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Certified that Project Report entitled “Air Pollution Monitoring System” is the
bonafide work of “Amit Kumar, Ayush Verma and Pranav Garg” who carried
out the project under my supervision. This is further certify to the best of my
knowledge, that this project has not been carried earlier in this institute and the



Associate Professor
(Project Guide)
Department of Electronics Engineering

Certified that the above mentioned project has been duly carried out as per the
norms of the college and statutes of the university


Dr. Subodh Wariya

Professor of Electronics Engineering


I wish to express my profound and sincere gratitude to Dr. R.C.S. CHAUHAN, Associate
Professor, Electronics Engineering Department, IET LUCKNOW, who guided me into the
intricacies of this project non-chalantly with matchless magnanimity.

I thank Dr. Subodh Wariya, Head of the Dept. of Electronics Engineering, IET LUCKNOW
for extending their support during Course of this investigation.

I am highly grateful to Er. Gayatri Tiwari who evinced keen interest and invaluable support
in the progress and successful completion of my project work.

I am indebted to my branch mates for their constant encouragement, co-operation and help.
Words of gratitude are not enough to describe the accommodation and fortitude which they
have shown throughout my endeavor.





Page no.

List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
Declaration vii
Abstarct viii

2.1.1 Power (USB / Barrel Jack) 5
2.1.2 Pins (5V, 3.3V, GND, Analog, Digital, PWM, AREF) 5
2.1.3 Reset Button 6
2.1.4 Power LED Indicator 6
2.1.5 TX RX LEDs 6
2.1.6 Main IC 7
2.1.7 Specification 7
2.1.8 Voltage Regulator 8
2.2 WEMOS D1R1 8
2.2.1 Features of WEMOS D1R1 8
2.2.2 Specification 9
2.2.3 Pin Description 9
2.3.1 Working 11
2.3.2 Features 12
2.4. KE 25 SENSOR (Oxygen Gas Sensor) 13
2.4.1 Working of KE-25 14
2.4.2 Sensitivity Characteristics 15
2.4.3 Specifications 16
2.4.4 Features 16
2.4.5 Application 16
2.5. MH-Z19B SENSOR (Carbon Dioxide Gas Sensor) 17
2.5.1 Working & Operation 18
2.5.2 Pin Description 18
2.5.3 Specifications 18
2.5.4 Features 19
2.6. DHT 11 (Temperature Sensor) 20
2.6.1 Comparison between DHT11 & DHT 22 sensor 20
2.6.2 Working Principle 21
2.6.3 Applications 22
2.7. MQ-135 SENSOR 23

2.7.1 Basic Pin Configuration 23
2.7.2 Working Principle and Circuit Diagram 25
2.7.3 Sensor features 25
2.7.4 Applications of MQ 135 Gas sensor 26
2.8. MQ-7 SENSOR 26
2.8.1 Basic Pin Configuration 27
2.8.2 Working Principle and Circuit Diagram 27
2.8.3 Sensor Features 28
2.9.1 Pin Diagram 30
2.9.2 Pin Description 30
2.9.3 RS (Register Select) 31
3.3.1 Extraction of data obtained from GPS Module 34
4.1 Programming for GPS module NEO6MV2 39
4.1.1 Result of Program for setting up GPS module 39
4.1.2 Algorithm to extract Latitude and Longitude 40
4.1.3 Result of the Program to Extract Latitude and Longitude 41
4.1.4 Output Location determined from Latitude and Longitude 41
4.2 Algorithm for the main program 42
4.3 Result 43


Table No. Name of Table Page No.

Table:2.1 Arduino Specifications 7
Table:2.5 Pin Description of MH-Z19 18
Table:2.6 Comparison between DHT11 and DHT22 20
Table:2.9 Pin Description of LCD 30
Table:3.4 Analysis of Data 45


Figure No. Figure Name Page No.

Fig:1.1 Block Diagram of Air Pollution Monitoring System 2
Fig:2.1 Arduino UNO R3 5
Fig:2.2 WEMOS D1 R1 8
Fig:2.3 GPS NEO 6M Module 11
Fig:2.4.1 KE-25 14
Fig:2.4.2 Structure of KE-25 15
Fig:2.4.3 Sensitivity Characteristics of KE Sensors 15
Fig:2.5 MH-Z19B CO2 Sensor 17
Fig:2.6.1 DHT11(Temperature Sensor) 20
Fig:2.6.2 Internal Diagram of DHT11 Sensor 21
Fig:2.6.3 Measurement of Humidity 21
Fig:2.6.4 Measurement of Temperature 22
Fig:2.7.1 MQ 135 sensor 23
Fig:2.7.2 Pin Diagram of MQ 135 24
Fig:2.7.3 Circuit Diagram of MQ 135 25
Fig:2.8.1 MQ-7 sensor 27
Fig:2.8.2 Working Diagram of MQ-7 sensor 28
Fig:2.9 Pin Diagram of LCD 30
Fig:3.1 Connection Diagram of All Component 33
Fig:3.2 LCD Interfacing 38


We hereby declare that this submission is our own work and to the best of our knowledge and
belief. It contains no materials previously published or written by another person nor material
which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma
of the university or other institute of higher learning except where due acknowledgement has
been made in the text.


Signature :
Name : Amit Kumar
Roll No : 1505231006

Signature :
Name : Ayush Verma
Roll No : 1505231015

Signature :
Name : Pranav Garg
Roll No : 1505231031


Air pollution affects our day to day activities and quality of life. It poses a threat to the
ecosystem and the quality of life on the planet. The level of pollution is increasing rapidly due
to factors like industries, urbanization, increasing in population, vehicle use which can affect
human health. The dire need to monitor air quality is very glaring, owing to increased industrial
activities over the past years. People need to know the extent to which their activities affect air

The air pollution monitoring system was designed to monitor and analyse air quality in
real-time. It will inform us about the concentration of Oxygen and some different harmful gases
present in the air like CO2, smoke, alcohol, CO, NH3 etc. It will show the air quality in PPM
on the LCD and as well as on cloud so that air pollution can be monitored very easily. The
system uses MQ135, MQ7, MH Z19 A NDIR sensor for monitoring Air Pollution as they detect
most harmful gases and can measure their amount accurately. Also, KE 25 sensor is used to
monitor the concentration of oxygen.

The air quality measurements taken by the designed system was accurate. The result
was displayed on the designed hardware's display interface and could be accessed via the cloud
on any smart mobile device. The device is also able to send the message the information to any
contact so that in can be presented to any desired person. Also, device will show the location
of the monitored place, so that if there is more presence of harmful gases or concentration of
oxygen is less, effective measures can be taken to improve the quality of air in that place.

Thus, the device can play an important role in monitoring the pollution in any area so that
proper measures can be taken to keep the pollution under control.


Air pollution is the biggest problem of every nation, whether it is developed or developing.
Health problems have been growing at faster rate especially in urban areas of developing
countries where industrialization and growing number of vehicles leads to release of lot of
gaseous pollutants. Harmful effects of pollution include mild allergic reactions such as
irritation of the throat, eyes and nose as well as some serious problems like bronchitis, heart
diseases, pneumonia, lung and aggravated asthma. According to a survey, due to air pollution
50,000 to 100,000premature deaths per year occur in the U.S. alone. Whereas in EU number
reaches to 300,000 and over 3,000,000 worldwide.

Air Pollution Monitoring System monitors the Air quality using different gas sensors.
Air Pollution monitors the presence of harmful gases present in the air like CO2, smoke,
alcohol, benzene, NH3, CO and NOx. It will show the air quality in PPM on the LCD and as
well as on webpage so that it can monitor it very easily. Oxygen sensor is also used in the
system to detect the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere. The system will also show
temperature and humidity (DHT 11 sensor is used for that). The system can be installed
anywhere but mostly in industries and in the areas where gases are mostly to be found. The
drawbacks of the conventional monitoring instruments are their large size, heavy weight and
extraordinary expensiveness. These lead to sparse deployment of the monitoring stations. In
order to be effective, the locations of the monitoring stations need careful placement because
the air pollution situation in urban areas is highly related to human activities (e.g. construction
activities) and location-dependent (e.g., the traffic choke-points have much worse air quality
than average). The system will show the air quality in PPM on the LCD and as well as on
webpage so that it can be monitored very easily. Temperature and Humidity is detected and
monitored in the system.

