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Table of Contents

ii ii

1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................2
2 Different iiMethods iiof iiHeat iiTransfer iiEnhancement ..............................................................3
2.1 Active iimethod ..............................................................................................................3
2.2 Passive iiMethod.............................................................................................................4
2.3 Compound iiMethod .......................................................................................................4
3 Passive iiMethods ..................................................................................................................4
3.1 Treated iiSurfaces ...........................................................................................................4
3.2 Inserts ...........................................................................................................................4
3.3 Extended iiSurfaces ........................................................................................................5
4 Treated iiSurfaces ..................................................................................................................5
4.1 Boiling ..........................................................................................................................5
4.2 Condensing ...................................................................................................................6
5 Inserts ..................................................................................................................................7
5.1 Twisted iiTape ................................................................................................................7
5.2 Wire iiCoil ......................................................................................................................8
6 Extended iiSurfaces ...............................................................................................................9

Question # 4: i i

Heat iexchanger iperformance ienhancement iis ian iimportant iresearch iarea, idiscuss iin idetail ithe
i techniques ithat ican ibe iused ifor ithis ipurpose. iRead ione iresearch ipaper irelated ito ithis itopic iwrite ia
i report iof i2000 iwords isummarizing ithat iarticle.

1 Introduction
The iiheat iiexchangers iihave iian iiimportant iirole iiin iithe iienergy iistorage iiand iirecovery. iiEnhancement
ii of iiheat iitransfer iiis iiof iivital iiimportance iiin iimany iiindustrial iiapplications. iiDue iito iithe iidevelopment
ii of iimodern iitechnology, iithe iiheat iiexchangers iirequired iiin iivarious iiindustries iifor iihigh iiheat-flux
ii cooling iito iithe iilevel iiof iimegawatt iiper iimeter iisquare. iiAt iithis iilevel, iicooling iiwith iiconventional
ii fluids iisuch iias iiwater iiand iiethylene iiglycol iiare iichallenging. iiHence, iiit iiis iinecessary iito iiincrease iithe
ii heat iitransfer iiperformance iiof iiworking iifluids iiin iithe iiheat iitransfer iidevices. iiIn iithe iilast iidecades,
ii significant iieffort iihas iibeen iimade iito iidevelop iiheat iitransfer iienhancement iitechniques iiin iiorder iito
ii improve iithe iioverall iiperformance iiof iiheat iiexchangers. iiThe iiinterest iiin iithese iitechniques iiis iiclosely
ii tied iito iienergy iiprices iiand, iiwith iithe iipresent iiincrease iiin iienergy iicost, iiit iiis iiexpected iithat iithe iiheat
ii transfer iienhancement iifield iiwill iigo iithrough iia iinew iigrowth iiphase. ii

Although iithere iiis iineed iito iidevelop iinovel iitechnologies, iiexperimental iiwork iion iithe iiolder iiones iiis
ii still iinecessary. iiThe iiknowledge iiof iiits iiperformance iishows iia iilarge iidegree iiof iiuncertainty iiwhich
ii makes iitheir iiindustrial iiimplementation iidifficult. iiThe iiefficiency iiof iiheat iitransfer iiequipment iiis
ii essential iiin iienergy iiconservation. iiAlso, iia iimore iiefficient iiheat iiexchanger iican iireduce iithe iisize iiof
ii the iiheat iiexchanger, iithus iireducing iithe iicosts iiassociated iiwith iiboth iimaterial iiand iimanufacturing iiof
ii the iiheat iiexchanger. iiImproved iiheat iitransfer iican iimake iiheat iiexchangers iismaller iiand iimore iienergy
ii efficient. iiHeat iitransfer iienhancement iitechniques iihave iibeen iiextensively iideveloped iito iiimprove
ii the iithermal iiperformance iiof iiheat iiexchanger iisystems iiwith iia iiview iito iireducing iithe iisize iiand iicost
ii of iithe iisystems. iiSwirl iiflow iiis iithe iione iiof iithe iienhancement iitechniques iiwidely iiapplied iito iiheating
ii or iicooling iisystems iiin iimany iiengineering iiapplications.

