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I have been receiving messages from friends and public asking me to stop badgering the

opposition and their supporters and calling them antinationals for questioning and
opposing the government. Out of all my sanity and wisdom why did I choose to do that?
Or was I completely wrong in doing so?
First of all let us look at the role played by the opposition in the last five years.
1) They unnecessarily created issues around the Modi government through award
waapsi, intolerance, raising unnecessary issues where none were there. It was also
found that some workers of Congress, TMC and Samajwadi party dressed in saffron
dresses hounded and attacked minorities and dalits and put the blame on the Modi
government. Hell, if a crime happened in any city opposition would put the blame on the
Modi government and sought the resignation of the prime minister? How justified is
that? Can it be forgiven.
2) Demonetisation destroyed political funding, put the stone pelters on hold for a short
while, destroyed Pakistan's economy whose currency is faring worse than Nepal's now.
And yet, demonetisation was painted as the darkest hour in our history despite the fact
that taxes collections increased by 25% and more unaccounted businesses are now
paying taxes legitimately. Should the opposition parties be forgiven for this?
3) Tha Rafale issue was blown out of proportion and an attempt to malign the Modi
government was made despite the fact that there was no corruption! Can the opposition
be forgiven for this?
4) GST was implemented and when there is a complete reform in the tax structure there
are bound to be some hiccups which were later on smoothened out? But the opposition
spread lies about GST and constantly attacked the Modi government. Can they be
forgiven for this?

Let us just say that the opposition parties could be forgiven for the above mentioned
point, but what about the ones that will follow now.

5) When our soldiers died when the terrorists made a cowardly attack on army camps,
they mocked the prime minister. When the PM responded with a surgical strike, they
criticised him and called him a dictator. They also asked for proofs. When proofs were
given then they questioned the prime minister why were proofs given? Does this not
demoralise our forces? Can the opposition be forgiven for this?

6) When the Pulwama attack happened, they again mocked our prime minister
questioning him as to where is his ' 56 in ch ka seena' now?When he responded by air
strikes destroying the Jaish-e-Muhammed terrorist camp in Balakot, again they were
back at criticising and mocking the government. Their statements were being played on
Pakistani television repeatedly. They sided with Pakistan and forgot about national
interests completely. They demoralized and attacked the armed forces too. Can the
opposition be forgiven for this.

7) During the campaign, the opposition were was ready to legitimatise ' tukde tukde'
gang, drop sedition law, give a free way to Pakistan and so on. They created alliances
based on caste and religion, incited muslim and dalit sentiments. Created a false
environment of the country being in danger and praised Imran Khan as a harbinger of
peace. Can the opposition be forgiven for this?

Now you guys tell me, wasn't the opposition working against National Interest? Weren't
their policies and statements undermining India, helping Pakistan and China and
belittling India internationally. And yet their supporters chose to ignore all these facts
and continue to support them. Not only that, the supporters of the opposition parties
even created false narratives and sold it to all nationally and internationally. Wouldn't
such activities be called antinational. Then why shouldn't I call the opposition parties
and their supporters antinationals-deshdrohis.

Tell me one incident when fair play politics was done by the opposition parties and
their supporters and criticism done on legitimate grounds. They were busy with Prime
Minister Modi's personal life, his degrees, clouds, digital cameras etc and created huge
ruckus about such trivial things most of which were based on fallacious grounds. And
then they are worried why we call all anti Modi people antinationals. The opposition
parties are nothing but family business hungry for power. Every single one of them was
interested in filling their own pockets and destroying India. Samajwadi party had no '
samaj' in them. Most of the seats were given to the family members of the Yadavs. The
pseudo Gandhi but actually Nehru family held all the important posts of the congress
party. Did they have the courage to promote good leaders like Capt Amrinder Singh to
the national level? The answer is no.Then why shouldn't I call the supporters of these
opposition parties as anti national.
With this I end my case!

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