CO gas is detected using MQ7 sensor and MQ135sensor is used for monitoring Air
Quality as it detects most harmful gases and can measure their amount accurately. MHZ19A
NDIR sensor detects the concentration of carbon dioxide and KE25 sensor is used to monitor
the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere. DHT 11 sensor is being used to know the
Temperature and Humidity of the monitored place. The device is also able to email the

information (concentration of harmful gases) to any email user. Also, device will show the
location of the monitored place, so that if there is more presence of harmful gases or
concentration of oxygen is less, effective measures can be taken to improve the quality of air
in that place. All the sensors detect the concentration of different gases and present before us.
The readings taken by all the sensors is accurate.

Fig.1.1 Block Diagram Of Air Pollution Monitoring System

Also, Components like WEMOS-D1R1, GPS, Arduino, LCD, etc. being used for the
different purposes. Arduino is the main component which interfaces all the components present
in the whole system or device. WEMOS-D1R1 is used to send the data to any contact we want
to share the information through Thingspeak server. GPS is used to monitor the exact location

of the device so that data with exact location can be presented and LCD is used to show the
monitored data to everyone.

So, the device can be used in two ways i.e. Static or Dynamic. In static, we can position
the device at one place and can present the data on the LED so that everyone can visualise. In
Dynamic, device can be shifted to different locations at different time and data along with their
locations can be monitored using GPS. We can also place the device in any vehicle so that
different locations pollution level can be analysed easily.

Device will show the location of the monitored place, so that if there is more presence
of harmful gases or concentration of oxygen is less, effective measures can be taken to improve
the quality of air in that place.

Thus, the device can play an important role in monitoring the pollution in any area so
that proper measures can be taken to keep the pollution under control. The device will also be
helpful in letting the people know about the conditions in their surroundings which will make
them more aware and concerned about the atmosphere and environment. The awareness of
people will definitely play a very important role in controlling the increase in pollution and
hopefully can also minimize it in the upcoming future.


The main components used in this project are-

3-GPS NEO6MV2 Module
4-KE-25 (Oxygen Gas Sensor)
5- MH-Z19B SENSOR (Carbon Dioxide Sensor)
6-DHT11 (Temperature Sensor)
7-MQ135 Air Quality Sensor
8-MQ7 Corban Mono Oxide Sensor
9-16*2 LCD Display


Arduino is an open-source platform environment used for developing electronics projects.

Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board (often referred as PCB) and
an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that runs on your computer and is used to write
and upload computer code to the board.[2]

The Arduino platform is quite popular with students just starting out with embedded
systems. Unlike previous development boards, the Arduino does not need a programmer in
order to load new code onto the board instead we can simply use a USB cable. Additionally,
the Arduino IDE uses a simplified version of C++ making it easier to learn to program. Finally,
Arduino provides a standard form factor that breaks out the functions of the micro-controller
into a more accessible package.[2]

Fig.2.1 Arduino UNO R3[2]

2.1.1 Power (USB / Barrel Jack)

Arduino board needs a way to be connected to a power source. The Arduino UNO board can
be powered from a USB cable through computer or an adapter with a male barrel jack. In the
Fig.2.1 the USB connection is labeled (1) and the female barrel jack is labeled (2).The USB
connection is also the way we load code in the Arduino board. A power supply higher than 20
Volts will result in the damage to the Arduino. The recommended voltage for Arduino UNO
is in between 6 and 12 Volts.[2]

2.1.2 Pins (5V, 3.3V, GND, Analog, Digital, PWM, AREF)

The pins on your Arduino are the places where connecting wires or jumper cables are joined
to construct a circuit. They usually have black plastic ‘headers’ that allow you to just plug a

wire right into the board these are known as Jumper Cables. Arduino has different kinds of pins
on the board, each of which is labelled on the board and are used for specific functions.

• GND (3): Short for ‘Ground’. There are several GND pins which can be used to ground the
• 5V (4) & 3.3V (5): The 5V pin supplies 5 volts of power, and the 3.3V pin supplies 3.3 volts
of power.
• Analog (6): The area of pins under the label ‘Analog In’ (A0 through A5 on the UNO) are
Analog Input pins. These pins are used to read the signal from an analog sensor (like a
temperature sensor) and convert it into a digital value thatwe can read on the monitor.
• Digital (7): The digital pins (0 through 13 on the UNO). These pins can be used for both
taking digital input and taking digital output.
• PWM (8): The tilde (~) next to some of the digital pins (3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 on the UNO).
These pins act as normal digital pins, but they can also be used for Pulse-Width Modulation
• AREF (9): Stands for Analog Reference. Most of the time we do not use this pin. It is used
to set an external reference voltage (between 0 and 5 Volts) as the upper limit for the analog
input pins.[2]
2.1.3 Reset Button

The Arduino has a reset button (10) pushing it will temporarily connect the reset pin to ground
and restart any code that is loaded on the Arduino Board. This is very useful if the code does
not repeat, but you want to test it multiple times or the code is in the deadlock condition.[2]
2.1.4 Power LED Indicator

The power indicator LED is shown by the number 10 in the Fig.2.1. This LED glows as soon
as the power is connected to the Arduino.[2]

2.1.5 TX RX LEDs

TX is short for transmit and RX is short for receive. These markings appear in every electronics
device that can serially communicate. They are used to indicate the pins responsible for serial
communication. In the Arduino UNO TX and RX appear digital pins 0 and 1, and next to the
TX and RX indicator LEDs (12). These LEDs will give us visual indications whenever Arduino

Board is receiving or transmitting data like when we’re loading a new program onto the

2.1.6 Main IC

The black thing appearing at the center of the board with all the metal legs is an IC or Integrated
Circuit (13). It can also be called as the brains of our Arduino. The main IC on the Arduino is
usually from the Atmega line of IC’s from the ATMEL Company. The IC has the inbuilt
memory space where we burn our program.[2]

2.1.7 Specification

Microcontroller ATmega328

Operating Voltage 5V

Input Voltage(Recommended) 7-12V

Input Voltage(Limits) 6-20v

Digital I/O Pins 14(of which 6 are PWM)

Analog Input Pins 6

DC Current per I/O Pin 40mA

DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50mA

Flash Memory 32 KB (0.5KB to Bootloader)



Clock Speed 16MHz

Table 2.1 Arduino Specifications [2]

2.1.8 Voltage Regulator

The voltage regulator (14) acts as a regulator that turns away all the unnecessary voltage away
from the Arduino board. The excess supply is not allowed to enter the board which can harm
the Atmega IC.[2]

2.2 WEMOS D1R1

The WeMos D1 is a ESP8266 WiFi based board that uses the Arduino layout with a operating
voltage of 3.3V. As the documentation of this board online can be a little confusing, the purpose
of this tutorial is to combine and simplify the steps needed to setup this board for development.
With that, let’s proceed on with the specifications of the board.[9]

Fig.2.2 WEMOS D1R1[9]

2.2.1 Features of Wemos D1 R1

• The D1 R1 is a mini wifi board based on ESP-8266EX

• 11 digital input/output pins, all pins have interrupt/ pwm /I2C/one-wire supported
(except D0)
• 1 analog input (3.3V max input)
• A Micro USB connection
• A power jack, 9-24V power input
• Compatible with Arduino
• Compatible with nodemcu [9]

2.2.2 Specifications

Operating Voltage 3.3V

Digital I/O Pins 11

Analog Input Pins 1

Clock Speed 80MHz/160MHz

Flash 4M bytes

Length 68.6mm

Width 53.4mm

Weight 25g


2.2.3 Pin Description

Pin Function ESP-8266 Pin



A0 Analog input, max 3.3V A0





D3 IO,Pull-up GPIO0





D8 IO,pull-down, SS GPIO15

G Gound GND

5V 5V -

3V3 3.3V 3.3V




NEO-6 module series features the high performance u-blox 6 positioning engine, it is a family
of stand-alone GPS system. They offer a lot of connectivity options and are very cost effective
and flexible receivers. NEO-6 modules are best for mobile devices because of their memory
options and compact architecture and power with space constraints and space cost.[7]

50-channel u-blox 6 positioning engine boasts Time-To-First-Fix (TTFF) in 1 second.

