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Respondent Survey: Understanding Newspaper Selection Criteria

This study belongs is a part of a small project carried out for the fulfillment of the partial requirements
of the PGDM curriculum. The objective of this study is to get an idea of consumers’ preferences
while they select a newspaper. The names of the respondents are not mandatory to be mentioned. All
responses hence would stand as anonymous. I shall be grateful to you for your valuable time and kind

Raj Shree
Student, PGDM Programme
Calcutta Business School

General Information:
1. Age Group: (below 30/ 30-40/ 40-50/50-60/60 and above)
2. Profession: Business/ Service/ Self-Employed/ Student
3. Qualification: Below Graduate/ Graduate/ Above Graduate
4. No. of Years reading Newspapers:
Q1. Rate the following criteria on a 5 point scale of importance of the newspaper (5: Highest
Importance; 1: Lowest Importance) and you can also give your own choices.

Criteria Meaning Rating

News Content Richness of news; i.e., details
Authenticity Trustworthiness of the information
Variety Different types of news like sports, business, foreign, jobs etc.
Availability Circulation of the newspapers
Brand Image Image of the publisher
Offers/Gifts Vouchers/ coupons etc. offered by the publisher
Price Cost of purchasing the newspaper
Performance Presentation of the newspaper

Q2. Compare the following criteria with respect to each other starting from the second one.

Criteria Rating
News Content
Brand Image
Suppose, you are comparing Authenticity (B) with respect to News Content (A)
 If B is more important than A: give a rating with any number between 1 and 2 (i.e., more than
1) & put the number in the box for B
 If B is equally important with A; put 1 in the box of B
 If B is less important than A: give a rating with any number between 0 and 1 (i.e., less than 1)
& put the number in the box for B
Continue in the same for subsequent criteria

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