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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2014)

Harmonic Analysis in HVDC System

Anuradha.V1, Anitha.S2, Apoorva.D.C3, Priyanka.N4, Somashekar.B5
1, 2, 3, 4
Student, B.E, EEE, Dr. T. Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, K.G.F
M.Tech, Lecturer, EEE, Dr. T. Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, K.G.F.
Abstract— Harmonics are electric voltages and currents One of the major effects of power system harmonics is
that appear on the electric power system as a result of non- to increase the current in the system. This is particularly the
linear electric loads. Non-linear loads include common office case for the third harmonic, which causes a sharp increase
equipment such as computers and printers, Fluorescent in the zero sequence current, and therefore increases the
lighting, battery chargers and also variable speed drives.
current in the neutral conductor. This effect can require
Harmonic components should be reduced as much as possible.
According to harmonic stability problem that was caused by special consideration in the design of an electric system to
the non-linear of converter, the simulation model was serve non-linear loads.
established based on the actual equipment situation of convert The presence of harmonics leads to low system
station. Harmonic instability may occur in high-voltage dc efficiency, poor power factor, increased loss and reactive
(HVDC) links due to dynamic interactions between HVDC power components from AC and also on the equipment
terminals and the impedance of the dc lines or cables. In present in the system and interference on the
recent years, the issue of harmonics compensation has got telecommunication lines.
considerable attention. The main purpose of this paper is to There were many methods used for the analysis of
reduce the harmonics in transmission of power in HVDC
harmonics in a LCC (Line Commutated Converter) HVDC
system. THD values can be calculated using FFT analysis.
Simulation model is developed in MATLAB/Simulink system. Some of them are – Symmetrical component
environment. method, individual phase control, harmonic mapping,
Eigen value analysis, numerical methods, etc. But each of
Keywords— HVDC, harmonics, filters, rectifier, inverter, the methods had limitations, thus, impedance model is
active filters, passive filters sorted as a better analysis method for harmonics in a LCC-
based HVDC system.
I. INTRODUCTION Basically for reduction of harmonics, filters are used.
The semiconductor devices in DC converter station is a Here we use a hybrid configuration of both passive and
non-linear power electronic device. A large amounts of active filters for improved power handling capacity of
characteristic and of non-characteristic harmonics currents semiconductor devices and better performance.
will be produced and injected into the AC power system
when the HVDC running even the supply voltage
waveform of AC side is the standard sinusoidal wave and
cause voltage distortion and because of the asymmetric of
the three-phase AC systems respectively. The harmonics
that come from the HVDC will not only increase loss,
thermal stress of equipment, reduce equipment life,
interference with communications, metering, protection and
control devices to work properly and in some cases, it can
even lead to the collapse of the system. Fig.i Block representation of HVDC system
Harmonics are electric voltages and currents that appear
on the electric power system as a result of non-linear II. SYSTEM MODELLING
electric loads. Harmonic frequencies in the power grid are a In general, the AC power grid structure of AC-side in
frequent cause of power quality problems. Harmonic converter station is very complex. For the equipment that is
components should be reduced as much as possible. inside the converter station, such as high-voltage bus,
There are two types of harmonics in electrical power converter transformers, converter valves etc. were
systems, namely current harmonics and voltage harmonics, simulated using detailed models the DC line model is the
which are distortions to current and voltage waves sub-T-Line model. The simulation and the parameters were
respectively. On the basis of generation, there are two types in strict accordance with the field. The corresponding
of harmonics-characteristic and non-characteristic. calculation/design of the parameters is as given below-
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2014)
Basic formulae like-
P=3*V*I*cosα (assuming cos α = 0.85)
XL=2πf L (where XL =0.15p.u. – given)
KVA= (KW^2 + KVAR^2) ^1/2
Q=X/R (quality factor)
KVA=KW/power factor
are used to obtain the parameters for the transformers and
The corresponding circuit diagram for which the
simulation model is developed is as given below:

Fig.iii. Twelve pulse converter

B. Pulse Generator
In this paper, a discrete twelve pulse generator is used to
fire the thyristors of HVDC rectifier built with two six
pulse bridges. The four inputs of a pulse generator are
alpha firing angle (in degrees), other three inputs are phase
to ground synchronizing voltages. There are two outputs of
a pulse generator, one connected to wye secondary winding
of transformer and other connected to delta winding of
Fig.ii. Circuit diagram of a HVDC transmission system secondary transformer. Similarly for gamma angle control
The above circuit diagram consists of a three- phase at the inverter-side, a twelve-pulse firing control and
generator source of 345Kv at frequency of 50Hz which is discrete gamma measurement subsystem is used for the two
connected to the converter transformer for stepping down extinction/gamma angle triggering for the inverter.
voltage to 211KV for transmission over long distance. C. Filters
Further a 12-pulse thyristor bridge converter is connected, Both the ends have AC filters for reducing the harmonic
which is called as rectifier for converting AC to DC while distortion in the AC-side of the system and DC filters or
the converter at the other end is referred as inverter for smoothening reactors on the DC line for reducing the ripple
vice-versa conversion. The rectifier-end has firing angle (α) content in the current. The AC filters comprises of both
control for ignition of the thyristor while the inverter-end passive and active components for efficient performance
contains the extinction/gamma control (δ). and economy. Generally the passive filters used are of
A. Three Phase Converter damped (high-pass) and tuned (single, double or triple)
types while active filters are of shunt and series. But these
The converter transformers are constructed by three
filters also have hybrid configuration of passive filters to
phase three winding on same core material by connecting
improve the power handling capacity of semiconductor
primary and secondary windings as either wyes or deltas.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2014)
III. SIMULATION CIRCUIT AND RESULTS The subsystem components used in the gamma control
The corresponding simulation model is as shown below: block is as given below:

Fig.vi. Subsystem components of the gamma control

Fig.iv. Simulation model of a single pole HVDC transmission system
In the above subsystem shown, two discrete gamma
A 12 pulse HVDC converter has been considered at both
measurement blocks from the SimuLink Library is being
the ends. Two thyristor bridges of six pulse is use to build
used – one for the star(Y) and delta (Δ) bridge connections
converter in series connection. The thyristor is fired at
of the transformers and the constant given as the gamma
different firing angle (α) values which vary from 0-90
angle is 160degrees , considering the general equation for
degrees but the optimal value for the system is taken as 19
extinction/gamma angle (γ) –
degrees. A feeder consisting of RLC elements is used to
connect source to both rectifier and inverter. Here the γ =180°- α- commutation angle
harmonic compensation has been done using AC filters
which comprises of two single tuned and a high pass filter , (where the commutation angle is assumed as 180° and
tuned to 11th, 13th and 24th part of fundamental frequency α=19°)
respectively. Also a capacitor bank of 150MVAR reactive The simulation results for the simulation model is as
power. Further a DC line of 300km distance is considered given below:
with appropriate line resistance and inductance. The
respective pulse generator components are used for 1. Waveforms For Rectifier Side – Without Filters
triggering of pulses at the rectifier and inverter ends of the
The subsystem constructed for the AC filters is as shown

Peak value is 284kv and current is 1000A

Fig.v. Subsystem components of the AC filters

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2014)
2. Waveforms For Rectifier Side – With Filters

Peak value is 325kv and current is 1080A

3. Waveforms For Inverter Side – Without Filters
The THD value of the above FFT analysis is found to be
78.43% at the fundamental frequency of 50Hz.


A similar simulation model has been developed
considering a single pole HVDC terminal at
POWERGRID, KOLAR (2000MW-bipole +_500KV)
converter station in located in Karnataka. According to the
given equipment and its parameters, the corresponding
simulation model using SimuLink is as shown below:
Peak value is 185kv and current is 1500A
4. Waveforms For Inverter Side – With Filters

Fig.viii. Simulation circuit for the single pole terminal at POWEGRID

Peak value is 210kv and current is 1750A Kolar converter station

IV. FFT ANALYSIS As the station is originally a bipolar station of 2000MW

power and +_500Kv, here we consider only a single pole of
The FFT analysis is performed for the outputs at the 1000MW power and use the respective parameters for the
inverter end of the system to finally analyze the effect of model. The DC line is of 1370km length and the alpha
the insertion of the filters into the system. angle given as 19degree and gamma as 160degree.The
subsystems used in the above model can be elaborated as:

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2014)