With 2 million correlators, dedicated acquisition engine searches the massive parallel time and
frequency spacesa and enables instant location of satellite. Multipath effects are mitigated and
jamming sources are suppressed by various technology and innovative design due to which
navigation performance is excellent of NEO6 GPS even in various challenging

Each location on the earth can be expressed as geographical coordinates. The

geographical coordinate is a system which specifies any given location on the earth surface as
latitude and longitude. [7]

These geographical coordinates of any place can be read by various devices by help of
signals which are received from various satellites which orbit around the earth. The system of
satellites which helps in the positioning of a place is called Global Positioning System(GPS).

Geographical coordinates of any place can be read by devices with minimum 4 GPS
satellites and these devices are called as GPS Receiver/ GPS module.

A set of information containing the earth’s surface position and location is produced
continuously by the GPS module. The position is given in form of latitude and longitude with
respect to equator. Only with microcontroller, these data are extracted, decoded and then
printed in readable format. In our project, we are using Arduino for extracting the data
regarding geographical coordinates from the GPS.[7]

The Arduino can be used as a stand-alone board of which the output or inputs can be
taken from the boards or given to the board. Standard ports for communication such as USART,
SPI, TWI etc. are used for communication due to which they are connected to a lot of devices.

Fig.2.3 GPS NEO 6M Module [7]

2.3.1 Working

GPS satellites circle the Earth twice a day in a precise orbit. Each satellite transmits a unique
signal and orbital parameters that allow GPS devices to decode and compute the precise
location of the satellite. GPS receivers use this information and trilateration to calculate a
user's exact location. Essentially, the GPS receiver measures the distance to each satellite

by the amount of time it takes to receive a transmitted signal. With distance measurements
from a few more satellites, the receiver can determine a user's position and display it.[7]

Calculation of time and position by GPS receiver-

At any time given, around 12,000 miles above the earth, there are orbiting minimum of 24
active satellites. The satellite’s position is constructed such that the sky just above our location
always contains maximum 12 satellites. Transmitting information again back to the earth over
the radio frequency (from 1.1- 1.5 Gigahertz) is the main and important function of these 12
satellites. Its time and position can be calculated by a GPS module or Ground based receiver
by using some math and this information.

The data coming from each satellite has some different-different pieces of data and
information which allows our GPS receiver to calculate its time and position accurately. An
atomic clock which is extremely accurate is very important equipment part which is there on
every GPS satellite. Atomic clock time is sent down the earth with the orbital position of
satellite and different points in arrival times of the sky. Therefore, timestamp from each the
given visible satellites is received by the GPS module also it contains the data which has the
record of the each one of them in the sky. Now the distance of each satellite is known in view
with this information.

The time and position can be accurately calculated by GPS antenna receiver if it can
atleast see 4 satellites.[7]

2.3.2 Features

• A complete GPS module with an active antenna integrated, and a built-in EEPROM to save
configuration parameter data.

• Built-in 25 x 25 x 4mm ceramic active antenna provides strong satellite search capability.

• Equipped with power and signal indicator lights and data backup battery.

• Power supply: 3-5V; Default baud rate: 9600bps.

• Interface: RS232 TTL

• Cold start time of 38 s and Hot start time of 1 s

• Supply voltage: 3.3 V t

• Configurable from 4800 Baud to 115200 Baud rates. (default 9600)

• Super Sense ® Indoor GPS: -162 dBm tracking sensitivity

• 5Hz position update rate

• Operating temperature range: -40 TO 85°C

• UART TTL socket

• EEPROM to save configuration settings

• Rechargeable battery for Backup

• Separated 18X18mm GPS antenna

• Dimension: 22X30X13 mm

• Weight: 12 [7]

2.4 KE 25 SENSOR (Oxygen Gas Sensor)

The GS Oxygen Sensor KE series (KE-25 and KE-50) is a unique galvanic cell type oxygen
sensor which was developed in Japan in 1985. Its most notable features are a long life
expectancy, excellent chemical durability, and it is not influenced by CO2. The KE series
oxygen sensor is ideal to meet the increasing demand for oxygen monitoring in various fields
such as combustion gas monitoring, the biochemical field, medical applications, domestic
combustion appliances, etc.

Fig.2.4.1 KE-25 [1]

2.4.1 Working Of KE-25

The KE series sensor is a lead-oxygen battery which incorporates a lead anode, an oxygen
cathode made of gold, and a weak acid electrolyte. Oxygen molecules enter the electrochemical
cell through a non-porous fluorine resin membrane and are reduced at the gold electrode with
the acid electrolyte. The current which flows between the electrodes is proportional to the
oxygen concentration in the gas mixture being measured. The terminal voltages across the
thermistor (for temperature compensation) and resistor are read as a signal, with the change in
output voltages representing the change in oxygen concentration. [1]

The following chemical reactions which take place in KE sensors:

Cathodic reaction: O2 + 4H+ + 4e- → 2H2O

Anodic reaction: 2Pb + 2H2O → 2PbO + 4H+ + 4e-

Total reaction: O2 + 2Pb → 2PbO

Fig.2.4.2 Structure of KE-25 [1]

2.4.2 Sensitivity Characteristics

Figure show the sensitivity characteristics of the KE sensors. The Y-axis indicates the output
voltage of the sensor

Fig.2.4.3 sensitivity characteristics of the KE sensors [1]

2.4.3 Specifications:

• Range: 0 ~ 100% O2

• Accuracy: +/-1% FS

• Temperature: 5-40℃

• Response time: 14+/-2S

• Initial output voltage under standard test conditions: 10-15.5mv [1]

2.4.4 Features

• Long life (KE-25 - 5 years / KE-50 - 10 years)

• Virtually no influence from CO2, CO, H2S, NOx, H2

• Low cost

• Operates in normal ambient temperatures

• Stable output signal

• No external power supply required for sensor operation

• No warm-up time is required [1]

2.4.5 Applications

• Medical - Anesthetic instruments, respirators, oxygen-enrichers

• Biotechnology - Oxygen incubators

• Food industry - Refrigeration, greenhouses

• Safety - Air conditioners, oxygen detectors, fire detectors [1]

2.5 MH-Z19B SENSOR (Carbon Dioxide Sensor)

The MH-Z19 NDIR infrared gas module is a common type, small size sensor, using non-
dispersive infrared (NDIR) principle to detect the existence of CO 2 in the air, with good
selectivity, non-oxygen dependent and long life. [4]

The built-in temperature sensor can do temperature compensation; it has digital output
an analog voltage output. It is developed by the tight integration of mature infrared absorbing
gas detection technology, precision optical circuit design, and superior circuit design.[4]

A nondispersive infrared sensor (or NDIR sensor) is a relatively simple spectroscopic

sensor often used as a gas detector. It is nondispersive in the sense of optical dispersion since
the infrared energy is allowed to pass through the atmospheric sampling chamber without
deformation. [4]

MH-Z19 NDIR infrared gas module is widely used in the HVAC refrigeration and
indoor air quality monitoring.

Fig.2.5 MH-Z19B CO2 Sensor[4]

2.5.1 Working & Operation

NDIR is a common measurement principle for detecting gases in the environment. Many of
edaphic scientific gas sensors, particularly range of carbon dioxide sensors are based on NDIR.
A NDIR gas sensor specifically measures the abundance, or concentration, of gases in a sample
chamber. If there are gases in the path from an infrared light source to a detector then, in a non-
dispersive system, the light is absorbed by the gases. How much light is absorbed is a function
of how much gas is between the light source and light detector. The infrared light source is
installed at one end of an enclosure and the light detector is installed at the opposite end. The
light detector has a filter so it specifically only detects light in the electromagnetic spectrum
that is related to CO2. An inlet and outlet between the light source and detector allows CO2 to
freely move in and out of the enclosure. The amount of infrared light absorbed is proportional
to the abundance or concentration of CO2 in the enclosure. As CO2 concentration increases,
more infrared light is absorbed and less light is detected. A known mathematical equation is
then applied which informs us of the CO2 concentration, in parts per million (ppm) or as a
percent (%), that is present in the enclosure. [4]

2.5.2 Pin Description

Table:2.5 Pin Description of MH-Z19[4]

2.5.3 Specifications

Operating Voltage (VDC) 3.6 to 5.5

Average Current(mA) <18

Interface Level 3.3V

Measuring Range 0~5%VOL optional

Output Signal PWM UART

Preheat Time(min) 3

Preheat Time 90<60

Operating Temperature (°C) 0 to +50

Lifespan >5

Dimensions in mm (LxWxH) 40x20x9

Weight (gm) 6

Shipment Weight 0.02 kg

Shipment Dimensions 7 x 6 x 4 cm [4]

2.5.4 Features

• High sensitivity, high resolution.

