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RealIT Jans Croon June 7, 2200, 8:23:08 A.M.

Malfunction in Life Masks Leads to Extermination

of Smith Family
Not the First nor the Last

If you would like to join the funeral please Yet another malfunction of Life Masks in neighboring city
join channel 112.7 at 12:00 p.m. April 27. Abilene has lead to the death of the entire Smith family. The
Use password: RIPSMITH966601. Only
Smith family was not the first victim of this malfunction.
ones with scores over 1,500,000 will be
able to join,
They are the third family within 2 months to experience such
a pitiful death, with possible more victims. Their deaths have
been marked at 11:07 a.m. April 23, 2204.

The Smith family were each in separate parts of their apartment

when the tragedy happened. The Smith family had many points in
the achievement category as they had always done exactly what
had been expected. They never travelled, saving oxygen. However,
the Smith family used up a lot of oxygen because they liked to
exercise and entertain. They did not spend much time in their
Virtual Reality chairs.

RealIT Jans Croon June 7, 2200, 8:23:08 A.M.

Nobody reported anything because noises are cancelled out with

Life Masks. There have been multiple reports of issues with Life
Masks in the last weeks.

Reports show that the Smith’s Life Mask contained outdated

filters. Too much carbon dioxide was entering the mask which
caused the mask to stop the poor air from entering the Smith’s
system. With the air quality still decreasing and oxygen becoming
more scarce (only about 2.3% remains on our Earth), their Life
Mask could not handle all the carbon dioxide entering it’s system,
and crashed.

It was only a matter of seconds before they inhaled the toxic air
and died once their Life Mask malfunctioned. The air pollution of
the tremendous amounts of methane and carbon dioxide have
gotten increasingly worse in the past months. Their deaths were
reported the next morning when they did not check into their
daily polls.

A government reporter has responded to the Smith family’s

incident. It reads as follows: “Although this is an unfortunate event,
it is not the government's responsibility. The SMith family used
more oxygen than the average family did. Everything happens for a
reason.Life Masks are unbreakable when taken care of properly.
This was an unfortunate event, but we must move on. The
government must devote all our researches to bigger problems
such as housing for the greater good of our country.”

The Smith family is not the only family to have suffered from a
Life Mask malfunction. The government has issued a report
stating that this will become a more common thing. With the
oxygen running out, they “do not want to waste their precious
resources on people who fail to pay their updating fees or who fail
to properly take care of their Life Masks.”

RealIT Jans Croon June 7, 2200, 8:23:08 A.M.

Government reports are estimating the population will be

decreasing about 20% in their new Five-Year-Plan so less oxygen
will be used up. Selections will be based off unpaid fees,
inappropriate behavior, and the amount of oxygen one uses.

It is not clear when, or if, the government will be releasing a new

software update to resolve this developing issue. The government
has however, stated that updates will be becoming more expensive
and rarer to preserve our country in the near future.

Another rumor is being spread that the government will be issuing

a complete new mask for the government people and people who
can pay for it, or those who use exceptional low amounts of
oxygen. If everybody uses less oxygen our perfect world will be
saved and no people like the Smith family will have to die anymore.

The daily polls, given through the Life Masks by the government,
show that a riveting 63% of people voted “they would not be able
to pay for the new Life Masks” and that 96% of people “are now
using less oxygen to try and receive a free new Life Mask.” It is still
a question about what the government will do to solve the issue of
people dying. If they will do anything about it.

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