100 deaths. The CFR, at
Thailand 25 17 around 87.5%, is higher than other Asian countries.
Total (14) 366 232 Infected poultry flocks have been found in 27
of Indonesia’s 33 provinces. Domestic ducks, which
are common in many parts of Indonesia, including
Table 2 AI Mortality in Indonesia. Java and Bali, can excrete large quantities of highly
pathogenic viruses without any visible signs of illness.
Year Confirmed Confirmed CFR (%) Their silent role in maintaining transmission further
cases deaths complicates control in poultry and makes human
avoidance of risky behaviors more difficult.
2005 20 13 65 AI case clusters have been found in 8 events; the
2006 55 45 81 largest was in Karo District, North Sumatra, where 7
2007 42 37 88 of 9 cases died. Poultry and pigs have been identified
2008 16 13 81 as possible vectors. Several experts, and the WHO,
Total 133 108 81 suspect limited human-to-human transmission, due to
the finding of adapted H5N1 virus receptor 2.6, which
has the potential for human-to-human transmission.
according to scientists, is that if the H5N1 virus mutates The National Commission for Avian Influenza
into a form that transmits easily between humans, a Pandemic Preparedness and Control, at the
horrific flu pandemic could result and claim millions of Coordinating Ministry of Social Welfare, Indonesia,
lives, since there is as yet no reliable treatment for the has issued The National Strategic Plan on Avian
disease. Flu Control and Influenza Pandemic Preparedness;
Bird flu has emerged as a potentially lethal threat however, the actual implementation of the strategy in
to humans in the 21st century. Between 2003 and end provinces/districts/cities is still needed.

Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Indonesia. Why is West Java Having the Highest Endemicity?

The National Strategic Plan on Avian Flu Control Two successive studies by UNICEF, in 2007,
and Influenza Pandemic Preparedness 2006-2008 measured levels of public awareness and the impact
includes 10 components: of media campaigns. Preliminary findings indicated
1. Highly pathogenic avian influenza control in that, although AI awareness among the population
animals; was high (almost 100%), perceived knowledge was
2. Management of human cases of AI; very low (~30%). Only 5% thought their family or
3. Protection of high risk groups; neighborhood might be affected. Concerns and worry
4. Epidemiological surveillance on animals and levels were fairly high (49 & 56%, respectively) vs 39%
humans; the previous year, but there was little sense of urgency.
5. Restructuring the poultry industry system; AI was seen as something “distant, which will not affect
6. Risk communication, information, education the immediate family”.
and public awareness; The survey results showed that:
7. Strengthening supporting laws; • People were more open to talking about AI
8. Capacity building; than in 2006 (50% vs 37%);
9. Operational research; and • Awareness of avoiding poultry seemed higher,
10. Monitoring and evaluation. as the number of people who stopped raising
The National Institute of Health Research and poultry rose (26% vs 15%);
Development (NIHRD) has become the central public- • Concern over poultry that die suddenly did
health laboratory for avian influenza in Indonesia, with exist, but handling practices were largely
links to the laboratories of the Eijkman Institute and incorrect (about 80% disposed of dead birds
NAMRU Laboratory in Jakarta, WHO-CC Reference incorrectly);
Laboratories, and the Centers for Disease Control in • Bans on raising backyard poultry were
the USA. generally accepted. Objections normally
In anticipation of a large epidemic, and to build came from poultry owners for economic
awareness among communities all over Indonesia, the reasons;
NIHRD has initiated several strategic activities: • Regulations to keep poultry away from houses
• Estimating the potential health and macro- were generally accepted. Objections were
economic impact of a large avian-influenza mainly due to security concerns (fear of
epidemic in Indonesia; theft).
• Thorough investigation of sporadic human A survey by USAID provided more information on
cases and clusters of cases, to determine the AI-related KAP:
potential for human-to-human transmission Regarding exposure to poultry raising, it was
• Developing operational research for mainly the parents who decided to raise poultry, and
controlling avian influenza epidemics in the they were mostly assisted by their adult children.
community; Younger children had limited involvement in poultry
• Developing and operationalizing a pandemic rearing, but they did play with the poultry, especially
response model, and rehearsing the pandemic the boys.
response plan. • Poultry were set free during the day and
caged at night. This was the dominant mode
Community and social study of poultry-raising in almost all areas.
Indonesia is a vast, culturally diverse, country. To • Those who did not cage their poultry, said
date, almost 4 years after the AI epidemic began in they did so because the poultry had to find
poultry, only a few social and behavioral studies have their own food;
been conducted. These studies have mainly been • Handwashing was a routine practice after
limited the populations’ knowledge and attitudes (KAP) handling poultry – mostly with soap and
towards AI. water;

Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Indonesia. Why is West Java Having the Highest Endemicity?

