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Tanta Dental Journal 12 (2015) 81e88

Marginal adaptation of CAD/CAM zirconia-based crown during

fabrication steps
R.A. El-Dessouky a,*, M.M. Salama b, M.A. Shakal b, A.M. Korsel b
Fixed Prosthodontics Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta University, Egypt
Conservative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta University, Egypt
Received 20 April 2014; revised 22 December 2014; accepted 23 December 2014
Available online 23 May 2015


Background: Excessive marginal discrepancy of crowns favors the rate of cement dissolution and microleakage that may cause
pulpal inflammation. Besides, it may increase plaque retention leading to the onset of periodontal disease. Therefore, this
research was carried out to study the effect of fabrication stages and artificial aging on the marginal adaptation of CAD/CAM
Zirconia-based crowns which have become increasingly popular among the patients due to their natural esthetics and excellent
Purpose: To evaluate the marginal adaptation of CAD/CAM Zirconia-based crowns on their respective prepared teeth during
different fabrication stages namely; framework, after veneering, after crown cementation and after thermo-mechanical
Materials and methods: A total of twenty zirconia frameworks were fabricated using (Cercon smart ceramics, DeguDent,
Germany) manufacturing system, conventionally veneered with (Cercon Ceram kiss, DENSPLY, Germany), cemented with
conventional glass ionomer to their corresponding prepared human teeth. The cemented crowns were finally aged through a
process of thermo-mechanical cyclic loading. The assessment of vertical marginal gap was performed on the prepared teeth
using an optical microscope with image-j software analysis system at 40 magnification for frameworks, for restorations
before and after cementation then, after thermo-mechanical loading. Differences between the vertical gap during fabrication
stages and the effect of artificial aging were statistically analyzed using a one-way analysis of variance ANOVA and
Independent-samples T test.
Results: In this study, the marginal gap increased after every tested stage. The vertical marginal gap recorded its smallest mean value
(41.08 ± 3.23 mm) during core stage. A significant increase in the measurement of vertical marginal gap was observed after firing the
veneering layer reaching (46.87 ± 3.94 mm). After cementation, the marginal gap was (46.87 ± 4.65 mm). Finally; thermo-mechanical
loading corresponding to one year of clinical use was found to cause a significant increase the vertical marginal gap to record its highest
value (56.73 ± 7.21 mm).

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ20 1221795304 (mobile).

E-mail addresses:, (R.A. El-Dessouky),
(M.M. Salama), (M.A. Shakal), (A.M. Korsel).
Peer review under the responsibility of the Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta University.
1687-8574/© 2015, Hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta University.
82 R.A. El-Dessouky et al. / Tanta Dental Journal 12 (2015) 81e88

Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, it was found that every examined stage had a negative effect on the vertical
marginal adaptation of zirconia crowns.
© 2015, Hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta University.