• Low energy consumption.

• Output mode: UART and PWM wave.

• Temperature compensation, excellent linear output.

• Good stability.

• Long lifespan.

• Anti-interference of water vapor.

• No poisoning. [4]

2.6 DHT11 (Temperature Sensor)

The DHT11 temperature range is from 0 to 50 degrees Celsius with +-2 degree accuracy.
DHT11 humidity range is from 20 to 80% with 5% accuracy.[11]

Fig.2.6.1 DHT11 (Temperature Sensor) [11]

2.6.1 Comparison Between DHT11 & DHT22(Temperature Sensor)

The are two specification where the DHT11 is better than the DHT22. That’s the sampling rate
which for the DHT11 is 1 Hz or one reading every second, while the DHT22 sampling rate is
0.5 Hz or one reading every two second and also the DHT11 has smaller body size. The
operating voltage of both sensors is from 3 to 5 volts, while the Max current used when the
measuring is 2.5mA.

Table:2.6 Comparison between DHT11 and DHT22

2.6.2 Working Principle

They consist of a humidity sensing component, a NTC temperature sensor (or thermistor) and
an IC on the back side of the sensor.

Fig.2.6.2 Internal Diagram Of DHT11 Sensor [11]

For measuring humidity they use the humidity sensing component which has two
electrodes with moisture holding substrate between them. So as the humidity changes, the
conductivity of the substrate changes or the resistance between these electrodes changes. This
change in resistance is measured and processed by the IC which makes it ready to be read by a

Fig.2.6.3 Measurement Of Humidity [11]

On the other hand, for measuring temperature these sensors use a NTC temperature sensor or
a thermistor. [11]

A thermistor is actually a variable resistor that changes its resistance with change of the
temperature. These sensors are made by sintering of semiconductive materials such as ceramics
or polymers in order to provide larger changes in the resistance with just small changes in
temperature. The term “NTC” means “Negative Temperature Coefficient”, which means that
the resistance decreases with increase of the temperature.[11]

Fig.2.6.4 Measurement Of Temperature [11]

2.6.3 Applications:

• Measure temperature and humidity

• Local Weather station

• Automatic climate control

• Environment monitoring [11]

2.7 MQ-135 Sensor (Use for Unwanted Gases Detection)

The MQ series of gas sensors utilizes a small heater inside with an electro chemical sensor
these sensors are sensitive to a range of gasses are used at room temperature. MQ135 alcohol
sensor is a Sno2 with a lower conductivity of clean air. When the target explosive gas exists,
then the sensor’s conductivity increases more increasing more along with the gas
concentration rising levels. By using simple electronic circuits, it convert the charge of
conductivity to correspond output signal of gas concentration.[8]

The MQ135 gas sensor has high sensitivity in ammonia, sulfide, benze steam, smoke
and in other harm full gas. It is low cost and suitable for different applications.

Fig.2.7.1 MQ135 Sensor [8]

2.7.1 Basic Pin Configuration

The MQ-3 alcohol gas sensor consists of total 6-pins including A, H, B and the other three pins
are A, H, B out of the total 6-pins we use only 4 pins. The two pins A, H are used for the heating
purpose and the other two pins are used for the ground and power. There is a heating system
inside the sensor, which is made up of aluminium oxide, tin dioxide. It has heat coils to
produce heat, and thus it is used as a heat sensor. The below diagram shows the pin diagram
and the configuration of the MQ-135 sensor. [8]

Fig.2.7.2 Pin Diagram Of MQ135 [8]

For Module

Vcc-Used to power the sensor, Generally the operating voltage is +5V

Ground- Used to connect the module to system groung

Digital OUT- You can also use this sensor to get digital output from this pin, by setting a
threshold value using the potentiometer.

Analog OUT- This pin outputs 0-5V analog voltage based on the intensity of the gas.

For sensor

H-Pins- Out of the two H pins, one pin is connected to supply and the other to ground

A-Pins- The A pins and B pins are interchangeable. These pins will be tied to the Supply

B-Pins- A pins and B pins are interchangeable. One pin will act as output while the other will
be pulled to ground

2.7.2 Working Principle And Circuit Diagram

The MQ-135 alcohol sensor consists of a tin dioxide (SnO2), a perspective layer inside
aluminium oxide micro tubes (measuring electrodes) and a heating element inside a tubular
casing. The end face of the sensor is enclosed by a stainless steel net and the back side holds
the connection terminals. Ethyl alcohol present in the breath is oxidized into acetic acid passing
through the heat element. With the ethyl alcohol cascade on the tin dioxide sensing layer, the
resistance decreases. By using the external load resistance the resistance variation is converted
into a suitable voltage variation. The circuit diagram and the connection arrangement of an MQ
135 alcohol is shown below. [5]

Fig.2.7.3 Circuit Diagram of MQ-135 [8]

2.7.3 Sensor Features

• Wide detecting scope

• Fast response and High sensitivity

• Stable and long life

• Operating Voltage is +5V

• Detect/Measure NH3, NOx, alcohol, Benzene, smoke, CO2, etc.

• Analog output voltage: 0V to 5V

• Digital output voltage: 0V or 5V (TTL Logic)

• Preheat duration 20 seconds

• Can be used as a Digital or analog sensor

• The Sensitivity of Digital pin can be varied using the potentiometer [8]

2.7.4 Applications

• Air quality monitor

• Detection of harmful gases

• Domestic air pollution detection

• Industrial pollution detection

• Portable air pollution detection [8]

2.8 MQ-7 Sensor (carbon monoxide sensor)

Sensitive material of MQ-7 gas sensor is SnO2, which with lower conductivity in clean air. It
makes detection by method of cycle high and low temperature, and detect CO when low
temperature (heated by 1.5V). The sensors conductivity is higher along with the gas
concentration rising. When high temperature (heated by 5.0V), it cleans the other gases
adsorbed under low temperature. Please use simple electro circuit, Convert change of
conductivity to correspond output signal of gas concentration.[10]

MQ-7 gas sensor has high sensitivity to Carbon Monoxide. The sensor could be used
to detect different gases contains CO, it is with low cost and suitable for different

Fig.2.8.1 MQ-7 Sensor [3]

2.8.1 Basic Pin Configuration

Vcc-Used to power the sensor, Generally the operating voltage is +5V

Ground- Used to connect the module to system groung

Digital OUT- You can also use this sensor to get digital output from this pin, by setting a
threshold value using the potentiometer.

Analog OUT- This pin outputs 0-5V analog voltage based on the intensity of the gas. [3]

2.8.2 Working Principle And Circuit Diagram

When looking more specifically at the MQ-7 Datasheet it explained (in broken english) that
the sensor made it detection for Carbon Monoxide by running through cycles of high and low
temperatures. The sensor will detect CO at a low temperature (when the heating element is at
1.5V). At the high temperature end of the cycle the sensor cleans out the other gasses that have
been absorbed at the low temperature end of the cycle.