• Clothes were not regularly changed after yet been conducted. Such a study would encompass
handling poultry, because it was considered AI-preventive behaviors, treatment-seeking behaviors
unnecessary or felt that the clothes were still and health-service utilization, as well as compliance
clean; behaviors to proposed AI prevention and control
• The use of personal protection was not measures. Without an in-depth understanding of
common. For those using protection, gloves AI-related behaviors and their underlying factors,
and masks were the most common. communication for behavioral change and other
• When questioned about Flu Burung (Bird interventions are less likely to gain active community
Flu), the majority had heard of the name, but participation, which is key to the success of any
were not well informed about its signs and disease prevention and control program, including
symptoms; AI.
• AI was associated with death: it killed poultry The Phase one study will explore existing
immediately; AI-related behaviors, then analyze in-depth socio-
• People regarded AI as a new disease, the cultural factors that may promote AI risk behaviors,
perceived difference between AI and other or hinder AI preventive and prompt treatment seeking
diseases being that it kills faster and more behaviors, and compliance with AI control measures
often. and recommendations. The role of local and traditional
Major issues and bottlenecks regarding public media in inducing AI-related behavioral change will be
awareness and healthy behavior: studied.
• The level of knowledge was inadequate – and The knowledge gained from the Phase-one study
still needs to be translated into changed will be utilized in designing social interventions for
behavior; behavioral change, which will be followed by Phase
• There was no wider understanding of why AI two.
prevention is so important, eg, “there are so
many other diseases that have killed many Conclusions and recommendations
more people”. Why bother about AI? West Java has the highest incidence and
• Policy enforcement: people agreed to a prevalence of human cases of AI. This situation will
ban on backyard poultry, but lacked the persist for the near future, since steps to control its
willingness and financial means to do it spread have been met with ignorance and resistance.
themselves. They waited until the government The West Java Government has not raised sufficient
enforced the rule. public awareness of the serious danger. It is quite
• A wide variety of styles, approaches, possible that a highly pathogenic mutant AI virus will
campaign themes and the sheer number of arise in West Java, where the next pandemic may
Public Service Announcements itself could possibly start.
potentially confuse the public, reduce media Community behaviors related to poultry in all West
buying efficiency, overall awareness, and lead Java villages is directly related to an elevated risk of
to less impact; AI. A large proportion of the community perceives no
• There is an urgent need to develop a joint danger from AI.
campaign in order to maximize impact. Community-based health education and or
The proposed “National Baseline Health counseling which involves public figures are necessary,
Research”, to be conducted August-September 2007, because most of the risk behavior is related to tradition
will also collect data on the knowledge of people about and culture.
AI all over Indonesia. This knowledge is insufficient to Community education must be made the highest
design effective interventions for AI intervention and priority, and should be directed to safeguarding
control. A systematic social and behavioral study, both poultry farming and human health, through a
aimed at reducing human exposure to poultry, has not strategy that includes advocacy at different levels and

Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Indonesia. Why is West Java Having the Highest Endemicity?

with different stakeholders, social mobilization, and 4. Fieldeing R, Lam WWT, Ho EYY, Lam TH, Hedley
behavior change/behavior development strategies. AJ, Leung GM. Avian influenza risk perception,
Communication and planned processes for social Hong Kong. Emerg Infect Dis. 2005;11:677-82.
change should implement several strategies with 5. Indonesia reports 100th human death from bird
different social strata. flu. 2008 January 29. Available from: http://
Motivational messages should include the
following elements: proper hygiene practices; safe 6. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO),
handling of chickens, ducks and birds; reporting sick Department of Animal Health Republic of Vietnam.
or dead chickens, ducks and birds; high risk of the A guide for veterinary paraprofessionals in
surrounding environment; proper disposal of chicken, Vietnam, prevention and control of avian flu in
duck and bird droppings; how to get support for small scale poultry, 2003.
separating chickens, ducks, and birds from humans; 7. Maher T. Bird flu continues death dance in
promotion of correct cooking of chickens and eggs. Indonesia. 2008 January 15. Available form:
Simple steps with high efficacy levels, already
suggested by the CDC are promoting hand-washing flu_continues_death_dance_in_ indonesia_
with soap and water, correct handling of poultry, and 20080115885.html
cooking eggs and poultry meat thoroughly. 8. McKenna M. Avian flu prevention puzzle: linking
An AI vaccine will remain the ultimate long-term knowledge and action. Center for Infectious
solution. Indonesia is currently developing the capacity Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), University
to learn appropriate technologies to produce such a of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 2007.
vaccine. 9. Indonesia: FAO case study. 2008 April 29. Available
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