Keywords: Marginal fit; CAD/CAM; Zirconia crowns; Fabrication stages

1. Introduction Zirconia-based crowns at different fabrication steps, as

well as after thermo-mechanical loading.
Accurate marginal adaptation is considered one of the
most important factors for the clinical success of dental 2. Materials & methods
prosthesis. Excessive marginal discrepancy accelerates
the rate of cement dissolution and thus, micro-leakage Twenty extracted molars were selected, their roots
which may cause pulpitis. Furthermore, it increases pla- were covered with modeling wax1 and embedded verti-
que retention and changes the compositions of the sub- cally in self-cure acrylic resin2 so that the resin was
gingival micro flora leading to periodontal diseases [1,2]. extending 2 mm of the cement-enamel junction [7].
The development of all-ceramic crowns was satis- Before preparation, two silicone indices3 were made for
factory for the demands of patients for maximal esthetics each specimen to aid in standardization of frameworks'
and translucency. However, these crowns can be dis- and veneering layers' thickness [6]. Following a stan-
torted during their fabrication procedures particularly; dardized preparation protocol, the molars were prepared
firing which can cause a negative effect on their marginal using diamond tips4 under water cooling. The occlusal
adaptation [2,17]. The introduction of Zirconia high- surface was reduced to 1.5 mm and an axial reduction of
lighted a true advancement in development of ceramic 1.2 mm was made. A circumferential shoulder with
restorations because of its excellent unique combination rounded angles was completed with the aid of modified
between high flexural strength and fracture toughness. surveyor5 to standardize the degree of tapering at 6 for all
Besides, the absence of glass and dense polycrystalline the specimens [Figs. 1 and 2].
microstructure provides resistance to hydro-fatigue. Impressions6 of the prepared teeth were made and
CAD/CAM technology which relies on exact dies7 were fabricated, then, scanned with the cercon
dimensional predictions has demonstrated improved eye8 [8,9]. Designing the copings in the Cercon® art9
marginal adaptation [3,4]. The marginal discrepancy of was carried out using a standard protocol, whereby
each crown system can be evaluated by comparing the the settings were: 0.8 mm occlusal and axial wall
measurement values obtained at different steps of the thickness, 30 mm for virtual cement layer and the
manufacturing process [5]. Moreover, the assessment of Spacer coverage was 90% spacer coverage corre-
mechanical and hydro-fatigue effect may provide in- sponding to approximately 0.5 mm off the finish line.
formation on the long-term stability of restor- Once the design phase was completed, the Cercon
ations.6Therefore the purpose of this in vitro study was Brain10 proceeded with milling the selected Cercon
to examine the marginal adaptation of CAD/CAM blank11 and the enlargement factor compensating for

BasePlate Wax, Cavex, Holland.
Cold cure acrylic resin, Acrostone, Egypt.
Stomaflex® Putty, SpofaDental; Markova, Czech Republic.
DENSPLY, Sharpcut round-ended tapered diamond tip, G37.ref 60674100.UnitedKingdom & JOTA rotary instrument 831 size 018.
Surveyor, Ramses, Egypt.
Elite® HD, Zhermack, Italy.
Sherahard-der klasse ROCK, Superhartgips IV; Germany.
Cercon eye, Degudent, Germany.
Cercon® art CAD, Degudent; Germany.
Cercon brain, Degudent; Germany.
Cercon base#47; DENSPLY, Germany.
R.A. El-Dessouky et al. / Tanta Dental Journal 12 (2015) 81e88 83

sintering shrinkage (~18% linear) was calculated. The all tested manufacturing stages were compared
frameworks were cut off the milled blank using fissure together using (ANOVA) and there was no significant
bur12 mounted on a low speed hand piece. The difference between the different surfaces at the same
frameworks were placed on Cercon Heat furnace13 tray step where (P) values recorded >0.05 [Fig. 4].
and sintered at 1350  C for 6 h [10]. Regarding the different studied steps, the core step
The veneering porcelain14 was built-up incremen- recorded the lowest marginal discrepancy mean value
tally to restore the final anatomical shape of the crown, (41.08 ± 3.23 mm) followed by veneered
underwent two dentin firing cycles at 830  C then, (46.87 ± 3.94 mm) and cemented steps
820  C under vacuum. Finally, The glaze15 was applied (49.26 ± 4.65 mm) while the aged group recorded the
and fired with the vacuum off at 810  C. The silicon highest value (56.73 ± 7.21 mm). The difference be-
indices were used for checking the final crown thick- tween staged groups was statistically significant as
ness [11] [Fig. 3]. indicated by one way ANOVA test (P < 0.01).
Each crown was cemented with Glass Ionomer16 to Independent-samples T test was then employed to find
its corresponding tooth and held in place for 10 min out the significant difference at each step during the
using universal testing machine17 that applies a five kg different studied groups and revealed that in all sur-
static load [12]. All specimens were thermocycled af- faces, there was a significant difference (p < 0.05)
terwards, in a thermocycling apparatus18 for nearly 600 between all tested steps except between cemented and
cycles from 5  C to 55  C with 30 s dwell time, 20 s veneered steps where the difference was statistically
transfer time, corresponding to 1 year of clinical ser- non-significant (p > 0.05).
vice. The thermocycled specimens were subjected to a
maximum vertical load19 of five kg with cyclic fre- 4. Discussion
quency of 1.7 Hz for 240.000 cycles which corre-
sponds to 1 year of clinical service [13,14]. At each This in vitro study evaluated the vertical marginal
step (frameworks, veneering, cementation and artificial discrepancy of Cercon based crowns during their
aging) a Specimen Positioning Device (SPD)20 was fabrication steps; namely after CAD/CAM production
used to secure the samples on their corresponding of frameworks, after their veneering, after cementation
prepared teeth. Each specimen was photographed using and finally, artificial ageing was conducted for all
Digital optical microscope21 with a built-in camera cemented crowns by means of thermocycling and
connected with an IBM compatible personal computer mechanical loading corresponding to one year of
using a fixed magnification of 40. A digital image clinical service in an attempt to simulate the chewing
analysis system22 was used to measure and qualita- motion, moisture and thermal changes in the oral
tively evaluate the discrepancy width. The collected environment.
data were statistically analyzed using a one-way The assessment of the marginal adaptation was
(ANOVA) and Independent-samples T test. performed on extracted human molars which have
been also used in previous studies [15,45] because their
3. Results modulus of elasticity, bonding characteristics, thermal
conductivity and strength are closer to the clinical
The vertical marginal discrepancy mean values in situation rather than those of metal, plastic and animal
different surfaces (buccal, distal, lingual and mesial) of teeth. The teeth were stored in thymol solution to

