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Completa le frasi scegliendo il verbo corretto (nella forma affermativa o negativa a seconda del

1. Tanya ________ German very well.
2. I ________ coffee very often.
3. The earth ________ round the sun.
4. Rise ________ in Britain.
5. The swimming pool ________ at 7.30 every morning.
6. Bad driving ________ many accidents.
7. The sun ________ in the east.
8. Bees ________ honey.
9. The River Amazon ________ into the Atlantic Ocean.
10. My parents ________ in a very small flat.
11. Vegetarians ________ meat.
12. The Olympic Games ________ place every four years.
13. An atheist ________ in God.
14. An interpreter ________ from one language into another.
15. Liars are people who ________ the truth.
16. The Panama Canal ________ the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Inserisci il verbo indicato nella forma corretta:
1. Julia ________ (not drink) tea very often.
2. What time ________ (the banks close) here?
3. I________ (have) a computer, but I ________ (not use) it much.
4. Where ________ (Martin come) from?
5. What ________ (you do)?
6. It ________ (take) me an hour to get to work. How long ________ (it take) you?
7. Look at this sentence. What ________ (this word mean)?
8. David ________ (not be) very fit. He ________ (not do) any sport.
A. Ciao, George. B. Da dove viene?
B. Ciao, come stai? A. Da Londra.
A. Bene, e tu? B. Perché è qui?
B. Non molto bene. Sono malato (=sick). Chi A. Perché (=because) siamo amici.
è lui? Come si chiama? B. Cosa fate ora (=now)?
A. Si chiama Bill. A. Andiamo al cinema.
B. Quanti anni ha Bill? B. Ok. Ci vediamo presto!
A. Ha 25 anni.

Trasforma dalla forma affermativa a quella negativa e a quella interrogativa:

1. I play tennis every weekend.
2. Sue wakes up at 7 o’clock.
3. They have got two dogs.
4. Her cats are cute.
5. We read the newspaper every day.
6. This book is interesting.
7. The students listen to the teacher.
8. John likes black cats.

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