Heat iitransfer iienhancement iitechniques iiare iiclassified iias iithe ii- iiPassive iiMethods, iiActive iiMethods,
ii and iiCompound iiMethods. iiThese iimethods iiare iicommonly iiused iiin iiareas iisuch iias iiprocess
ii industries, iiheating iiand iicooling iiin iievaporators, iithermal iipower iiplants, iiair-conditioning

ii equipment, iirefrigerators, iiradiators iifor iispace iivehicles, iiautomobiles, iietc. iiThe iirate iiof iiheat
transfer iican iibe iiincreased iipassively iiby iiincreasing iithe iisurface iiarea, iiroughness, iiand iiby iichanging

the iiboundary iiconditions. iiThe iiactive iimethod iiinvolves iiaddition iiof iinano iisized, iihigh iithermal

ii conductivity, iiand iimetallic iipowder iito iithe iibase iifluid, iito iiincrease iithe iiheat iitransfer iirate. iiPassive
techniques, iiwhere iiinserts iiare iiused iiin iithe iiflow iipassage iito iienhance iithe iiheat iitransfer iirate, iiare

ii best iisuited iicompared iito iiactive iitechniques. iiBecause iithe iiinsert iimanufacturing iiprocess iiis iisimple
ii and iithese iitechniques iican iibe iieasily iiapplied iiin iian iiexisting iiapplication.

Heat iitransfer iienhancement iitechniques iirefer iito iidifferent iimethods iiused iito iiincrease iirate iiof iiheat
transfer iiwithout iiaffecting iimuch iithe iioverall iiperformance iiof iithe iisystem. iiActive iimethods

ii involve iisome iiexternal iipower iiinput iifor iithe iienhancement iiof iiheat iitransfer. iiPassive iiheat iitransfer
ii augmentation iimethod iidoes iinot iiuse iiany iiexternal iipower iiinput. iiOne iiof iithe iiways iito iienhance iiheat
transfer iiperformance iiin iipassive iimethod iiis iito iiincrease iithe iieffective iisurface iiarea iiand iiresidence

time iiof iithe iiheat iitransfer iifluid. iiUse iiof iithis iitechnique iicauses iithe iiswirl iiin iithe iibulk iiof iithe iifluids

ii and iidisturbs iithe iiactual iiboundary iilayer iiso iias iito iiincrease iisurface iiarea, iigiven iitime iiand iisimilarly
ii heat iitransfer iicoefficient iiin iiexisting iisystem.

2 Different Methods of Heat Transfer Enhancement

ii ii ii ii ii

Heat iitransfer iienhancement, iiaugmentation iideals iiwith iithe iiimprovement iiof iithermo iihydraulic
ii performance iiof iiheat iiexchangers. iiDifferent iienhancements iitechniques iihave iibeen iibroadly
ii classified iias iipassive, iiactive iiand iicompound iitechniques.

2.1 Active iimethod

The iiactive iimethod iiinvolves iiexternal iipower iiinput iifor iithe iienhancement iiin iiheat iitransfer; iifor
ii examples iiit iiincludes iimechanical iiaids iiand iithe iiuse iiof iia iimagnetic iifield iito iidisturb iithe iilight
ii seeded iiparticles iiin iia iiflowing iistream, iietc.