Circuit Diagram internal wiring diagram

Fig.2.8.2 Working Diagram Of MQ7 Sensor [6]

“Instructions: The above fig is the basic test circuit of MQ-7.The sensor requires two
voltage inputs: heater voltage (VH) and circuit voltage(VC). VH is used to supply standard
working temperature to the sensor and it can adopt DC or AC power. For this model sensor,
VH should be at 1.5V±0.1V low voltage when detect CO while should be at 5V±0.1V at non
detection status(resuming period). VRL is the voltage of load resistance RL which is in series
with sensor. Vc supplies the detect voltage to load resistance RL and it should adopts DC
power.” [6]

2.8.3 Sensor Feature

• High sensitivity to Combustible gas in wide range

• High sensitivity to Natural gas

• Fast response

• Wide detection range

• Stable performance, long life, low cost

• Simple drive circuit

• 5V operation

• Simple to use

• LEDs for output and power

• Output sensitivity adjustable

• Analog output 0V to 5V

• Digital output 0V or 5V [6]

2.9 LCD Display

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen is an electronic display module and find a wide range of
applications. A 16x2 LCD display is very basic module and is very commonly used in various
devices and circuits. These modules are preferred over seven segments and other multi
segment LEDs. The reasons being: LCDs are economical; easily programmable; have no
limitation of displaying special & even custom characters (unlike in seven
segments), animations and so on. [12]

A 16x2 LCD means it can display 16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines. In
this LCD each character is displayed in 5x7 pixel matrix. This LCD has two registers, namely,
Command and Data.

The command register stores the command instructions given to the LCD. A command
is an instruction given to LCD to do a predefined task like initializing it, clearing its screen,
setting the cursor position, controlling display etc. The data register stores the data to be
displayed on the LCD. The data is the ASCII value of the character to be displayed on the LCD.
Click to learn more about internal structure of a LCD. [12]

2.9.1 Pin Diagram:

Fig.2.9 Pin Diagram of LCD

2.9.2 Pin Description:

Table:2.9 Pin Description of LCD [12]

2.9.3 RS (Register select)

A 16X2 LCD has two registers, namely, command and data. The register select is used to
switch from one register to other. RS=0 for command register, whereas RS=1 for data register.

Command Register: The command register stores the command instructions given to the
LCD. A command is an instruction given to LCD to do a predefined task like initializing it,
clearing its screen, setting the cursor position, controlling display etc. Processing for commands
happens in the command register.

Data Register: The data register stores the data to be displayed on the LCD. The data is the
ASCII value of the character to be displayed on the LCD. When we send data to LCD it goes
to the data register and is processed there. When RS=1, data register is selected. [12]


The Circuit Diagram shows the connections of different components with the descriptions
according to the pin description. All the connections shown are done according to the
characteristics of the different components. In MQ 7 sensor, one pin is connected to Vcc, one
to Ground and one data pin to Analog pin of the Arduino. As the pins of Arduino are being
used to connect other sensors, MQ135 sensors are connected to WEMOS. In MQ135 sensor
one pin is connected to the ground while data pin is connected to analog pin of WEMOS AND
Vcc is being provided by Arduino itself. In DHT 11 also, similar connections are made. KE 25
sensors has two pins, one is connected to Vcc and one data pin to the Analog pin of Arduino.
In MH-Z19B sensor one pin is connected to ground and Vcc each and one PWM pin is
connected to the digital pin of Arduino.

GPS has four pins, one connected to ground and one to Vcc, two data pins are connected
to the digital pins of WEMOS. LCD has 16 pins out pf which six are digital pins, four connected
to ground and two to Vcc, while four remains unconnected. The eight pins of WEMOS are
being connected to the other components. Two digital pins are connected to Arduino and Two
to the Rx and Tx of the GPS. Also, Tx and Rx of WEMOS are connected to the Arduino. Two
more pins are being used to collect the data from MQ135 sensor. All the data collected by all
the sensors are sent to the WEMOS along with the latitude and longitude extracted from the
GPS. Then this data is linked with the think speak which can be used for many more functions
like SMS, GMAIL, Skype, etc.

Fig.3.1 Connection Diagram of all component
• Connect VCC of WEMOS with GPS module
• Connect two GNDs, one to GND of Arduino and one to GPS module.
• Connect Vin to the Vin of Arduino
• Connect one GND and one VCC to the GND and VCC of MQ135 sensor
• Connect Rx and Tx of WEMOS to the Arduino [9]


• Connect VCC of GPS module to 5V pin of WEMOS.
• Connect GND of GPS module to GND pin of WEMOS.
• Burn the program to Arduino.
• Connect GPS module Tx –> Arduino Rx.
• Connect GPS module Rx –> Arduino Tx.
• GPS data is obtained on serial monitor.[7]

3.3.1 Extraction of data obtained from GPS Module
GGA – It provides the essential fix data which will give the 3Dimensional location
with appropriate accuracy. It is given in the following form -
GPGGA,174341.00,2654.83226,N,08056.64388,E,1,06,1.81,101.8,M,-44.9,M, ,*78
• GGA stands for Global Positioning System Fix Data
• 174341 implies that the fix is taken at 17:43:41 UTC
• 2654.83226,N denotes the Latitude 26 deg 54.83226' N
• 08056.64388,E denotes the Longitude 80 deg 56.64388' E
• Next parameter us the fix quality: 0 = invalid
1 = GPS fix (SPS)
• 06 denote the number of satellites being tracked at the given location.
• 1.81 denotes the horizontal dilution of position
• 101.8,M denotes altitude in meters above the mean sea level
• -44.9,M denotes the height of geoid (mean sea level)
• (empty field) is it left for the time in seconds since last DGPS update
• (empty field) it is left for the DGPS station ID number
• *78 notifies the checksum data which is used for error correction
If we find that the height of geoid is not present in the sentence then we can conclude
that the altitude will be doubtful. There are also some non-standard implementations for
reporting the altitude with respect to the ellipsoid rather than reporting with respect to the geoid
altitude. On the other hand, there are some units which do not report negative altitudes at all.
The altitude is reported by this sentence only. GSA it gives information about GPS DOP and
active satellites in view. This sentence describes the nature of the fix. It shows the numbers of
the satellites which are currently being used for sensing the locations along with the DOP. DOP
(dilution of precision) is the parameter which is used to indicate the effect of satellite geometry
on how precisely the fix is established. It is generally given as a unitless number and generally
the smaller the value, the better it is. For 3-Dimensional fixes, a score of 1.0 is considered as a
perfect score, given that 4 satellites are used for the fix. If however, the fix is over determined
then it is possible to get a score below 1.0 also. It is of the following form -
• GSA denotes the satellite status
• A defines Auto selection of 2Dimensional or 3Dimensional fix (here M will
denote manual)
• 3 implies 3-Dimensional fix (Here, other values are 1 = no fix, 2 = 2D fix, 3 =
3D fix)
• 21,20,32 ... this denotes the PRNs of satellites which have been used for
establishing the fix( consequently, there is space for 12 satellites)
• 2.97 – It denotes the DOP (dilution of precision)
• 1.81 - It denotes the corresponding horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP)
• 2.35 - It denotes the corresponding vertical dilution of precision (VDOP)
• *05 - Finally, the last field denotes the checksum data. Note that it always begins
with *
GSV – GSV stands for ‘Satellites in View’. It shows data about the satellites which the GPS
unit might be able to find based on its almanac data as well as its viewing mask. In addition to
this, it also shows current ability of the unit to track this data. It should also be noted that one
GSV sentence is able to provide data for up to 4 satellites and consequently, there may be a
need to get a total of 3 sentences for obtaining the full information. It can be logically reasoned
that the GSV sentence will contain more number of satellites than the corresponding GGA
sentence as the GSV may even include those satellites which have not been used as part of the
solution for obtaining the fix.
There is a field called SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) which is present in the NMEA standard. It
is correlated to the signal strength which is being received. Although SNR is an indirect
inditation of strength but it is more useful value when compared to the raw signal strength. The
range of SNR can be from 0 to 99. It is given in the units of decibels (dB). Although nowadays
it is quite common that various manufacturers send different ranges of numbers which may
start and end at different locations and thus the values themselves cannot be efficiently used to
evaluate different units. The range of practical working values in a given GPS would usually
show a difference of about 25 to 35 between the lowest and highest values. 0, however, is a
special case and it may denote that the satellites are not being tracked, although they may be in
view to the GPS receiver.
The sentence is given as -
• GSV is the abbreviation for ‘Satellites in view’
• 3 denotes the number of sentences which have to be used for full data
• 10 – It is denoting the number of satellites in view
• 08 – It is denoting the PRN number of the satellite being tracked
• 04 – This field is denoting the Elevation in degrees of the satellite
• 320 – This field is denoting the Azimuth in degrees of the satellite
• 10 – This field is denoting the SNR. A higher values is better in this case.
• *70 – The last field again denotes the checksum data and, as usual, it begins
with *
RMC – It stands for the Recommended Minimum Coordinates. It is NMEA’s own standard
version of providing the essential GPS PVT data (position, velocity, time). It is of the following
• RMC stands for Recommended Minimum Coordinate.
• 174342 implies that the fix is taken at 17:43:42 UTC
• A denotes the Status of the fix (A - active or V – Void)
• 2654.83233, N denotes the latitude 26 deg 54.83233' N of the position
• 08056.64383, E denotes the longitude 80 deg 56.64383' E of the position
• 0.107 gives the speed of the GPS tracker over the ground in knots
• 030618 it tells about the date on which the fix was taken – 3rd of June 2018
• *6A It is the checksum data, always begins with *
GLL – It stands for the Geographic Latitude and Longitude. It is used in the situations where
we are working with LORAN data (Long Range Data). It is of the following form:
$GPGLL,2654.83233,N,08056.64383, E,174342.00,A,A*63
• GLL denotes the Geographic position, Latitude and Longitude
2654.83233,N denotes the Latitude 26 deg. 54.83 min. North of the GPS tracker
• 08056.64383,W denotes the Longitude 80 deg. 56.64383 min. West of the GPS tracker
• 174342 it denotes that the fix was taken at 17:43:42 UTC
• A implies Data Active or V (void)
• A*63 denotes the checksum data [7]


