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翻译:2019 年 3 月 18 日星期一

The negative impact of war metaphors on cancer

The usual use of war metaphors to refer to diseases such as cancer or HIV & AIDS
can have negative consequences for patients

After analyzing more than 1.5 million words taken from interviews and comments
on the cancer network, the metaphors most used to refer to cancer are " those
that have to do with violence, such as 'battle', 'struggle' and 'war '. These
are the conclusions reached by the linguist Elena Semino. "When you talk about
battle, you usually refer to an individual experience, in the case of war it is
spoken as a collective and in the case of struggle it is used in both directions,"
he explained.
对癌症网络中超过 150 多万字的访谈和评论的分析显示,在提到癌症时,最常见的比喻是
“和暴力相关的” ,例如”战役”,”斗争”和”战争”。这些是语言学家 Elena Semino 得

The professor of linguistics at the University of Lancaster (United Kingdom)

believes that the usual use of war metaphors to refer to diseases such as cancer
or HIV AIDS can have negative consequences for patients.

For example, he explained during a conference organized by the International

University of Catalonia (UIC), metaphors in general "can affect how we see or
how we live a particular phenomenon and is especially important in the case of
a disease."

The late writer, Susan Sontag, had warned of the metaphors in the disease in her
two essays - ' The disease and its metaphors' and 'AIDS and its metaphors ' -
which still exert a great influence on the lives of patients and
caregivers Sontag pointed out that around these two diseases has been built a
language loaded with prejudices, phobias and fears that have woven a network of
complicated metaphors that hinder their understanding and, sometimes, their cure.
已故作家 Susan Sontag 在他的两篇文章中,对这种疾病的比喻进行了警告 – ‘疾病及其
比喻’和’艾滋病及其比喻’- 对患者和护理人员的生活都产生了重大影响。Sontag 指出,
Sontag pointed out in his essay: "When we talk about cancer, the master metaphors
do not come from economics but from the vocabulary of war. [...] Cancer cells
do not multiply and enough: 'invade' "In another paragraph you could read:" We
talk about the 'defenses' of the organism and the radiotherapy that 'bombs' the
patient, whose body is seen as a battlefield. And the strongest: "it's about
waging a 'war' against cancer."
Sontag 在他的文章中指出:”当我们谈论癌症时,最主要的比喻不是来自经济,而是来自

Professor Semino believes that the use of these metaphors has "a negative impact"
on many patients, especially "when they do not recover", since "they make you
feel guilty, responsible and also disempower you ". This situation is even
more serious in the case of those people who are at the end of their lives
because "they feel as if they have lost".
Semino 教授认为,使用这些比喻对许多患者产生了”负面影响”,特别是”当他们没有康

Semino has detected that another of the most used metaphors in cancer is the
' trip '. In this case, "there is no idea that you have the enemy inside you
and if you do not recover you do not feel that you are the one who has failed"
and has indicated that some patients use it "to empower themselves".
Semino 发现,另一类对于癌症的常见比喻是”旅行”。在这种情况下,”你并不知道自己

During his research, he has also discovered that the use of positive metaphors
can have a motivating effect on the patient. In this sense, Semino and his team
have developed " The menu of metaphors for people with cancer " in which they
collect the most used metaphors to refer to cancer along with other new ones,
some of them associated with other cultures such as the oriental.

Another metaphor detected in the studies refers to cancer as "a guest who does
not want to leave your house and, when you get her to leave, your house is not
the same again and the only thing you expect is that the person does not come
back much later. weather". The objective of this list is to offer it to patients
so they can choose with their doctors that metaphor with which they feel more
comfortable to talk about their illness.

The research carried out by Semino aims to "put on the table all these metaphors"
with the aim that each person " choose whichever you want and be more useful ."
Semino 主导的这项研究,旨在”将所有的这些比喻都放到桌面上来”,也让每个人都可以”

Along with cancer, AIDS and HIV is possibly the disease that fears more and
prejudices and that has developed around it a language full of
misunderstandings. Sontag already reflected in his essay: the disease was
described as " punishment of God ", " consequence of moral decadence " and
" revenge of nature ".
很多语言都充满了误解。Sontag 在他的文章中已经写过:这些疾病被描述为”来自上帝的

This made it necessary for the United Nations organization of AIDS, UNAIDS ,
to publish some recommendations when talking about this epidemic. Onusida noted
that "language can determine beliefs and influence behavior" and that "the use
of appropriate language has the power to strengthen the response to the epidemic"
Onusida 提出,”语言可以决定信仰,影响行为”,以及”使用恰当的语言可以加强对疾病

Sontag, who died in 2004, at the age of 71, due to leukemia, had already warned
us. "I was convinced that metaphors and myths also kill."

El negativo impacto de las metáforas bélicas en el cáncer

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