2.2 Passive iiMethod
The iiPassive iiheat iitransfer iiaugmentation iimethods iidoes iinot iineed iiany iiexternal iipower iiinput. iiIn iithe
ii convective iiheat iitransfer iione iiof iithe iiways iito iienhance iiheat iitransfer iirate iiis iito iiincrease iithe
ii effective iisurface iiarea iiand iiresidence iitime iiof iithe iiheat iitransfer iifluids. iiBy iiUsing iithis iitechnique
ii causes iithe iiswirl iiin iithe iibulk iiof iithe iifluids iiand iidisturbs iithe iiactual iiboundary iilayers iiwhich
ii increase iieffective iisurface iiarea, iiresidence iitime iiand iisimultaneously iiheat iitransfer iicoefficient
ii increases iiin iian iiexisting iisystem. iiFollowing iimethods iiare iigenerally iiused iias iiInserts, iiExtended
ii surfaces, iiSurface iiModification, iiUse iiof iiAdditives.

2.3 Compound iiMethod

When iiany iitwo iior iimore iitechniques iii.e. iipassive iiand iiactive iimay iibe iiemployed iisimultaneously iito
ii enhance iithe iiheat iitransfer iiof iiany iidevice, iiwhich iiis iigreater iithan iithat iiof iiproduced iiby iiany iiof iithose
techniques iiseparately, iithe iiterm iiknown iias iiCompound iienhancement iitechnique.

3 Passive Methods

 Using iiTreated iiSurfaces

 Using iiInserts
 Using iiExtended iiSurfaces

3.1 Treated iiSurfaces

This iitechnique iiinvolves iiusing iipits, iicavities iior iiscratches. iiThey iiare iiprimarily iiused iifor iiboiling
ii and iicondensing iiduties.

3.2 Inserts
Inserts iirequires iiadditional iiarrangements iito iimake iito iifluid iiflow iiwhich iienhance iiand iiaugment iithe
ii heat iitransfer. iiThe iitype iiof iiinserts iiare: iitwisted iitape, iiwire iicoils, iiribs, iibaffles, iiplates, iihelical
ii screw iiinsert, iimesh iiinserts, iiconvergent ii– iidivergent iiconical iirings, iiconical iirings iietc.

3.3 Extended iiSurfaces
Whenever iithe iiavailable iisurface iiis iifound iiinadequate iito iitransfer iithe iirequired iiquantity iiof iiheat
ii with iithe iiavailable iitemperature iidrop, iiextended iisurfaces iior iifins iiare iiused.

4 Treated Surfaces

It iiconsists iiof iia iivariety iiof iistructured iisurfaces ii(continuous iior iidiscontinuous iiintegral iisurface
ii roughness iior iialterations) iiand iicoatings. iiThe iiroughness iicreated iiby iithis iitreatment iido iinot iicauses
ii any iisignificant iieffect iiin iithe iisingle iiphase iiheat iitransfer. iiThese iiare iiapplicable iiin iicases iiof iitwo
ii phase iiheat iitransfer iionly.

4.1 Boiling
Some iiof iithe iitreated iisurfaces iiare iias iifollows:

 Machined iior iigrooved iisurfaces

 Formed iior iimodified iilow-fin iisurfaces
 Multilayered iisurfaces
 Coated iisurfaces

Boiling iiis iia iiconvective iiheat iitransfer iiprocess iiin iiwhich iithe iiliquid iichanges iiits iiphase iiinto iivapour
ii at iithe iiliquid iivapour iiinterface. iiSuch iia iiprocess iioccurs iiwhen iithe iiheat iiis iitransferred iifrom iithe
ii solid iisurface iito iiliquid iiin iicontact iiand iisurface iitemperature iiis iimaintained iiat iia iitemperature iihigher
than iithe iisaturation iitemperature iiof iiliquid. iiBoiling iiprocess iiis iiused iiin iiboilers iifor iisteam

ii formation, iiheat iiabsorption iiin iievaporators iiin iirefrigeration iisystem, iidehydration iiand iidrying iiof
ii foods, iidistillation iiof iiliquids.