KE-25 sensor Pin Arduino Pin

Black Pin Ground Pin(GND)

Red Pin Analog Pin(A5) [1]


MH-Z19B Pin Arduino Pin

Vin Power Pin(5V)

GND Ground Pin(GND)

Rx Analog Pin(A4)

Tx Analog Pin(A3)

PWM Digital Pin(4) [4]


DHT Pin Arduino pin

VCC power pin(5V)

Data pin Digital pin 2

NC Not connected

GND Ground pin (GND) [11]


Sensor Pin Pin

Vcc Power Pin(5V) of WEMOS

GND Ground Pin (GND) of WEMOS

AOUT Analog Pin(A0) of Arduino


Sensor Pin Arduino Pin

Vcc Power pin(5V)

GND Ground Pin (GND)

AOUT Analog Pin(A1) [10]


Fig. 3.2 LCD Interfacing [12]


4.1 Programming for GPS module NEO6MV2

4.1.1 Result of Program for setting up GPS module
(a) Initial stage

(b) GPS in set stage

4.1.2 Algorithm to extract Latitude and Longitude

4.1.3 Result of the Program to Extract Latitude and Longitude

4.1.4 Output: Location determined from Latitude and Longitude

4.2 Algorithm for the main program:

Include TinyGPS++ and SoftwareSerial Library

Convert Digital pin 11 and 12 as Rx and Tx for GPS


Set baud rate for all serial transmissions.

Void loop is considered for continuous running of


Use GPS code for extracting Latitude and Longitude.

Use analogRead and digitalRead to read data of all


Data Provided to WEMOS

Message every 10 min

Collects data for further use using Think Speak

Data is being sent to the required If CO2>500

Email ppm
Generates an alert message

Email is received by the user

All the sensors are interfaced with Arduino along with GPS. The data from all the sensors is
collected and being sent to Arduino which is further interfaced with WEMOS. WEMOS is
collecting the data of all the sensors from Arduino and sending it to the online portal Think
Speak. Think Speak then connects with the Webhooks via IFTTT. The Webhooks contains
many functions like SMS, GMAIL or Skype which can be used to send the data to user by
creating a function. We are creating the function of GMAIL to send the data to the user. Then
the URL of every function is being copied to Think Speak which is using it to plot real time
graphs and also record the data in Excel Format.
4.3 Results

Data Collected in Table Form:

Table:3.4 Analysis of Data


The system to monitor the air of environment using Arduino microcontroller, IOT Technology
is proposed to improve quality of air. With the use of IOT technology enhances the process of
monitoring various aspects of environment such as air quality monitoring issue proposed in
this paper. Here, using the MQ135 gas sensor gives the sense of different type of dangerous
gas and Arduino is the heart of this project. Which control the entire process. Wi-Fi module
connects the whole process to internet and LCD is used for the visual Output. The data is being
recorded at every instant and being sent to the user also. Not only the data is collected from the
gas sensors like MQ 135, MQ7, KE 25 and MH Z19B but also GPS module is being used to
take the location of implementation and all the data is being recorded along with the GPS.

Through the usage of IOT we can record the data with time and location and can access
it in future. So, if any program is to be implemented, then the implementation will be much
using this recorded data.








Interface Coding for All Components with Arduino

#include <MHZ19PWM.h>
#include <TinyGPS++.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <dht.h>
dht DHT;
LiquidCrystal lcd(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
#define DHT11_PIN 4
float temp;
float HR ;
int oxygen = A2;
int co2 = 3;
int mq7 =A0;
int mq135 = A1;
int carbondioxide =0;
String load_status1="NO ALCOHAL DETECTED ";
String load_status2="DRIVER AT WEAKUP STATE";
String load_status3="";
static const int RXPin = 12, TXPin = 11;
static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 9600;
String inputString = ""; // a string to hold incoming data
boolean stringComplete = false;
// The TinyGPS++ object
TinyGPSPlus gps;

// The serial connection to the GPS device

SoftwareSerial ss(RXPin, TXPin);
long timer,timer1=0,timer2=0,timer3=0;
float lat = 26.8467;//;
float lon = 80.9462;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:

lcd.begin(16, 2);

lcd.print("Air Polution");
lcd.print(" Mon. SYSTEM");
String data = "";
void loop() {
while (ss.available() > 0)
if (gps.encode(

if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10)

//Serial.println(F("No GPS detected: check wiring."));


const float A_REF = 1.1e3;
const float Scalc = (1/0.6);

float v1;
unsigned long oxy = 0.0;
float v2 = 0.0;
pinMode(A0, INPUT);
v1 = analogRead(A0);
v2 = (v1 * A_REF);
oxy = v2 * Scalc;
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
int al=analogRead(mq7);
// al = map(al,0,1023,0,100);
float CO=analogRead(mq135)/10;
// CO = map(CO,0,1023,0,100);

HR = DHT.humidity;
temp = DHT.temperature;
while (HR==0&& HR==127){
HR = DHT.humidity;

data =
if(millis()-timer>2000&& timer1 ==0){

// Serial.print("temp: ");
// Serial.print(temp);
// Serial.print(" HR: ");
// Serial.println(HR);
lcd.print(" ppm");
// lcd.print("%");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("CO: ");
lcd.print(" ppm");


lcd.print("Temp: ");
lcd.print(" *C");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("HR: ");

lcd.print("oxy: ");
lcd.print(" ppm ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("CO2: ");
lcd.print(" ppm ");

timer = millis();
lcd.print("lat: ");
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("lon: ");


void DHT11(){
// Serial.print("DHT11, \t");
int chk = DHT.read11(DHT11_PIN);
switch (chk)
// Serial.print("OK,\t");
// Serial.print("Checksum error,\t");
// Serial.print("Time out error,\t");
// Serial.print("Connect error,\t");
// Serial.print("Ack Low error,\t");
// Serial.print("Ack High error,\t");

/// Serial.print("Unknown error,\t");
// Serial.print(DHT.humidity, 1);
// Serial.print(",\t");
// Serial.println(DHT.temperature, 1);

void showValue()
//unsigned long start = millis();
carbondioxide = mhz.getCO2();
// unsigned long duration = millis() - start;

// Serial.print(F("CO2: "));
// Serial.println(co2);
// Serial.print(F("Duration: "));
// Serial.println(duration);
// Serial.println();
void displayInfo()
//Serial.print(F("Location: "));
if (gps.location.isValid())
lat =;
lon = gps.location.lon();
// Serial.print(, 6);
// Serial.print(F(","));

// Serial.print(gps.location.lon(), 6);
lat = 26.87446;//;
lon = 81.031274;//gps.location.lon();