Dentsply Lab Carbide Burs, Faskut Carbide Cutter (Fine) # 216F.
Cercon heat, Degudent; Germany.
Cercon Ceram kiss dentin DB4, Ducera® liquid FORM, carving liquid, DENSPLY, Germany.
Cercon Ceram kiss, Glaze, Hanau, Germany and Ducera® Liquid Stain improved, Germany.
Medicem; PROMEDICA, Germany.
Model LRX-plus; Lloyd Instruments Ltd., Fareham, UK.
Custom-Made apparatus, conservative department; Tanta University.
Model LRX-plus; Lloyd Instruments Ltd., Fareham, UK.
Cutom-made stainless steel device.
Scope Capture Digital Microscope, Guangdong, China.
Image J 1.43U, National Institute of Health, USA.
84 R.A. El-Dessouky et al. / Tanta Dental Journal 12 (2015) 81e88

Fig. 1. The prepared tooth.

prevent them from drying out and thereby becoming

brittle, and inhibit the microbial activity [6]. On the Fig. 3. Checking the thickness of final crown using silicon index.
other hand, natural teeth show a large variation because
of their age, individual structure and storage time, thus
causing difficulties in getting standardized prepara- manufacturing [17,18,34,35]. Groten et al. [20],
tions. With regard to a volumetrically standardized determined minimum number of 20e25 measurements
preparation, some authors have used silicone indices to per crown required for in-vitro testing. In this study,
control the amount of reduced tooth structure [6,12]. A the measurement points per crown were 20 distributed
modified surveyor was used to ensure that the prepa- as five fixed landmarks along the cervical circumfer-
rations' walls got the corresponding tapering of the ence for each surface of the crowns.
adjacent perpendicular bur as in several previous A controversy exists, regarding the clinically
studies [9,12,16]. acceptable marginal discrepancy. Theoretically, the
SPD was used to secure copings and crowns on their restoration needs a luting cement film of 20e40 mm
corresponding prepared teeth during measurements thickness [21]. McLean and Fraunhofer [22], stated
preventing them from rotational movements as used by that a marginal discrepancy of 120 mm should be the
several investigators with or without modifications limit of clinical acceptability. A marginal discrepancy
[17,18,34]. A variety of methods has been used to that ranges from 17 mm to 161 mm has been reported
evaluate the marginal adaptation of dental restorations for all-ceramic restorations using different processing
such as direct viewing, cross section view, impression techniques. However; the marginal discrepancy has
replica technique and clinical examination [7,19,44]. been seen to be influenced by the system used. The
In the current study, direct viewing technique was mean marginal discrepancy for all-ceramic crowns
selected because it is a non-destructive, rapid, easy and created by CAD/CAM was reported to range from 23
convenient method and has been most frequently used to 110.1 mm [6,16,22,23,35,36,44]. The demonstrated
to measure marginal discrepancy at various steps of marginal discrepancy values for machining of fully