In iienhanced iiboiling iitreated iisurfaces iiprovide iia iilarge iinumber iiof iistable iivapour iitraps iior
ii nucleation iisites iion iithe iisurface iifor iibubble iiformation. iiIn iicase iiof iihighly iiwetting iifluids iilike
ii refrigerants, iiorganic iiliquids, iicryogens iiand iialkali iiliquid iimetals iithe iinormal iicavities iipresent iion
the iiheated iisurfaces iitend iito iiexperience iisub-cooled iiliquid iiflooding. iiFor iihigh iisurface iitension

ii fluids, iicoatings iiof iinon-wetting iimaterial ii(e.g. iiTeflon) iion iieither iithe iiheated iisurface iior iiits iipits
ii and iicavities iiwere iifound iito iibe iieffective iiin iinucleate iiboiling. iiStainless iisteel iisurface iialong iiwith
ii Teflon iican iibe iispread iito iicreate iispots iiof iithe iino-wetting iimaterial iion iithe iiheated iisurface iiwhich
ii results iiin iithree iito iifour iitimes iihigher iiheat iitransfer iicoefficients.

4.2 Condensing
Condensation iiis iia iiprocess iiin iiwhich iithe iivapour iichanges iiinto iia iiliquid iiat iiits iisaturation
temperature iicorresponding iito iiits iivapour iipressure. iiSuch iia iiprocess iioccurs iiwhen iivapour iicomes

ii in iicontact iiwith iisolid iisurface iiwhich iiis iiat iiatemperature iilower iithan iithe iisaturation iitemperature iiof
ii vapour.

There iiare iitwo iitypes iiof iicondensation iidepending iiupon iicondition iiof iisurface. ii1) iiFilm iiwise
ii Condensation. ii ii2) iiDropwise iiCondensation

In iicase iiof iifilm iicondensation, iithe iifilm iiformed iion iisurface iioffers iithermal iiresistance iiof iiheat
transfer. iiDue iito iilow iithermal iiconductivity iiof iifilm iithe iirate iiof iiheat iitransfer iifrom iivapour iito

ii surface iiare iireduced.

In iicase iiof iidropwise iicondensation, iithe iivapour iicondenses iiin iithe iiform iiof iidroplets iiwhich iigrow iiin
ii size iiand iifinally iithey iiroll iiof iithe iisurface iiunder iithe iiinfluence iiof iigravity. iiThus, iithere iiis iino iisuch
thermal iiresistance iidue iito iifilm iiin iicase iiof iidrop iicondensation iiand iithe iivapour iidirectly iicomes iiin

ii contact iiwith iithe iisurface.

In iicondensation iiof iivapours, iitreated iisurfaces iipromote iidrop iiwise iicondensation iiwhich iiis iiideal iifor
ii preventing iisurface iiwetting iiand iibreak iiup iithe iicondensate iifilm iiinto iidroplets. iiThis iiprocess
ii provides iibetter iidrainage iiand iimore iieffective iivapour iiremoval iiat iicold iiheat iitransfer iiinterface.
ii This iitechnique iiincreases iiheat iitransfer iiby iia iifactor iiof ii10 iito ii100 iiin iidrop iiwise iicondensation
ii when iicompared iiwith iithat iiin iifilm iiwise iicondensation iias iiproposed iiby iiBergles. iiNon- iiwetting
ii inorganic iicompound iior iia iinoble iimetals iior iian iiorganic iipolymer iican iibe iiused iieffectively iifor
ii coating iithe iiheat iitransfer iisurfaces. iiAmong iithese, iiorganic iicoatings iihave iibeen iiused iiconsiderably
ii in iisteam iisystems.

5 Inserts
Inserts iirequires iiadditional iiarrangements iito iimake iito iifluid iiflow iiwhich iienhance iiand iiaugment iithe
ii heat iitransfer. iThe iitypes iiof iiinserts iiare: iitwisted iitape, iiwire iicoils, iiribs, iibaffles, iiplates, iihelical
ii screw iiinsert, iimesh iiinserts, iiconvergent ii– iidivergent iiconical iirings, iiconical iirings iietc. iiTube iiinsert
ii devices iiincluding iitwisted iitape, iiwire iicoil, iiextended iisurfaces iiand iiwire iimesh iiinserts iiare
ii considered iias iithe iimost iiimportant iitechniques iiof iiPassive iimethods ii; iiin iiwhich, iitwisted iitape iiand
ii wire iicoil iiinserts iiare iiwidely iiapplied iithan iiothers.

