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NUTRITION TRAINING BUSINESS FITNESS RESEARCH 20 26 ® NETWORK™ THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF AUSTRALIAN FITNESS NETWORK Animal Flow isa ground bodyveght workout that develops strength, power, en and agity body communication and fulity It takes its influence from a ange of estabished bodyweight capo, ‘gymnastics and parkour imal Few compri it mobilise jm spectic strat traveling forms, switches and transitions and low Bodywelght training forces the bo to ‘communicate wth isl, nking alte stabistion systems anc syneraising ‘nti body, nusces ofthe en) ee cee cl Ce er) bodyweight practioes such as martial arts, eee ea eee ee end eee Cert eee eon tose? pete kaos ay ee ro eee once) ce ete Ce enc y ne ee eon acs ete ae mec? Sete aC cerry oer ae a Cree eam ett Ce er See een) ceonae eet ote nt Cee or an re te} Pee te eect Be Unc Meee ey discovered thatthe more he did, the more he eee eT shea peb eae NC oN) Te ce? a eee ao Se ee ey eee es ee ee You can elther perform the exercise or you et eee ene) i Ce woes ee ee eee oe er ee ee eee tate nny ee ee ey eee oct eC enon ci eee re ty eee ee ey ee eae eg eee angle of your body can make an exercise roe nets See ue ewe pe Oe ed ee ee ee eee ee ey SC eet PR pe ee ress nh Ral range It's an increaibly versatile method of trainin But I think the real a ‘neuromuscular calenge. You're forcing the body to communicate with itself, ‘inking’ all of your stabilisation systems and truly igising the muscles of the ent niago of bodyweight taining ie the Pretty competing stuf, but of cause, bodyweight training is hardly now. Fitch Is quick to acknowledge this: ‘I never take erect for Inventing an exercise. There are only 20 many movements that the body Is capable of, so I'm sure that everything foe he humbly up. Yet while the Animal Flow ts themselves may not be uniaus, Fitch's approach to ‘ompartmentalising the practice most definitely i. Animal onents flexibility and strength of -onnect the body before the ommencement of the Form Teaveling forms that mimic then pe, Boast and Crab) Switches and transitions (such as Scorpions and underswitc at dynamically lnk the movements together Flow ~ the utimate goal of Animal Flow fs he fi linking moves to create choreographed a freestyle seque A key to the program's growing popularity is individual components able to programs or deliveréd as stand-alone workouts an use the various moves for active recovery, activation oF ntioning, ort can Be offered as an engaging, un and challenging 1 fitness class With the Instructor tralning program successfully launched in Sydney and Brisbane this Fabruary, Fitch is exoited to see Animal Flow receiving such an Its future in Australia ivolming response and ie positive about “Animal Fiow's goal is to make someone a batter mover. And It we can do thet, those abilities wil transfer over to the person's other athlotic goals, whethor that would be to get bigger, get smaller naspocitceport, excel as.a weekend warrior or important injury? he explains; ‘And, with more instructors shaving the ve got a real opportunity to help more people move ter, fool better and lve beter ives. na Pow Level 1 Workshops are held natal, For more information ot animation.comau INSPIRING GREATNESS TOTO 12 APRILZO157 [MELBOURNE conveuTon & Exon ceNTRE Experience Mike's bodywoight taining brillanee at FILEX. + Ariel Flow®: the power of ground-based mo wen) + Te Bodyy Notkshop (Pre-Convent Sday workshop) Head fo to check aut the session and 1-day shop dell, full program Info and to register tor the seekend onthe iess industry calendar! aaa ay ht pee AN WITH ANIMAL FLOW CREATOR MIKE FITCH Se Coa et es GoeRet a n tae een tt iatl See eee era ec et a ee ened eee ere eer See uo Ce ce Sore nicer! ee kn eee en Ce ee nr Peete Cees Monee Ce eer cr eet ttn Ce eon ere en Dee ere ee erect Ty Oe oe hc ene ee ee ae eras ee ee ea: Ce Co ec ema Se ee een reed eos ee eee one nie ie oe en ec eee nee een Coe oe ts {and pianche work) or dynamic skis (uch as handstand push ups, ee ee et tay with more traditional resistance training such as push up and pul Sees oe ee eee ry Pea Cc ee Eerie Seg eet ei erties Cor ae ent eee nn er) | don't acre to one strict ‘det but | ea real unprocessed foo SO ea eet ett re en re Teer Sent ee ere Ce ee ee eee nee sen ee eae ee ees Foods-type store on the way to the hotel so I'l have a supply ot Peters Se ca a epee tie eee cet er ee oe eer ny ns Deer met rat Bee ae se er

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