Fig.xi. Waveforms at rectifier end without filters

Fig.ix. Subsystem of AC filters used at rectifier terminal
Peak voltage = 390kv and current= 1050A
The components used in this subsystem are-
 Capacitor bank of reactive power of 66MVAR
 Double tuned filter of 120MVAR at tuned frequencies
of Fr1=11*50Hz and Fr2=13*50Hz; quality factor,
 Single tuned filter of 97MVAR with tuning frequency
of 13*50Hz and Q=150
 Shunt reactor(L) of 72.6MVAR

Fig.xii. Waveforms at rectifier end with filters

Peak voltage =400kv and current=1020A

Fig.x. Subsystem of AC filters used at inverter terminal

The components used in this subsystem at the inverter

end consists of: Fig.xiii. Waveforms at inverter end without filter

 Capacitor bank of reactive power 69MVAR Peak voltage =325Kv and current =1010A
 Two double tuned filters of 120MVAR and 97MVAR
reactive power both at tuning frequencies of 11 th and
13th of fundamental frequency of 50Hz

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2014)
This paper accounts the harmonic analysis in a basic
HVDC transmission system and the importance of using
filters for the reduction of the harmonic distortions in the
system to improve the efficiency and reduce various ill
effects due to the harmonics. On observing the various
waveforms with and without the insertion of filters, we
may conclude that on connecting the harmonic filters the
voltage values is increased and optimized while the high
current values are reduced. The THD value obtained is
found to be 78.43% and also the case study in done to
Fig.xiv. Waveforms at inverter end with filter observe the effect of filters in a practical HVDC converter
Peak voltage=340Kv and current =1000A system using LCC and three phase three winding
The THD value is found almost same as 78.43% with lot [1] ―Modeling and Analysis of DC-Link Harmonic Instability in LCC
of reduction in the harmonic distortions. HVDC Systems‖ by Hanchao Liu ,Member ,IEEE and Jian Sun,
[2] ―Harmonic stability analysis of HVDC system based on Short circuit
ratio‖ by He Xingqi,Member, IEEE and Chen Ce ,Member,IEEE
[3] IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic
Control in Electrical Power Systems, IEEE Std.519-1993,New York:
[4] IEEE Guide for Analysis and Definition of DC Side Harmonic
Performance of HVDC Transmission Systems, IEEE Power
Engineering Society, IEEE 2003
[5] ―Harmonic Compensation of HVDC Rectifier using Shunt Active
Filter‖ by Shashank Srivastava, Rahul Kumar, Satendra Pratap
Singh, Nitin Singh , Members, IEEE
[6] ―Study on Harmonic Losses of Inductive Filtering Converter
Transformer (IFCT) in HVDC System‖ by Dechang Yang , IEEE ,
Yong Li ,Christian Rehtanz ,Longfu Luo ,Jiazhu Xu , Members
[7] ―Harmonics in HVDC Links, Part I – Sources‖ by Mohamed H.
Okbai, Mohamed H. Saied, M Z. Mostafa, and T. M Abdel-Moneim
, Members , IEEE
VII. DC LINE CURRENT WAVEFORM [8] ―Direct Current Transmission – Volume 1‖ by Edward Wilson
Kimbark, Fellow, IEEE
[9] ―High Voltage Direct Current‖ by K.R.Padiyar

Fig.xv. Waveforms of DC line current

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2014)
ANITHA.S pursuing (8 th-sem) B.E
ANURADHA. V pursuing (8 th-sem) (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) in
B.E (Electrical & Electronics Dr. T. Thimmaiah Institute of
Engineering) in Dr. T. Thimmaiah Technology, K.G.F. VTU
Institute of Technology, K.G.F. VTU

SOMASHEKAR. B received B.E degree

PRIYANKA.N pursuing (8 -sem) th (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) in
B.E (Electrical & Electronics Golden Valley Institute of Technology,
Engineering) in Dr. T. Thimmaiah K.G.F in 1998 under Bangalore
Institute of Technology, K.G.F. VTU University and M. Tech (VLSI &
Embedded Systems) from BMS, VTU in
He is currently an Assistant Professor in
the Department of Electrical Engineering, Dr. TTIT, KGF.
His research areas are Power Systems, VLSI and Power
APOORVA.D.C pursuing (8 th-sem) Electronics.
B.E (Electrical & Electronics
Engineering) in Dr. T. Thimmaiah
Institute of Technology, K.G.F. VTU


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