Twisted iitapes iiare iithe iimetallic iistrips iitwisted iiusing iisome iiof iithe iisuitable iitechniques iias iiper iithe
ii required iishape iiand iidimension, iiwhich iiare iiinserted iiin iithe iiflow iito iienhance iithe iiheat iitransfer. iiThe
twisted iitape iiinserts iiare iimost iisuitable iiand iiwidely iiused iiin iiheat iiexchangers iito iienhance iithe iiheat


Wire iicoil iiinserts iihave iibeen iiutilized iias iione iiof iithe iipassive iienhancement iitechniques iiand iiare
ii widely iiutilized iiin iiheat iitransfer iiequipments.

We iistudy iithe iifollowing iiinserts ii- iiTwisted iiTape, iiWire iiCoils.

5.1 Twisted iiTape

Twisted iitapes iiare iithe iimetallic iistrips iitwisted iiusing iisome iiof iithe iisuitable iitechniques iias iiper iithe
ii required iishape iiand iidimension, iiwhich iiare iiinserted iiin iithe iiflow iito iienhance iithe iiheat iitransfer. iiThe
twisted iitape iiinserts iiare iimost iisuitable iiand iiwidely iiused iiin iiheat iiexchangers iito iienhance iithe iiheat


Figure ii5.1Twisted iiTape

Twisted iitape iiinserts iiincrease iiheat iitransfer iirates iiwith iiless iifriction iifactor. iiThe iiuse iiof iitwisted
tapes iiin iia iitube iigives iisimple iipassive iitechnique iifor iienhancing iithe iiconvective iiheat iitransfer iiby

ii making iiswirl iiinto iithe iiheavy iiflow iiwhich iidisrupting iithe iiboundary iilayer iiat iithe iitube iisurface iidue
to iirapidly iichanges iiin iithe iisurface iigeometry. iiWhich iimeans iito iisay iithat iisuch iitype iiof iitapes iiinduce

turbulence iiand iiswirl iiflow iiwhich iiinduces iiinside iithe iiboundary iilayer iiand iiwhich iigives iibetter

ii results iiof iiheat iitransfer iicoefficient iiand iiNusselt iinumber iidue iito iithe iichanges iiin iigeometry iiof
twisted iitape iiinserts. iiSimultaneously, iithe iipressure iidrop iiinside iithe iitube iiwill iibe iiincreases iiwhen

ii using iitwisted-tape iias iian iiinsert. iiFor iithis iia iimany iiresearchers iihave iibeen iidone iiby iiexperimentally
ii and iinumerically iito iiinvestigate iithe iidesired iidesign iito iiachieve iithe iibetter iithermal iiperformance
ii with iiless iifrictional iilosses. iiThe iiheat iitransfer iienhancement iiof iitwisted iitapes iiinserts iidepends iion
the iiPitch iiand iiTwist iiratio.

5.2 Wire iiCoil

Wire iicoil iiinserts iihave iibeen iiutilized iias iione iiof iithe iipassive iienhancement iitechniques iiand iiare
ii widely iiutilized iiin iiheat iitransfer iiequipments.

They iishow iiseveral iiadvantages iiin iirelation iito iiother iienhancement iitechniques:

a) Easy iiinstallation iiand iiremoval.

b) Simple iimanufacturing iiprocess iiwith iilow iicost.
c) Preservation iiof iioriginal iiplain iitube iifrom iimechanical iistrength.
d) Possibility iiof iiinstallation iiin iian iiexisting iismooth iitube iiheat iiexchanger ii(retrofit).
e) Fouling iimitigation ii(in iirefineries, iichemical iiindustries iiand iimarine iiapplications).

