Is Social Media Killing Creativity?

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Conversation Class #3 BBC video Teacher: Andrea M.

Is social media killing creativity?

A) Pre-watching activity. Match the following words with their definitions :

ENGAGE a way in which your emotion is expressed

ABSENT MINDED To look at all parts carefully
CONFIDENCE To move in a particular direction on the computer
SCROLL To cause sth to become less
SCAN THROUGH The state of being comfortable
TRANSFIXED To become motionless with horror
WELLBEING to accept enthusiastically
BRING YOU DOWN To trust yourself ( noun)
EMBRACE Easily distracted
OUTLET Fully occupied or having your full attention
MINDFUL conscious or aware of sth

B) Watch the video and complete the gaps_:

Our Phones it _______________ we are dependent ____________ them . They _________ a

useful tool form of ________________. A form of communication and ________________. Yet
they can be _____________________even ______________________.
I´m certainly guilty of it myself. With instagram, Twitter, facebook I can´t even count
the amount of ________________I´m on social media. I mean, I always got my phone
__________________ and somethimes I´m just _____________ through mindlessly without
even realising it.
Social Media is now part of our _______________lives and a study suggests globally that
people are ___________ an average of a hundread and thirty five minutes per day.
C) Asnwer the following sentences T (true) or F ( false)
1. The journalist believes it´s time to reconsider the way we use social media becasue it
is affecting our health.
2. Becky is a neuroscientist from Oxford University.
3. The instagrammer considers she uses her telephone wisely.
4. The instagrammer says she can even make a living out of her hobbie.
5. Creativity can affect your mental & physical health.
6. Social Media has opened up so many activities that we didn´t have many decades ago.
7. The last instagrammer (Hannah) decided to use social media in a different way in order
to show her view on sefl-care

D) Let´s debate!
How do you use social Media? & What do you use social media for?
Do you think younger generations will be more creative because of social media?
In which ways is Socia Media being used wisely nowadays?

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