// Serial.println();
void DISPLAY1()
{ while (Serial.available()) {
// get the new byte:
char inChar = (char);
// add it to the inputString:
inputString += inChar;
// if the incoming character is a newline, set a flag
// so the main loop can do something about it:
if (inChar == '\n') {
stringComplete = true;
// Serial.println(inputString);
Interface coding of WEMOS with Arduino
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ThingSpeak.h>

static const int RXPin = 3, TXPin = 4;
SoftwareSerial ss(RXPin, TXPin);
int buzz = D0;
const char* ssid = "Tenda_432A80";
const char* password = "12345678^";
WiFiClient client;
unsigned long myChannelNumber = 795872;
const char * myWriteAPIKey = "A91BBSSOY8EMT763";
unsigned long timer,timer1=0;

String inputString = ""; // a String to hold incoming data

boolean stringComplete = false; // whether the string is complete
int humidity,temperature;
int alcohal =0;
int co=0;
int oxy = 0;
int co2=0;
float lat,lon;
void setup()
{ ss.begin(9600);
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
// reserve 200 bytes for the inputString:
// Connect to WiFi network
ss.print("Connecting to ");

WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
ss.println("WiFi connected");

// Print the IP address

int data_state = 0;
unsigned long timer2=0;
void loop()

ThingSpeak.setField(1, humidity);
ThingSpeak.setField(2, temperature);
ThingSpeak.setField(3, alcohal);
ThingSpeak.setField(4, co);
ThingSpeak.setField(5, oxy);
ThingSpeak.setField(6, co2);
ThingSpeak.setField(7, lat);
ThingSpeak.setField(8, lon);

// Write to ThingSpeak. There are up to 8 fields in a channel, allowing you to store up to 8
// pieces of information in a channel. Here, we write to field 1.
timer2 = millis();
ThingSpeak.writeFields(myChannelNumber, myWriteAPIKey);

if (stringComplete) {
// ss.println(inputString);

ss.print(" T:");

ss.print(" ALCO:");

ss.print(" CO:");
ss.print(" O:");

ss.print(" CO2:");
ss.print(" Lat:");
lat =
ss.print(" Lon:");
lon =inputString.substring(inputString.indexOf("N")+1,inputString.length()).toFloat();

// clear the string:

inputString = "";
stringComplete = false;
while (Serial.available()) {
// get the new byte:
char inChar = (char);
// add it to the inputString:

inputString += inChar;
// if the incoming character is a newline, set a flag so the main loop can
// do something about it:
if (inChar == '\n') {
// digitalWrite(2, ~digitalRead(2));

stringComplete = true;

Date June 09, 2019 Words 758

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air pollution has emerged to be the biggest problem of every nation whether it is developed or
developing. health problems is growing at a very rapid rate especially in urban areas of developing
countries where industrialization and growing number of vehicles leads to release of pollution
having effects on healths like mild allergic reactions such as irritation of the throat eyes and nose as
well as some serious problems like bronchitis heart diseases pneumonia lung and aggravated
asthma. according to a survey due to air pollution 50 000 to 100 000premature deaths per year
occur in the u. whereas in eu number reaches to 300 000 and over 3 000 000 worldwide. air
pollution monitoring system monitors the air quality using different gas sensors. air pollution
monitors the presence of harmful gases present in the air like co2 smoke alcohol benzene nh3 co
and nox. it will show the air quality in ppm on the lcd and as well as on webpage so that it can
monitor it very easily. oxygen sensor is also used in the system to detect the concentration of
oxygen in the atmosphere. the system will also show temperature and humidity dht 11 sensor is
used for that . the system can be installed anywhere but mostly in industries and in the areas where
gases are mostly to be found. the drawbacks of the conventional monitoring instruments are their
large size heavy weight and extraordinary expensiveness. these lead to sparse deployment of the
monitoring stations. in order to be effective the locations of the monitoring stations need careful
placement because the air pollution situation in urban areas is highly related to human activities
construction activities and location dependent e. the traffic choke points have much worse air
quality than average . the system will show the air quality in ppm on the lcd and as well as on
webpage so that it can be monitored very easily. temperature and humidity is detected and
monitored in the system. co gas is detected using mq7 sensor and mq135sensor is used for
monitoring air quality as it detects most harmful gases and can measure their amount accurately.
mhz19a ndir sensor detects the concentration of carbon dioxide and ke25 sensor is used to monitor
the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere. dht 11 sensor is being used to know the
temperature and humidity of the monitored place. the device is also able to email the information
concentration of harmful gases to any email user. also device will show the location of the
monitored place so that if there is more presence of harmful gases or concentration of oxygen is
less effective measures can be taken to improve the quality of air in that place. all the sensors
detect the concentration of different gases and present before us. the readings taken by all the
sensors is accurate. fig.1.1 block diagram of air pollution monitoring system also components like
wemos d1r1 gps arduino lcd etc. being used for the different purposes. arduino is the main
component which interfaces all the components present in the whole system or device. wemos d1r1
is used to send the data to any contact we want to share the information through thingspeak server.
gps is used to monitor the exact location of the device so that data with exact location can be
presented and lcd is used to show the monitored data to everyone. so the device can be used in two
ways i. static or dynamic. in static we can position the device at one place and can present the data
on the led so that everyone can visualise. in dynamic device can be shifted to different locations at
different time and data along with their locations can be monitored using gps. we can also place the
device in any vehicle so that different locations pollution level can be analysed easily. device will
show the location of the monitored place so that if there is more presence of harmful gases or
concentration of oxygen is less effective measures can be taken to improve the quality of air in that
place. thus the device can play an important role in monitoring the pollution in any area so that
proper measures can be taken to keep the pollution under control. the device will also be helpful in
letting the people know about the conditions in their surroundings which will make them more
aware and concerned about the atmosphere the awareness of people will definitely play a very
important role in controlling the increase in pollution and hopefully can also minimize it in the
upcoming future.

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Date June 09, 2019 Words 299

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the circuit diagram shows the connections of different components with the descriptions according
to the pin description. all the connections shown are done according to the characteristics of the
different components. in mq 7 sensor one pin is connected to vcc one to ground and one data pin to
analog pin of the arduino. as the pins of arduino are being used to connect other sensors mq135
sensors are connected to wemos. in mq135 sensor one pin is connected to the ground while data
pin is connected to analog pin of wemos and vcc is being provided by arduino itself. in dht 11 also
similar connections are made. ke 25 sensors has two pins one is connected to vcc and one data pin
to the analog pin of arduino. in mh z19b sensor one pin is connected to ground and vcc each and
one pwm pin is connected to the digital pin of arduino. gps has four pins one connected to ground
and one to vcc two data pins are connected to the digital pins of wemos. lcd has 16 pins out pf
which six are digital pins four connected to ground and two to vcc while four remains unconnected.
the eight pins of wemos are being connected to the other components. two digital pins are
connected to arduino and two to the rx and tx of the gps. also tx and rx of wemos are connected to
the arduino. two more pins are being used to collect the data from mq135 sensor. all the data
collected by all the sensors are sent to the wemos along with the latitude and longitude extracted
from the gps. then this data is linked with the think speak which can be used for many more
functions like sms gmail skype etc.

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Date June 09, 2019 Words 160

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this system is going to monitor the quality of air of environment using arduino microcontroller. iot
technology is being proposed to improve quality of air in the future. with the use of iot technology it
enhances the process of analyzing various aspects of environment such as air quality monitoring
issue oxygen temperature and humidity here using the mq135 gas sensor gives the sense of
different type of dangerous gas and arduino is the heart of this project which is used to control the
entire process. wi fi module connects the whole process to internet and lcd is used for the visual
output. the data is being recorded at every instant and being sent to the user also. not only the data
is collected from the gas sensors like mq 135 mq7 ke 25 and mh z19b but also gps module is being
used to take the location of implementation and all the data is being recorded along with the gps.