Fig. 4. Column chart of vertical marginal gap regarding to teeth

Fig. 2. The amount of axial reduction ¼ 1.2 mm. surfaces at different stages.
R.A. El-Dessouky et al. / Tanta Dental Journal 12 (2015) 81e88 85

sintered zirconia blocks are 60.4 and 110.1 mm [16,23] dentin veneering porcelain8 was 9.2  106K1 resulting
while, machining of partially sintered zirconia was in (Da ¼ 1.3  106 K1) which is greater than the safe
found to achieve more accurate values for the marginal range and may be the reason of this increased vertical
discrepancies between 24.6 and 65 mm [6,23]. discrepancy. Another possible reason was previously
In this study, the mean of the marginal discrepancy reported [30]: CAD/CAM machining of the pre-
values at all measurement locations reflects the sintered Y-TZP blocks induced microcracks at zirco-
magnitude of marginal discrepancy of the entire crown nia surface which cannot be completely eliminated by
at each step of fabrication. However, the marginal sintering. In the presence of water from the wet
adaptation of each crown may vary greatly at different veneering porcelain and high temperature during firing
locations resulting in an increase in the standard de- cycles (around 800  C); these microcracks act as stress
viation (SD) [24]. The anisotropic shrinkage of zirco- concentration sites which grow further by migration of
nia frameworks and the non-uniform firing shrinkage water into zirconia lattice starting the tetragonal-to-
of the veneering porcelain also may contribute to this monoclinic phase transformation which is responsible
fact [25]. The values of SDs reported in previous for 3e5% volume increase [31] and thus, creating
studies ranged between 1.1 and 20 mm [2,4,25,26]. The compressive stresses within the frameworks. These
mean values of the present study in all studied stages stresses, together with those caused by (core-veneer)
were accompanied by SDs between 3.23 and 7.21 mm CTEs mismatch, are thought to contribute to the mar-
which are relatively small reflecting consistent results. ginal distortion developed during veneering of CAD/
Since the coping mainly determines the overall CAM frameworks [33,41]. In the present study,
adaptation of final crown [7,34], the marginal adapta- attributing the marginal distortion during veneering of
tion of copings in this study was measured firstly CAD/CAM zirconia frameworks to the [low tempera-
without veneering and recorded a mean value smaller ture aging phenomenon together with the mismatch
than values obtained in previous studies [9,26]. This between core and veneer coefficients of thermal
difference can be attributed to the more complex expansion] seems to be more reasonable rather than to
geometric form of FPDs in the other studies rather than the contraction forces developed from firing shrinkage
individual crowns tested in ours. Different axial of veneering porcelain because the high flexural
tapering, core thickness and different measurement strength and fracture toughness of zirconia [3] can
techniques also may contribute to this difference. resist its deformation under contraction forces.
Moreover, higher values of marginal discrepancy were Nevertheless, it must be noted that the marginal dis-
reported by others [16,27], when used CAM only and crepancies of these crowns after porcelain veneering
attributed this finding to the complicated fabrication are still within the clinically acceptable standards and
process required in the CAM only system (application that the amount of distortion does not affect the clinical
of die spacer and waxing) which can cause distortion at performance of the restoration.
the margin. However, the core marginal discrepancy in On the other hand; other authors [34,35] found no
this study was in the same range obtained by Beuer significant differences among the various steps of
et al. [12]. crown fabrication. This difference between both results
Additionally, significant increase in the marginal and ours can be due to different laboratory procedures
discrepancy was observed after firing the veneering as they examined different ceramic systems, different
porcelain agreeing with other studies [6,17,29,30,36] thickness of veneering porcelain, and variation of the
due to melting of porcelain particles causing contrac- manual skills of dental technician [6]. Besides, they
tion of the veneering porcelain and thus, compressive utilized acrylic dies instead of natural teeth and per-
forces on the coping. This deformation spreads around formed only one dentin firing cycle rather than two
the whole marginal circumference. Although the dentin firing cycles in our study. On contrary, other
veneering porcelain was modulated by the manufac- authors observed a decrease in the marginal discrep-
turer to have a coefficient of thermal expansion closer ancy measurements after the addition of veneering
in value to zirconia frameworks, but the remaining porcelain in Everest CAD/CAM system [36] and
difference between them can be another probable cause relayed this decrease to the stresses initiated due to the
of this finding. DeHoff et al. [31], suggested that a safe difference in CTEs between the core and veneering
thermal contraction mismatch (Da ¼ a core -a porcelain which are directed toward the central axis of
veneering) lies in a range (0.61  106K1 to the restoration. In the present study, no significant
þ1.02  106K1). In the present study, the CTE of difference in the vertical discrepancy measurements
zirconia copings8 was 10.5  106K1 while that of was found between different teeth surfaces during
86 R.A. El-Dessouky et al. / Tanta Dental Journal 12 (2015) 81e88

