Emcee Script-Grad 2017

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April 6, 2018/ 2:00 PM @ Municipal Gym

1) (Voice Over…”Ladies and gentlemen, your Master of

Ceremony- Mr. REY S. VISTAL)

2) Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Lingig National High

School 3rd Junior High School Completion Ceremonies.
Together, let us all witness the Processional. Starting of, the
candidates for Completion with their parents and guardians.
Tailing next, the faculty and staff of Lingig National High
School, our guests, PTA officials and school stakeholders.

3) A completion ceremony is a cultural tradition termed as a

rite of passage. It is a ritual or ceremony that marks one
stage of a person's life to another. Today marks the end of
one stage for our beloved students and a time of
celebration of achievement for after four years of
unweathered perseverance and hardwork, they have finally
come to a successful end of their Junior High School
educational journey. With the theme, “K TO 12 Learners:
Ready to face Life’s Challenges“ let us all celebrate with
these individuals as they have initially proven their vital
contribution to our nation’s progress by reaching this another
milestone in their lives.

4) My respect to our dignified guests, our Schools Division

Superintendent, Dr. Marilou B. Dedumo, CESO V ably
represented by our Assistant Schools Division Superintendent:
Madam JASMIN R. LACUNA. To our Public Schools District
Supervisor, Dr. Elizabeth N. Gardones. To our LGU Officials,
spearheaded by our Municipal Mayor, Hon. Emelita C.
Balingan. To the Lingig 1 District Administrators in
attendance. To our Secondary School Principal III, Dr.
Lourdes O. Orcullo. To our PTA officials, led by our PTA
President, Hon. Jerito B. Layupan.
____________________________________. To our School
Stakeholders. To the indefatigable faculty and staff of LNHS,
proud parents, candidates for completion, visitors, once
again welcome to LNHS 3rd Junior High School Completion

5) Being Maka-Diyos and Makabayan are two of the core

values inculcated by the Department of Education. As a way
of showing it, let us all stand for the singing of National
Anthem to be conducted by MARICAR P. BANAJERA,
Science and Technology and Engineering Program Class
with Honors and to be followed by a Prayer to be led by
PHOEBE C. YTAC, K-12 Basic Education Curriculum Class with

6) Please be seated…To give her words of welcome, let us lend

our ears to Aubry M. Villamucho- Science and Technology
and Engineering Program Class with High Honors. Let’s give
her a round of applause.
Thank you Aubry for that warm words of welcome…

7) At this point of time, let us all witness the Presentation of

Candidates for Completion by Dr. Lourdes O. Orcullo,
Secondary School Principal III. After which will be the
Recommendation by our Public Schools District Supervisor,
Dr. Elizabeth N. Gardones. To be followed by the
Confirmation of Candidates for Completion by our Schools
Division Superintendent Dr. Marilou B. Dedumo, CESO V
represented by our Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
8) At this juncture, let us hear a message from our Schools
Division Superintendent, Dr. Mariolu B. Dedumo, CESO V to
be given by our Assistant Schools Division Superintendent. A
resounding round of applause for Madam Dr. JASMINE
Thank you Maam…
9) Truly, one needs to be determined and hardworking enough
to reach the goals in life. For our dear Grade 10 students, the
moment you have been waiting for has finally come as you
will be receiving and holding in your hands your certificates
as sign of your 4 year hardwork and determination. Today,
you’ll reap what you have cultivated and nurtured. Ladies
and gentlemen, the distribution of certificates of completion
to be given by our Schools Division Superintendent Dr.
Marilou B. Dedumo represented by our Assistant Schools
Division Superintendent Dr. JASMINE LACUNA. To be assisted
by our Public Schools District Supervisor, Dr. Elizabeth N.
Gardones and Secondary School Principal III, Dr. Lourdes O.
(Reading of Names…)
(Engineering and Science Education Program…)
(K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum…)

10) Please be seated…Accordingly, “Desire is the key to

motivation, but it’s the determination and commitment to an
unrelenting pursuit of your goal- a commitment to
excellence-that will enable you to attain the success you
seek.” At this moment, let us recognize the students who
have shown this kind of commitment making them achieve
ultimate success in their studies. The Awarding of medals and
certificates for Academic Excellence, Specific Disciplines,
Leadership, Conduct and Special Awards to Outstanding
Honor Completers and Performing Students. Awardees
please come up on stage once your name is called together
with your parents.
(Read from the Program…)
Congratulations! Honor Completers and Achievers, may you
pursue and aspire for excellence in all things that you will do.
11) Behind the success of these students is the undying
support, love and understanding of their parents. As what
Jane D. Hull said, “At the end of the day, the most
overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive
involvement of the parents.” Hence, this event does not only
honor the students who did their best but also the parents
who in one way or another have contributed to their child’s
success. At this point will be the awarding of certificates of
appreciation to parents.
(Read from the Program…)
12) At this moment, let’s have our Secondary School
Principal III, for some Remarks and Announcements. A big
hand please for Dr. Lourdes O. Orcullo.

Thank you Maam!

13) The closing hour has finally arrived. Tomorrow, new
challenges and opportunities await our Completers that will
further test their mettle as improving individuals. As they
continue with their journey, may they look back to this stage
in their life with fondness and pride. Thus, it is truly just and
right to pay honor to individuals behind their success- the
loving parents and of course the Teachers. Ladies and
gentlemen, the Completers to sing their “In This Moment”
with Maestro Albert M. Belleza on keyboard.
Completers… Please stand!
14) Indeed, music is the expression of the soul. It
moves emotions and feels with the movement of time.
Through a song that emphasizes that the journey is more
important than the destination, let us hear the Completers
sing “Journey of Our Dreams”

15) Days from now, some of our new completers will go out
from the yard of Lingig National High School not just for a
vacation but to seek for a new institution, new learning and
new friends but we are certain that you will miss your Lingig
NHS life. And so, let us all listen to the Completion song of our

16) Now that we have witness the conclusion of the 4 year

journey of our Junior High School Completers, let us all put in
mind, that today is indeed a sign of great success. With the
significant involvement of each we would definitely make a
difference and progress to our nation. Completers, always
remember that this is not yet the end so soar high as you
embark to the next stage of your educational quest.
Once again, Congratulations and God speed!
The Recessional…

17) This has been your host- REY S. VISTAL, signing off.

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