Report Generated on June 09, 2019 by

Major Project- PLO Mapping
Tick what is relevant
S.No. Details Project Mapping
Title of the Project Air Pollution
Objective of the project Monitoring
Student Name Pranav Garg
Student Roll Number 1505231031
Area of Research/Project Environment
Expected Outcome Pollution
Mapping with project with PLO
1 Student solving problems of Computer Science and
Engineering using
a) Knowledge of mathematics NO
b) Knowledge of science YES
c) Knowledge of Engineering YES
2 Student uses first principles of mathematics, natural science,
and engineering science.
a) Formulate research literature NO
b) Analyze problems reaching YES
c) Reach sustained conclusions YES
3 Student is creating solutions for computer science and
engineering problems and design system components or
processes that meets the specified needs
a) With appropriate consideration for the public health and safety YES
b) With appropriate consideration for the cultural and societal NO
c) With appropriate consideration for the environmental YES
4 Student is carrying out investigations of problems

a) By using research based knowledge and research methods YES

including designs of experiments
b) By analyzing and interpretation of data and synthesis of YES
information to provide valid conclusions
5 Student is practicing computing principles with an
understanding of the limitations
a) To create appropriate techniques, resources and modern YES
engineering and IT tools
b) To select appropriate techniques, resources and modern NO
engineering and IT tools
c) ) To select appropriate techniques, resources and modern NO
engineering and IT tools
6 Student is applying is reasoning informed by contextual
a) To assess societal issues and consequent responsibilities NO
relevant to professional engineering practice
b) To assess health issues and consequent responsibilities relevant YES
to the professional engineering practice
c) To assess safety issues and consequent responsibility is relevant NO
to the professional engineering practice
d) To assess legal issues and consequent responsibilities relevant NO
to the professional engineering practice
e) To assess cultural issues and consequent responsibilities NO
relevant to the professional engineering practice
7 Student is recognizing the impact of the professional
engineering solution in
a) Social contexts NO
b) In environmental contexts YES
c) To demonstrate the knowledge if and need for the sustainable NO
8 Student is demonstrating engineering practices for
a) Applying ethical principles NO
b) Practicing professional ethics NO
c) Discharging responsibilities NO
d) Following norms of engineering practice YES
9 Student is undertaking a common goal in multidisciplinary
a) Demonstrating effectiveness as an individual of team NO

b) Demonstrating effectiveness as a member or leader of team YES

10 Student is using effective communication

a) To cater to technical audiences YES

b) To cater to non- technical audiences YES

11 Student is demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the

Engineering and Management principles
a) To apply these to one's own work as a member to manage YES
projects in multidisciplinary environments
b) To apply this to one's own work as a leader in a team as well as NO
to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
12 Student is recognising the need for, and will engage in YES
Independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change

Select and Filled the Program out Come based on course completion.

PSO1 An ability to understand the concepts of basic Electronics & Communication NO

Engineering and to apply them to various areas like Signal processing, VLSI,
Embedded systems, Communication Systems, Digital & Analog Devices, etc
PSO2 An ability to solve complex Electronics and Communication Engineering YES
problems, using latest hardware and software tools, along with analytical skills to
arrive cost effective and appropriate solutions.
PSO3 Wisdom of social and environmental awareness along with ethical responsibility YES
to have a successful career and to sustain passion and zeal for real-world
applications using optimal resources as an Entrepreneur

Student Name: Pranav Garg

Student Enrollment No: 150523100389 Faculty Name: Dr. R.C.S Chauhan
Student Signature: Faculty Signature:
6/7/2019 Gmail - Academic Detail


Academic Detail
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Thanks for filling out Academic Detail

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Academic Detail
Final year 2018-2019

Email address *

Roll Number *


Name *

Pranav Garg

Branch *




Topic *… 1/6
6/7/2019 Gmail - Academic Detail

Digital Audio Broadcasting

Guide *

Er. Piyush Singh

Seminar Outcomes *

Choose one or more options as applicable

PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics and science, with fundamentals
of Electronics and Communication Engineering to be able to solve complex engineering problems
related to ECE.

PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, Formulate, review research literature and analyze complex
engineering problems related to ECE and reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

PO3: Design/Development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems

related to ECE and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with
appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural societal and environmental

PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex problems: Use research–based knowledge and

research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis
of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to Electronics Engineering
related complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply Reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant
to the ECE professional Engineering practice.

PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the ECE professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the

PO8: Ethics: Apply Ethical Principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.

PO9: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader
in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary Settings

PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the

engineering community and with society at large such as able to comprehend and with write effective
reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive

PO11: Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in
a team, to manage projects and in multi-disciplinary environments.

PO12: Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning the broadest context of technological change.

Industrial Training

Topic *… 2/6
6/7/2019 Gmail - Academic Detail

Power Generation and Distribution alomg with Grid Controlling and


Place (institution/firm/organisation) *

Uttar Pradesh State Load Dispatch Centre

Type of Training *


Public Sector

Private Sector

Industrial Training Outcomes *

Choose one or more options as applicable

PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics and science, with fundamentals
of Electronics and Communication Engineering to be able to solve complex engineering problems
related to ECE.

PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, Formulate, review research literature and analyze complex
engineering problems related to ECE and reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

PO3: Design/Development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems

related to ECE and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with
appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural societal and environmental

PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex problems: Use research–based knowledge and

research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis
of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to Electronics Engineering
related complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply Reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant
to the ECE professional Engineering practice.

PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the ECE professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the

PO8: Ethics: Apply Ethical Principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.

PO9: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader
in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary Settings

PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities wit h the

engineering community and with society at large such as able to comprehend and with write effective
reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive

PO11: Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in
a team, to manage projects and in multi-disciplinary environments.

PO12: Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning the broadest context of technological change.… 3/6
6/7/2019 Gmail - Academic Detail

Minor Project

Topic *

Air Pollution Monitoring System

Guide *

Dr. R.C.S. Chauhan

Type of Minor Project *



Both hardware and software


Minor Project Outcomes *

Choose one or more options as applicable

PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics and science, with fundamentals
of Electronics and Communication Engineering to be able to solve complex engineering problems
related to ECE.

PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, Formulate, review research literature and analyze complex
engineering problems related to ECE and reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

PO3: Design/Development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems

related to ECE and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with
appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural societal and environmental

PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex problems: Use research–based knowledge and

research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis
of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to Electronics Engineering
related complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply Reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant
to the ECE professional Engineering practice.

PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the ECE professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the

PO8: Ethics: Apply Ethical Principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.

PO9: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader
in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary Settings… 4/6
6/7/2019 Gmail - Academic Detail

PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the

engineering community and with society at large such as able to comprehend and with write effective
reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive

PO11: Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in
a team, to manage projects and in multi-disciplinary environments.

PO12: Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning the broadest context of technological change.


Topic *

Air Pollution Monitoring System

Guide *

Dr. R.C.S. Chauhan

Type of Project *



Both hardware and software


Project Outcomes *

Choose one or more options as applicable

PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics and science, with fundamentals
of Electronics and Communication Engineering to be able to solve complex engineering problems
related to ECE.

PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, Formulate, review research literature and analyze complex
engineering problems related to ECE and reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

PO3: Design/Development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems

related to ECE and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with
appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural societal and environmental

PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex problems: Use research–based knowledge and

research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis
of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to Electronics Engineering
related complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.… 5/6
6/7/2019 Gmail - Academic Detail

PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply Reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant
to the ECE professional Engineering practice.

PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the ECE professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the

PO8: Ethics: Apply Ethical Principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.

PO9: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader
in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary Settings

PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the

engineering community and with society at large such as able to comprehend and with write effective
reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive

PO11: Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in
a team, to manage projects and in multi-disciplinary environments.

PO12: Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning the broadest context of technological change.

Degree/Course Outcomes

Choose one or more options as applicable

PSO1-PSO3 table for selection *

PSO1: An ability to understand the concepts of basic Electronics & Communication Engineering
and to apply them to various areas like Signal processing, VLSI, Embedded systems,
Communication Systems, Digital & Analog Devices, etc

PSO2: An ability to solve complex Electronics and Communication Engineering problems, using
latest hardware and software tools, along with analytical skills to arrive cost effective and appropriate

PSO3: Wisdom of social and environmental awareness along with ethical responsibility to have a
successful career and to sustain passion and zeal for real-world applications using optimal resources
as an Entrepreneur

Create your own Google Form… 6/6

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