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RealIT 11 June, 2200



The picture above
illustrates the
The government’s warnings try to protect uninhabitable world we
live in. It is a result of
you. previous
Today’s society has become very aware of the things that they see and hear. industrialization and
This precaution allows one to make decisions appropriate for himself as an our ancestors inability
individual instead of the interests of a bigger organization. However, the to advance technology
in order to care for the
government uses propaganda as a tool not to force the population into
planet safely and
compliance, but instead to warn of the dangers outside of our own effectively.

You Shall Remain Masked 1

RealIT 11 June, 2200

technological reality. In a world where perfection is attainable, the government is only trying to warn
you because behind the ideological world, there is a fatal environment that exists just behind your

The government integrates warnings of the

removal of masks in every aspect of society.
Seen on billboards, in advertisements, and in
your daily notifications, the government advises
that all masks remain on. The population is told
to comply with this command, and if one
doesn’t listen, they are subject to the dangers of
the realm beyond the mask which are not under
the control of the government.

Our innovative masks were designed to serve

multiple purposes. They allow one to be
transported to another world as a form of
adventure and entertainment. However, the
masks also serve a medical purpose. They filter
the air in order to control its temperature, smell,
and contents. This allows for optimal nutrients in the air that we breathe in. The outside world has
been destroyed by our ancestors through years of pollution. They did not care for our earth and now
this is our way to survive in it. Even with the knowledge of the deadly environment beyond the
mask, some people still choose to remove it. In the past year, it was found
that 11 out of 13 people who remove their masks die according to a study by The government uses
The Scientific Unit of Failure. Most people who remove their mask die within images such as the
one above to convince
an instant, but those who survive are able to tell the tale of a world within our
the population to keep
their masks on.

Those who make this suicidal decision are

individuals who at the will of their own curiosity.
They live in a world where rationality is not a
“The mask is for primal instinct. Instead, these people have a
your protection.” need for knowledge beyond what is available in
the current society and therefore resort to
- DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY discovery through their own experiences. This
drive for adventure does not start as a genetic
mutation but instead derives from a lack of
fulfillment during their own lifetime.

Jane Drobe is a standard office worker for Firewall Forces. Less than two
weeks ago, she removed her mask against the warning of the government.
Drobe explains what lead her to commit a near-death action:

You Shall Remain Masked 2

RealIT 11 June, 2200

“My life had become such a predictable routine. Alarms and notifications became an obscene
annoying because of the planeness of it all.” From daily coffee in the morning to her usual meetings
at work, nothing was of pure interest to Jane Dobe. Even with the innovative entertainment of new
regions to be fully immersed into consisting of scents, sounds, and sights, she was not satisfied
with her life. According to an article from Genetics Diversified, “there is nothing that can be done at
this time in order to satisfy these people and stop these occurrences.”

“The experience could only be described as breathtaking” explains Drobe, a word used
metaphorically and physically. As one releases the pressure from his mask and unclips it from
himself, a rush of coarse air is emitted onto the person’s face. The air is hot, like explosions of mini
firecrackers. Weather patterns are extreme, one moment the sky is covered in clouds, and the next
it is red with the fire of the sun. The ground is barren. Rubble and rocks are the only surfaces. Trash
is piled high in unorganized mounds. It is obvious that humans once existed here. They left their
mark; they made it uninhabitable. No life is able to exist outside. The fumes from hundreds of years
of industry rushes into the lungs. From there, the body is unable to breathe and you are suffocating.
In scientific terms, the percent of oxygen in the atmosphere is less than 3%; the amount of oxygen
in each mask is 21%.

“I realize that I am a survivor against the odds,” says Drobe, “but that does not mean that I regret
my decision.”

The propaganda weaved into your lives is for the care of the population. The government has been
installed in order to serve the people. The government is here to protect you from actions that would
cause the outside world to infiltrate your own.

You Shall Remain Masked 3

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