Roy L. Perry-Bey v. City of Norfolk, Virginia Et Al.

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8/22/2017 . 1m DEPT NORFOLK, VIRGINIA OF Reselution a,s7e A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE DESIRE TO RELOCATE THE Ri2 MAIN STREET STATUE HONORING CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS AND REQUESTING THE ATTORNEY GENERAL TO EXPEDITE PROVIDING AN OPINION REGARDING THE LEGALITY OF RELOCATION. WHEREAS, monuments erected in an earlier exa in communities throughout the South, including Norfolk, honoring Confederate leaders and soldiers who died in the civil war, came to offend many and grew to become a source of divisiveness; and WHEREAS, Elmwood Cemetery includes graves of white Confederate soldiers who perished in the Civil War, and West Point Cemetery has a monument honoring black Union soldiers who perished in the Civil War; and WHEREAS, the City has asked the Attorney General for an opinion to clarify the meaning of those state code provisions relating to the removal of war memorials; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Norfolk: Section 1:- That the City Council deeizes the Main Street Confederate monument be relocated to Elmwood Cemetery as soon as the governing state law clearly permits it. Section 2:- That due to the importance of the issue across the state, the number of monuments and people affected, the Attorney General make this request a priority and provide an opinion as soon ad qe reasonably possible. Section 3:- That this resolution shall be in effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by Council August 22, 2017 Effective August 22, 2017 7 TRUE COPY 7 : TESTE: . BRECKENRIDGE DAUGHTREY, CITY CLERK BY: DEPUTY CITY CLERK se goes va ese rit SICGRS gui tsi smut on ata eee ‘to encroach 5" Eeeisiest he Honerabie coanett Ee Ee Sia Sentlenen: ‘The Dizector of Public Works advises that Mee 3. K, Harrell, Secretary of Graig Brothers varine Railway, hes’ eequattes por ‘pission to encroach! five inches on the stmcet at Giz Rose Avsnoo, Sn order to install a Driok facing on thin Dutiding. he Director further afvisss that this aneroschiment will in no ‘ay Intartere wich the use of the street, and since cade fy e're- her ole buileing, this contraction will greatly ingore the co- pearance of tha ates E_goncur in the Director's reccumendation thet Graig Brothers Marine Qeilvay be granted © perait under ths uual cootisions feo encroach five tnchee on Rose Avemue for she purpose sated sbover Seapecteatiy mba \ signe) ae Feat | ser ey, | The folLewing i at Yesers. Ballsrd, Darfiold, Zerkins, Schweitzer, i Suiteers, eoraton and Mardin (7) | Relocation af Tha Gontaden ate Sonumene Hoxfol, Virginie Sebianae 15° 1585 Agteched Ls cony of Lettermcelved fron tr. tevrotes te Oot, Saco ie Director of the Norfolk sasevelopment and Wousing Auttocts wih seference to the Felocation of the Genfacereee Meneee See tached fs covy of e Joine reasamendetion fron the Sorbet aioe Avts'Comitces andthe Gity Planning Gomeission on ths easdeste

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