porcelain firing distortion agreeing with previous cements such as glass-ionomer which deteriorate over
studies [36,37]. On contrary, other authors [17,34] time due to the deleterious effects of thermocycling
found significantly larger marginal discrepancies in [42]. On contrary, found no significant effect on mar-
the facial and lingual surfaces rather than mesial and ginal discrepancy after aging was reported by others
distal ones and suggested the greater bulk of porcelain [43]. This different finding can be due to the different
at the facial and lingual surfaces and the tendency of ceramic systems and luting agents being evaluated as
porcelain to shrink toward the greatest mass is a the insoluble resin cement they used decreased the
probable reason for higher discrepancy in these sur- potential of interfacial failure of the luting agent during
faces. The difference between this finding and ours thermocycling. However, Att et al. [6], also reported no
may be due to the different coping configuration from significant difference in the marginal discrepancy
the maxillary central incisor used in other studies although they used GIC and this can be due to different
[17,34] to the lower molar in the current study. Besides parameters of mechanical loading.
the different material and fabrication technique of the
evaluated core, different thickness of the veneering 5. Conclusion
porcelain and location & number of measurements can
also contribute to this different finding. Based on the results and within the limitation of this
In the current study, a slight increase in the mar- study -including variation between teeth in age and
ginal discrepancy value was observed agreeing with storage time and neglecting the internal adaptation
previous studies [4,6]. However, others [7,26] recor- measurements-the following conclusions were made:
ded a significant increase in the marginal discrepancy
after cementation. This difference between them and  The vertical marginal adaptation values observed
ours can be explained by the fact that the pre- were all within the clinically acceptable range
determined internal space of 30 mm for the luting (120 mm).
agent seems to be enough to obtain an adequate space  The marginal discrepancy for zirconia cores
for the cement and the result was a slight but not increased significantly after veneering.
significant increase in the vertical marginal discrep-  No significant difference in vertical discrepancy
ancy. Nevertheless, as the internal adaptation was not measurements was found between the different
evaluated in this study, this assumption cannot be teeth surfaces during porcelain firing.
verified. Another assumption is the different seating  Cementation did not significantly increase the ver-
force applied in this study instead of finger pressure tical marginal discrepancies of zirconia crowns
used by other authors [38]. analyzed.
Evaluation of the marginal discrepancies in this  Artificial Aging significantly increased the vertical
study revealed significant increase after artificial aging marginal discrepancy through thermo-mechanical
as the degradative effect of thermocycling in an loading.
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