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Diego and his history

Diego, a young man of 25 years, a carefree and totally selfish life, rather than freedom, which has
become debauchery. Beyond that, there is no purpose in life. Bruno Barrios, which includes a
beautiful house nicknamed Casa Barrios and an old factory that still produced a lot of money, but
the money from the sale of his part of the factory interested him more. This is the last, added to
the inherited money, it was a true fortune.

Diego was a type of vain, individualistic and petty, not doing anything that was not for his own
benefit. His superficial and selfish nature attracts similar people. He was always surrounded by
people, but in reality, since he separated from his parents, he had always been alone. The goal of
each party was a new conquest, Diego always chose an attractive woman, because we also told
you, you also said, spent at night, seduced women, making us show off their riches and good
physique, promising them this world and the other. Most times it worked, and ended the night in
his apartment or in a luxurious hotel, sharing the bed with his new conquest. Diego liked to take
pictures during the night, he keeps them as a trophy. But always, at dawn, Diego's attitude
towards his maidens changed drastically and he dismissed them as a dirty rag. In his mind a
woman was just that, objects that are available to use whenever he wants. He had lived like this
for some years and not with the minimum intention of changing that lifestyle.

One night, they celebrate together with their friends his 26th birthday, as usual, he relates to his
plastic friends at a popular party, any excuse was enough to make a scandal like that, for Diego, it
was nothing new. But that night, far from his daily routine, joviality and unconcern for life, he felt
pensive, almost gone, not enjoying the night as he always did. His friends did not even notice it,
and meanwhile, we turned to the lost look in space, a girl approached and whispered in his ear:
"blow the candles and make a wish"; Diego, some time ago, gets up from the chair where he looks,
blows the candles and in his mind, he asked for his wish: eternal youth. Done this, your friends. Flu
liquor in heaps, cigarette smoke clouding the air that is already dense in the bustling night. Each
one has been occupied by the side of the night.

Diego sees that alone, and for the first time that you are meditating on your future, that you are
looking towards the dance floor, and there it is, in the middle of the dancing crowd, that it is a
beautiful woman simply immobile, who is staring With a flirtatious look But he is the indifferent
and almost disinterested, looking down at the floor for a moment and when he picks her up again,
he is surprised at the right moment. Having crossed the dance floor and the crowd that never
ceased to move, all in just a moment; but the astonishment was short, because the beauty of the
young woman was captivating, it was as beautiful as it was mysterious, her body was statuesque,
brunette with curly brown hair, green eyes and clothes so provocative that it did not leave much
to the imagination. She seemed to be a magazine model, she was simply the most beautiful
woman Diego ever saw. She has approached and sent herself to his side, shortly before the
friendly and innocent conversation, it has become a game of seduction and flirting. It was strange,
because he was always the seducer. As expected, that night would end in a waste of sex and lust,
as much or more than Diego used to.
Although the night had happened wonderfully, the next morning something was different. Diego
had seen himself alone in bed, his mysterious and beautiful companion was already on his side,
this time, had been the object used and discarded. Intrigued and stunned by a severe headache
from the previous night, he got up from the bed in search of the beautiful young woman, of whom
he did not know his name. After a short and fruitless search, he went to the bathroom to read, and
it was there that he found the message that will change his life completely. In the bathroom
mirror, written in scarlet-red lipstick, the message reads: "Welcome to the world of AIDS.
Welcome to Hell. If you want a second chance, call my father 2999 - 1666. " Diego remained
incredulous before that sinister message, I could not believe it, it will be one of those stories that
only happen to a friend of a friend and that everyone knows that they are never true. But for him,
that was his new truth. That same day he was tested for HIV, the analysis was negative. Diego
breathed a sigh of relief, he was convinced that this had been a very heavy joke in bad taste,
perhaps committed by one of his friends. He did not give more importance to that event, which
after a few weeks became part of oblivion.

More than a year had passed

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