Figure ii5.2 iiHelical iiWire iiCoil iiFitted iiInside iiA iiSmooth iiTube

where ii,

p iistands iifor iihelical iipitch,

e iifor iithe iiwire-diameter

d iiis iithe iitube iiinner iidiameter.

Figure ii5.3 iiWire iiCoil

6 Extended Surfaces

The iiheat iiconducted iithrough iisolids, iiwalls iior iiboundaries iihas iito iibe iicontinuously iidissipated iito iithe
ii surroundings iior iienvironment iito iimaintain iithe iisystem iiin iisteady iistate iiconduction. iiIn iimany
ii engineering iiapplications iilarge iiquantities iiof iiheat iihave iito iibe iidissipated iifrom iismall iiareas. iiHeat
transfer iiby iiconvection iibetween iia iisurface iiand iithe iifluid iisurroundings iiit iican iibe iiincreased iiby

ii attaching iito iithe iisurface iithin iistrips iiof iimetals iicalled iifins. iiThe iifins iiincrease iithe iieffective iiarea iiof
the iisurface iithereby iiincreasing iithe iiheat iitransfer iiby iiconvection. iiThe iifins iiare iialso iireferred iias

ii “extended iisurfaces”. iiExtended iisurfaces ii(fins) iiare iione iiof iithe iiheat iiexchanging iidevices iithat iiare
ii employed iiextensively iito iiincrease iiheat iitransfer iirates. iiThe iirate iiof iiheat iitransfer iidepends iion iithe
ii surface iiarea iiof iithe iifin. iiIt iiincreases iithe iicontact iisurface iiarea, iifor iiexample iia iiheat iisink iiwith iifins.

The iiheat iitransferred iithrough iithe iifins iiprovides iithe iiproblem iiof iidetermination iiof iiheat iiflow
through iia iifin iirequires iithe iiknowledge iiof iitemperature iidistribution iithrough iiit. iiThis iican iibe

ii obtained iiby iiregarding iithe iifin iias iia iimetallic iiplate iiconnected iiat iiits iibase iito iia iiheated iiwall iiand
transferring iiheat iito iia iifluid iiby iiconvection. iiThe iiheat iiflow iithrough iithe iifin iiis iiby iiconduction.

ii Thus iithe iitemperature iidistribution iiin iia iifin iiwill iidepend iiupon iithe iiproperties iiof iiboth iithe iifin
ii material iiand iithe iisurrounding iifluid.

Most iiof iithe iiengineering iiproblems iirequire iihigh iiperformance iiheat iitransfer iicomponents iiwith
ii progressively iiless iiweights, iivolumes, iiaccommodating iishapes iiand iicosts. iiExtended iisurfaces
ii (fins) iiare iione iiof iithe iiheat iiexchanging iidevices iithat iiare iiemployed iiextensively iito iiincrease iiheat
transfer iirates. iiThe iirate iiof iiheat iitransfer iidepends iion iithe iisurface iiarea iiof iithe iifin. iiIn iithis iithe iiheat

transfer iirate iiand iiefficiency iifor iicircular iiand iielliptical iiannular iifins iiwere iianalyzed iifor iidifferent

ii environmental iiconditions.

A iifin iiis iia iisurface iithat iiextends iifrom iian iiobject iito iiincrease iithe iirate iiof iiheat iitransfer iito iiand iifrom
the iienvironment iiby iiincreasing iiconvection. iiDifferent iishape iiof iicavity iiis iiused iito iiincrease iithe

ii surface iiarea iiof iithe iifin iiwith iithe iifluid iiflowing iiaround iiit.

Types iiof iicavity iiprovided iion iifin iiare

 Rectangular iiCavity
 Triangular iiCavity
 Trapezoidal iiCavity
 Semicircular iiCavity


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