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What are the differences between social science, natural science, and
The Natural Sciences are empirical — that is, they are addressed by using our five senses of
sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Their facts can be verified “empirically,” that is, with
the five senses. Everybody can verify them.

The Social Sciences are statistical — that is, they are addressed by surveys of large
populations, as well as by empirical evidence. For example, anthropology compares social
groups in so-called primitive economic conditions with social groups in more advanced
economic conditions. It also includes Archaeology, Psychology, Politics, Economics and
History. Though most observations of Social Science can be verified, some observations
are matters of opinion — subject to a cultural bias of the scientist.

The Humanities are neither empirical nor statistical. This includes Ethics — the study of
Right and Wrong (Good and Evil). It includes Aesthetics — the study of the Beautiful. It
includes Poetry, Rhetoric, Drama, the Fine Arts and the Performing Arts. There is no
objective way to verify the data. The only methods of judgment that we enjoy in the
Humanities are intuition, feeling, opinion, debate and criticism.

I think that this summarizes the main differences between these broad fields.

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