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Conduct Assessment Script

Good morning everybody!

My name is Joann Catacutan, I am an accredited competency assessor for

Computer System Servicing NCII.

I would like to acknowledge the presence of Mr Edlyn Casal, our AC manager

and Mr. Juan Ogabang, our representative from TESDA Provincial Office. Good
morning sir.

You don’t have to worry about their presence. They are here to oversee the
conduct of assessment and to check if the conduct of assessment is in
accordance with the prescribed competency assessment methodology and
procedures. They will not assess you.

Before I start, let me first check the attendance. (hand over the attendance

Please present me your admission slip once your name is called. (double check

I have here with me your accomplished application form and self-assessment

guide. This is an indication that you know and can perform all the units of
competency enumerated in this qualification.

I would like to welcome all of you to Metro Dumaguete College for your
assessment on Computer System Servicing NCII. the purpose of this
assessment on Computer System Servicing NC II is to determine the level of
your competency.

Today, I am going to administer competency assessment for Computer System

Servicing NCII. This qualification is composed of Basic, Common and Core with
4 Core competencies namely: Install and Configure computer networks, Set up
computer networks, set-up computer servers, and lastly, maintain and repair
computer systems and networks. The different task to be perform for our
Computer System Servicing NCII are the following: Install OS, applications and
drivers, Configure router and Network Access point, Run Dcpromo and install
add-ons, Share a Printer and Troubleshooting. We will collect evidences
through demonstrations and oral questioning.

To determine your knowledge on Computer System Servicing NCII, the

assessment method that will be used are demonstration and oral questioning.
This assessment method can help to measure your underpinning knowledge
and skills.

For your personal needs the lavatory and the canteen is located in front of this
building. However during the assessment, you are not allowed to leave the
premises of the assessment center.

If you have difficulty understanding the given instructions, please do not

hesitate to inform me because I am more than willing to translate it for you.
Also, if you have dilemma in your written, do not be shy because we can accept
your answers verbally.

If you have concerns, questions or matter you want to clarify, you may raise
your hand coz I am willing to assist you. But once the assessment has started,
please refrain from asking questions, it is no longer allowed. On the other
hand, during the assessment if you have physical or any form of difficulties,
please call my attention so that we can address it immediately.

In case you have question regarding the assessments result, you have the right
to appeal. Just submit your appeal to the TESDA provincial office where the
assessment center and the assessor are accredited.

For the issuance of the national certificate, the AC manager will inform you
where you can claim your national certificate within 5 working days after the

After the assessment procedures, if you are found Not Competent do not wory
about it because you can be re-assess anytime at your own convenience. In
case the re-assessment is full qualification, you have to undergo the whole
assessment process but if you are found to be competent in some unit of
competencies, the re-assessment shall focus in the unit of competencies where
you were found to be not yet competent. Also if you failed 2 consecutive
assessments, you will advised to undergo a refresher course before applying a

During the actual assessment, please observe safety as you perform the
different tasks. Make to check your electrical equipment, before plugging it.
Likewise, before pulling the cord as you unplug your equipment. In case of
accidents, please call my attention immediately so that we can provide first –
aid, and if you need some medicine our medicine cabinet is located at the__.

With regards to the result of the assessment, we observed strict confidentiality.

This is to ensure your integrity. The result is only made available to authorized
personnel and to the institution where you had your actual training. In relation
to this, the assessment package is kept in a secure place to guarantee the
integrity of the assessment package. For this, may I ask all the candidates to
refrain from giving away any form of information that took place during the
assessment process?

If you do not have any questions or clarifications, then I am now going to

distribute the specific instructions. Please read them carefully and do not
hesitate to ask questions right now. I may be able to translate it from English
to your local dialect.

I am going to give you your assigned numbers.

So everybody must be very ready now. So candidate number 1, you may please
proceed to the assessment area and for the rest of the candidates please
remain while I call you by your number. Thank you. This way please.

Candidate number 1, this is our assessment area where you are going to
perform, Creating New User account. Kindly read the instructions again? If you
have any questions, you may ask me now because once the assessment begins
you can no longer ask any more questions. You may start now.

Candidate Number 2

Oral questioning.

Please Sit down candidate number 1. You were able to perform all the tasks
and answered all the questions of our oral questioning correctly. You are
identify to be competent in performing the different skills for computer system
servicing NCII. However I have observed that, you are having a hard time in
logging in the new account you have created. Furthermore, you were not
confident in answering the questions, but anyway you have answered it
correctly. This means that you are knowledgeable enough about Computer
System Servicing NCII. in this manner, I would like to congratulate you for a
job well done. I found out that you already competent. Please sign the
competency result summary.

For the issuance of the national certificate, the AC Manager will inform you
where to claim your national certificate after 5 working days. Again,

Candidate number 2, you were able to navigate the server manager properly
and smoothly. Actually you are very good at it. However, you were not able to
create a new user account successfully. Also you were not able to answer most
of the questions correctly. Based on the results of my observation during
demonstration, the outcome of the assessment is that you are not yet
competent. But don’t worry, you can be re-assess any time at your

If you have doubts regarding the assessment results, you have the right to
appeal. You can submit your appeal at TESDA provincial office where the
assessment center and assessor are credited. Well, kindly sign the competency
result summary. Do you have any questions? Thank you very much.

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