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A Mask Doesn’t Define You: What Life Could be Without

a Mask on
Maiken Pardon​ |​ ​RealIT News |​ 11 June 2019, 4:30 PM

Everyday we constantly wear these masks that block us from

what's really going on. It gives us an identity that we
constantly change so how can we know each other for who we
really are. The mask we wear can take us places, meet people,
and maybe even fall in love but what happens the next day if
that person changes did you really even feel anything.
Wouldn’t you want to take off your mask and get to smell the roses and natural essences
of the real world instead of the smell of plastic day in and day out. Shouldn't we try to
understand what real human touch feels instead of just seeing it occur through an app. How come
you can live with not knowing who is your child or not getting to experience parenthood or being
in a real family. So to replace this feeling we define our lives through a piece of technology
which we choose to keep on our head rather than see and experience what is really going on
around us.
The last people who got to experience this were the ones who chose to have our lives this
way don’t you want to take control of your life and see what you are missing out on which they
got to have. This only takes one little step just break free from what is strapping you within.
There is no rules penalizes the breaking free from the mask you wear and when you take it off no
one can control you so you will be able to give your life definition. Then the things you do
everyday will not be pointless but have something you are working for which someone cannot
change so easily.
Here in our society is able to get in touch with their actual emotions we are all just robots
we let technology define ourselves to be the thing we have always wanted to be except it is not
real it is all gone by the next day. A past person who took off their mask, Ben Smith said, “It was
the most glorious time of their life and that he never felt a rush like that before”. For all we
know people have been living gloriously for years outside of the mask but how would we know
if we don’t see. Our solution for the unknown is a new program which makes all our decisions
for us.
Wouldn’t you want to know what real food tastes like and be able to chew or would you
rather just drink mushed up versions that don’t indulge you in the same sensation. Through some
further research it has been found that satisfaction can from having real one-on-one contact
rather than communicating your thoughts through a device being able to tell someone who is in
front of you. Communicating through screens just gives lights you do not have real reactions like
in another discovery I have found that shows the satisfaction in glorifying your wins with
someone who is physically there with a hug or a high five. An old psychologist, Dr. John Smith
said, “ That I have never had such satisfaction then for the praise I received for a new discovery
or helping someone through their issue”. You can change your mask in the way you want but
what happens when someone breaks into it and changes everything you thought you knew. This
can be prevented by separating yourself from a place that is so easy to change.
When it is time to rest haven’t your eyes ever been so exhausted from staring at a screen
all day and making are mind spin circles constantly throughout the day. What would happen now
if everyone took off their mask which we have devoted ourselves for so long and peered at the
sunshine and absorbed the natural rays rather than the radioactive ones being transmitted to your
brain from the screen causing you to have a shorter life expectancy. Many scientists have
discovered from past books that much of what life was like when we first started to give into a
world that was devoted to our technology was very engaging and many of the movements were
photographed which you could savor for the rest of your existence. When talking with a scientist,
Cam Miller said, “Handheld cameras have not been existence seen we artificially create the
images we want to see. Though it was a great discovery it took away from a lot of the
experiences we greatly enjoyed.”
A long time ago when what I think was my grandpa was alive he told me about the
stories and lockets that have been passed down his family for centuries that go out of existence
when the material items are no longer an importance but rather the fake versions of them. He
would say, “There is nothing like presenting a gift to one your grandchild on their birthday and
seeing the smile that grows on their faces from knowing what they are receiving is theirs to
keep”. He also would tell me what happens when you age out of the technology and have to
relearn all about the new innovations which eventually just get changed constantly before you
pass away.
Will you be the one who takes off their mask? Is this your chance to see what your life
could be? Will you get to sit down and smell the roses?

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