Calculus DLL Week 1

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November 6, 2018, 2013


I. Objectives
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of limit
and continuity of a function.
The learners shall be able to formulate and solve accurately real-life
problems involving continuity of functions.
1. The learners will illustrate the limit of a function using a table of
values and the graph of the function.

II. Subject Matter

Limits of a Function

III. Materials
Teacher’s Guide pp. 3-7

IV. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Greetings:
Greet the students and then ask them to seat properly.
b. Review
Asks the students what they learn about function and how to get
the value of a function using table of values.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation

Asks the students to look at the picture of a basketball game and observe
the seats on the basketball court. Ask them again to which of the seats they
wanted to sit while watching the game.

2. Presentation

Limit of a function, denoted by L, is the unique real value that f(x) will
approach as x approaches c. In symbols, we write this process as

lim 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = 𝐿
Looking at a table of values, consider

IV. Procedure
A. Preparation
Greet the students and then ask them to seat properly.
B. Motivation
Make the students Imagine that Language does not exist, English as well as
Filipino is not existing. Ask them how they feel.
C. Lesson Proper
Course description is defined as the Birds-eye-view of the language subject
that will be teaching. It gives some Brief information about the particular
Goals or Expectations are the expected learning outcomes at the end of
each grade or year.
There are four language subject area that each students must take namely
English for Elementary, English for secondary, Filipino Elementarya, and
Filipino Sekondari. The Course description, goals and objectives for each
subject area are lifted from the Basic Education Curriculum (B.E.C.). The
Course Description of English for Elementary is concerned with developing
the competencies of the students in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Filipino Elementarya has the same course description with English
Elementary but the only difference is Filipino language is used to develop

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