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My Opinion on “Same Sex Marriage”

By: Jims Allan S. Beronio


“Same sex marriage” was proposed here on the Philippines, but

many people tend to disagree about doing same sex marriage;
however, it is already legal in other countries. I, also tend to
disagree, because I am a catholic and it is against the law of our

Although many people of the “LGBT” group are talented, kind and
amazing, we discriminate them from us straight people. Not only
Straight but also “LGBT’ians” are humans. So they deserve the
same treatment as us straight people, still I’ll have to go against
that, because I follow the rules of our God and Government.

So the conclusion to my opinion is, neither I agree nor disagree

about the thing called “Same sex marriage”. Because I’ll let them
decide to make it a rule or not, because I’m not going to use that
because I’m a straight man and I have faith in God so I follow
what he says’. So that is my opinion about ”same sex marriage”;
moreover, thank you for reading and God Bless.

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